Jesse Ventura is currently on CNN telling Piers Morgan that 9/11 could have been an inside job.

115  2012-09-18 by [deleted]

I'm new here, but this is pretty interesting, also he might run for president in 2016.


The prick just tries to discredit him through ad hominem attacks. It was disgusting the way he called him a 'crackpot' without addressing the arguments he raised about 9/11- especially how the BBC reported the collapse of building 7 prematurely. Good for Ventura for speaking out.

I love how quickly they went to break when he brought that up. I can imagine someone yelling into Piers's earpiece "CUT HIM NOW, BREAK".

And someone immediately rushed up behind Ventura to tell him something.

How come everytime this asshole gets on camera he advocates for gun control, every fucking time I turn this cunt on.

Piers, If you want to be safe in a nanny state go back to that fucking Island you came from.

Wow... calm down. People will take you more seriously if you speak in an even tone rather than calling everyone assholes and fucking cunts whether you are right or wrong.

Seriously... try it. People will be more willing to listen to your opinion.

sometimes speaking in a less than even tone will get people to feel rather than just listen. I'm not saying you should always talk so heatedly, but it definitely has its place.

Yes, I feel a need to ignore your stupid ass.

Doesn't even make sense...

I could see that being the case if you are especially slow.

What I was saying was that you do elicit greater feelings, however, perhaps they aren't what you intended. The example being your attitude leaves me feeling like I should ignore you, rather than listen.

So you are achieving your goal, but perhaps too well?

So my more or less even tone evoked the feeling that you should ignore me? Is that what your jabbering about?

Even tone?

Yeah you FUCKING COCKSMEARED BITCH. EVEN FUCKING TONE FAGGIT. You know, where you don't call people assholes and such.

How come everytime this asshole gets on camera he advocates for gun control, every fucking time I turn this cunt on.

And then:

You know, where you don't call people assholes and such.


I think you need to smile more.

Are all your posts about gun control?

No, you dumb cunt. What the fuck are you on about, anyway?

He doesn't know what he's about, 90% of his posts are ignorant commentary... Its apparent, he's a douche!


P.S. - It only crashes into mainstream societies believes.

Do all your posts involve calling someone a dumb/fucking cunt?

You're exactly the type of person we need to keep guns away from. You should be thankful for him talking about it;)

I actually don't own any firearms. And if Pierse keeps yappin' his big mouth I might never own one.

Before anyone discounts the possibility that it was an inside job they should read about Operation Northwoods.

key point being that operation northwoods never mentions killing anyone and even without murder it was considered too extreme. Why would the existence of a plan using simulated attacks that was written off as being over the top be proof of a plan using real attacks?

A lot has changed in 40 years, with the U.S becoming ever more evil, SOPA Patriot Act, NDAA. oh and the hole Police Corruption thing. (They did it to start Vietnam)

Targeting of WWI Pamphleteers, the Alien and Sedition Acts, bloody draft riots, The First and Second Red Scare, The Trail of Tears, Fugitive Slave Laws, The Missouri Compromise, "disloyal" Japanese-American interment, Kent State, Repression of Copperhead Democrats, The Conquest of Hawaii (over pineapples), Tammany Hall, The Teapot Dome Scandal....

"a lot" hasn't changed, injustice has always arisen from misapplied pragmatism or egregious concern of national interest. Nothing we raise grievance about nowadays is anything new, in particular.

Sure sounds like people would have ended up dead (not to mention the thousands that would be killed in the war it was supposed to start).

(from )

James Bamford wrote on Northwoods: “Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war."

meh, you can read the document here.

I love me some Bamford but you have to understand he's sensational as all-fuck, it's what sells, you can get a better grasp on the document by reading the primary text. The scope of any of the suggestions in the document go up to (verbatim)

"even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized" (page 9)

This was the limit of non-material(everything else is "drone" or "simulated" damage to be done by the project, tiers below crashing fully packed jetliners into office towers. You can argue that collateral damage could happen in the first two scenarios listed, that's likely, but the intent is not to kill. If 9/11 was a waterfall Northwoods was a faucet.

I didn't say it was proof. I said it should be read, which implies consideration, before forming opinions about the "possibility" of an inside job.

That is generally Jesse's usual interview platform, nothing really new, he's an open and honest man about himself and his beliefs, may not be exactly what most people believe but his honesty and consistancy truly have earned my respect, also helps that he's not afraid to debate these things either, and is surprisingly well researched.

Any youtubeage of this yet?

I would link to the actual youtube video, but this website has all the parts in one place.

thanks, I was looking for a source of the whole video.

JV was a bit blundery -- didn't answer the questions as well as he could have, but he is right about the BBC report. That's public record:

BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE:

(And not very savvy of Piers -- obviously wrong.)

edit/ps. i just wanted to say that i am really not a fan of this anti-jewish shit. cheney (at the very LEAST) was (also) obviously involved -- just as much as barak/netenyahu/silverstein, etc. and CHENEY'S CHRISTIAN! (by practice)

in any event, please stop hating on the jews. 9/11 has nothing to do with religion.

in "TRUTH", 9/11 was economic/political thing -- a trans-national neocon/zionist thing. (a fear & greed thing.)

please shout down the jew-haters. the jew-haters are disruptive (and paid "agitators" in most cases). shout them down. start a new dialog.

christians, jews and muslims have NOTHING to do with 9/11. the 9/11 criminals are white-collar, and we know who most of the key figures are.

it's pubic knowledge:

I've long suspected that the people who try to connect 9/11 to Israel do so in order to discredit the overall 9/11 Truth movement.

There could be a very informative, polite thread going on about 9/11, and then someone comes in and says, "Damn Zionists Banking Cartel NWO Illuminati Fucks" and really derails the conversation. What could have been an emotion-free discussion about WTC7 instead turns into jew-bashing, and it's perhaps intended to make the 9/11 Truth community seem like a bunch of anti-Semites...

I agree...but sadly the majority of people involved in the machinations of that day were, unfortunately, Jews.

What's funny is that a Jewish guy tried to warn the FBI that Israelis were going to take out WTC that day...and was twice ignored. See:

There are "rotten apples" in every bunch though. Its not just a Jewish thing.

people who try to connect 9/11 to Israel do so in order to discredit the overall 9/11 Truth movement.

Many key 9/11 ringleaders were Israeli. There is no doubt about that. (Just as many other key ringleaders were American. There is also no doubt about that.)

But I am not talking about nations. I am talking about religion.

My point is that 9/11 had nothing to do with Judaism. Yes, 9/11 was (en large) about Israel (the political State) and perpetrated (significantly) by Israelis. But just as Cheney does not speak for all Christians, Barak/Netanyahu/Silverstein clearly do not speak for all Jews.

Bottom Line: 9/11 has a lot to do with Israel (the political State), but nothing to do with Judaism. (And nothing to do with Islam, nor Christianity.)

9/11 was NOT a religious thing. 9/11 was a political/economic thing.

I've long suspected that the people who try to connect 9/11 to Israel do so in order to discredit the overall 9/11 Truth movement.

Well, there is certain evidence supporting Israeli involvement.

Israel has also been caught in the past planning terrorism against the US that's supposed to look Muslim.

Ironically, in an article from Sept 10, 2001, the Army School of Advanced Military Studies characterizes the Mossad as "Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.". The Mossad can do this easily as it has many arab assets.

Personally I think it was a collaboration between the CIA (in collusion with politician assets), the ISI, and the Mossad. I think the Mossad wired the buildings, the CIA/politicians provided cover for the event, and the ISI managed the hijackers. Not sure what motivation the ISI had to participate: perhaps just cash.

EDIT: If you're going to downvote, kindly explain why.

That's very close to my thoughts, too.

However, I think Mossad managed the hijackers... and that the ISI was simply paid to supply the hijackers (and subsequent cover for the fake OBL).

That makes sense.

So nobody can question Zionist involvement?

that's not what i am saying.

in fact, that is the exact opposite of what i am saying.

i am clearly saying it was a neocon/zionist plot. clearly.

zionism != judaism

i am saying that Christians are not to be blamed for Cheney's involvement, just as Jews are not to be blamed for Barak/Netanyahu/Silverstein involvement.

Did Jesse not see what they did to Ron Paul? Does he think that he could really become President? It would just be more political theater and he would be one of the actors. He would have to know that, right? I think what Jesse is doing is a good thing speaking out. I wonder when he is gonna turn out to be some crack head , heroin addict.

I don't think Ventura actually plans to run, just to make noise.

Stir the pot.

Allow the political shit to hit the fan.

I like how Pier tries to pain himself at the superior debater all the while claiming that he knows the "truth" about what happened. Anyone with any historical knowledge knows it's pretty hard to ever know the complete truth. Piers is another corporate/state mouthpiece, like all the other CNN puppets.

if i was there i would've started a usa chant....i'm just sayin


It could have been ferocious Rhinos named Ke$ha from the surface of the sun.

Could have been? It was. This is old hat. Nobody listens to the truth anyway.

i think you are being down-voted because you are wrong: people DO listen to the truth. (yes, it was obviously an inside job.) everyone knows that. the truth has already been heard.


It's been heard, but 1) there are still s shit load of people that stand by the official story or some variant thereof - you see it even here on Reddit all the time with people trying (hard) to defend the "planes knocked down the towers" bullshit - and 2) regardless of how many people do "hear the truth" it seems apparent that the U.S. and TPTB are still doing the same old little big song and dance as ever and as always. And not much - or certainly not enough - is changing.

Same shit, different day big time.

Is there conspiracy that Ventura doesn't believe in? Let's be honest, despite the issue at hand, that he is bat shit crazy.

I agree with you, he is crazy because he is risking his life by speaking the truth.

That's what I'm sayin' bro! Its like he literally is batshit crazy and he speaks the truth. He's the Sarah Palin of conspiracy theories. Spread the truth!!! #911

Stir the pot.

Allow the political shit to hit the fan.

I agree with you, he is crazy because he is risking his life by speaking the truth.