Is it time?

25  2012-09-19 by [deleted]

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


Nice try F.B.I. !

It is not the right of the people.... IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY

I agree. but not enough people believe the government is corrupt so nothing will be done. I mean, if we all rose up together against the governemt, something would get done. there are alot more of us than there are of them. But once again, people either dont believe, dont care, or dont have time to do anything about it.

true true... and its really starting to piss me off, especially the people that hear what you have to say, know your 100% right but then argue you shouldnt worry about tomorrow and just live for, who the fuck thinks like that, its flat out irresponsible. it is literally the reason we are where we are today, it is the reason nazi germany even existed. and if your a parent it effectively makes you one of the worst parents ever. We see what is happening, we know without a doubt of the end outcome and yet we want to wait for it to get just a bit worse before we do anything? apply another bandaid to your broken leg a couple months longer and see if it heals....

I hear this spouted a lot:

but not enough people believe the government is corrupt so nothing will be done.

Is there any proof to this at all?

I'd say that given the common reactions, that more people believe the government is corrupt but the important thing is that they don't care. Watch every Reddit thread about privacy and how many times you see people say "Why should it matter? I'm not doing anything wrong." And those are people on Reddit, with years upon years of posts.

I hear that same shit at barbecues, at the bar, or just discussing things with people on the street.

Yup, we'd be "dealt with" like livestock into a submission. They own us, we have to do what they say.

Redditor for four months and this is his only post in r/cospiracy. His comment history is just average drivel, a little too mundane. Maybe I'm reading to much into this.

It is ALWAYS time.

SiKTH - Mermaud Slur

Is this the desperate mile? Are the seagulls hungry still? Did the pond run out of water? Turn into a motorway? Did the forest see itself slaughtered and modelled into decay? Did the kitten pur? Did the mermaid slur? I can't see a wind of wind of a way We wonder then thunder Winding road old cold abode Under mountain snow and howling skies Where it is grey but to survive first you must be alive Pinch your skin and look within Find a thought and a fish finger, baked beans upon your plate, its gotten late again Why did the wilderness weep tonight? Do you know the way out? Do you know the way out?

No, it is time for American Idle! Get me a beer from the fridge, wodja?

You are now on a list somewhere.

a growing list..

No government; not "new" government.

Thanks, but no thanks, provocatuer.

Yes. It is time. It's been time.