I have finally found a list of all the governments the us government has taken over or over thrown, directly or indirectly. Indefinite proof of us imperialism

27  2012-09-19 by [deleted]

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_United_States_foreign_regime_change_actions#section_2       All of these events are backed by historical evidence that prove there US involvement. Unfortunately it does not list corrupt and tyrannic governments the us has sponsored with money/weapons/troops like honduras, isreal, Panama  and it also doesnt include any coups  that are not backed by hard evidence.


Additional details on many US coups and invasions in the classic book Killing Hope.

Upvote for Killing Hope. One of the best resources out there.

Hmmm...as a Hawaiian I feel insulted to my Kingdom being overthrown being left off wiki.

This list isnt as complete as i would like it but it gives a good amount of evidence for a number of events... And sorry about that

Nah not you OP insulted me. No need apologize as most in the mainland don't know about the overthrow. It was Wiki that pissed me off.

I was apologizing for the annex of your island

Mahalo ala nui.

If only there were some way to alter the Wiki so that it reflected the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom....

I read that and then read your username.

A laugh was had.

Indonesia is an important one, a client state and "friend" of the US even when its dictatorship was killing 500,000 people... and later when the people of East Timor were struggling for independence.

Did not know that, reminds me of china and Sudan

I think it's much worse than Sudan. The CIA provided not only weapons, but lists of people -- labor activists, teachers, union leaders, anyone with "left" leanings -- to be assassinated by the Indonesian right.

And the 1/2 million number is the conservative estimate. Some estimates are twice that amount.