9000sins, sunshine-x, and their secret agenda.

5  2012-09-21 by [deleted]

I have proof that these 2 characters will do anything to try and make me look like a fool. I have evidence that proves these 2 individuals have been "moding" certain intel, user claims, and spamming websites that hold a certain truth. Before becoming a mod, I made a chatroom which angered 9000sins because he no longer had control over the information. I was offered a mod position trying to make it clear that we needed no mods. So now I leave you with this. Private Message me for the evidence, because if I post it here, 9000sins and sunshine-x will ridicule it, ban me and the post.


Unless you have evidence that these guys are selling black baby fetuses to nazi alien vampires, nobody cares.

The world is about to end and this is what you've decided to spring up on this subreddit?

WWIII and the collapse of the modern economy. It's already happening and no one is acknowledging it.

Yep, at any minute, we could be pushed into a world war, and we're wasting time on this shiat?!!

Conspiracy forum mods selling black baby fetuses to nazi vampire aliens?

That sounds like the coolest opera I've heard desribed in this sub yet.


Dude a musical!

you should watch this

Lesbian Vampire Killers




And killers?

I have to go to the bathroom.

The world is about to end? When?

Wish I knew, but all the signs are there.

I think we're fine, man, I wouldn't worry about it.

Wish I knew, but all the signs are there.

Well you did say it's about to end, so you should sort of know? ;)

But I will say given recent Hollywood flicks:

Unless you have evidence that these guys are selling black baby fetuses to nazi alien vampires,

This would probably be an amazing movie.

If we strike Iran, I give us at least 6-8 years until complete societal collapse.

As for the movie, maybe we can get Uwe Boll?!

Did you mean at the most, or at the least? I agree with the least.

Uwe Boll would be so perfect, a great redemption to his career ;P

I don't like the way Penn mocks people, mockery is disrespectful and tends to pass as intelligence nowadays.

All I know is that humanity has the power to annihilate itself in a day, so thinking that "all is well" and not to panic is irresponsible.

It is so weird how even the smallest amount of power can go right to the head. None of this matters...you know that right? We got mods bickering back and forth making posts about it ....9000 fuckin sins god damn sunshine x home grown fuckin terran all making this a huge deal of bullshit when in the grandness of the universe it is litterally nothing... I can assume were all adults...so let us let the silly shit go.


No moderation is how it should be.


I bought nothing. I dont care about any of this silly shit. Which is why i post about it being fucking silly anytime you guys start bitching about shit. And why theyre out to get this one and why that one hates this one. Who cares?



You should delete them, this spam is annoying.

Right on. Later.

I know! These mods think they are so cool. What tools.


I know I don't fit the stereotype, but I would at least be a moderator for the people. At least I stand for something.

Indulge your audience. What would you do different?

EDIT: Why downvote my question?

Don't worry, I'll save you the trouble.

A choice quote from mod candidate DocHopper: "Obama never proved his citizenship. What other candidate was there ever a question of their roots?? Asking a Muslim who was born in Kenya to prove his citizenship does not equate racism, especially when asking for my vote."

Sounds like the kind of guy you want moderating r/con!

Sounds like it! Glad he didn't make it!

Read through my history if you are unfamiliar with me.

No no. You tell us. I wouldn't wanna get the wrong idea about you, so, in your own words, please.

If you are too lazy to click on my name and read my past posts to get an idea of my views and where I stand on issues, I can only imagine how informed you are about things that actually matter.

Nice ad hom when all I was trying to do is get you to put it in your own words what you'd do differently. For some reason you have seen this as an attack and it wasn't.

No wonder you can't be a mod. You're quick to anger. I can only imagine how fucked up this place would be with someone that gets pissed so easy.

Well most people in here are familiar with me, junior.

Well, some of us aren't. I really was asking you to give your side, but your side is you are quick to anger and in my opinion, you wouldn't be a very good mod.

So suck it, Padre.

Ask me if I give a shit, loser.

You should give a shit, fuckwad. It's why you aren't a mod! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Edit after reading some of your comments: Ripping on a kid that was locked in his room for four years then kicked out at 18 with a ticket to L.A. and a list of homeless shelters?

If I knew you personally, I would kick you in the nuts, sir.

I bet you would tough guy.

I absolutely would, and you would deserve it.

Oh yeah? Sure. So tough.


Affraid im selling not shit. Its a conspiracy forum. I could give a fuck what the mods are doing or why they are angry at eachother. Its lame. Thanks for the downvote fuck face.


Lol. Know fucking what? Jesus christ in a god damn hand basket.


I'm done here.

Thanks for the downvote fuck face.

/u/Oopsifarted, you have been judged.

Used to it.

I recently got removed an article and when I told sunshine in the other similar thread like this, he just ignored it and started arguing with me about his bot, completely ignoring the real issue.

Post the article here.




I'd say the proof is how utterly ridiculous it is.

Here here.



r/conspiracy is srs bsnss to you, innit?


Truth is serious business to me, troll.

Well good job telegraphing the fact you are HomeGrownTerran with that accusation.

What I am saying here is: Don't let r/conspiracy be the only thing in your life. Register a new name and continue providing what ever insight you may have and quit being so dramatic. If this place makes you so angry, quit coming back. You need to realize you aren't molding clay here. Other people aren't going to always mold to the shape you want them to be.

So that's it. Straighten up, or get another hobby. You are making "noise" and it's hard to find the signal we are looking for.

Just think about it for a minute is all I am asking.


p.s. last comment. I'm deleting it all now.

That's cool. We'll find you again under a new name.


Do people like you treat everything in life like a conspiracy? "I haven't been getting my flyers in the mail for the past two months. Something fishy is going on and I have PROOF!"

More fucking mod drama... great.

Send me the PM proof.

I have an open mind.


That is what it looks like to sane people. So you won't send me the proof because I'm obviously not already leaning in your favor. No skin off my back.

OP never delivers.

I would update your post to reflect accurately that you will only PM proof to people who are biased in your favor.


That was a bad 4chan joke. Sorry you didn't get it.

Divide & conquer, sow distrust... Having said that, if a bot auto approves any submitted link, mods don't react to popular requests, like changing the side picture to one with 3 beams, they allow a story about a guy fucking his daughter to stay at #1 for 2-3days and refuse to ban obvious shills and trolls, i have to ask why have any mods at all?


I like that trolls get banned.

Otherwise you end up with the trolls taking over the community.

And then we become r/politics.


If it's anyone's intent was to derail serious discussion by diverting attention away from the real problems, it's working wonderfully. Divide and conquer. You'd think we would be smarter than that.

That's clearly the intent, but we are no strangers to trolls; this is just a sideshow at best.

A sideshow would be entertaining. This is like midgets arguing who has the bigger dick. Even the biggest midget dick is still small, right?

This is not some stupid forum. Reddit is a link aggregator. We come to read articles and opinions, not stupid private drama among members.

In short, fuck the fuck off and go back to GLP or ATS or PBUBB or wherever you came from.

"Hospital PA System: Lithium is no longer available on credit."

I recently posted an article about the Giving Pledge, and whether it was a cover or could be misleading. I logged on today and everything i had was reset. Link Karma, saves, even my subscribes. While i am unsure if it is a mod thing or not, it seems weird, and i tend to only lurk around r/conspiracy...

Any thoughts?


I figured as much, but i wanted to see if anyone else had this issue. thx


cool. I posted in r/bugs, so we'll see if i can solve this. danke

I have never had any problems with the moderators around here and I haven't ever seen them misusing their power. Neither have I seen a single piece of consistent evidence to show otherwise. I can understand the moderators rejecting a second party chat tool if it would pose certain risks of personal information leaking to third party. So far the only ones angry about mods are people who can't keep their language civilized and some sock-puppet accounts.

Edit: I have a reason to believe that someone is playing a sock-puppet game in here. I see a lot of new accounts. I have also reasons to believe that few older accounts belong to the same user.


During my over a year stay in here I've seen plenty. I've seen enough shills, mr.few-hours-old-account, to know a hidden agenda when I see one. Now it's either that mods are really the evil bad guys they are portrayed as (as of now I have no reason to believe this is so) or then this is an attack against r/conspiracy. If you or emanunnaki have actual evidence, you are free to PM me. If you can convince me, you can convince anybody. Until you or someone else does so, I will stick with the mods.

edit: Here are the deleted comments in case anyone is wondering.

What the hell is going on here?

Nobody cares.


I LOVE THESE POSTS, conspiracy about a conspiracy forum. MAKE ME A MOD !!!!!

/r/conspiracy moderation is srz bzns...

come on, guy!

Ha ha this subreddit makes me lol so hard.

PM me. I'd like to see it, too.

Grow up.

I have proof that the OP eats babies.


what we have here is a failure to communicate.

I figured as much, but i wanted to see if anyone else had this issue. thx

I absolutely would, and you would deserve it.