Uncovering the other 90% of MKULTRA.

24  2012-10-05 by [deleted]

So, as most of you know, only around 10% of the documents involving MKULTRA survived a government purge by Sidney Gottleib, thus leading to what little information we have today on the project. However, there is speculation that people involved had personally absconded with documentation related to the experiments and hidden them on their own private property.

Is there anyway to find these documents? Does anyone here know anyone involved in the project? As well, what are your opinions on what the other 90% of MKULTRA could have been?

I believe that the project definitely encompassed hundreds, if not thousands, of more deaths, rapes, murders and so on. I believe that it involved study of genetics based on race. I believe that it could have involved ways to manufacture mental illnesses such as schizophrenia to discredit people and so on.

What are your opinions on what the rest of the project may have encompassed?


While I have no lead on how we'd get more information about that missing 90%; I think it's interesting you bring up the manufacturing of mental illness.

How likely do you think it is this is done on a regular basis? I figure it's a much more effective method than just killing some people off. Not only do you ruin the person's life, but you also bring discredit to anything they've said, and anything associated with them.

I've also met and read a lot about people from the cold war. A lot of them developed schizophrenia it seems including someone pretty close to me. Do you think MKULTRA had anything to do with this? Or did more people just lose it over the extreme propaganda and paranoia?

Yes. How to use information as a weapon/virus. So many people I know who have wandered down the David Icke path and lost their sense of reality. How to use the most fearful parts of your own psyche against you. Heck, there are even posters in /r/conspiracy who are infected with confusion and dissonance.

Also the effect of sound frequencies on the brain. I hate to sound like an old codger ( I'm early thirties) but all the pop music these days is piercing and grating and has no melody. Everything pop sounds the same. At least back in my day, Prince, Madonna and Michael Jackson each had a different sound. Heck even grunge bands had different sounds and moods back in the nineties.

I go to this cafe every morning for my caffeine hit. They play a commercial radio station. I am always shocked by how same/same all the current pop songs sound. Piercing electronic noises that are semi off tune. This must have some effect on brain waves. Maybe something to do with altering brain chemistry? Who knows - I am just a laymen speculating.

Lol. Same age group here. I was just thinking the same thing about the music. I wasn't even comparing it to the music of "my time". It's just that the current tunes are so non sense to me. It has to have some effect on the brain.

There is a science to music. Harmonics at least can change brain waves. From the article linked above: "Disharmonic music causes a number of negative behaviors, although according to Torres and Torres those affected are often "the last to realize it" (p. 23). But the good news is that everyone can choose what music they listen to. All it requires is a basic understanding of harmonic and disharmonic music." .

What you are said about information as a virus and losing touch with reality is interesting. Do you know of any good sources on the topic?

Apologies, no. Just something I came up with. I do think it would have something to do with tapping into universal human fears, injecting a level of plausible fantasy and adding in a sprinkle of psychological theory. In particular attribution likelihood theory.

If you look at the reptilian idea, it is basically the same as a demon, but in a modern context. The idea of a "shapeshifter" has occurred many times through history. Each time they have tapped into our wild animal nature. Think of the pervasiveness of the werewolf or vampire idea. These fears of the "grotesque other" are a universal human horror - not only in society - but within ourselves.






Just some random songs from the top 20 charts.

I'm not going to say that music today is great, but everything pop doesn't sound the same today. And the most famous song from the 90's? Britney Spears. I'm not saying that the music of today isn't becoming less "musical" (I personally think there is more to EDM than people realize, but perhaps people just hear boop boop boop and don't have a clue what they're actually hearing) - just that it's not like every single song sounds like the same thing. Just, record companies have too many people signed on to do exactly that, to sound similar. So those pieces that do sound similar get to the top while it's all a fad, then they're dropped and when the next 'cool noise' is picked up, so is the next brand new fabulously auto-tuned artist. But they're not all like that.

And electronic music (electronic dance music is becoming huge in the U.S.) has been massive around the world before the U.S. started catching wind. But yet, people talk about how much better off Europeans are all the time ;)

The only thing I really wanted to point out. Music has certainly changed a lot and musicians basically don't exist on the radio anymore - but the 90's also brought Hanson, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, MC Hammer, TLC, and other poppy sounds to the top of the charts as well, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

I am firm believer that music can control us in both minor and major ways. Like most things, the ways that it affects us is gradual, but very profound. Think about how constant exercise can gradually change the body in small ways, and before we know it our entire body is different. The mind is little different in this regard. Think about how easily habits set in before we even notice them and how difficult they are to break. Small things slipped into music without our notice have a long term effect on the way we think. Not only words, not only melodies, but the harmonics of the music, the sound waves themselves.

Not only this, but a lot of pop music is produced these days with mixing techniques that combine a lot of different musical sources into a new sound. Sampling can be used to hide completely audible messages within the 'hiss' effect produced by some of the mastering effects employed for this method. There are also many computerized tools that are relatively new and are capable of producing and hiding similar effects on their own.

I've learned to listen to the background of music that I listen to and I stay away from music that makes me feel uncomfortable. Also, I rarely use headphones, because they make the effects much more easy for the ear to pick up on. I produce music, and the very reason we use headphones is so that we can more clearly pick up tiny nuances in the music that would otherwise skip our attention. Now so many people listen to music almost exclusively through headphones. Think about it, and listen closely to what's in the 'hiss' people.

Not only this, but a lot of pop music is produced these days with mixing techniques that combine a lot of different musical sources into a new sound.

Which of course has been around in a major scale for over the last 15 years, it just hadn't become a popular music type in the U.S.

Electronica is no where near a new music type, and it's not even close to a new pop genre, just only in the U.S. has it just started to become popular.

I know it's been around for a bit, but only recently has it saturated the mainstream so thoroughly. Especially in the hip hop genre. Now that it's easy to control the mix with computerized controllers you can have just about anything you want mixed in and have it manifest as subtly or overtly as you like. The amount of engineering and equipment this required prior to computerized mastering was almost prohibitive for producing this result.

I really just want to point this out:

I know it's been around for a bit, but only recently has it saturated the mainstream so thoroughly.

This again applies to the U.S. - trance/house/EDM has been an absolutely massive mainstream genre for a while, outside the U.S.

I know, but you don't necessarily find Illuminati symbolism blatantly served up in trance/electronica. Also

This discussion isn't about the history of modern music. it's about the power of music to control the mind, and it has the power despite how it's produced.

I suppose not, but I'm not entirely sure that selling repetitive garbage isn't anything more than just a good business motto.

Make a chunk of artists sound the same, from the same label, sell them as different people - collect $$$


If you make someone seem "crazy" until they get diagnosed, that's all it takes. Between the stigma and sometimes the treatments they are now "crazy" for the rest of their lives.

hmm manufactured illness, this seems awfully reminiscent of supposed cancer/heart attack weaponry, maybe the data on this technology was part of the 90%

what if schizophrenia isn't real and everyone who has it is a victim of psychological warfare

Creepy thought, OP....creepy thought.

Some fucked up shit in this world.

How come a post like this gets (at the time of this comment) 46 upvotes, 26 downvotes (a 2:1 ratio)? With zero comments to hint at what caused the downvotes?

Just curious (questions are good) as to why the downvotes on this?

Reddit adds artificial downvotes to posts, could be that a lot of them are a result of that.

For real? Why?

it's to stop seriously upvoted threads going too far. iirc the mars rover thread had something like 50,000 upvotes but in the final tally it also had 40,000 downvotes.

i think if the upvotes are more spread out, say one every 10-15 minutes, the reddit bot doesn't downvote

The names of some of the doctors were public. I forget them now. They publish papers in journals, so that is one source of information. Their children might have or know of the locations of their papers if they were saved. I think most participants would be dead by now, so that would leave their papers.....

Also OP, might wanna cross post over at r/psychology. I am sure that someone there may have read something in the recesses of a university library while researching a paper.

cathcer in the rye said john lennon must die.

" I don't remember a thing"- Sirhansirhan


There's no concrete evidence speaking to that, just speculation. Therefore it is a conspiracy theory.

I've heard his lawyers may be on to something and are going to be bringing some evidence to a judge soon

Once Pepper introduces his evidence to the parole board then it may become a fact, but for now I haven't seen anything definitive.

fair enough

Apologies, no. Just something I came up with. I do think it would have something to do with tapping into universal human fears, injecting a level of plausible fantasy and adding in a sprinkle of psychological theory. In particular attribution likelihood theory.

If you look at the reptilian idea, it is basically the same as a demon, but in a modern context. The idea of a "shapeshifter" has occurred many times through history. Each time they have tapped into our wild animal nature. Think of the pervasiveness of the werewolf or vampire idea. These fears of the "grotesque other" are a universal human horror - not only in society - but within ourselves.

I know, but you don't necessarily find Illuminati symbolism blatantly served up in trance/electronica. Also

This discussion isn't about the history of modern music. it's about the power of music to control the mind, and it has the power despite how it's produced.