WAG THE DOG - this movie will give you the awareness that TV is just for control of sheeple

22  2012-10-06 by [deleted]

Fuck the trailer, just go watch it

You can download it from CIA's server, I mean Piratebay (they want to you to consume, they have all the money they need)


or you can go buy it which I suggest


I was a kid when this movie came out and I didn't really get how this worked. I thought there was no way it was possible. That the people would see through the lies. That the government wouldn't even be tempted to risk such big lies. Now that I'm fully grown and aware of the true state of things, I'm really curious to go back and watch it.

Insane how they can make movies that depict the truth, but people can simply write it off as entertainment.

Watched it last night. Funny how it predicts the current state of america 15 years ago.

Want to see a movie which predicted the future of fucked up TV (the way TV is today)? Watch Network

The saddest part is how they tell us everything... and then it comes to be.. similar to how Ike warned us about the MIC.... then voila... there it is, doing exactly what he warned about.

Network was cool. The scene where that fat man explains how corporations work and own everyone was very awesome, and reminded me of Brave New World. I think it's true too, countries are owned by companies of which we are just the workers.

Thank you!! I've always said this should be required watching right before elections!!

Believe it or not Eddie Murphy's "The Distinguished Gentleman" should also be required viewing before every election..... not that it will really do any good, but at least it tells the truth.

this link sucks cock and tries to leave you with the herp

Here are all the corporations involved in "Wag the Dog." Now we know who's against the new world order. Glad you're with us, Fox!


You apparently don't realize that TPTB are so unbelievably arrogant and hubristic that they often openly mock the shit out of the 99% by waving the truth right in front of their/our faces saying "Ha. See? You're so fucking stupid and indoctrinated that we can tell you the truth right to your stupid, filthy face - that we're using you, that we're killing you, that we're making you our fodder, that you're nothing but an expendable nothing - and you still won't be smart enough to get it and figure it out. lol"

Also, the world and the machinations of control and manipulation therein are very complicated. This means that within the constructs of power, there are always those few individuals in the upper echelons that - here and there in sometimes discreet and other times not so discreet manners - actually try to truthfully inform the masses of dumb sheeple.

It's a massive uphill climb, however, and posters like you tend to give a good indication as to why.

What? I thought I was being awesome! Should I use the word "sheeple" more? Also, what's TPTB?

No. You weren't being awesome - and using the word Sheeple won't make you anymore awesome one way or the other. Your use of attempted wit shows that you are more intent upon childish antics like looking cool in how you say things than actually intelligently figuring things out.

Again, things are complicated. You might figure that out if you stopped trying to sound smart or whatever it is you're trying to sound like. The paradox is that the harder you try, the less like it you look.

And TPTB stands for ThePowersThatBe.

If I cared about looking cool, the last place I'd be is Reddit! Anyway, are you saying that "Wag the Dog" exists as a way for TPTB to wave the legit Matrix in our faces so we still think there's totally no NWO? Like when Count Dooku told Obi-Wan Kenobi the truth that Palpatine was a Sith lord, because he knew Obi-Wan wouldn't believe him? NO1113 YOU GENIUS! Anyway now I'm gonna go watch "Attack of the Clones" again... or listen to one of my TBTBT albums.

If I cared about looking cool, the last place I'd be is Reddit!

lol. That's exactly what an emo hipster that wants to be cool would say. :) Good job.

are you saying that "Wag the Dog" exists as a way for TPTB to wave the legit Matrix in our faces so we still think there's totally no NWO?

No. It's more complex than that. Regardless, however, nothing about the movie indicates that there's no NWO. Additionally, I'm not necessarily saying that WTD is an attempt by some members of the elite to "warn the masses". What I am saying is...well, what I already said: That those members do seem to exist, and anyone would be remiss to think or assume otherwise.

Anyway, go back to your cool stuff, emo boy. Nothing to see here.

You're asking me to believe things based completely on conjecture. No can do. As for "emo hipsters that want to be cool," they're all frozen in time on MySpace, I believe.

You're asking me to believe things based completely on conjecture.

First of all I'm not asking you to do anything but stop trying to "sound" cool and pay focused attention to real shit. Second of all, that you say it's conjecture simply because I didn't give you the mountain-sized wall of references that exists - the mountain-sized wall that you and people like you would likely find some sort of manner to, somehow, still not understand as valid - is pure and unadulterated ignorance.

You keep bringing up the word "cool." Why do you think I'm so cool? All you know about me is that I post on Reddit - and that is really uncool!

All you know about me is that I post on Reddit

Yeah. And that's all one needs to know to understand that literally every single comment you've posted on this thread has some sort of attempt at wit or sarcasm. This is almost always - consciously or subconsciously - nothing more than an attempt on the subject's part to mask the turd of what little point they might actually have with the distracting perfume of attempted wit or faux intelligence.

It's, unfortunately, pretty glaring in your case.

Damn, am I doing Reddit wrong? Should I be more dour and humourless? I can try to stop being so awesome, if that's ruining your late weeknight.

Guys, we are never going to get anywhere by arguing with one another.

Damn, am I doing Reddit wrong? Should I be more dour and humourless?

No, man. Occasional wit and even sarcasm aren't a horrible thing in and of themselves. However, it's just that - as I mentioned - if one uses it too much or at the wrong times, etc, it easily ends up as a crutch that limply props up a feeble intellect more than anything else. No one's saying one should always be some sort of sourpuss curmudgeon, but taking a serious, sober look at issues and comments made by people can really go a long way in helping one understand the world and themselves much better than would ever otherwise be the case.

I can try to stop being so awesome, if that's ruining your late weeknight.

Trust me...you're anything but that.

Guys, we are never going to get anywhere by arguing with one another.

Good point. Some people are so entirely stupid, however, that it's difficult to not feed the trolls. I'm sure some feel the same about me - even though I literally never troll. I might often be an asshole - sure - but I don't troll.

Good point, however, and thank you for coming on here and pointing this out. The post above I was thinking about making my last anyway, but - again - thank you for coming on here and mediating. Good on you.

I hear what you're saying, StartSelect, but I'm actually learning a lot - about how to be cool, awesome, and "emo" (though I'm not sure if that's still a word people really say), and also how to accept unprovable theories as facts (better to fit in here, and at church!). "no1113" is helping me a ton!

Okay, so, stop being totally rad, and start taking strangers on the internet totally seriously. Got it. But when should I call people "emo hipsters"? Just when they post hilarious jokes, or also when they don't automatically believe anonymously-posted conjecture? (is that what "trying to be cool" is?)

(thanks for all your help! I want to be better at confirmation bias)

FYI, just letting you know that your comment wasn't even read, and won't be from this point on. Good job talking loud and saying nothing.

You'll get far in life.

Damn! You should read it. It was hilarious. I totally just read yours. Why do you hate laughter (and friendship)?

Also, I wasn't even talking loud, I was typing, and I barely even used any exclamation (loud) points!!!! (okay, that part was loud)