How the Elite deceive billions of people to justify the next attack in Iran and Syria

54  2012-10-06 by Dayanx

First, we get a "film producer", preferably a zionist, to enrage muslims worldwide. Then, we commission him an "amateur film" ridiculing and cursing the greatest prophet of the fastest growing religion in the world, followed by almost all inhabitants of countries known to have the largest reservoirs and oil exploration.

And we put the film on Youtube.

Then we hire two gangs to make a "manifestation" against the film in front of the American embassy in Libya and then at various places. In Libya, where we ordered the lynching of Gaddafi, we hired one of the gangs formed by real protesters, unemployed people with no perspective, bought for a few pennies. The other gang, formed by assassins, the same that worked for us as "rebels" in "Arab springs" that we produced using Facebook and twitter, the same that lynched Gaddafi. Then, after taking advantage of the "manifestation", we ordered the gang of assassins to attack our own embassy to kill our ambassador, but not before making sure that the greatest military power in the world can't protect its embassy.

It's done! We are the victims once again!

Now we can prepare our invasion on Syria and Iran, scheduled to occur right after an Israeli preventive bombing on both countries. Just like we were the victims on Pearl Harbor, when our radars "didn't see" a huge squadron of japanese planes. Just like we did in Tonkin Gulf, in 1965, when we blamed two small vietnam boats for "attacking" our destroyer to begin the vietnam war. Just like we did in 9/11, when we hired Al-Qaeda, the same people that worked for us in Afghanistan against Russia and now work for us in Libya and Syria. And just like we did in 189 other occasions, according to wikipedia, when we created "minor incidents" to justify 189 wars, invasions, atomic bombings and killings throughout our history.

In fact, we copied those incidents created by the British Templars, which disguised as arabs, attacked Christian pilgrims in their way to Jerusalem, the same incidents so well reproduced in Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven" justify wars of conquest and spoils of and well prepared incidents, even obvious, but that deceived so many people for many years. Relying, of course, on the media that we bought and own all over the world, run by "families" that we trust...incidents that earned us almost 200 wars of high profit, when we sold war weapons to the government, paid by taxpayers. And whereby we conquered territories, oil, gold and more. Included in this number, 86 wars declared by our senate against "Indian nations" inside our own territory during the conquest of the "Old west", where we killed those kind of "barbarians".

In the role of executioners, defendants, assassins, barbarians and criminals, will be all muslims, making it easier for our new and planned attacks in Iran, Syria and any other country we want to defeat to obtain oil and wealth, employ weapons that we manufacture and infiltrate friends in governments whenever we want.


Dude, we're gonna go to war with Iran, or the American system will collapse.

Why? They started selling their oil for Yuan instead of $.

This. This right here. Moving away from the petrodollar is something the US will not allow. Iraq did it and was promptly invaded, new US friendly gov. installed and voila back on the petrodollar. Such disgusting behavior.

let me ask you, what do you think would happen if america was to collapse? who, how and why would it be beneficial and anything other than terrible? I dont agree it with it or the practice of america's bullying but what is the other option?

I rarely upvote simply by reading a post title, but no need here. It's imminent. I just hope that the October Surprise isn't WWIII.


Common in presidential politics. Each side shows their ace in he late days of October to hopefully be the tipping point in their favor.

Okay, I will bring you two perspectives on how I see this question of “what is the master plan?”

1st perspective is viewed from the globalist elite/technocrats or whatever you want to call them. These are the people that run this planet, or most of it, through a tightly knit web of finance, energy, pharma, food, media and technology corporations. It is very well known that this closely integrated cabal of corporations is made of as much as a couple hundred private companies. The master plan as they see it is as follows – we live in a society that they dominate and we can say that they basically developed and built. This society that we live in is their child. From their perspective, we do not have enough room, energy, food, water or money to carry on as it is. It's just - too many people. So to resolve this “problem” they turn to history from which they learn and use the same concept to get out of the mess they, alongside us, got into. And that is basically to start a new war, kill-off tens or hundreds of million of people, kick start the economy based on war production and start all over again with the same cabal in power for the next 50 or 100 years or so. By all means keep the status quo. Let’s call this the negative, or the minus aspect.

2nd perspective is about the people. The normal citizens that are not in power. If anything we have been told or read about spirituality and the soul is correct, we are here to learn and grow as a species and as a society. Both on personal and global levels. Because we reside in a dualistic environment there is no motion without two counterparts. We can see that openly in electricity, man-woman relations, pregnancy, even the mechanics of Sun and Earth. The cabal that is in power is a counterpart of the citizen on a spiritual level, and they are here to push our buttons, so to speak, and MAKE us realize the true meaning of the universe and the world around us. They are basically here to make us evolve on a spiritual, technological and relationship level. Let’s call this the positive, or the plus aspect.

Unfortunately for the lives of people on this planet, I am more and more certain that without suffering there is no progress in this society. We can see that from many examples where people start to act emphatically and work together only after a major catastrophe hits them. This is just of a glimpse of awareness shown from an average man, and after some time, he starts the same ol’ habits of not caring about others, pointing finger and only looking after his own ass. Which is absolutely and practically normal for a society that has been set up as it is now.

My theory is that everything is speeding up and people are becoming more and more aware, because that is the law of nature. You cannot push one side to the maximum operation without affecting the other.

One side is pushing the flow to the other side until they both erupt into something new. What new order it will be, we shall see.

But it is up to you. Not us, not him, not her, just yourself.


You might want to do a little research since the only foreign troops currently in Syria hail from Russia, Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah.

Currently all the CIA is doing is sitting in Turkey and Jordan and doing their best to make sure the guns don't go to al-Qaeda types. Assad's state TV claims that there are CIA, Mossad and Blackwater fighting his troops but in over a year of fighting has not produced the body of a single one of these people.

I think the film was funded by Iran so they could make it look like it was America so when they attack Israel everyone will say it's a false flag.

If you read the history of Iran, that false flag attack would make it: something like 21-1 USA - Iran.

or would it how do you know that the false flag attacks were from America and not another country to make it look like america?


russia south america europe take your pick