Why I won't post to /r/conspiracy any more

26  2012-10-10 by [deleted]

whatever, vitriol, hate, etc


this sub is obviously being gamed...i'm just trying my best to upvote and downvote appropriately


So what's up with the modmail and other parts of /r/conspiracy that aren't public knowledge?


There is nothing sinister there. But as a matter of privacy we usually will not publish the mod mail logs publicly.

I understand the desire for privacy, but I'm sure you can see the similarity in what you say with the 'cuz national defense', even if you don't believe them to comparable. Yes?


I wanted to preface this comment with a disclaimer. I'm not arguing merely to argue. I think my post history demonstrates my interest in openly & honestly exploring topics. I say this because I understand much of the hard and often thankless work that can go into maintaining the integrity of subs, particularly one that deals with the topics and entities that this one aims to. To that end, please take these words in the spirit with which they are intended.

I ask these questions in socratic interest of evolving the comprehension of that very integrity.

This is completely confidential and and any conversations between us and the users must remain that way in order for us to maintain their trust and confidence.

There is an important distinction there, in how it is interpreted psychologically as well as functionally implemented.

Maintaining confidentiality in these communications is important to the trust and confidence of those that rely on that trust and confidentiality.

telling everyone who reports who about what is not a very good way to keep the confidence of the readers up

I think this is quite debatable, as I'm sure you could understand how such knowledge of the (meta) issues and 'movers & shakers' could be seen as a vital part of comprehending the active and living integrity of his sub.

I understand how this might allow the unscrupulous to target those who attempt to propagate integrity and could air our 'dirty laundry' and divisions to those same unscrupulous individuations.

I am familiar with the tyranny of the majority, and understand the best form of organization is an enlightened & benevolent dictator. I'm just looking for a deeper analysis of these issues to build confidence & trust in your status as enlightened & benevolent.

What type of questions and complaints are expressed to you?

Guilty conscience?


Whoa, whoa, it was a joke, settle down tough guy.

Then who? Of course the obvious answer would be "the Jews" but we piss off everyone here. Could be aliens, the Illuminati, Alex Jones (we all know he is super secret CIA), Lizard people. I mean that is a long list of enemies right there.

Same here, that's the best we can do.


Care to explain the really?

You got shadowbanned. Don't blame the r/conspiracy mods. Take it up with the Reddit admins. A shadowban essentially means you can post, but none of your posts show up publicly.

If he's shadowbanned how can we see this post? Not that I don't believe you I just don't understand

I'm not 100% sure how a shadowban works. I just found out about them myself.

I think this is accurate. You can look at all the mod's comment history here in r/conspiracy and know that we genuinely care about the quality of posts and the users of this community. I have zero tolerance for gaming a subreddit, and I have not seen anything like that from my fellow mods. Thank you, Luke, for making this point.



Oh that's interesting. Hmm...so it is in the code.

I really wonder about people like me who have been redditors for more than say 5 years. Is there something in the code of old accounts that causes problems with the newer, updated code?

/r/notaconspiracy .... arnt you using conspiracy wrong? wouldnt it be r/notatheory

Both words have long since been dissociated from their original intent.

Seriously? I thought that some time ago when we actually elected Mods they agreed to not censor posts.

It's not the mods. He was shadowbanned by a Reddit admin. Most likely they didn't like what you said and did this. Basically you can still post and log in to Reddit, but none of your posts or upvotes show up publicly.


mods or admins, all the same tbh ...

Not even close.

Maybe not but his first point stands.

the stuff we actually get to see here is crap which we are ALLOWED to see.

I suppose, but do you know what the guidelines are to actually become shadow banned?

Nope. As you can see from people posting many have never even heard of it. That alone raises concern.

I have seen a few posts with shadowbanned comments though.

People who have never heard of it must be incredibly new to Reddit or simply don't look around. I knew what shadowbanning was a week into lurking - but I also know that nearly every time someone gets shadow banned, they blame the mods (especially here) when they have nothing to do with it.

People who have never heard of it must be incredibly new to Reddit or simply don't look around.

Regardless of WHY it happens, it is important because it DOES happen. It seems pretty clear to me that because of this people could have no idea of the situation through no fault of their own. Simply hand waving that 'they should just know' seems a bit heavy handed to me.

I knew what shadowbanning was a week into lurking

Fair enough. It was longer for me. I'm sure you understand that your experience is not mine, just as mine is not anothers.

Yeah I understand completely.


That is reassuring thanks.

How would you deal with it if you provided those logs and then were accused by a self taught photoshop "expert" that they were all fakes?

You could still post to both subreddits. At least that way there's a chance we might see them.


You guys get way too much shit. Forreal.

I just checked all the links and they are ALL visible. I knew beforehand they would be visible. Fuck the haters.

...fuck the haters? No one is a 'hater' for asking for proof. It's healthy to have respect enough for yourself to not just accept what you're told.

It's healthy to know better in the first place. Have fun chasing bread crumbs.

I have to ask, in all honesty, you believe that everyone should readily believe what the mods tell them to? I'm not saying there's a conspiracy in /r/conspiracy, but being a moderator of a subreddit that really has open doors for all different kinds of people, they should be prepared to be questioned. These situations aren't getting out of hand or anything, they chose to moderate this subreddit and if they really feel strongly for the truth, they'll put up with a little gripe every now and then.

Or maybe you and that moderator have history in this subreddit and that's why you respect him?... idk, I'm just trying to understand why you think this post is not reasonable.

I have to ask, in all honesty, you believe that everyone should readily believe what the mods tell them to?

Everyone should know whether to do this or not to do it. It's not hard.

This doesn't answer anything, it's merely condescending. All I'm saying is no one is a hater for having questions, it's okay to question. No one is going off on a tangent saying, "These stupid fucking mods are taking down my posts!", they're stating their situations for people to draw an answer together. There isn't anything wrong with that.

I don't think the expectation that the mods are behaving dubiously is reasonable or justifiable at all, because the suspicions are able to be allayed by completely observable data, and the suspicious themselves just ignore the data. I am able to know this is true myself by seeing the data and acting as a witness that it is perceptible.

As I'm looking through this thread, it appears that OP doesn't want to show any evidence which is a shame... Sorry for wasting your time but thanks for the discussion.

I'm not chasing anything, thanks for the good wishes though.


I can see all your previous posts and comments. This seems needlessly dramatic IMO...

not all of them obviously


I can see everything, so there is nothing I cannot see.

Needa sharpen that discernment homeslice.

No one is going to believe you until you show some proof, and people have every right to too... are you just promoting your own subreddit?

No I could care less about my own subreddit. All I care about is sharing the information.

If these posts show up (they do), then you are very much so "sounding an alarm bell". This is not appropriate for this subreddit. The mods here are attempting to have the utmost integrity and have proven that via sharing modlogs when necessary.

This would probably be appropriate in a message to the mods, but not in such a dramatic self-post, IMO. We hope you will continue to use this subreddit and that your posting issues will clear up, but as seen above, it appears as though there wasn't an issue to begin with...

This is exactly the problem with today's times, blindly trusting positions of authority. He/she should just send a message to the mods? We are people, we are meant to stand up for each other and reach conclusions together. There is nothing wrong with making a self post, I don't find it dramatic in the least. I find it interesting because this is happening frequently on /r/conspiracy, who knows how many more there are to come.

You're the one that needs to chill.


I'm starting to wonder if OP had intentions to bolster his own subreddit... not making accusations, but that's what it's looking like. I wasn't aware OP was downright declining to show some evidence when I posted my first comments.

Thanks for trying to smooth out this whole situation for everyone, you do a good job.

dude you didn't read the comments. clearly this is happening to several people in this subreddit...I'm just being honest about what's happening to me.

As 9000 showed, all your content is visible. Your concerns are not warranted. If others would message the mods with their questions about content, we are happy to look into it. One thing is for sure... The mods of this subreddit are not gaming posts.

If posts are gamed, and as you say it is not by the submods, do you have any theories as to who it would be?

One would have to look at each case to verify that posts were actually not visible, first. In OP's case, it turns out that all posts actually were visible.

If someone is concerned that a post is not visible, than that person should message the mods so they can delve into the situation. Mods have the ability to hide posts. With that said, I'm not aware of that happening in r/conspiracy, and haven't seen it in any of the mod logs.

Alternatively, one could be shadowbanned by admins, but this is pretty rare. I haven't been a mod long enough to know how to proceed to help someone if they're shadowbanned; but I'm assuming we would message admins.

Basically I'm saying that in each instance of someone claiming that their posts are not visible, the user would need to share that with mods to verify its a legit concern. I don't have any theories as to "who" would make a post invisible because as far as I know, it could only be an admin shadowban, or a mod hiding a post (which doesn't happen here).

Except these recent shares after August 3rd

Mine get buried all the time, in alot of subs. Reddit censors. I am sure of it, though cannot prove it. I too cannot find some of my own posts. You are not alone.

You mean "case in point."

Yes, this :D

You could be shadow banned: which has NOTHING to do with moderators, or you could just be posting repeat stories, which just get spam filtered.

Ask questions instead of being dramatic.

Wow I never heard of this "shadow banned". I wonder why some of my posts never show up publicly. Mahalo for sharing.


Well I didn't think you guys cause I see it show up here. I'm talking about in other subreddits.

My question is somewhat OT but not worthy of me making it its own topic.

There are times that a topic shows there being a comment but none appear when the topic is opened. Not even a "[deleted]". Does this happen to anyone else?

It's because someone was ghostbanned, where their comments aren't visible to anyone logged in but themselves. Sneaky censorship.

Thank you.

I always seem to click on a link that seems politically unnerving and it does nothing. Others have commented on it so it must have worked at some point but to me, it appears sensitive information, the ones that "they" might not want known are always nonworking. Maybe someone discovers the material and breaks the link before I get to it but it only occurs on what i think would be sensitive info....

your new sub is just a flood of your own blog spam.

stop being a fuckface. self-posting every little blog you write is bad taste.

i assume the majority of your downvotes are due to you essentially self-posting,ad nausea, the same crap.

ps: no I will not read your shitty blog.


no, I agree.

Just shut up... Just cause no one was interested in your links doesn't mean you're being "censored", it just means you post crap ppl aren't interested in. Blaming others, or claiming "censorship" in this situation is childish, and reminiscent of the boy who cried wolf...


All your links and comments are visible, so Wtf are you bitching about? I can browse your whole history, and it appears ppl just dont want to read your blog so you're throwing a fit...

Like I said originally, there are several shares (not from my blog, but from websites) that I cannot see when I log out.


My favorite type of r/conspiracy post.... THERE IS A CONSPIRACY ABOUT r/conspiracy. Honestly reddit has blow up so much in the past year, the OP could be right, the higher ups don't want flow of info, who knows who is really deleting his posts, the internet is a scary scary place.


Wish I could give you more upvotes for this statement. Wtf is wrong with ppl in this thread? I've posted lots o' links that get no traction, and that was my fault for posting links no one was interested in. How ppl get off blaming others for crappy links is beyond me...

I can vouch for what 9000 is saying here as well. All of his posts are visible. This self-post is a very dramatic, yet subtle attempt at getting people pissed off at the mods here, in my opinion...

This is weird because the same thing happened to me 2x last week! I think this sub is being manipulated...who knows if its Reddit, Zionist groups (I'm talking about you guys JIDF and ADL)!

The main reason that I've been giving posting a huge break is because...it's getting me angry.

I can sit here and tell people my honest version of how I came to loathe and fear Zionism and their "New World Order" all the time; but what does it change? It helps to think that maybe I am "turning people on" to the truth but it moves so slowly. Granted, it would take a proper Uni study to prove this assertion, but I don't think that I can help reach that critical "tipping point" that it would take to convince people of what is going on around here.

I'm gonna keep looking, but its hard to keep positive after reading all of this terrible news, you know?

Anyhow, peace brother and enjoyed having you. I'm sure we'll see ya around someday in the future... ; ')


Hey 9000,

I found both posts--I am using RES with Chrome and, I guess it has something to do with the vote system...both were marked as "comment score below threshold."

Thanks for doing such a good job--I admire your NON-censorship!

same here. just posted this and it's already gone: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/118q3e/a_guy_pretends_to_be_a_surveillance_camera_gets/

well, i guess i'm going to the darknet. fuck censorship/thought-control.


Are the shills out in force or what?? All these ppl claiming their posts have been "censored" seem to just be bitching because they didn't get any upvotes, so then they choose to blame the mods. Super childish bs all over this post, sorry you have to put up with this lame shit...

it's up. it just didn't show up when i clicked 'new'

still new to reddit. getitng used to it

It's because someone was ghostbanned, where their comments aren't visible to anyone logged in but themselves. Sneaky censorship.

Care to explain the really?

I'm not chasing anything, thanks for the good wishes though.

I have to ask, in all honesty, you believe that everyone should readily believe what the mods tell them to? I'm not saying there's a conspiracy in /r/conspiracy, but being a moderator of a subreddit that really has open doors for all different kinds of people, they should be prepared to be questioned. These situations aren't getting out of hand or anything, they chose to moderate this subreddit and if they really feel strongly for the truth, they'll put up with a little gripe every now and then.

Or maybe you and that moderator have history in this subreddit and that's why you respect him?... idk, I'm just trying to understand why you think this post is not reasonable.

One would have to look at each case to verify that posts were actually not visible, first. In OP's case, it turns out that all posts actually were visible.

If someone is concerned that a post is not visible, than that person should message the mods so they can delve into the situation. Mods have the ability to hide posts. With that said, I'm not aware of that happening in r/conspiracy, and haven't seen it in any of the mod logs.

Alternatively, one could be shadowbanned by admins, but this is pretty rare. I haven't been a mod long enough to know how to proceed to help someone if they're shadowbanned; but I'm assuming we would message admins.

Basically I'm saying that in each instance of someone claiming that their posts are not visible, the user would need to share that with mods to verify its a legit concern. I don't have any theories as to "who" would make a post invisible because as far as I know, it could only be an admin shadowban, or a mod hiding a post (which doesn't happen here).