Has r/conspiracy been neutered?

121  2012-10-12 by ronintetsuro

Seriously. All I see are bogus stories, comments infested by shills. And when real stories of interest get posted and start getting upvotes, they get disappeared and have to be resubmitted. And more recently, I'm seeing the trend of a self post asking /r/conspiracy what they think about a particular aspect of "the conspiracy realm", effectively datamining consensus and sniffing out who's who.

Who's minding the store, and how much are they taking out of the till? Will the real /r/conspiracy participants please stand up?!


It's been neutered in the sense that stupid political images are constantly dumped here and make it to the top. I wish these things were just gotten rid of. People only do it for easy internet points.

This subreddit needs posts with more substance and breadth, not silly political cartoons that make a point everyone here already agrees with.

I think someone else made a point in another thread about the deliberate misuse of certain terminology too. He has a point

Don't be lazy, we all gotta use that up/down arrow these days. It can make a difference. Old/dead/dupe/silly/shilly or shit stories get a -down. New conspiracy related stories get an +up, alternative news stuff gets nothing. That's the way I play it anyways.

Dumping crap into a forum when you can't control the forum itself... that's straight out of the shill playbook.

Next we'll see Karmanaut assigning himself herself as head mod "just to clean things up a little around here."

fuck that karmanaut idiot. that person is deranged, did you see the video when they were eating some fucking dead meat to celebrate this fucking place? Retarded on so fucking many levels


Then learn how to use fucking paragraphs

Seriously! Agreed. How can you expect people to give you the time to take your lengthy thoughts seriously, when you can't take the time to decide where and when to hit the "enter" key a few times, for easier reading? Sloppy. And IMO 70-95% of those posts aren't worth reading. If you're not intelligent enough to make your thoughts presentable, I'm usually skeptical you're intelligent enough to say anything of real worth.

There is actually a purpose to paragraphs. They separate blocks about concepts. When someone just does stream of consciousness, run-on spewing, instead of organized thinking, it's usually a sign they're merely opinionating. That's my objection here. And that it reads like a speech to a high school graduating class.


A wall of text is difficult to read. Use of profanity by yourself and sumdog does nothing but make the both of you appear immature.

Yes it is difficult to read, however, that is not a reason to downvote a comment. If you couldn't read it just leave it alone. If you disagree with the content, then say why. He was on topic and made a post that added to the discussion. These are the criteria for up and downvoting.

So I could type a 10,000 word wall about a dog licking a lollipop and it's better than someone typing 20 words without punctuation?


Proving how butthurt I am about what?

I add plenty worthwhile, I have lots of interesting discussion with people.

It seems I REALLY struck a nerve with people by reminding them that the downvote isn't your opinion button, unless you're too stupid to understand that, in which case it immediately becomes that.

How do you figure? You seem to be the only one agitated by anything given the context.

Or you can just all keep proving how butthurt you are.

Apply what I said up there, to this part.

You seem to be the only one getting emotional.


The rest of your post was just complaining. You gave your opinion (which, we've already gone back and forth about) and you insulted people.

I didn't down vote your post, I don't down vote or up vote anything that has no substance. In case you haven't noticed, people just aren't agreeing with you. Shocking.

Downvoting someone's perspective is idiotic, but people don't want to hear that, because it's easier to have an opinion button to silence people who you disagree with.

I personally find it easier to find someone's post if it's an average post if it has been down voted.

He contributed to the conversation, they did not. I pointed it out, everyone got butthurt. That's the synopsis.

He contributed a post that by hitting enter four times it would have been much easier to read. Could someone have been more polite in saying it? Probably. But I can see the upside to encouraging someone to actually format their post so people won't just skim by it.

If I see a post like that filled with run-on sentences and opinions that I know I've already read from another perspective, I generally will just breeze through it.

In a community 100% based around word formatting and discussion with words, wouldn't suggesting that other people at least make an effort to make their thoughts attractive to read through, be a good thing?

I never called you specifically butthurt, but of course you knew that.

Said what now? You said "can just all keep proving how but hurt you are.." in a reply to me. That is calling me butt hurt?

Did you read what he wrote? It's a bunch of Sunday school bullshit- I would quote from his original but every sentence is just hot air and platitudes. 
It personally makes me sick to read comments such as his as they are short sighted, satirically optimistic, and nearly all bullshit. No one here who's worth their salt pays any attention to such a reckless statement regardless of its format. 

Mine eyes...


You're doing exactly what you're complaining about btw

Thanks for this and I wish you had presented it more pleasingly because I think you would have had more upvotes if you had. I upvoted you for the content and for making an effort to add to the discussion.

I fell asleep reading that

Could have something to do with the fact that the place needs utterly abandoned, and a new place formed. With new mods, new rules, new face.

No more of this idiotic reptile bullshit, no more taking literally any post on the front page that has any mediocre resemblance to military and screaming that it's military propaganda, no more calling OMFGF@ FALSE FLAG at literally... every...single...fucking...international event to ever fucking take place...

While we are at it, no more upvoting people who put forth their own little personal "Theory" with absolutely zero proof or even thought process.

No more screaming SHILL SHILL at every single person who comes in and asks for some proof.

Instead, the new place should be called something like Conspiracy SCIENCE. People value fact, observation, evidence, logic. You have none of these things? Good bye, we don't want your stupid fucking Conspiracy Theories. We want your Conspiracy Hypothesis, we want you to QUESTION our theories, so that we can solidify them into an even better and more evidenced solution, or throw them in the fucking trash.

That's half the problem around here anymore, people get their little theory in their head, and they never want it to be proven wrong. That's not how intelligent debate works, and that certainly isn't how a true and honest search for the truth works.

So I'm guessing you don't believe in the Annunaki?

I believe the universe is more vast than we can fathom, thus I find any and all theories on life interesting and amazing.

Intelligence exists and is sublime. I certainly hope we are not the pinnacle of intelligence in this universe, that would be very sad.

Do I believe in the Annunaki? Let me put it this way: I certainly do not believe in the history of man as presented by the institution of rule and control the a small % of the human population in power put forth.

It was a joke question, I guess it didn't come across like I intended. Sorry!

We don't joke about the Annunaki here on /r/conspiracy. If you want to joke, head over to /r/politics.

There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own that you cannot even imagine it.

I'll die trying!

I wish you were king of this subreddit. It's like you ripped the words out of my mind. You nailed the issue perfectly. This subreddit is infested with Weekly World News bullshit, and over half the subscribers here fall for that crap, or they actively promote it to make the important conspiracies look like ridiculous by proxy.

Shill no longer has it's proper dictionary definition here. It now means "an insult to describe someone who doesn't comply to the status quo of the social circle." I've seen people called trolls and shills because they stated actual verified truths that went against some preposterous and warrentless theory.


and here.


Take a good look. This is the cancer of your sub right here.

hear hear!

Nothing wrong with discussing people's personal theories, but much of what you say is spot on. It's almost impossible to have a real discussion about any topic, be it reptilians, ufos, illuminati, or banking/now cabals. And that's just the fringe stuff. It seems even more difficult to converse about factual world events in here and that's troubling.

As a mod and a subscriber to /r/conspiracy since its inception, I don't really agree with all these comments about the downfall of this /r/ - in fact, I am of the opinion that this /r/ has been vindicated - as the shit we as conspiracy theorists have talked about for decades is finally being recognized. This world is owned, the perception of this reality is closely controlled and there is a very small % of humans who control the fate of the rest.

We have seen a signficant uptick in users in this /r/ and we have also seen a great awakening to the reality of this world.

As a mod, anything is wlcome in this /r/ other than blatant hate on [any topic] as it reveals ignorance.

Ignorance is the cancer of this /r/ and the minds that want the truth.

Should we discuss reptilians? Human origins? Paranormal? Energy? Spirit? God?

Yes we should - but at the same time we have some pretty fucking pressing matters at hand: the subtle oppression and control that humans suffer from at the hand of other humans.

Humans actively conspiring to exploit and control our reality.

Humans working to limit the free flow of true knowledge. Knowledge of our true nature, true power, true divinity.

Fuck every religion on the planet - they are all a ruse to blind you from yourself. You are a component of this universe - a sentient and conscious component. You are the universe, appearing separate, in order to learn and observe yourself.

Everything that is, lies within, you are perfect in every way.

Want to discuss this or anything else? /r/conspiracy is open, as am I.

Agreed with most of what you said. The only thing I disagree with is a matter of perspective I suppose and I can only speak for myself as a person who has been here for a little over a year with regards to what I see as a reduction in acceptance of opposing viewpoints and rampant misuse of up/down votes to stymy genuine dialogue. I'm not about to jump ship or anything and am pleased to see and agree that people are starting to understand the nature of our society.

fuck that there are conspiracies everywhere and fucking military propaganda is on reddit frontpage every two days you idiot

Yet another reason none of you are taken seriously.

It is mind boggling that you guys will accept people like this guy and the other guy who says "Evidence is fucking stupid".

You will never be taken seriously while you associate with people like this.


I'm not sure you even know what evidence even means at this point, because you've provided nothing of the sort.

Also you kind of just have a vibe of childish ignorance. You prove exactly my original point.

You have no evidence, and when your little pet 'theory' is questioned, you simply call people idiots, motherfuckers, cunts, and after taking a look at your post history.... about every other insult there is plus a few extra colorful ones.

So once again, thank you for giving yet another example of why you are the cancer of this sub.

there is no other way of dealing with fucking shills than telling them the truth. so the truth is that you should go fuck yourself idiot cunt and die on those money you get from disinfo work you made till now.

retard cunt.

Hahaha you really don't see that you are making yourself look like a complete idiot. I feel a little bad for you.

no need to feel bad for anyone, just continue to enjoy sucking my dick.

what is your interpretation of the sumerian tablets?

Go for it. Or try /r/ufo or /r/cropcircles they might suit you better.

I don't have to take or respond to questions from close-minded uninformed cretins whose only ambition is to waste my time and ruin threads.

I think my point is proven here.

I'm here. I wish we had more of a tight knit relationship with our mods. I feel like I don't know who the mods of this place are, just that they disappear important threads most of the time. If we could feel like the mods really were some of us, then this place would be a lot nicer.

I dont remove anything. If you PM me - Ill look into it. I think that users should be allowed to post pretty much anything here, users votes should dictate the content.

With that said; we (as a community) should also self-moderate out idiots, shills, bad content, etc.

The mods on here are not some hivemind at all. I personally do not censor any information, and be warned: every single thing that happens on every subreddit is monitored closely by The Man. They have been very active in their efforts to develop behavioral shaping systems for online forums (HBGary, most famously - and the military propaganda that has been happening over the past year) - we have greater imminent threats to our freedom of thought right now that some of the more theoretical topics that would be typical to this type of forum.

Finally, I think we need sub-sub-reddits so that we can categorize the content of /r/conspiracy better.

Great post! I really like the idea of sub-sub-reddits. That way people can discuss pure theory and conjecture without being relegated to another subreddit with no members. I like what one poster said about conjecture and theorizing being much more effective than evidence when indexing a wide range of data. It definitely has value to it and should not be shunned here.


Finally, I think we need sub-sub-reddits so that we can categorize the content of /r/conspiracy better.

You could just use link flair, that's what we do in /r/MetaHub. You can search by flair tags, and even make buttons to filter the sub by tag.

That's a really cool idea. It will also make it easier finding what interest you.

thanks for this; i feel that some of the things i'm seeing could be indicative of a modern day evolution of programs like COINTELPRO, but at the same time it makes me wonder if i'm batshit crazy. i guess time will tell.

Alllie was one of us before she/he (?) Became a mod. 9000sins seems more like one of us than a mod. Sunshinex seems normal. Supercede i haven't really interacted with enough to say. Mr.Dong is real people IMHO.

I have been trying to become a mod here myself because its my favorite forum. I hope I'm one of us..

Same here! We should make a new /r/conspiracy with gambling and hookers!

I like this one :(


Yeah but I welcome alternative points of view.

how does promoting ones perspective make someone a bad mod?

He's wearing certain glasses and his view will be tainted by their boundaries. Also, if he is a marxist he is promoting the global bankers agenda knowingly or as a sheeple.

Is that Bad?

The Dalai Lama is Marxist.

I prompted the other mods to add Alllie as she is a fantastic contributor and I thought she would make a great mod.

I too was just a user before there was a thread here asking why one would want to be a mod...

Yeah she does contribute some interesting stuff.

I have been trying to become a mod here

Well, since the rest of your comment was sucking up to the mods, it would appear that you on the right path to becoming one.

Nice! Though I'm 100% confident I don't suck up to the mods. Just ask alllie.

Anyways what I was doing was pointing out that the mods are just like the rest of us.

Anyways what I was doing was pointing out that the mods are just like the rest of us.

No need to insult me, dude.

You aren't required by law to browse this subreddit.

Try /r/conspiratard

Now, you're just being a dick. That's almost a guaranteed mod spot.


If i was being a dick i would have linked you some hippy zen mantra bullshit about emissions of positive energy changing the direction your miserable life is going, where you can't even get along with strangers on the internet.

Breath in the good....

Breath out the bad....

Now look at yourself in the mirror and repeat after me.

I am a beautiful person and everybody likes me!

You are also clueless, another exempliary qualification to include in your mod resume.

Would you prefer I ban you? You can create another shill account if you like. PM me for details on your banning.

Would you prefer I ban you? You can create another shill account if you like. PM me for details on your banning.

This sounds like a threat. Isn't that a violation of rule #3?

No abusive/threatening language.

It was tongue in cheek - I wouldnt ban you...

Oh, okay. For a minute there, I thought you might have decided to go into competition with ... well.. you know.

No upvotes for you until you suck up to me.

This legit made me snicker. Well done.

You could link to a batcrap loony blog post about Hitler's reanimated corpse living on a secret CIA-funded crystal moonbase planning to take over a flat earth using undersea pyramids and Freemason reptilian government officials, and it would be upvoted furiously, and anyone questioning it in the comments would be downvoted to hell. Seriously. I have not seen any evidence to the contrary in the 1+ year I've been here. That's the real problem with this place.

/inb4 gigantic downvoting for pointing out the obvious

Ill fuckin stand up.

Thank you, sir.

Hahah. Awesome. Made my day right there.

I for one wish we could stop using the word shill.

As if the people over at conspiratard don't have a right to their own opinion, they do, they just don't have a right to harass and abuse our readers like they do.

If they would debate in a reasonable manner without linking to their own comments for upvote support I wouldn't have a problem with them or their opinions at all.

yeah just ignore the problem, good fucking move

Not when they're arguing from a position of ignorance or attempting to further an agenda.

Maybe they are just useful idiots and it is our duty to educate them.


The fact that you put the word debunked in quotations is enough to show you are one of the nutbags. G'day.

Its sad, but shills exist. Anyone who is paying attention can tell that shilling is a real phenomenon.

Except for the part where no one has ever presented any evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that shilling has ever occurred anywhere on Reddit.

How ironic that this is a self-post which is effectively datamining the consensus and sniffing out who's who.

So prove I'm a shill.

I stand on my own. Many of my views aren't appreciated but many of them are.

The mark of an intelligent person is their ability to entertain an idea without accepting it.

  • Aristotle

Edit: fixed my stupid typo lol.

It's 'accept', Flytape.

Lol my bad. Thanks.

Yep, stuff that used to appear on the front page of other subreddits has now been relegated to conspiracy, while real conspiracies are all but gone.

For example, the story of the young girl locked up. This was once something that would appear in news..not now.

I have been noticing the self posts being used to form slide. When I see them I usually investigate the user and all of their past posts to determine whether they are a troll/shill and tag them with reddit enhancement suite.

I have to admit that I having a bit of trouble keeping up.

So what have you decided about me?

Everything good is in new and frequently gets buried/ignored. I think there should be a 2 tabs at the top that shows posts with negative votes (buried), and those that are removed by moderators (removed) instead of those posts disappearing into oblivion.

infested by shills

See, here's the thing.

This sub has went pretty mainstream of late. You almost have 100,000 subscribers. A lot of these subs are people who found the sub after x-posts to Skeptic, Conspiratard etc.

What you call shills are actually people who don't buy into conspiracy theories, and will debate them with you. As I said the other day, if you claim to know the "truth", prepare to defend it.

Don't worry, friends. You are being analyzed from behind the scenes. Those who demonstrate strong and useful character will be reached in private and intelligently prepared. Some of us know what we are doing. Help is coming.



Redditor for four months and that's the first thing you've ever said?

What was his user name??

op's sock puppet.

Eat_Shit_Atheist. Any idea what that was all about? Elaborate troll?

Do you think the big bad elites are the only ones prepared to influence groups with invented personas?

I really don't know. I hope you're on our side.

Yay! help is coming...


To serve man...it's a cookbook!

Judging by the frequency of comments in most posts in /r/conspiracy and a post calling out fallacious posting receiving a huge number of hits, I would say the answer is quite clear.


Yeah right ? and the attacks on the 911 official story or the federal reserve or assange, i mean come on, what nation doesn't have those. s/


Care to link some of your outstanding sources for step 5? :)

Conspiratard shill detected.

Because I asked for sources? Kids obviously wrong because he deleted. How does asking for sources make me bad? For an information seeking community you're weirdly against.. Information

You aren't worth the steam off my piss.

You aren't worth the steam off my piss.

Now that sounds like the makings of a great country song.


Goal... I thought it was just a place to hang out and discuss conspiracy theories?



This guy is a JIDF colleague.

This sub got too popular for its own good. I wonder how much real money it costs to mess with people on the internet.

i can get you an albanian right now to do it for less than a dollar an hour

I bet it is embarrassingly low.

idiots pay with taxes anyway

I have noticed the question post about certain conspiracies or which ones do you believe or don't. Nice catch.

There's a couple of them. They appear with regularity.

I believe there may be something to what you're saying. It would be cool to get a sub going that uses a bot to post the posts that get get deleted. IDK how to do that though:/

The number of subscribers to r/conspiracy has nearly tripled since I became a redditor. While that fact may be the biggest reason I recognize so few monikers these days, I suspect many regular submitters have grown tired of the politics and soap opera-esque drama that occurs between fellow redditors and moderators.

As regular contributors have jumped ship, the quality of the content in r/conspiracy has gone downhill.

While images are capable of conveying a strong message, there is no depth of information. Images are the Burger King of knowledge.

OP, I'm in total agreement with you in regard to the self-posts asking why r/conspiracy redditors think the way they do. If these self-submitting redditors were truly interested in conspiracies they wouldn't have to ask the types of questions they ask.

Last of all, I miss ImJulianAssange. I don't know what kind of drama transpired between the mods and ImJulianAssange and I don't care. What I do know is r/conspiracy has the depth of a mud puddle since he's left.

OP, I'm in total agreement with you in regard to the self-posts asking why r/conspiracy redditors think the way they do. If these self-submitting redditors were truly interested in conspiracies they wouldn't have to ask the types of questions they ask.

Moreover, when people start responding, almost as a rule, the OP is condecending to the poster and acts as if they aren't actually interesting in learning anything.

JIDF reporting in. Yes.

Reddit isn't the best place to expect people to understand the difference between theories and accepted reality. Like 9/11 for example. We really just want a better investigation, because really we are theorizing the possibility of alternate conspiracy. What happened on 9/11 was a conspiracy by definition but the perpetrators are what we question. They key here is questioning. It's like the difference between an atheist and agnostic, and givens reddits obsession with atheism do you really expect them to think things might be different then what they think? Most people on reddit are pretentious about their knowledge and believe what they know to be reality so they would more then likely be cynical about anything outside of their knowledge base. It's only a matter of time. Lies can only be hidden for so long before reality bites.

We're in the midst of silly season (elections). Of course the quality of every subreddit has likely gone down.

Yes.That is what I am seeing too.

reddit is now the joke of the free net. it's a propaganda machine.

all conspiracy news sources are destroyed by these methods.

very simple to flood these sites with wackjob crack which does the double job of burying actual stories and also prooves to those on the fence that conspiracy theories are nothing but wackjob crack.

there is no way to really combat this effect. just keep an open mind and spread news and insight that you think is important.

Don't forget the meaningless pictures.

I spend more time under the 'new' tab anymore. It's more of a slog, but you at least find the decent info before it's gone. Way more entertaining than the front page too.

Sorry, currently reading Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs.

To be honest,

I haven't seen anything good on here for months.

yep. Totally is.

This sub used to be more original hypothesis backed up by independent research. Now it's a damned link-farm.

It's the mods messing with you

No, it's CIA COINTELPRO agents and their Reptilian overlords spying on us all from their secret crystal pyramid moonbase. WAEK UP SHEEPLE

i know for a fact that entire posts have been deleted from this subreddit.

stop using reddit. it's a piece of shit

He says, while using Reddit

I rarely ever come here anymore. It's mostly bullshit and shills. There's worthwhile stuff every so often, but it's hard to battle bots and "neo-nazis" who are really just here to undermine credibility.

this place is full of fucking shills.

let me just say something about fucking fake space programs like those fake moon landings and fucking robot on mars fakes and bam pair of shills imedietly appear and start throwing insults and derisory comments with no fucking profs. You want to believe nasa is really sending those robots on mars or moon or whatever fine, but for fuck sake if they did a multi trillion scam one time they will do it fucking again and again, and they have the money to insert fucking shills everywhere.

for fuck sake. fuck you shills eat my dick you fucking idiots, I'm enjoying when you will be fuck by the same people you are working now like those military idiots soldiers who are send home dead or crippled or fucking intoxicated with enriched uranium weapons by the same people who they are fighting for.

fucking karma

so about your question, there never was a r/conspiracy is a continue fight over fucking information and fuck all the shills again, them mother fucker retards

This is why nobody can take /r/conspiracy seriously. When someone disagrees, they are not debated or argued with, they are instead immediately declared as shills. Believe it or not, there are real unpaid people who don't agree with you, and the government does not actually give a single fuck about what goes on in r/conspiracy, you guys are not nearly as important as you think you are.

you guys are not nearly as important as you think you are

this is a fucking community and your message show clearly that you don't feel yourself part of this subreddit so FUCK YOU shill, get the fuck out and go FUCK yourself in the ass with your paid shill payments

mother fucker.

Good job proving my first point right there.

Dude, it is almost too easy. Next thing up for you will be being labeled a "operative" or some shit.

nice job sucking my dick

I'm seeing the trend of a self post asking /r/conspiracy what they think about a particular aspect of "the conspiracy realm", effectively datamining consensus and sniffing out who's who.

nice try.

I post shit all the time that never even seems to get a view, no comments or anything and they are totally conspiracy. Just like any site that shows the truth the jews and the US gov slowly start to place their spys and then it ends up being lost forever. We are watched here and they know who each and everyone of us are so there you go....

who the fuck downvote this? he's fucking right.

Highly relevant

This is me appealing to 9000sins to let us know more about the backend communications us non-mods never see.

The bigger an online community gets the worse it gets, so this isn't surprising. Not the mods' fault.


"Organize! Educate! Agitate! shall be our war cry!"

-Susan B Anthony


/r/conspiracy is now victim to what a lot of other subs became that were once small.

This sub is now exploding with people, and quickly. As it becomes larger and larger, the popularity of memes/off-topic garbage/trolling will continue to increase more and more.

This community needs to just down vote crap, and move on. Don't start a discussion about it, don't make a thing out of it.

I'm a real dude if anybody cares.

Just because people come to r/conspiracy doesn't make them inherently different than everyone else. Everyone is stupid and thinks on a shallow level.

Shills faggots should all be ashamed of their jobs. I hope they will realize it when they will look at themselves in the mirror.

  • 9/11 is an obvious inside job.
  • Iran's nuclear threat is fucking fake.
  • Mitt Romney will get elected no matter what just to keep things as they are.
  • USA is not a democracy.
  • There is no army called "Al-Qaida" or some bullshit like this.
  • Dugway proving ground (I JUST WENT TOO FAR!!)

And now, I am almost thinking about:

  • r/conspiracy mods are all shillsfag.

In all humility i may not be right, but I dare you to prove me wrong.

  • 9/11 is an obvious inside job.

  • Iran's nuclear threat is fucking fake.

Other than mass-media propaganda, what has made you oppose these?

  • USA is not a democracy.

You do know that the USA is a republic, right?

It has gotten to large and the powers that be wont let that happen. We have a voice that challenges every thing to provide truth. the people that lie dont like that. They will control every Thing they can to manipulate reality and skew the image of some one that questions them.

Personally, I like the way this sub has evolved. Even with the really far out theories and the shills. I think the current mods are doing a good job too.

Here's a perfect example of someone adding to the discussion with an on topic comment that is not insulting or hateful in anyway and look at his karma. This is what we are talking about. People are totally abusing the up/down vote system. It's frustrating really.

Any one can anonymously click an arrow on a page. It takes next to no effort (or thought). There is absolutely no accountability for their action.

Not only that, but if the karma is already in the negative that person will feel compelled to click the down arrow (without even reading the content). We want to go with the flow. We want to fit in.

It's an inherently broken system that can never produce optimal results.

Someone suggested a long time ago that reddit keep the arrows and get rid of the karma. But nooooooooooo. Fuck that. I gotsta have my points baby! Touchdown! Home Run! Goooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!

The system cannot work because its driven by selfish, petty, ignorant humans.

I am one of your so called "shills". I don't just do it for the money, I do it because we are right. The ends justify the means. We will win in the end. Information is power, and we have devised methods of information control that are leaps ahead of what you imagine. We control this subreddit, we allow a certain proportion of posts to rise so as not to make things too obvious.

We target certain users with what we have dubbed "stress overload". This is an effective method of removing users, as they feel they are leaving of their own accord. We have done quite the job on 9000sins ;)

Enjoy your petty subreddit, you mean nothing. You have no influence.

... only joking!

cool story bro

Ugh, gross. Quit ruining things, go play your silly internet games elsewhere. The adults are trying to talk.

Yay! help is coming...

Redditor for four months and that's the first thing you've ever said?

To serve man...it's a cookbook!

Yeah she does contribute some interesting stuff.

Except for the part where no one has ever presented any evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that shilling has ever occurred anywhere on Reddit.