What do you Guys Actively Do to Oppose the Direction our Nation are Heading to?

22  2012-10-20 by [deleted]

Hello folks,

Let's share ideas.

  1. For myself I am actively trying to get into our local radio station to share information. I'm already signed in to classes, which are necessary to be allowed to go on air. Hopefully with the beginning of the new year, I will already get an hour a week, where I can address issues, which are important to me.

  2. As a second thing, I try to educate myself in the free energy stuff. (/r/freeenergy). There are plenty of constructions plans to create a free energy source, f.e. the bedini motor. It is smarter to focus on fighting the system by providing a chance to change it with free energy, instead focusing on fighting them with force.

3. As a third thing, I am preparing to start a wiki, where we could already collect everything on conspiracy issues. At least till the Reddit Wiki will be ready. Then we could just transfer the databases or copy/paste the content. I already hosted an empty wikimedia Wiki on a subdomain, but have currently time issues, to hang into this project.

Everyone who wants to support me, please send me a message. Thank you for reading until here.

What do you guys actively do against the current direction our state is heading?

Edit: Links

Edit2: Format (Sorry, still having problems with this)


It is not "my nation". At this stage I prefer the US collapses in on itself.

I always thought a good'ol union breakup would be good for it, myself.

I don't care whatever people do in the US. It's beyond saving.

I'm from the US and I agree. I think it's far too gone to save. America has chosen the American Dream instead of reality.

You care enough to post that you don't. Which makes you a dick.

I am a girl? I would be a bitch then? Or more like a cunt?

yup I live in New England and that's what I am concerned about. Get closer to local and understand the USA is too large to continue as it is. a lot of people need to be arrested, a lot of federal employees.

But it's not my job to do that. I don't own handcuffs. It's the police/military's job to do that. I will share what information I have with everybody I talk to - other than that what else is viable?

It is not "my nation". At this stage I prefer the US collapses in on itself.

Then why even add your two cents?

The same question in 1938, germany.

Don't understand the relevance.

Unless you're making a slippery slope analogy - I don't see why you would prefer a country to collapse in on itself. Especially one where tens, if not hundreds of millions of people could be killed.

My heart cries out for the victims of a collapse.

It just is that my heart cries out for the victims of its policies, since there are more of those.

So there is my answer.

I'm not totally following.

Maybe you have been educated to not get it. :)


I'm not even American KhanneaSuntzu.. I don't get it because you're intentionally being vague.

Oh.. so give up. That's what you're doing.

I don't live there?

I bet a lot of murrcans have loads of wish lists about what countries they want collapsed, or nuked. Same thing.

I do. I have a running list in my head. Some places just seem to suck. And I would go with nukes, collapse leaves remnants. Where are you from again?

But speaking for "murricans" other than myself, that is a very strange assumption to make. Most people I come into contact with on a daily basis don't remember the name of your country. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm confident they don't care about your country enough to want to "collapse" it, or even remember it's name and plenty who wouldn't even know what continent it's on.

Netherlands. I am looking to marry an American, for a legal name change. All costs are for my partner (male or female), but after 3 or so years he or she would have a dutch passport. And no my country is fairly safe from 'collapse'.

I love the Netherlands, that's where Ferry Corsten is from! You're safe from my imaginary nukem wishlist.

Btw I didn't give u any downvotes. I'm confused though, you want an American Passport or you are offering a Dutch passport?

I want a suitable last name. To get once I offer a Dutch passport by means of marriage. Simple as that. Male or Female - and it shouldn't cost me anything.

That sounds like good stuff. I, myself, just make fun of how much bullshit mainstream politics is to as many people I can in the hope that I can at least make people feel uncertain about their two-party, corporatocratic state religion. :P

Yes. Its good. But in the end. Will it be enough?

I go to drug stores that offer flu shots and hide flu shot truth pamphlets in between popular items, and in the greeting card slots.

One time I printed a bunch of copies of the Judge Napolitano "What If" speech and put them under random windshield wipers and wedged them in bike seats.

Where do you get the pamphlets from?

It was a tri-fold version of this pdf.

I'm sorry and maybe I'm just not educated on the matter, but who can gain what from requiring everyone have a vaccination?

You start with Operant Conditioning. About 15 years ago or so, I remember when flu vaccines were offered (for free, voluntarily) and employees were permitted, if they so chose, to get vaccines.

Then, about 5 years later, they were offering them twice a year. AND, some employers were beginning to make them mandatory, rather than voluntary.

The gain is this: Less sick leave (increasing the slave productivity).

However, it doesn't stop there.

The list of concerns is actually quite long, but you can start with these two links...



I left.

You did well. Others will be sorry soon.

Our founding fathers would be shooting by now. Just prepare yourself and spread truth,at least to those with enough brainpower to think.

Our founding fathers would have their money in offshore tax havens by now.

I like to give the Illuminati a good poke in the All-seeing Eye.


Maybe with his/her finger, or (his) wiener.

IRL I have a MA in sociology. You can choose to trust me or not.

  1. The US is fucked. It is either going to get worse fast (1 - 5 years), or worse slow (10 - 20 years). Either way, going down. Any major snap could bring it down faster (petrodollar collapse etc).

  2. The rest of the global economies are more or less tied to the dollar, in some way and will be affected. There is no "run away to canada" anymore, unless you are going to the mountains in South America or some similarly remote locale.

  3. The best route right now (imo) is to find a place where you can hunker down and try to weather the storm. Don't abandon real life, but try to plan accordingly. Check out r/collapse for tips on how to survive a societal shift. Learn to garden, sew, cook, use firearms, service automobiles, operate motorcycles, tractors, etc. Skills and knowledge are more important than tools or currency.

Sorry to be a debbie downer.

All this comrade needs is a knife, and axe and a small shovel and tons of seeds. Then im fine.

minecraft irl eh?

Nope. Only morons make mistakes like floatig pigs n sh** . Ive experimented with primitive building and living, and honestly, it wouldnt be like cotton beds and fossil fuels, but its possible.

I've been working on the skill sets that you mention above (and more) for the last 10 years. The funny thing is, that I can't find decent work in the U.S. I was offered 200K to go to Iraq awhile back, but I didn't take the job. For the same résumé here, I can't make enough to feed my family. It sounds strange, but I think that I would be better off financially if it all collapsed and we moved to some sort of barter economy.

Begin moving to the barter economy on your own.

I agree , the greater your skillset the greater your chance for survival, also take care of your health

care to elaborate? no doubt in my mind that the us is falling but i dont see it going down in 20 years, much less 5. In fact, i think the us will remain dominant pretty much for the rest of this century, and there certainly isnt any risk of societal collapse.


I'd say that the announcement of QE-Infinity changes the game significantly.


off the gold standard?


well how many times in history does someone and a printing press crash a country economically?


exactly,blows my mind that those that are running the show know this, so what could possibly be their end game

They always think this time will be different.

Based on what do you think it is optimistic?

care to elaborate

A bit, but I don't want this to turn into a million level deep contest over context.

  1. Petrodollar collapse. It is probably why we are posturing/attacking Iran. Also why we cut the undersea internet cables back in 08 (to stop a planned Iranian Oil Bourse). As long as the oil keeps flowing and oil producing countries continue to play nice things will be ok. (but I doubt that).

  2. Infrastructure collapse. This is much slower to happen alone, but can be manifested immediately if 1 happens. Consider your local area (anytown, US), and then imagine that the trucks of food stop coming (due to highway disrepair, oil costs, or in extreme situations militant/military blockades). How long does it take before your area is in riot mode? Hungry groups of people are dangerous and unpredictable.

  3. Civil War. I know this sounds far fetched - and I am not one to prescribe anything so draconian, but especially if 1 or 2 happen, I believe it is possible. I do believe, for instance that in the next 4 years, RObamney will escalate the presence of drone planes in the US. This might upset the shotgun-on-the-porch-git-off-my-land types. Also assess the chasm of difference in ideology between the far right and the far left. One group actually believes the president is an evil dictator from Indonesia bent on world dominance, and the other group gets arrested for having "anarchist literature". Polarized groups with massively different narratives about what America is and what America means. As strange as this sounds: CO, WA, and OR all have marijuana legalization on the ballot this round. The FED has said "we will arrest the whole state if we have to". So seriously, fucking weed could be the straw the breaks the back.

  4. Auditing the Federal Reserve. There is a movement in both left and right camps to audit the fed. While I agree that this should be done, the effects will be disastrous for the general public (assuming that the house of cards is just that - cards).

  5. Mexico. Mexican drug lords have a standing army of over 100,000. And through the grace of the ATF, we have been arming them well. Mexico is going to be an issue for a number of reasons: first, if Mexico collapses (almost definitely) there will be a huge flood of refuges to the border. Second, if Mexico doesn't collapse, it is going to be taken over by the drug lords in a very intrinsic and inescapable way. I am predicting (I know this is left field) war with Mexico in our lifetimes, sooner if 1 - 4 happen.

Understand that when I talk about societal collapse, I don't imagine a Mad Max world of punks running around the nuclear wasteland looking for The Juice, mate. I think of a massive shift in social conditions, and localized refugees that can't hack the change. I can grok the idea of FEMA style quadrant lock-down martial law, but I don't think that will last long, or it will become so normalized that "society" does not collapse, it is just radically different.

My fear is not the government coming for me. It is that the government will pull the tablecloth out from under us (on purpose or by happenstance), and some great portion of us are not prepared for such an event. The issue is the other people, dependent on the system (not even talking about welfare queens, talking about latte-junkies) freaking the fuck out and raiding your garden at night for the carrots.

Anyway. So, those things are what are on my radar. There is some other stuff too, but these are the big issues I see.


Nice list. I would add the Chinese-Japanese (and other Asian powers are laying claim as well) dispute in the South China Sea. We have two carriers over by those Islands and it could quickly go south. Extremists from both countries have been out in the streets violently protesting - they want war. And many of the Japanese are still refusing to acknowledge things like the rape of Nanking, which leaves the Chinese quite sore.

Yes! The whole war with china by proxy thing is also heating up!

I actually think a Civil War would overall be a plus for the world. It would make it harder for the New World Order to happen IMO.

It seems like all of your predictions are so dismally negative that it's hard for me to believe you are looking at everything objectively.

this is potentially correct. i try to stay upbeat, and i consider myself positive...however, yeah, dark worldview.

take me with a grain of salt.

Here is my question for you. Did america go down hill during the clinton administration?

That is two questions. I will answer both (my opinions).

 1. When did America go down hill? 

Probably after/during the Civil war. War profiteering then set up the funds needed to continue to today. Other notable points would be the JFK assassination or the Nixon dollar/gold standard bullshit.

 2. Did Clinton fuck things up?

Yeah. Clinton is/was a centrist, not a leftist. Overton window and all that. The farther the left goes right, the righter the right gets.

So you think America was better when we had slavery?

So you think America was better when we had slavery?

Where did you even get this idea?

When did America go down hill? Probably after/during the Civil war.

Your assessment does not include all the negatives of slavery. But i agree with what you said about overton window/race to the middle.

Yeh the whole last century was trash, but I like to think JFK was a high point.

Your assessment does not include all the negatives of slavery

Slavery is not really an issue for me - I think it is fucked up ideologically, but I don't think it had that much to do with our current troubles (not including race issues lol...jsut talking about the NWO and that sort of thing)

That being said, I am always willing to be wrong. I just think that the war profiteering in the civil war really set the standard for planned obsoletion of ordinance.

Slavery is not really an issue for me

None of what you said is an issue for me, my only issue is the environment and making sure future generations don't have to be born with cancer. Its fun to think about the NWO, but in reality there is probably not a David Icke style world wide dictatorship.

babies, cancer, etc

I agree!

probably not a dictatorship

depends on context and definition.

Check out C. Wright Mills "The Power Elite". Super legitimate, and very evidential of some kind of "world wide dictatorship". Although I agree they are probably not lizards.


Well Obama has pumped billions into struggling clean energy companies and into clean energy research, so I can not personally ignore this. Obama is behind my issue, so I am behind him.

You're behind a man who wants to extrajudicially detain American citizens, continue the never ending wars, and sink this country's economy; and if we oppose him you play the race card. Your moral compass is broken.

No I can see why you don't like the establishment, but if you are a politician and you support clean energy with billions of dollars in loans for companies and research then you have my vote.


Plus how is Iraq a never ending war if Obama pulled out?

Sorry to say, but you are successfully being duped, then.

Even better than saying Im being duped would be to present evidence. If you called peopled duped, without evidence seems like you are the one being duped.

What is the evidence against billions of dollars for solar and wind companies?

Without Obama there wouldn't even be any solar and wind companies left in America.

Without Obama there wouldn't even be any solar and wind companies left in America.

That's all the evidence needed to prove you have been duped.

We still have units and mercs in Iraq. We're also in Afghanistan; and we bomb Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan.

And how do you feel about Jill Stein?

He changed the Glass Steagall act to the Graham to the graham bliley leach act which broke the banks with their liars loans. That crook Greenspan told him the wallstreet boys were big boys and they knew what they were doing. Little did the american people know that Greenspans (former head of the Federal reserve) group would benefit and dig a deeper debt whole for americans.

America was actually booming while Clinton was in office. We had good jobs report,money in the bank with surplus,and most were somewhat satisfied with those years. BUT,on the other hand,he opened NAFTA,which in turn took jobs away from Americans in the following years. IDK about anyone else,but in my lifetime,Clinton was the man. I feel he brought more good than bad,just the opposite of what has happened since he left.

Please, look a little bit deeper into this man.

Clinton's economic policies later crashed the country, but its ok because both democrats and republicans are getting rich playing the role of the puppet

Sorry, about your MA but the rest of your post seems very realistic and advisable.

There are 311 million American's and probably enough guns for each citizen to arm themselves. The fact that they haven't picked those guns up and started an armed revolution against their corrupt government makes me think they deserve this hell that they have. If people aren't willing to die to save their country then there is no future for them. Long live corporate run American Government!

Note: I'm Canadian and we are just as guilty :P

The people have forgotten that their governments are in place to serve the people, and not the other way around.

"Put a frog in boiling water it will jump right out, put a frog in cold water and raise it degree by degree, it will cook itself to death"

They are not organised. That's the main problem. If someone would start to organize it, people would gather and do pressure on a right working government.

And this someone should be you, in your area, if you have time for this task.

I am neither willing to die nor kill for a country. I might be willing to die for a cause, but not for a country.

hence the amero

Here is a project I proposed on an awareness campaign. I think that we should start sharing the info on this board with the general public instead of just discussing it amongst ourselves. What good is all this knowledge if it isn't shared?

Sadly no one seemed interested in the idea.

  • I am documenting the societal clusterfuck happening via a blog for my kids.
  • I am self employed since 1998, perhaps I am unemployable at this stage.
  • I am actively learning to unlock the cage that is the Canadian tax farm; the pathway for the American tax farm varies slightly.

Permaculture, food self sufficiency, anticonsumerism (don't buy anything you don't need), frugalism, off-grid, simplicity, hunting, fishing, foraging skills. Every day I try to do something to live well using only a bare minimum of fiat currency. Yesterday I started building a bee hive, today I am homebrewing. Tomorrow I will be bringing in some manure for a compost pile.

I intern at an independent radio station and pitch informative stories, I volunteer for a third party presidential campaign - and I actively and thoughtfully discuss conspiracy with any willing participant.

I vote in local elections, and run for office when I can.

I grow my own vegetables and eat a vegetarian-based diet (low impact).

I walk where/whenever I can and only use the car when there is a minimum of 2 people using it (car-pooling).

I try to buy as much as I can from the used market rather than new. I also glean as much as I can. I promote these two items and working on getting people to do without where they can in their lives. I promote earning less, spending less and paying less taxes.

What do you guys actively do against the current direction our state is heading?

You mean other than voting and volunteering with the campaigns of local candidates I approve of who share similar views? Not much I can do as someone without a huge pile of money but here are the little things that I hope will help make a better tomorrow.

Each dollar we spend is a vote of sorts. Everyone reading this should make sure their spending habits align with their views. While every big corporation has evil within them some are certainly less evil than others and thus are more deserving of your dollars. Boycotting the organizations that submitted or contributed to passing legislation that strips away our rights always makes me warm inside. It takes work to learn who manufactures or owns what brands.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. The less we buy and consume the less we contribute to their financial system, especially when it comes to oil and how it plays a factor in the movement and production of goods.

Use CASH. Sure I still use a credit card to pay for things online but otherwise I use strictly cash. My purchases are MY business and no amount of cash back or miles is worth letting god knows who store and analyze my spending habits for unknown and unforeseen future uses.

Switched to a small local credit union. The only difference is better customer service and practically NO fees. Credit unions are joining a nationwide alliance to share branch offices and ATMs so your money is never too far out of reach with no fees to access it. No ATM? No problem, debit card purchase with cash back and I'm on my way. Credit union is open later than any bank lobby in town too. Moving money, direct deposit, and so on is a pain but damn it was worth it!

Buying secondhand. I've saved countless dollars and met cool people, all while keeping my money in my local economy where it can do some good.

Buying locally grown food whenever I can. Monsanto can't grow if I don't feed the beast with my dollars.

Buying less processed sugar and corn based food. I despise how junk food is marketed to children, so I don't buy it and learned how to make awesome snacks for my guests that makes visiting my house a unique and fun experience for them.

Getting rid of cable TV. I go to bars or friend's places to watch sports that is not free via over the air HDTV. I'm saving over $1000 a year which is money I can donate to candidates or causes that share my world views and goals. Now that I don't watch the daily news it is easier to see how others parrot what they see and hear from major news agencies. Hell it's sad to see people parroting "facts" gleamed from advertising. Now when I watch TV I can see how the commercials are designed to play on fears and insecurities.

No facebook or similar crap. If you are getting a service for free then perhaps you are the product being sold. It's a fine idea but a more open platform will come along some day with better privacy and that will be a platform I might choose to participate in.

No flu shots and as few as possible medications or prescriptions. Other than antacids, pink bismuth, and aspirin my medicine cabinets are bare. Prescription drugs are for dire situations, everything else I keep in check with diet and exercise. Medical check-ups are a joke unless you are a senior or have a condition that requires them.

I have a hard enough time opposing the direction I'm heading in.

I ask people if the wanna burn down a bank with me. The answer is usuallly no.

care to elaborate

A bit, but I don't want this to turn into a million level deep contest over context.

  1. Petrodollar collapse. It is probably why we are posturing/attacking Iran. Also why we cut the undersea internet cables back in 08 (to stop a planned Iranian Oil Bourse). As long as the oil keeps flowing and oil producing countries continue to play nice things will be ok. (but I doubt that).

  2. Infrastructure collapse. This is much slower to happen alone, but can be manifested immediately if 1 happens. Consider your local area (anytown, US), and then imagine that the trucks of food stop coming (due to highway disrepair, oil costs, or in extreme situations militant/military blockades). How long does it take before your area is in riot mode? Hungry groups of people are dangerous and unpredictable.

  3. Civil War. I know this sounds far fetched - and I am not one to prescribe anything so draconian, but especially if 1 or 2 happen, I believe it is possible. I do believe, for instance that in the next 4 years, RObamney will escalate the presence of drone planes in the US. This might upset the shotgun-on-the-porch-git-off-my-land types. Also assess the chasm of difference in ideology between the far right and the far left. One group actually believes the president is an evil dictator from Indonesia bent on world dominance, and the other group gets arrested for having "anarchist literature". Polarized groups with massively different narratives about what America is and what America means. As strange as this sounds: CO, WA, and OR all have marijuana legalization on the ballot this round. The FED has said "we will arrest the whole state if we have to". So seriously, fucking weed could be the straw the breaks the back.

  4. Auditing the Federal Reserve. There is a movement in both left and right camps to audit the fed. While I agree that this should be done, the effects will be disastrous for the general public (assuming that the house of cards is just that - cards).

  5. Mexico. Mexican drug lords have a standing army of over 100,000. And through the grace of the ATF, we have been arming them well. Mexico is going to be an issue for a number of reasons: first, if Mexico collapses (almost definitely) there will be a huge flood of refuges to the border. Second, if Mexico doesn't collapse, it is going to be taken over by the drug lords in a very intrinsic and inescapable way. I am predicting (I know this is left field) war with Mexico in our lifetimes, sooner if 1 - 4 happen.

Understand that when I talk about societal collapse, I don't imagine a Mad Max world of punks running around the nuclear wasteland looking for The Juice, mate. I think of a massive shift in social conditions, and localized refugees that can't hack the change. I can grok the idea of FEMA style quadrant lock-down martial law, but I don't think that will last long, or it will become so normalized that "society" does not collapse, it is just radically different.

My fear is not the government coming for me. It is that the government will pull the tablecloth out from under us (on purpose or by happenstance), and some great portion of us are not prepared for such an event. The issue is the other people, dependent on the system (not even talking about welfare queens, talking about latte-junkies) freaking the fuck out and raiding your garden at night for the carrots.

Anyway. So, those things are what are on my radar. There is some other stuff too, but these are the big issues I see.


You're behind a man who wants to extrajudicially detain American citizens, continue the never ending wars, and sink this country's economy; and if we oppose him you play the race card. Your moral compass is broken.

Sorry to say, but you are successfully being duped, then.

And how do you feel about Jill Stein?

The same question in 1938, germany.

I do. I have a running list in my head. Some places just seem to suck. And I would go with nukes, collapse leaves remnants. Where are you from again?

But speaking for "murricans" other than myself, that is a very strange assumption to make. Most people I come into contact with on a daily basis don't remember the name of your country. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm confident they don't care about your country enough to want to "collapse" it, or even remember it's name and plenty who wouldn't even know what continent it's on.

We still have units and mercs in Iraq. We're also in Afghanistan; and we bomb Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan.