Alex Jones has lost it.

15  2012-10-27 by [deleted]

I know he gets too much attention here, but today (Friday) he reached a new level of insanity. He claims that the coming storm on the East Coast is a conspiracy. That's right, he thinks the fucking weather is a conspiracy -- that the storm is man-made to swing the election.


Alex Jones never had it.

Damn, you beat me to it.

Clyde Lewis did....

AJ needs to realize there are some subject abut which he cannot offer an informed opinion.

Like his claim that our elites are 'satanists' this one seems way far out there.

they are satanist in the higher circles. The rothschild are wearing satanic symbols.

and Bohemian Grove,Skull &Bones rituals aren't real too?

Yup, because a goat head necklace is definitely automatically referring to an obscure demon. Pull the other one it has bells on. Also, the upside down cross is a christian symbol known as the Cross of St. Peter, with the origin being that St. Peter was supposedly crucified upside down.

the goat is the baphomet

Yes, that would be the 'obscure demon' I mentioned.

way far out there? way far out there is believing in a giant invisible, immortal, all powerful being living up in the sky who is there to answer all your prayers except he doesnt, allowed his most respectable followers to mollest little boys and has allowed all the evil this world has seen to continue on, or was this the satan part?............ whatever...

I wonder if you've ever reflected that your view about religion is not yours, but is a viewpoint that was impressed on your mind by the popular culture, and that the popular culture has been shaped over decades by the media? No? I didn't think so.

im glad you asked me a question and then gave YOUR answer, my answer would be that i have and i can not in any way believe in religion, it is as corrupt as politicians. some of the ideas brought on by religion i can agree with however.

My point is that the popular upswell of resentment against Christianity (and that is the main target) didn't just happen, it was engineered in the media. Those who accepted this hostility against "religion" (really against Christianity) didn't come to this conclusion on their own, they merely adopted a pre-existing viewpoint in the media, and by extension in their peer group.

really? because i couldnt fathom the concept of needing empty acceptance since the age of 4?5? and i didnt watch tv until i was 7.

Alex Jones is part of the global elite's plan to control Western populations. By having this guy constantly spouting off baseless shit like Satanic Illuminati, anyone who listens is distracted from the real truth - that the elite are non-religious but solely use local religions to control local populations.

Everything that Alex Jones says is meant to lead truth-seekers off the path to real knowledge. Every insane topic he comes up with is a red herring, and the global elite use that to their advantage. Are people about to come upon the real truth of something? Here, let Alex Jones distract everyone while we cover up our trail.

I don't see how people don't see it. There are real conspiracies going down all the time, but it's so clear that most everything AJ says is nothing more than a distraction from the truth. I mean, seriously... Satanists? Who the fuck buys into Satanism, let alone the global elite? And why Satanism anyway? Why not Hadesism? Why not Baal worship? Why not Paganism? It's because most people who listen to Alex Jones have a Christian background, so Satanism is scary. Argh! It's just such transparent bullshit, and I don't know how the fuck people buy into it!

EDIT: I don't mean to say Alex Jones is necessarily "installed" by the global elite but that he is useful to them. This is why they keep letting him do his thing. Real movers and shakers get locked up or killed if they gain to large an audience.

EDIT2: Sure, I pick on your guys' god and get all kinds of downvotes. You guys are as fair and balanced as Fox News.


he would have been discredited

what they are trying all the time

Why Alex isn't dead.




He's probably right.

Whoever made this post didn't do it to discredit Alex Jones, they did it to discredit HAARP being used as a weather manipulation device.

why not both?


Pot, kettle, black

Oh hi there. How are you today?

How clever. That's a fantastic technique. I had never even considered that one before.

What a crazy-ass shill plant.

my thoughts too.

Ever heard about H.A.A.R.P. ? Check that out first, you may reconsider your post... As far as Alex Jones goes, I lost interest in him 4 years ago...he had some good points though.

I'm assuming it is because of HAARP.

there is a thread on it here.


LOL I don't listen to Jones, seems like a self aggrandizing blow hard and I'm not convinced he isn't cointelpro. There are a few things in the overall conspiracy I haven't quite bought into. the whole HAARP thing is one of those. Last three major quakes were blamed on that. There was a radar image of one hurricane that showed something like HAARP being used to turn the storm. Might be able to find it on youtube with the right search.

Has the OP never looked into the study of weather mod and the use of high frequency to steer pressure systems? I'd suggest looking into a more. The Indy researcher Dutchsinse gives excellent analysis.

Dutchsinse gives an excellent overview of how uneducated the population is. Truly surprising that people do not realize weather radar makes sweeps in circles.


"This program does indeed have the ability to alter the Weather"

Not sure if troll or retard


If he's that stupid and knows HAARP doesn't control the weather, where does that put you?




well no. It is exactly the right word for the situation. It is not as PC as "mentally handicapped" and has that little bit of contempt. Some of the stupid shit making people that read this subreddit insane sometimes is exactly that, retarded. I was not sure if you were trying to get people worked up or that you in fact believed this, no one with a fully functional brain can believe HAARP can control the weather, hence either you are a troll or a retard.


I see my initial suspicion was correct. There is absolutely no chance of me having a civil conversation with someone that believes HAARP can change the weather. Good job of proving it so quick.


here is the only video I could find. I have seen one that shows a beam turning a hurricane around Cuba but couldn't find that one.

You haven't read shit then, nor do you understand a shred of physics.

You don't understand shit either asshat. 5 seconds of googling debunks the fake HAARP status image.

Who the fuck cares about some status image. The physics behind the place are plausible. If you don't see "any reason" then you are clearly an idiot.

Please, enlighten us, seeing as you are a shining beacon of wisdom on the subject.

You can start here. Also, fuck you for being ignorant.

None of this mentions using a HAARP-like device to control weather. Nor can it explain how messing with the Ionosphere could effect tectonic plates. Care to be more specific? Fuck you for being an arrogant fuckwit.

Go fuck yourself, you stupid child. Come back when you've grown up.

So you're not going to point out where in the wiki it says anything to back up what you're saying? How about a different source, seeing as the first one didn't match up to your claims? No? Don't worry little buddy, I'm pretty sure they cover sourcing documents towards the end of high school, so you won't have to wait too long to learn about it, it's easy when you know how! You can sit on my knee and tell me all about it.

Hugs and kisses,

Your pal Electrifired :)

:) The wiki was directed at someone other than yourself, but obviously some egos are large; not everything is about you, my inept pet. The wiki was to show that weather modification is a FACT. If you deny that, like you obviously are, you are an idiot. You are in fact worse than an idiot, you are the scum of humanity that is responsible for our current situation. So, please continue in your ignorance and arrogance and keep destroying the world one piece at a time. Eventually you'll learn.

The wiki was directed at someone other than yourself, but obviously some egos are large

It's almost like I barged in on an open forum instead of a private conversation.

The wiki was to show that weather modification is a FACT. If you deny that, like you obviously are, you are an idiot.

I never said weather manipulation wasn't a real thing, I made specific reference to HAARP, the Ionosphere and tectonic plates. Personally, I find cloud seeding to be pretty interesting and I do enjoy researching it casually. Keep building those strawmen though, the practice will come in handy for when you have a conversation in real life.

You are in fact worse than an idiot, you are the scum of humanity that is responsible for our current situation. So, please continue in your ignorance and arrogance and keep destroying the world one piece at a time.

You know nothing about me other than the fact I think you're an angry little man having a cry because no one takes him seriously. For all you know I could be typing this from a recycled computer I found at the dump, powered by a treadmill, eating nothing but wild berries in an attempt to keep this world intact.

Look man, I want to apologize. I'm sorry. I was angry that day when I made the post and shouldn't have let it out onto the world. Have a nice day tomorrow.

Fair enough, hope all is well. You have a good day too.

That's the truther attitude!


Wouldn't that be rational?

Haha, the problem is we don't live in a rational world.

perhaps that is what they are trying to do, assuming "they" are doing anything, I don't know.

Now what if this is actually true ?

It is rumored that Santa Claus delivers presents at Christmas. Now what if this is actually true.

Your reasoning is seriously flawed.

Okay /r/conspiracy let the downvotes begin:

Weather modification is real her a example:

We dont know much about HAARP but it does have the possibility to change the weather. I did have listen to Alex Jones on friday (DOWNVOTES NOW!) Alex didn't say that HAARP created Hurricane Sandy. He did say maybe Hurricane Sandy could be produced trough HAARP. Big Difference but OP freaks out like a little girl.

If you still don't belive me Weather modification doesen't exist:

EDIT: Also Alex Jones is here interviewing the HAARP program Director Dr. Paul Kossey:!

Weather control. Reasearch it, seriously. The geneva convention bans the use of weather control in warfare. The ability exists logically if a major policy has been constructed of it.

This is a good point. Also, maybe the idea of creating a hurricane from scratch is far-fetched. But technologies, whether it include HAARP or not, may exist to take an existing natural hurricane and just guide it, or nudge it in the right direction. You may not have to create it, but if you can manipulate it that would be good enough.

He is the Israeli gatekeeper. He will talk about all this other stuff but when it comes right down to the core of all things, Israel, he fends off attackers.

Israel is a world leader in scientific research, which includes weather control. And they and Saudia Arabia were complicit in the 911 attacks, so that is probably where those weather towers he refers to came from.

You have to filter through his truths and disinfo,,and babbling

I don't believe they know how to manipulate the weather yet. But they are working to that end. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

14 downvotes for linking to an Air Force document. It sure smells funny in here.

... and you don't believe a microwave oven can heat your coffee?

? I went thru my recent comments. I can't see where I ever said that.

I don't like my coffee reheated in the microwave oven, however I'm well aware that people use the microwave oven for that purpose.

Have a cool day!

In the same way that belief in airplanes implies that the US government has flying S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carriers.

:) The wiki was directed at someone other than yourself, but obviously some egos are large; not everything is about you, my inept pet. The wiki was to show that weather modification is a FACT. If you deny that, like you obviously are, you are an idiot. You are in fact worse than an idiot, you are the scum of humanity that is responsible for our current situation. So, please continue in your ignorance and arrogance and keep destroying the world one piece at a time. Eventually you'll learn.