misandry conspiracy

0  2012-10-30 by [deleted]

haven't you ever notice in every commercial men are portrayed as idiots,slobs,and morons.Or in every sitcom female on make violence is thought be funny, but the reverse is tragic and disgusting. Is it weird that in every sitcom the fathers are either morons or deadbeats i.e simpsons, i hate my teenage daughter,etc Although i am not white i always wondered why white males are usually demonized in the media, and also that black males are thought to be deadbeats, when in fact a lot of them want to stay but are usually not wanted by the mother, it's just a couple of things that's been boggling my mind and if there's some kind of conspiracy going on against males.


Seriously? A very large majority of lead characters in TV and movies are strong, white males.

Have a look at the Bechdel test and think about how many popular movies pass it.

Try to think of a few movies where the lead role is woman or minority, and they just happen to be that instead of their gender/ethnicity being their defining characteristic.

That's interesting.

the bechdel test is one hecka eye-opening way to analyze the things one watches

I am going to have to rewatch all my favourite films to see which ones pass now.

The vast majority of lead television characters are white heterosexual males. If you think that men are being demonized in the media, than you must be watching very different shows than I do.


I'm not trying to troll anyone. That's my actual opinion on the subject.

Get your verifiable facts out of here! The truth is in "youdonedidit"'s protruding gut!





ooof - still think it's me?


maybe you're just an asshat

exposed as what? How many times do you think I can downvote you (hint, it's 1). Who are my other posters?

I didn't bother you after you took your toys home with you (very immature way to handle a discussion by the way) until I saw the thread where you posted saying that you are being targeted. And then you said that you proved I'm a troll - still waiting for that evidence...

You also said my arguments didn't make sense - but it's obvious you never fucking bothered to think

Who's paying him? I'm curious here, what organization is paying to shill against men?





Why is it so hard to believe that instead of being a conspiracy, that instead... That is what people find funny in comedies?


Violence against men is only considered humourous because of the social assumption that a woman cannot really harm a man - it's actually sexist against women not men.

I am not saying there is no anti-male prejudice in any areas of life but that specific thing is a consequence of the society believing in the inherent "harmlessness" (and thus powerlessness) of women.


The difference is though, it's portraying maleness and virility as strength and power (even if that means violence against men is taken less seriously since they're considered able to stand up for themselves) and femininity as weakness.

I know which side of that equation I'd rather be on and its the assumption of strength side, there's not an equivalence. Both are stereotypes but there is a clear imbalance in them.


Oh I understand that the dominance relation hurts both parties but this is evidence for not against a male dominated society (I think that society is less and less so, but there are lingering effects from history still this being one of them).

In fact the reason a boy might shoot up a school in this situation is that he is taught he is dominant by a culture that is living in the past but the reality of his life does not back him up, therefore he tries to re-assert his (as he has been taught, rightful) dominance.


Yes but the point is those are consequences of a male dominated society that impact badly on males, not the consequences of misandry. Domination hurts both sides.


Your examples almost all predate feminism. Lets take them one by one:

  1. Trivialising rape of men - this is partly the same as the violence issue but also partly down to the fact originally rape was a crime against the husband or father of a woman not against the woman herself. Men did not have guardians in the same way so the concept makes no sense for them.

  2. Overreaction to male pedophilia comes back to the notion of "harmless" femininity which as I said, is a symptom of culturally dominant maleness.

  3. Women getting lesser sentences, again the same issue. A woman is not perceived as a threat so people don't feel the fear that drives them to call for heavy punishment.

  4. In the uk all healthcare is free at the point of use. You are probably talking about "reproductive" health? I don't know how America works but stuff like that tends to be publicly funded because the state doesn't want a bunch of extra babies being born to poor mothers who then claim welfare for the children.

  5. Modern divorce law is indeed a bit fucked up and mostly an over-reaction to victorian divorce law. So far this is the only thing that can be put down to feminism.

  6. Men having a monopoly on the soldiering profession, absolutely again about the fact men are seen as capable of handling the power of arms vs women who are cute fluffy powerless things best left to domestic type tasks.

  7. How much do men not in combat roles get paid?

Of 7 points 5 are clearly the result of a masculine dominant culture and only one is the result of feminism.


It doesn't mean anything for the future of mankind. I am not a particular fan of slutwalks but I don't see how its more than some particular cultural phenomenon, in some cultures women walk about bare breasted all the time in others they cover from head to toe.

Also "looking" at them won't get you vilified as a pervert, that's an exaggeration, maybe if you started breathing heavily and rubbing your trousers as you looked it would.


Because he did it to protest the thing the people vilifying him were doing... duh?


If you do something with the intention of opposing a group that is protesting you shouldn't be surprised if that group doesn't like what you do. It doesn't say anything beyond that.


"Attacked" - from what you said I gathered they criticised him. Everyone has the right to criticise things. Ok I re-read, my mind interpreted "attack" as criticise.

Well obviously its wrong that they attacked him, but again, if a Muslim went to an anti-Islam protest and did something to oppose it he might get attacked to, it doesn't mean anything about society as a whole.

you need to meet people who actually identify as feminists, the the straw man you've constructed here

Link me to any feminist article that seriously promotes hatred against men

you should really take some gender and minority study classes at some point

you are an idiot, I clearly was talking about the whole male figure being portrayed as "idiotic" not talking about violence against men.

Where are you getting that violence against men is something that is over popular in TV anyway? Through the years, I can literally think of very few instances of it ever occuring, and even less so can I think of instances that it was considered funny.

If you give me examples from the Simpsons, or Family Guy, or some other satirical cartoon, I will laugh at you. I'm going to need real examples, and more than simply one. If it's as pervasive as you claim it is through television, 2 or 3 examples shouldn't be so difficult to come by, considering the burden of proof is upon you.

Oh and lastly as a white male living in this day and age. As if I give a fuck about stereotyping. I am literally the most free and benefitted sex/race combo on the planet due to my skin color and cock.


So... kicked in the balls. Which, is hilarious in many circumstances... everybody knows that..

and .... Sharon Osbourne... those are your examples?

Try again.


You aren't very bright are you....

It is beyond common for it to be hilarious if a guy gets kicked in the crotch. Go watch youtube for 5 minutes you probably can't go 10 videos without seeing a crotch kick. Are you really so dull that you are going to flip out about something like that?

How are you going from violence against males on TV (without any real evidence I might add) to crotch kicking.... and now to genital mutilation? Now I'm going to need some evidence that genital mutilation is common enough on TV and laughed at to take you seriously.

You are just being more and more silly as you continue to post.


There are conspiracy folk, then there is.... you. As per most conspiracy nutbags as I like to call them. You basically just get angry and start name calling. So good job on that account. Don't try to separate yourself from the herd or anything right?

Secondly, I ask you for some evidence that people laughed at a guy getting his genitals mutilated. Ah, but first, you honestly have to give me evidence, that someone is laughing at the act of male genital mutilation, So... a joke about the ole Bobbit case, not going to count. Humor doesn't equal misandry. Humor = Humor. If I tell a joke about Jews, or blacks, or white rednecks, or gays.... it doesn't automatically make me racist, or homophobic, humor is humor.

So you prove to me that it is common for people in the US, to actually laugh at the true act of male genital mutilation, so I can take you seriously.

As for your first example, it is quite flawed. It is a matter of size, and the perception of brawn versus weakness. Women are normally categorized as physically weaker, men as physically stronger. If you see a badass looking biker chick running away from some scrawny nerd guy wearing glasses and suspenders.... You still going to think she's running cause he tried to attack or rape her? Get real. If you saw a weight lifter guy running away from a little scrawny guy... you going to think the weight lifter is running cause the little guy tried to attack him? No, you aren't, because it's a matter of perception of weakness, not a matter of misandry.

Lastly, this is a conspiracy sub, however it's not a place of make-believe where all your wee theories are equal, and then curse out anyone who disagrees with your silly non-evidence based theory, and then act like a gorilla throwing his feces around cause he didn't get the proper attention that he wanted sub


You've given me no evidence that anybody laughs at real violence of any kind frankly. You have only given evidence that 'comedic violence' a groin kick, or a pervy guy getting slapped in the face, or things like that are comedic. Which is obvious to everyone. So please, give real evidence that anyone is laughing at real violence Man VS Man, Woman VS, Man, or any other kind of violence. Because I frankly don't see it. The best you can do is come up with 'comedic' violence. Of course it's funny to see a perceived 'weak' girl slap a perceived 'strong' man in a comedic format... That is the entire point of it. It doesn't work the other way you say? That's because who is going to laugh at the normalness of a perceived 'strong' man slapping a perceived 'weak' girl... there is no crossed roles, no counter to logic, it simply isn't humorous because of its nature. Not because of some 'taboo' but because it's just not silly in any way. It's silly to think of a little girl slapping a big ole man, because it's opposite.

You are just being nonsensical and argumentative with no logic behind you if you are actually claiming that people would look upon a big burly biker chick running from a street scrawny little nerd guy and think "Ohhhh he was gonna attack her or rape her!". Seriously.... come on dude use some real logic and not just trying to find vapid arguments that will back up your so far, baseless claim.


You really don't pay attention, it's about perceived weakness and juxtaposition. A 7 foot woman beating up a 4 foot man, is not funny... there is no juxtaposition, no opposites, no crossed normalcy.

A 4 foot woman beating up a 8 foot man, yes, that has comedic value. I'm sorry you don't understand comedy, you seem to take things a bit too seriously so I get it.

Pay attention a little bit instead of simply not reading what I said and assuming you know what was said. You just demonstrated that you didn't pay any attention, or simply did not understand what I posted.


Yes, that is exactly what I said, you really don't understand juxtaposition at all. You are a minority in that I assure you. Just because you don't understand something hardly makes it a conspiracy against men though. Perhaps a little spelling correction and attention to punctuation would also help your argument, but based on a complete lack of understanding of why the two scenarios have different values or comedic value, it still wouldn't help you. Since you simply and obviously don't understand any of it though, as you have just said, I'm not arguing with you about it.


that's like saying a black person beating up a white person is hilarious but the other is not hilarious because whites have oppressed blacks for too long so it;s okay. that's exactly what your saying just with men and women.

Except that science would recognize there is a much larger number of differences between men and women as supposed to say, white men and black men. You really don't think much, do you?

Oh right, I'm sorry - you've already researched all of this you just don't want to share those good sources with us.

Just stop, you simply do not understand the concept and you literally look like a complete idiot right now. You prove you don't understand it because you keep flipping it around in all sorts of ways that make no sense, and have no bearing on the discussion at hand anyway. Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it conspiracy. Fallacy from ignorance.


How very mature of you. A real class act.

I can't understand why someone who can barely use the english language, and curses like an uneducated cretin, simply isn't taken serious?

That sounds like a conspiracy against you!


It's not you funny you lunatic... There is no TV show with graphic violence that people are laughing at, do you realize that? Can you honest get that through your head? Nobody, outside of the sociapathic spectrum, is laughing, at any kind of graphic violence.

I've explained to you multiple times why it has nothing to do with "Female on male" violence, because I guarantee that if there were a little teeny midget man on a TV Sitcom, and he gives a good whack to a ginormous body building woman, people would still find it funny.

Why do you not look at the errors of your proposition, instead you simply insist you are right, even though literally all evidence is saying you are not.

I have no idea who evenmoretiredoflibs is by the way, and I don't even browse conspiritard.

Well if that was the case wouldn't America's Funniest Home Videos be like the nexus of your conspiracy?


So what's the shift then?


You can't understand my comment and you are telling me to use my brain? What a jackass.

You said that it's a shift in thought - brought on by a conspiracy. But if it's hard-wired into out brains, it isn't a conspiracy then, is it?


If it's wired into our brains that means it's existed that way for basically millennia. So that's not really a conspiracy, now is it?

That's a different question from what is served by propagating misandry. And is that really a conspiracy or a race for the lowest common denominator? Given that it's already hard wired into our brains - I'd say a race for the lowest common denominator.

I call you a jackass because you don't use your brain.


You used the word hardwired - which you obviously don't understand as it implies something being set upon creation that cannot be changed. That's not the same thing as brainwashing.

Geez - you think the entire history of the world in the form of war would be enough to make us accept violence towards men - why do we need America's Funniest Home Videos?

You are going to have to find reasons that demonstrate why there would be a reason to brainwash people, as opposed to trying to appeal to their more base responses.


I'm sorry, but I could not disagree with you more.

You sound like a paranoid fool with no understanding of the concepts he is discussing. Feminists against men? Umm no, I'm a man and a feminist, it's actually pretty easy once you stop acting immature. I think most men misunderstand feminism and think it's something that is against them because of the name, but that is more about the acknowledgement of the entire history of humanity generally disregarding women.

As for race? You just sound like a paranoid white person pissed at your slimming demographics and therefore, importance, in this country. Do you see a lot of minorities attacking white people simply because of the fact that they are white? As opposed to the history of segregation in the southern half of the united states which was based upon skin color (and some ideology backing the theory). As opposed to what happens to black people every day because they are black.

Maybe you find battles everywhere because you look for them? I'm white, I have black friends. I live in NYC in a not fantastic neighborhood and people don't bother me because I'm white. Yeah, class issues exist, but those aren't race issues. People here don't dislike white people because they are white, they had rich people because they seem to be greedy.

If you just tried to understand people for a change instead of wantonly spraying your ignorance - the world just might make some more sense.


Because feminism is that. Feminism isn't just about women. I said the title is an acknowledgement of our shared history in a way 'humanist' doesn't quite reach. Who said women are innocent no matter what? This is by what I mean when I said people completely misunderstand feminism, women included. Women don't have equal rights, have you ever spoken to one? I guess you don't remember how we had to pass an amendment to the constitution in order to grant them the right to vote, because they were somehow not implied in the "every man is created equal" statement.

How do women have more rights? Feminism is the only movement that is ever going to get close to achieving equality as it is based upon listening and not telling women to shut up. If men would participate in feminism then you would see more feminists campaign for equitable divorce laws and similar things, I fully support them and don't know of any women who don't. However, the Men'sRights groups are dead set on telling women what there experiences really are: "You are equal, I said so. I don't care if you say otherwise". Have you ever been to MRA, they share stories about how they won't get into elevators with just a woman, because they know she will sue for sexual harassment. I've never heard of anything more ridiculous in my life.

it's obvious that zimmerman shot him in self-defense

Feel free to live in your own world. Though why don't you cite the federal case against Zimmerman as evidence of yourself being wrong? As opposed to a civil case? Are you really this dumb?

So your examples are a complete misunderstanding of Feminism and your interpretation of the travyon martin case? Try harder, please. For a second I thought maybe you weren't a fool, but then you regurgitated a dense ignorant block of text.

i don't like that because i want equality for all races and not just for minorties

Ok? So what's the big difficulty for whites? They have to compete with others to get into colleges? Colleges want more diverse student groups because it creates a better environment? Poor white people! They have everything so difficult!

for the sakes of our sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, please keep fighting the good fight.


What makes me brainwashed? Is it that I'm able to express my ideas without referring to rough generalizations of entire races or genders? Is it because I don't have to make things up in order to prove my point?

When did I bash white people? I suggested white people don't have many troubles which seems like a pretty accurate statement. You seem to be confused as to the whole idea, really. What troubles do white people have? Tell me.

i bet you support affirmative action which actually destroys minorties and not help them because it tells them that they are inferior so they have to lower standards for everybody else, so they have to settle for mediocrity

This is a bizarre understanding of affirmative action. You could make the point that it's unfair to all races, but to suggest that it actually reinforces inferiority is ridiculous as it's a direct pathway for minorities into the parts of the system they previously had no access to. It's called the 14th amendment, by the way. And it doesn't state that affirmative action is illegal unless you are aware of any supreme court decisions I'm not (obviously not the case). It's funny that you refer to an amendment that was only necessary due the incredible racism of the white society at that time. Or do you think something about "all men being created equal" inherently doesn't apply to black people?

You suggested white people are being oppressed yet the only thing you can cite is affirmative action in colleges. That's not an incredibly strong point considering that many black people have trouble finding good employment because of the fact that they are black. It's also not a good point considering many colleges are private. Sure public colleges maybe shouldn't have affirmative action - but it is a debate. Many would say public colleges should be there to help the minorities that otherwise have no access to higher education.

Blacks are more in bondage than they were 300 years ago, that's why they vote democrat even though most democrats were part of the kkk and fought for slavery. (and no don't say i'm conservative or a republican i hate obama and romney both equally). I admit, i used to have the same ideas as you did until i woke up. Hopefully you will too.

I'm sorry but you are just a moron. Apparently you are unaware that the political parties have switched since then, as if it was even a point anyway. Woke up? It sounds like you crawled into a hole as you can't refer to anything in the real world to prove your point.

I'm pretty sure there is a correlation between people that think gender and race equality can't exist, people that post in /r/conspiracy, and people that don't know about 'line breaks' and write everything in one massive paragraph - they are really really really fucking dumb.


this is the god damn internet who cares about grammar, punctuation and spelling?


people looking for an intelligent and rational argument care about such things.

Who complained about spelling? I'm pointing out your inability to use paragraphs which does make it difficult to read your ridiculous diatribes.

who said that i said that whites are oppresed.

To suggest that whites need equality would imply that they don't have it.

okay name one thing the democrips have done for minorties except promote affirmative action, mooching of the tax payers, allowing millions of immigrants to come to america so they can bankrupt an already bankrupt country, under obama there are now 47 million americans on food stamps, allow the killing of innocent babies,etc i guess that's what obama meant by hope and change.

Nice rant. But I'm not a democrat and I'm not going to defend their actions as it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the points I've made. If anything your comment is an incredible example of the fact that you don't comprehend and just have knee-jerk reactions to what I've written.

What is this class warfare you are talking about? They mention it on faux news all the time, is that why you bring it up?

point is that obama has further divided america with his liberal vs conservative, class warfare,etc. the democrats and repubs are two side of the same coin owned by zionists who care more about israel and want to destroy america, bush started this and obama is going to finish it. so please do yourself a favor and wake up

Hey fuckface - how dumb are you? None of this has to do with misandry, feminism or race equality. Modern Family has nothing to do with what has happened to this country since 9/11.

You're obviously not a complex individual if you can't tell the difference between feminism and the military industrial complex.

but my only choice is to wake people up to what they are doing by further dividing this country.

You mean by doing things like telling women they have equality even though they don't seem to think so? You are quite the uniter.


Oooh! I'm a libtard, even though I'm not a liberal. Real clever. And you are a doodie head! Nananana!

is this some type of cruel joke. you've got caught in the act.

Caught in the act of what? Do you think it's surprising that other people find you moronic as well? You are the only one here using words like 'libtard'. Even though you 'aren't partisan'.

So you think I posted this thread to conspiratard under a pseudonym TinyLoad?

Just please try to became more open-minded and don't believe everything you hear see or read. Just remember everything or anyone has an agenda.

What's your agenda then? Sharing your ignorance? I actually came here to make a genuine effort to explain to you how your understanding of feminism and racism are actually misunderstandings. You've proceeded to disregard every single point without any evidence anecdotal or otherwise. Then you suggest that I'm not being openminded. If I wasn't already convinced of the fact that you are incredibly dumb, I might have been offended.


You wish buddy, I'm sorry everyone thinks your dumb - but that's how it is when you express yourself in the fashion you do.

As an open-minded person, I'm curious about the standard of evidence you would need to understand that I'm not TinyLoad and that I didn't post it there. Is such a thing even possible? Are you open-minded?

I post here all the time and I believe in some conspiracies. I think the government did 9/11, and lies to us all the time. I think they killed kennedy and it's pretty obvious why (he wanted to put an end to their backroom warring). Yet the main difference between you and me is that I don't express myself like a 5 year old and I don't disregard complexity.

So if you think that is trolling /r/conspiracy, you should get the fuck out. Because it's people like you that are ruining the subreddit. You shout down anyone who disagrees with you as a troll or a shill and you can't resort to a single goddamn piece of evidence for anything you suggest. You can't form a cohesive argument and when people engage in conversation with you it only becomes more obvious.

I mean lets be fair, you think I'm trolling you because I don't think feminism and racism are some sort of conspiracy to destroy the family, not because I don't think Israel was involved in 9/11.

Do you think feminism and racism are some sort of monolithic entities that takes orders from a pope. Like there is a person in charge of feminism that gives all the man-hating ladies marching orders?



you are at least 10 years too late on this, Henry Makow has been saying this shit for a long long time. http://www.henrymakow.com/ His archives cover exactly what you are talking about, and a bunch of other crazy bullshit....

Beat me to it

Charlie broker touches nicely on these matter as well

sure, that group is the only one that won't have someone up in arms when stereotyped.

but for some perspective, elite circles worldwide are also inhabited disproportionately by the same.

so maybe we should all count our blessings, TURN OFF THE TV, and work together.



Psssst. The burden of proof is on the side of the one making the claim, thus, it's on you.

You provide some theory with no evidence, then a simple "No" actually is the acceptable response.


First few adverts I got when I searched for "advert" on youtube. I am gonna have to go with a "no" as well.

Not males. Americans in general. Hollywood doesn't care. The dumber TV characters are,the dumber the average American male can become without thinking about how dumb he actually is. Its what "they" want. Once we all start asking questions and saying "NO",'they" lose their power. Don't forget the little line of our founding fathers: "United we stand.Divided we fall". Understand who owns you as long as you are an obedient,docile creature.

yes exactly, monkey see, monkey do.

have you heard of Unilever? their misadrist garbage even made the msm


also http://www.reddit.com/r/mensrights which is mentioned earlier

I think what you're pointing out is confined to the target demographic. On the small amounts of tv I watch, I notice that children are seen as problematic and glorious at the same time. I notice that men and women are objectified as either being sexy, labor producers (mainly males), or child bearers (females, duh).

when in fact a lot of them want to stay but are usually not wanted by the mother

Is that common with black women? I'm a white guy that had a kid with a black women and that's exactly my predicament... she is now raising my kid with my former bestfriend (who is himself black) and even though the thought never crossed my mind, it makes total sense.

It's comedy. Stupid people are funny. Even Big Bang Theory, a show about geniuses, has them doing stupid things. Is it really entertaining when the characters are upstanding members of society? No. There's no conspiracy, it's partially true.

I would argue this phenonmenon is mostly seen in commercials that are aimed at women rather then TV Shows or Movies.

This is absolutely true. It's called predictive programming, FYI.

It's like one of those freaky optical illusions -- once you see it, you can't see anything else. Once you see how men, especially white men, are portrayed in movies and on television, it is such obvious intentional mental conditioning that it's hard to believe there was ever a time when you couldn't see it.

The pattern is simple -- white males are presented as incompetent, immature, and lazy, in contrast to women -- especially black women -- who are presented as intelligent, efficient, and always as superior.

This has had a destructive effect on the self-image of millions of white boys and men, which is sad because this media paradigm is false.

But this is only one of the destructive lies being presented in the media over and over as deliberate social conditioning. When you look for them, you see them everywhere. They are the lies that comfort liberal yuppies while they suck they cappuccino, those who have bought completely into the whole fantasy narrative of modern media, from news and sports to dramas and "reality" shows. The only constant of reality shows is that there is nothing real about them. But there is nothing real about television news, either -- it is all wall to wall lies, deliberately constructed to have a social conditioning effect.

That's why, if you value the integrity of your own mind, you MUST STOP watching television. If you watch the occasional TV drama or movie on the Internet, be critically aware of the propaganda that is being shoveled into your brain, and consciously reject it.

You wish buddy, I'm sorry everyone thinks your dumb - but that's how it is when you express yourself in the fashion you do.

As an open-minded person, I'm curious about the standard of evidence you would need to understand that I'm not TinyLoad and that I didn't post it there. Is such a thing even possible? Are you open-minded?

I post here all the time and I believe in some conspiracies. I think the government did 9/11, and lies to us all the time. I think they killed kennedy and it's pretty obvious why (he wanted to put an end to their backroom warring). Yet the main difference between you and me is that I don't express myself like a 5 year old and I don't disregard complexity.

So if you think that is trolling /r/conspiracy, you should get the fuck out. Because it's people like you that are ruining the subreddit. You shout down anyone who disagrees with you as a troll or a shill and you can't resort to a single goddamn piece of evidence for anything you suggest. You can't form a cohesive argument and when people engage in conversation with you it only becomes more obvious.

I mean lets be fair, you think I'm trolling you because I don't think feminism and racism are some sort of conspiracy to destroy the family, not because I don't think Israel was involved in 9/11.

Do you think feminism and racism are some sort of monolithic entities that takes orders from a pope. Like there is a person in charge of feminism that gives all the man-hating ladies marching orders?