/r/Conspiracy what is the thing that has you maken "wake up"?

4  2012-10-30 by Weedtastic


"has you maken"... I like that construction, not sure about the word order but "maken" has a delightfully atavistic sound.

That was the part that woken me up



Your awakening is quite recent. For me that was just another horror in a world heaped with horror -- needless horror forced on the world by the rich for their power and profit. Welcome to reality.

Iran Contra hearings. It was the first time I heard of COG, then piecing things together like Operation Paperclip and the rest falls neatly into place.

I find the patronising notion of people being "awake" and "asleep" needlessly divisive and arrogant.

Sure it has diffrent meanings to everyone to "wake up" but what i mean when you first thought " Holy shit there is something very wrong".

I was brought up to think that.

what is then your explanation that its wrong to difference between awaken people and people who are "asleep"?

Because I don't think there are two distinct sets of people "those who get it maaaan and those who don't". I think the world is much more complicated than any simplistic dichotomy can portray.

i agree but i think everyone has a moment where he realize that something is wrong with the world on a greater scale.


I am sure that looking down on people makes you feel like a better person, but it doesn't make you a better person.

Maken waken bakin and bacon. It was probably the mushrooms that did it for me.

The 2008 economic collapse was the first time I started to really question government, and I know that (thankfully) I'm not the only one.

The American Idol election of 08. Realizing that we are not free and that it is only getting worse.

Watching a Video about how World War 3 is possible. How Israel and Jewish Owned banks are pulling the strings of America and how 9/11 and the destruction of the middle east all plays into it. Could be a coincidence, but it just doesnt feel like it.

A guy I work with kept going on about this film called "Loose Change" and how it was a ridiculous that anyone would believe that.

It's not so ridiculous when you look further in to it and 5 years later it still astounds me that more people aren't willing to look beyond what we're told on the news

This was my first "Conspiracy Movie". Really good Documentry

Definitely. Really well put together with facts that could be backed up by a quick Google search too.

Well for the first 24 years of my life i didn't really care what happened, if shit hit the fan i could take care of me and my own just fine. Then my son was born and i realized all the bullshit i could ignore before meant something far more. I always knew what we were meant to believe was bullshit, i didnt need some ground breaking article or conspiracy facts, it was logic from the get go only this time i had someone who mattered to depend on me for his future.

JFK Assassination.

WTC 7.. shits cray

Always "felt" things were wrong on this planet ever since I was a kid. Never watched the news on tv or listened to it on the radio because even as far back as then it simply "felt" wrong on an intuitive, gut level basis. This is also the reason I've never once voted in my life. It's all a sham. I've literally always known this intuitively even though at the time I couldn't necessarily spell it out or explain it intellectually.

A few short years ago, I discovered that various experiences I had when I was quite young coincided significantly with what many have described in contact experiences with possible off planet beings. Researching and investigating further, I understood rather quickly that not only is this cosmos absolutely full of such entities (we are very much not alone), but as I began delving into just WHY a discovery of this monumental level of unprecedented magnitude has been keep under wraps on this planet, I began uncovering the huge level of collusion existing amongst some of the top people on this planet in the government, military, and civilian sector.

...and here we are.

Eckhart Tolle's work

The contradiction of capital accumulation

9/11, monsanto, chem trails


sorry english isn't my native language.

i can't edit the title

Waking up is not in an instant, at least not for me, and I also believe that it isn't for others. I don't know if you even can ever truly wake up.

Its more like, Hmmm... I was taught to believe X happened, but it looks like Y Z may have been factors. wtf. all well... Then the same cooky shit happens with other investigations. Appear to be coincidences, but when you further look into what other people are uncovering, it really makes you stop and think. Its a gradual transition into not believing all the BS that is spoon fed to you by the people you think are in charge.

I think eventually some people go off the deep end and try to find holes in EVERY story they hear from the distrust accumulated over the lies told from previous conspiracies.

It hit me 2001, back then i was very young and noone took me seriously. It pushed me to research about everything, to understand the big picture.

When I was in secondary and my world government teacher did a multiple month project just about researching all the conspiracies that major governments have done, even dating back to Rome.. That was pretty much it.

I really don't like the term "wake up" anymore though, it just has such a disgusting connotation of a YouTube comment saying "WakE Up SHEEpLE!!!!"

Reading The Illuminatus Trilogy at about the age of 12 introduced me to the concept that things could be a little different than they appear on the surface. I knew at the time, of course, that this book was fictional, but it got me interested in parapolitics and deep events and history in general.

After that, the next really big one was 9/11. That set the precedent for my researches into what the hell is really going on here.

Just a few weeks ago I was introduced by a friend to the book series History: Fiction or Science which as opened my eyes even more.

It's hard to say that any one thing has cause me to wake up. It's hard to even know what that means any more, as the more I learn, the less I am sure of what I learned before.

I think this is the point, though - a lot of conspiracy type researchers, like the Jesuit Alex Jones, are simply there to throw you off the trail. You have to try to get close to the sources, and view any pseudo-mainstream conspiracy researchers with a bit of suspicion.

I have found some to be more reliable than others, though - Joseph P. Farrell, Anatoly Fomenko, and a handful of others. Don't believe me, though, because just like anybody else interested in the hidden world, I could be here to deceive you. Make up your own mind.

I would say that the single thing that "woke me up" was doing the research and learning the FACT that Israel perpetuated 9/11 for its own monetary and political gain--with, of course, the assistance of various sayanim and "closet Zionists" here in the US.

Once I learned this truth, it opened me up to seeing how nearly EVERYTHING terrible that happens in the world somehow has that little rogue terror state's money behind it.

How rational people can see a threat from Iran but not from "America's closest ally" is something that is inexplicable to me.

Chem trails, 9/11, CIA

Exactly. By tag in the NSA, CFR and Bilderberg meetings.

Is there actually any evidence that chem trails are real? Can you link me to a credible scientific study? I kind of want to read up on it. (Don't just link me to a random blog)

No. Look it yourself

Ah, so you believe in a conspiracy with no credible evidence behind it? Where did you learn about these chem trails? You said you "woke up", and yet you are still blind.

It's not my job to defend myself to you. I believe what I believe and was simply answering a question. I don't feel the need to defend my beliefs to demanding ignorant people. Just a waste of my time. So instead of demanding proof from someone who doesn't feel like humoring you, look for yourself and believe what you want just don't be an asshole. Faggot

Learning that the Iraq War was fought because of the Zionist fifth column in America and its interest in doing what Israel wants.