Conspiratards are trolling r/conspiracy

73  2012-10-30 by [deleted]

I have proof that conspiratards are trolling r/conspiracy. just read this thread in it's entirety.

you will see that there a couple of users who keep on sending messages that to refute my argument that don't make sense at all. check their post history and you will see that at least one of them was trolling r/conspiracy. I remember reading that conspiratards aren't allowed to post/troll on r/conspiracy.

so i checked r/conspiratard and what do you know this shows up,

Also this too, about my post on false flags then conspiratards posted this, So comrades remember don't make the same mistake that i did and feed the troll for 4 fucking hours. Stay vigilant and kick these disinfo scum out of our subreddit.


Of course, they're 'tards, that's what 'tards do.


I suspect youdonedidit of being a troll against /r/conspiracy

Also look at the flu vaccine thread. So many idiots think that the flu virus shouldn't be in the flu shot.

Edit: Oh downvotes because I said the flu virus has to be in the flu vaccine to work? Try taking any sort of biology course people.

wait, doesn't it? i'm genuinely curious about what you're talking about.

Someone in another thread was saying how the government was putting the flu virus in the flu shot to poison people. He really didn't know how vaccines worked.

I'm not sure what you're asking. In general though for a vaccine to work either some part or the whole thing that you're trying to vaccinate for has to be in the vaccine in order to teach your body how to recognize it. A virus can, for instance, have its genetic code removed, thus rendering it unable to reproduce, and then put into people where their immune system learns to recognize it for a future date.


I don't know what type of vaccine they use in flu, but they're either using a "dead" flu virus, a live but weakened(or "attentuated") flu virus, or just flu virus parts.

I like that you asking a question is met with 1 upvote and 2 down.

What's wrong with you people?

What's wrong is that there are people, not unlike the conspiratards, that dislike any intelligent discussion happening in this sub.

They will immediately downvote anything that might lead to nuanced thought.

It's just really weird.

Like, it goes against everything /r/conspiracy is about. Seeking the truth.

I had a dude reply to me and call me a dirty zionist jew and how he's a propagandist, etc etc etc.

It's really sad that a forum like this should be set back like that.

How i learned it in school :

A vaccine consists either of toned down virus cells (so your body can learn to create anti-bodies) or actual anti-bodies.

how often is the latter used?

Yes, to stimulate an immune response, thus building antibodies and defending you in the future. The vaccine is supposed to have dead virus cells or (idk the word, but basically sluggish, near dead, easy to pick off ones) that you're WBCs easily attack. So, you may get a cold/mild symptoms because you are actually being injected with the virus, just not a healthy virus.

The conspiracy part comes in when people say the government is giving us live, healthy virus cells so we guaranteed get sick. Little crazy IMO, I dont understand what giving people the flu does (other than create conditions for a possible pandemic). Whatever though, fuck flu shots. I've never gotten one, never intend to.

That's like the motto of /r/conspiratard, is to troll this sub-reddit...



It wouldn't be r/Conspiracy if they didn't accuse you guys of that.

I can vouch for 9000sins actually banning some of these trolls.

Way to be the bigger man and stoop to their level. To play your game: how do I know you are NOT actually a conspiratard trying to make r/conspiracy look bad?

The mods are doing what they can; but it's so easy make a new account and just continue to cause disruption.

Joining the problem doesn't fix it.

We really are in information war and 'They' have a seven decade head start. 'They Live' and they saturate all media all the time.

Take your "Red Pill" and put on your special sunglasses because 'They' are all over the place, not just here, and they are relentless.


Don't ask him that! It's his favourite question.

The answer is always JewsZionists!

I'll save you the time of looking through my history and just tell you straight out that I post in /r/conspiratard.

While I don't like the brigading and trolling, I think a vast majority of posts in that thread made valid points about where your theory fails. Don't confuse "trolling" with "not unequivocally supporting my every idea".

Basically all that conspiratard does is heavily monitor this subbreddit, pick out the most ridiculous posts and then conflate that to "hahaha r/conspiracy is crazy."

Of course this ignoring the fact that conspiracy, is well conspiracy... and is such will attract some truly ridiculous conspiracies. Many of the things posted here are reasonable and actually make sense but you'll never see you little bitches linking to those. Mostly because you try to prove the entire apple is bad by pointing out a rotten part.

In fact, it shows that most people in conspiratard are deeply disturbed by the idea that some conspiracies might be real. They can't really debate it so they just cherry pick and mock the most stupid things in the subbreddit.

Doesn't help when conspiratards post ridiculous garbage in this sub. To the point where I monitor new posts to try and counteract them.

I don't really care. I have enough brains to separate garbage from valuable content. It amuses me greatly that they even exist.


heh well it must have hit a nerve with swallow cause he immediatly downvoted it when he posted, lol.


  1. I did not call you a little bitch, if you look closely I referred to the broad group of the subreddit, not you personally. However, you see what you want to see. I do thank you for coming here to discuss this in a reasonable manner though.

  2. We really aren't anti-jew. There is a small and active portion (linked strongly with stormfront) that is very active and posting and upvoting things here. Most of the important discussions don't even have to do with Israel and Jews anyway.

There's a nice solution for this anyway... it's called browsing with the new feature instead of top comment. I do this this in this subreddit because the xenophobia can sometimes obscure good commentary.

  1. You must admit believers in conspiracy theories have some very convenient rhetorical trap doors, such as claiming that any reputable source is biased and controlled by a malicious group.

True. But human thinking in general suffers from this. For example the "reputable sources" you are talking about are not as reputable as you think. Rather, you have been socially conditioned to believe these sources are reliable. A major western news network, think tank or university is little more reliable then a youtube video or blog. Both are produced by people with definite agendas. The difference is the "reputable sources" have money and power behind them, and of course social identification.

  1. Many of your objections are valid, but when you discuss conspiracy this crap is going to happen. Things which are hidden from the public are not meant to be out there in the reputable sources. Naturally when you attempt to discuss things that are obscured, the discussion may be... obscured.

  2. If you guys were really willing to discuss conspiracy theory, as you say, then you would actually be discussing it instead of cherry picking the most retarded things to mock.

I would love it if conspiratard had more substantive discussions, hell I might even start posting there. Anyways I have some papers to write and stuff so I am done discussing it. I have said everything necessary.

It's not that hard when 90% of posts that make the front page here are retarded. The other 10% are made retarded either by tttt0tttt or bumblingmumbling showing up and making everything about the joos. It's your fault, you're the ones that tolerate these idiots. You're the "little bitches" who cry when your silly sub is mocked when you don't put any effort into making it unmockable in the first place.

Dunno, you seem to be crying, responding to my rational arguments with all the logical skills of a 4th grade kid.


That's basically all you said in your post mate.


Actually, what he was explaining was the concept of privilege. Note that the male stereotype is positive - able to take a beating and keep on ticking! - and the female stereotype is negative - too weak to beat a real man!

The privilege is that male stereotypes are, by and large, positive ones (tough, strong, logical, successful in business, etc.) whereas the female stereotypes are negative (weak, emotional, clueless in the real world, need a strong man to protect them, etc.). The thing is, I'll agree that both sides are hurt by these stereotypes, as will 90% of modern feminists. This is what they mean when they say "the patriarchy hurts men too." I'm not particularly manly, I've had some mental health issues in the past, and my girlfriend rather assertively wears the pants in our relationship -- all of which I'm looked down on for by society. But the fact that I'm expected to wear the pants, be mentally blemish-free, and be a butch lumberjack are all parts of the patriarchal gender narrative. So is the idea that men can take a hit to the balls from a woman, but a woman could never take a hit to the vag from a guy.

You're fighting the same thing I am, you just don't see the other side of the coin.

ETA: Note that he never said he found the guy getting hit in the balls hilarious - he said it is considered funny.







I hope you're a conspiratard troll, too... cuz you're doing a great job making this sub look retarded. Who upvotes this crap?

It's...a conspiracy!


I remember reading that conspiratards aren't allowed to post/troll on r/conspiracy.

Not allowed to troll. Posting is fine. Cross-trolling subs is prohibited for the same reason that cross-trolling was prohibited back in the Golden Days of Usenet newsgroup - because otherwise it turns into a perpetual flame war. Nobody wants that. Even trolls don't want that because it forces out all the non-trolls.

Look, nobody is stopping you from posting on r/conspiratard. Just be polite and argue your case, and you'll quickly find out that (a) there are people there who will gladly talk to you politely and (b) there are people there who will gladly yell and scream and swear at you. In other words, it has idiots and gentlefolk just like other else. Talk to the mods if you really think that somebody is cross-trolling.

Also, I won't ruin your fun of looking through my posting history. Go right ahead.



To be honest, I have posted there and I read it on and off. It's my opinion that a lot of conspiracists take themselves far too seriously and need a remedial course in logical fallacies, but it's also my opinion that the point-and-laugh mentality of a lot of people on r/conspiritard is mean and utterly cowardly. I'll gladly tell somebody to their face that they suck (well, not so gladly - I'm not big on aggressive confrontation - but you get my point), but find talking about people behind their back reprehensible.

I have three comments, if you permit me.

1) Moderators aren't on 24/7. Give them some time to respond before you start convincing yourself that you're in a hole with no way out.

2) Just because somebody disagrees with you, doesn't mean that they're trolling you. Even if that person is a troll in other regards, doesn't mean that they're not being honest in this case. There are very, very few people are able to troll in everything they say. It's possible that a mod doesn't think that they person is trolling (though I think the mod would say something).

3) Go do something else for a while. It's a lot easier to deal with a problem when you're not as emotionally vested in it. Trust me - I've been in your position before and not once has flying off the handle ever helped me. Trolls troll in order to get an emotional reaction - kinda like one you're giving right now. The last thing you want to do is be turned into a lolcow i.e. somebody who can be milked again and again and again by trolling because they can't help themselves.


dude, you aren't being trolled, they're explaining why you're wrong.


comedy is your opinion, man. personally i think slapstick is a poor substitute for good writing.


you are making some pretty big assumptions about who thinks what is and is not ok. personally i'm not on board with either of those.

Ok, what does any of that have to do with feminism??

You see I was trying to explain to you that you have a misunderstanding of feminism. Feminism does not condone kicking anyone in the nuts, only our sense of humor does.

Looks like we gotta bust some skulls. Anybody got any addresses?

No one is trolling you, that's what you don't get. You posted a thread and I responded, pretty damn nicely too if you check my post history.

I'm sorry I disagree but it has nothing to do with my politics, you have just completely failed to present a reasonable argument for anything you suggested.

This is a constant thing, not just now, it's been like this for months.

Oh honestly I get called shill and disinfo agent all the time, first time I ever really got a thread about it though hah!

See, you guys have a problem here in /r/conspiracy, and I think most of you are aware of it, or... you see the problem from a bit of a different perspective.

The problem is do you want this place to be a circlejerk? Slinging the ole butter on each other making everyone feel happy cause they have a conspiracy.

Or, do you want this place to be a real base of information, a place to hone a theory, and gain more information for it, and help others with theirs.

If you want the first option, then just ban anyone who ever dissents. It's that easy. Ban all who don't coddle OP, and move along.

If you want the second one however, then accept that you are going to have to back up things with knowledge, and evidence, and you will accept criticism head on, and accept or deny its validity, based upon reality. Not based upon.....

but but but.... guuuuuys!!! These guys said I might be wrong!! They must be disinfo nazi muslim tards!!

What happened here was nothing more than Youdoneit showing his true face. Someone spoke up in disagreement, quite cordially I might add, and instead of using his brain, using any type of intellect at all, he went on a little kiddy warpath of insults and namecalling, utterly ignoring multiple attempts to explain the opposing theory.

If you choose the second option I listed up above.... it would be people like him that need to go.

BTW I'm not a member nor have I ever even posted in /r/conspiritard.

I'm a member of this sub, and always have been on multiple accounts I've had over the years.

Yeah, same here. Doesn't stop him from think I'm you and you are me and we are both conspiritards and cointelpro

Some people

There is only one reason why someone would pay these retards to do this in the first place: to seem bigger than they really are.


that's why you stopped responding to my posts, right? Because I don't want to talk to you anymore.

still waiting on this proof, byt he way


Gonna have to keep on hoping - because no one pays me to do this.

Do you honestly think that you are so important that someone would pay me MONEY to respond to your posts? Do you think you share some revolutionary ideas that need discrediting? All you've done is exercise your ignorance in such a fashion that it managed to alarm most of the thinking posters in /r/conspiracy - sorry buddy

p.s. free country I'll post in whatever threads I want, you liar.


That's because you didn't argue - you basically masturbated yourself in front of the mirror completely amused while everyone sat around and said "eww, gross" and now you are complaining because another subreddit found that reason enough to point you out as a weirdo.

Are you dumb? Why would I shut up? Why would I leave? It clearly bothers you anyway.

Have you ever thought about anything from someone else's perspective? I mean, clearly not in this case, I just mean in general.


hahahahaha - when did I say male on female violence is ok?

I suggested that possibly we are predisposed to finding female on male violence amusing. Perhaps that is due to the idea that women generally can't harm men? That's seems more likely to me than brainwashing due to America's Funniest Home Videos (it wouldn't be a show if it wasn't already funny).

You see, I've been incredibly reasonable. I know this for a fact, because I'm usually incredibly unreasonable. Like most of the time I would just call you dumb and make up stupid questions that would make you look dumber - but I actually took the time to explain why you don't understand feminism and you just reject it with literally no thought.


I'm not lying - go and quote me -motherfucker

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Really - why would a feminist not* care about male on female violence. That's basically the **dumbest thing I've ever heard.

If you are wondering why I keep responding it's because maybe you will kill yourself, or at least stay off the internet


They don't. Not everyone finds getting kicked in the balls funny. I've watched videos of skateboarders eating it all sorts of ways and laughed - it has nothing to do with gender issues and feminism makes no attempt to suggest that kicking guys in the nuts is cool or smart or funny or anything besides the obvious wrong of hitting another person.


Is that your last resort?

I don't expect you to become a feminist, but you can be like "oh, that was a freakout over a misunderstanding, I'm sorry"


who is my boyfriend? I played some sc2 and had a sandwich.

I can only post every few minutes on this sub so I take breaks.

I'm just wondering why now that we've clarified that you simply misunderstood that feminism would condone the abuse of men, and that it's obviously not the case, you can't acknowledge it?


Geez, you are doing this in your thread for everyone to see?

You don't think that's kinda embarrassing?


Don't you think it's kinda sad you think people that disagree with you (simply because of a misunderstanding on your own) are paid and 'out to get you' and work for the government.

Honestly, you must have a mental disorder.


A lot of people downvote your posts because you come off like a maniac, including me.

A few people disagree with your opinions - that's going to happen. It's not acceptable to rage out and blame the world for people disagreeing with how feminism treats ball kicking - which is why you seem to think I'm cointelpro


I downvote every post I see of your because you act like a maniac in each and every one.

Until you acknowledge that you are overreacting to a misunderstanding on your part (in terms of not understanding what it means when people disagree with you) then I'm not going to stop down voting your posts and I doubt anyone else will either.

People don't like your posts because you categorize people that disagree with you cointelpro regardless of any other shared characteristics.

Who has the money for this, out of curiosity? Who would be so interested about youdonedidit?

I'd love to get a job trolling shitposters like the OP - so let me know if you find out anything more about that

Oh good call - HBGary must be behind the misandry conspiracy.

No one doubt those things exist. Only that they target the OP and the conspiracy he suggested.

You see, it makes sense that the military spends money to influence people online. They've been propagandizing for years. However, who are these feminists paying people to attack youdonedidit?


Do what? Disagree with people that ask me questions about whether there is a misandry conspiracy?

You seem as slow as him to think that...


Need for what? Your attitude?


Who's that? the guy that stopped responding to my messages last night?

Better than the lot of white supremacists and new agers that are spreading their tripe here... I don't mind serious discussion but there are some elements here that are certainly more destructive.

Are the new agers and white supremacists actually bombing people right now?

No. They're not.

Some may actually be performing their "service" to the good people of their country and you should "thank them".










what the hell happened in here? Is that ...blood on the ceiling?

(there is a war underneath)



no, it's because we disagree and think your posts were of low quality.


nah, man, i just vehemently disagree with you and find your arguments silly and posts poorly written.

It's funny in the Airforce chart how enemy propaganda only slips into social media, when there is a ton of evidence of propaganda being pushed by the media. Anybody remember how the KGB said AIDS was created by the CIA in a lab? Now, I'm not taking the KGB's word that this revealed fabrication of theirs couldn't possibly be another form of disinfo, but it is very reasonable to assume intel agencies have a long history and continued use of agents and assets in media to push out their fabrications.

A good read on the subject is the book series, "KGB: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" a series of conferences transcribed and published in the early 1990's. Be warned though... the conferences were funded by George Soros (subject of many anti lefty conspiracies, still an interesting read.)

Hey, I have something for you. Do you like youtube? Do you like the KGB for a source but wish they were less soviet? Outstanding, here is a youtube of an ex-KGB defector. Enjoy.

Seen this before, but will watch again, thanks.

As far as "ex-intel" operatives/agents/assets go for info sources... I always look into their info and claims with a bit more skepticism than most sources because of their tendency to be recruited into disinfo campaigns and other nefarious activities. They still drop many tasty breadcrumbs which I note and try to get around to researching. One problem with research is the trustworthiness of info sources, lol. For example, in the KGB books I mention it is said around half of KGB was media... fucking half. That, combined with US disinfo, UK disinfo, Euro, Asian, African... the combined world's disinfo campaigns... researching shit is just weird. Gotta rely a bit more on logic than data... but have nothing to analyze without data.

The world of conspiracy research is fucking weird.






This is news to you? It's been going on for months.


Government Trolls? Do you really believe that or are you just exaggerating as this thread seems to have gotten a little out of hand. Healthy debate is healthy. Hate and the exchanging of abuse is not. I subscribe to both subreddits as I find them both interesting perspectives the problem is threads often fall into exchanges of insults and nothing else which is the problem. I really don't think this subreddit or even this topic is worthy of anyones attention in the Government, the sad fact is r/conspiracy is no threat to the Government or established order it would simply be a waste of time and resources for them to employ people to Troll this subreddit.


Dude, I totally prevented the entire eastern seaboard from being murdered and deathcamped by FEMA.

muh hero. can you save the west coast too when it happens?

How about we hope that every fucking time there is a disaster, natural or otherwise, it's not accompanied by tabloid bullshit hysteria and tabloid bullshit hysteria apologists?

nope, way to easy.







good luck with that, turkey tits. im behind 7 proxies! im a computer!


They need some flame for their shitsmoking fire.Fight fire with fir,be like them!!! Shut up,drink your fluorideProzac,take your ThimerosalMercury shots and don't look up in the sky,those streaks are perfectly normal. Just be a zombie and don't ask questions


Let me guess, only took you 15 minutes on youtube to realize that the holocaust was a lie and vaccinations cause disease? You, mister motherfucker, were never like me.


I'm sorry! Also: delighted.

Now do us both favor and keep that critical eye cast on the rest of your "comrades" here.

You, I won't have you killed, you.


I apologized for implying you were a holocaust denier. Everything else you've expressed in this thread has been full retard. I am not giving you a pass on the full retard part of the show.

Gosh - why didn't they just listen!

You are a fucking moronic jackass - nothing about my posts didn't make sense and you are clearly deluded if you think I have nothing better to do than to xpost to conspiritards


okay i now think there is some sort of meta invasion going on. it's either that or you are severely retarded


you have been here 18 days you idiot do you think you have ANY sway whatsoever on this board? Go out for a walk or something you paranoid fool


I feel sorry for you


oh shit best call in my buddies at mk ultra, can't let you be roaming the internets if you are on to me. Sorry I warned you


yes you are correct, beep beep boop beep 101010101010101010 binary solo 1010101001101001


nooo please don't!!!! I'll promise I will stop now!!!! beeep booooop beeeeep system shutting down, beeep beeeeeep beepbeeepbeeep.






Oh god this is hilarious.


Stop posting.


Why would I? I'm not the one that has a problem with posting.

You are the one that suggested I stopped posting. I just mentioned the obvious point of conspiritards wont stop downvoting you until you stop posting..


So who is paying me? They want me to make you go crazy so when you post something no one will believe it? So - what secrets do you have? What incredible facts do you have that are going to shake the world and require us to discredit you?

I'm posting because it's incredibly amusing, and believe it or not, the idea that I'm a paid troll kinda bothers me because it's not true. It is amusing, but only in the context of your complete idiocy.

I can't imagine how you would react to a real troll instead of someone that actually offered you patient arguments and tried to convince you. I get it, we don't agree. But you don't have to have a fit over it!


When did I say it was a juxtaposition? You are mistaking me with someone else, I'm pretty sure. If you can find a quote of me saying it - I'd be glad to address it.

So does my answer to this question determine whether or not I'm a shill? Is this one question that you know the answer to so well that you could never be wrong?

I don't think most people find "male on female violence" (as if that was just like an exact descriptor of something, like 'oh, I'm watching the male on female violence channel') amusing because in most cases you'd think the female would be fairly defenseless of such actions.

Though, I don't think your comparison is fair. You act is if people would laugh watching a woman savagely beat on a man. I don't think that's the case. Yeah a guy getting kicked in the nuts is funny, regardless of whether or not a female did it to him. Sure, a slap to the face can elicit a laugh in a movie, but that's fairly contextual. And I think fewer and fewer people find that acceptable every day. Some of that work is due to the MRA guys, and some due to feminists as well. Unless you think feminists think it's ok to hit guys?

So really, why are your panties in such a goddamn bunch??


I'd laugh if a dude kicked a dude in the balls and maybe not every time, sometimes I'd grimace. Depends, sometimes it can be funny if it's a little kid. It basically has nothing to do with the female. Although, are you aware there is a type of porn where guys do like to get kicked in the nuts? What do you think about that??

But I already said that. So clearly you can't fucking read. You are also a moron because you've mixed me up with everyone else, like the people on conspiratard laughing at you. It's not one person. It's a bunch of people. You really come off that stupid - try and fucking think before you post.


Ok, report people you don't like because they don't agree with you and are bothered by your ridiculous accusations.

Go run to mommy

comedy is your opinion, man. personally i think slapstick is a poor substitute for good writing.

Someone in another thread was saying how the government was putting the flu virus in the flu shot to poison people. He really didn't know how vaccines worked.

Ok, what does any of that have to do with feminism??

You see I was trying to explain to you that you have a misunderstanding of feminism. Feminism does not condone kicking anyone in the nuts, only our sense of humor does.

nooo please don't!!!! I'll promise I will stop now!!!! beeep booooop beeeeep system shutting down, beeep beeeeeep beepbeeepbeeep.

  1. I did not call you a little bitch, if you look closely I referred to the broad group of the subreddit, not you personally. However, you see what you want to see. I do thank you for coming here to discuss this in a reasonable manner though.

  2. We really aren't anti-jew. There is a small and active portion (linked strongly with stormfront) that is very active and posting and upvoting things here. Most of the important discussions don't even have to do with Israel and Jews anyway.

There's a nice solution for this anyway... it's called browsing with the new feature instead of top comment. I do this this in this subreddit because the xenophobia can sometimes obscure good commentary.

  1. You must admit believers in conspiracy theories have some very convenient rhetorical trap doors, such as claiming that any reputable source is biased and controlled by a malicious group.

True. But human thinking in general suffers from this. For example the "reputable sources" you are talking about are not as reputable as you think. Rather, you have been socially conditioned to believe these sources are reliable. A major western news network, think tank or university is little more reliable then a youtube video or blog. Both are produced by people with definite agendas. The difference is the "reputable sources" have money and power behind them, and of course social identification.

  1. Many of your objections are valid, but when you discuss conspiracy this crap is going to happen. Things which are hidden from the public are not meant to be out there in the reputable sources. Naturally when you attempt to discuss things that are obscured, the discussion may be... obscured.

  2. If you guys were really willing to discuss conspiracy theory, as you say, then you would actually be discussing it instead of cherry picking the most retarded things to mock.

I would love it if conspiratard had more substantive discussions, hell I might even start posting there. Anyways I have some papers to write and stuff so I am done discussing it. I have said everything necessary.

I like that you asking a question is met with 1 upvote and 2 down.

What's wrong with you people?

I'm not sure what you're asking. In general though for a vaccine to work either some part or the whole thing that you're trying to vaccinate for has to be in the vaccine in order to teach your body how to recognize it. A virus can, for instance, have its genetic code removed, thus rendering it unable to reproduce, and then put into people where their immune system learns to recognize it for a future date.

How i learned it in school :

A vaccine consists either of toned down virus cells (so your body can learn to create anti-bodies) or actual anti-bodies.

Yes, to stimulate an immune response, thus building antibodies and defending you in the future. The vaccine is supposed to have dead virus cells or (idk the word, but basically sluggish, near dead, easy to pick off ones) that you're WBCs easily attack. So, you may get a cold/mild symptoms because you are actually being injected with the virus, just not a healthy virus.

The conspiracy part comes in when people say the government is giving us live, healthy virus cells so we guaranteed get sick. Little crazy IMO, I dont understand what giving people the flu does (other than create conditions for a possible pandemic). Whatever though, fuck flu shots. I've never gotten one, never intend to.

Dunno, you seem to be crying, responding to my rational arguments with all the logical skills of a 4th grade kid.


That's basically all you said in your post mate.