George Bush was elected twice. Redditors are too naive to understand how this can happen. Elections are pure illusion.

93  2012-10-31 by [deleted]

DAE think that GWB being elected twice was the biggest sign that all this is bullshit? He was the worst president ever and the whole world recognized that and then BOOM hes president again. I never talk about voting with sheeple because they get all riled up and scared that they have wasted so much energy on nothing....kinda like their entire life and shitty goals/ambitions.


Goldman Sachs or Goldman Sachs for president 2012!

No way, man. Im voting third party...

Mr. Hanky for president 2012

Us President's are pre-selected so it doesen't matter

Calling redditors out on reddit seems childish. I think the majority of us know it was rigged.

Doesn't seem like OP is "calling out redditors". Seems like they're just stating a matter of fact. I personally didn't take offense at or found what they said childish.

I have hardcore liberals I know and hardcore republicans I know and when I go all conspiracy on them they think I'm nuts and then I bring this up thinking they'll get kerry got the popular vote...more humans voted for him. Should have won (not that it would have changed a thing) but the powers that cocksucking be didn't want kerry because he wouldnt bend over as far as bush so they couldnt go balls deep in kerrys ass...half shaft maybe. the 2004 election should have been a red flag for the whole world that we have no say.

then I bring this up thinking they'll get kerry got the popular vote...more humans voted for him.

That's nice, but that's not how your "democracy" works.

You should really pay more attention to how things work before pursuing the "conspiracy" angle.

Seriously. You're not even considering the non-human vote. Kerry won with sweeping margins in the nemotoad vote.

Let's start a hardcore politically charged punk band called "The Nemotoad Constituency."

I really hope you're serious.

really? Well how do things work, please explain.

It's called the "Electoral College," feel free to educate yourself.

I'm not even American and I know this, why don't you?

Obviously the Founders created the EC just to overrule the Will of the People in 2004. They saw our inevitable trajectory towards Kerrydom, and put a stop to it early.

A good portion of the founders were elitists who didn't think the common man should be able to vote because they didn't have property. People like the Kochs probably think in a similar manner that the common man doesn't have a 'real' stake in politics.

But, the electoral college was created because it was easier to send representatives who would vote for a big group. It was a technological and geography concern that created the electoral college.

You don't say?! Well I never.

Excellent lol intervention

That last sentence made you seem douche-y. Instead of being all, "...even I know that. Hahah you are so dumb. I'm so smart", educate your fellow man. It helps spread awareness and could spark change within him to learn more.

That first sentence made you sound antagonistic.

I hate when people talk down to people or make them feel inferior. "I'm not even American and I know this, why don't you?" That IS a douche-y way of talking to someone. It's pointing and laughing at yellowsnow2 for not knowing something that quite frankly, a lot of people don't know enough about (electoral college). I called him out on it so I can see how it would come off as antagonistic.

Oh, ok. You're right, democracy doesn't work that way. I'll fact check from now on. Just for you.


I'm an asshole now? Haha fuck off.

Oh does democracy work when the supreme court decides elections?

You disingenuous shit

Worst president, ever? Says who? The status quo and comedies? What about Obama? Carter? Nixon? Reagan? Hoover? Harding? Common mann..don't be a shallow thinker

Plus, what's up with hating on people? Ya they fucked us over...But hating on them?

How bout... you realize that your emotions create your thoughts and reality and stop spreading negativity?

But then they win? We need to stand up for our rights? Ha! hahahahaa.

Our rights aren't given by a government and they can't be taken by a government. Our rights are divine.

Whether you believe in God or not, you need to realize that your consciousness will exist after death and the only way to create a better situation for yourself while alive is not to hate on past presidents and play the blame game. Sounds gay, but you have to change if you want the world to change. How will other people be positive if you don't spread positive emotion. Negativity is an emotion that locks you into fear, anger, or both.

Don't let your emotions live you. Create your reality with positive thoughts, no expectations, and unconditional love.

PS. i really dont care if a troll comes along and says something like, "okay....hippy." And now, because I said that, there will probably be a comment saying those exact words. Because everyone is so hilarious when they don't try to understand your point view...or they just down vote.

says who?

Facts. Was in command as our multi billion air defense system failed completely allowing the worst terrorist attack in US history. Started two unfunded and unfounded wars. Cut taxes during war which is beyond stupid. Drove up the national debt. Expanded executive powers to a place they've never seen. Gave no bid contracts to his VPs company. Crashed the economy to its worst conditions since the Great Depression. Signed off on TARP and the PATRIOT Act. The country was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs when he left office. Need I go on?

It's not shallow thinking. I'm not going to apologize because I "expect" our elected officials to act in the best interests of his people and not his crony buddies. There is a reason Obama's "hope and change" campaign worked so well and he won in a land slide.

But with all that said I feel bad for GW, because I think he meant well but wasn't really in control and was just afraid to stand up to his puppet masters.

What evidence do you have for the claim that my consciousness will exist after death?

Look at the cover of the newest Newsweek

This pretty much David Icke's Theory.

There are plenty of established traditions that follow human characters through human lifetimes. There have also been a number of publicly recognized cases of children remembering past life experiences and being capable of identifying people/things in the world that they would have had no knowledge of otherwise.

Also there are many accounts of people who have experienced near-death experiences that offer interesting evidence for something continuous after life.


Well then you might as well give up on proving anything because I am quite sure you can't remove the person from any observation.

Our rights are controlled by the government...

if you let them

The amount of like minded citizens it would take to organize a private (because everything is monitored and would be stopped if the 'wrong' people heard about it) revolution or protest would be nearly impossible. The scales are so uneven. We need a major event to throw off the balance in order. Until then unfortunately, the government controls our rights and will take them and/or grant them as they deem suitable.

The amount of like minded citizens it would take to organize a private (because everything is monitored and would be stopped if the 'wrong' people heard about it) revolution or protest would be nearly impossible.

Slow down my friend you will never achive something with violence against them.

Ocuppy was pretty close to this at the start there were protest all over the world. But Ocuppy didn't have a real goal what it think is the reason its almost gone. What i think personally are possibilitys:

  • Support a Third Party Canidate like Gary Johnson (he will don't win obviously this year but runs 2016 again)

  • Get into politics on a local level

  • Try to inform people in your Environment

  • Find Like mineded people for activism/protest maybe here is a good place.

I understand what you are saying, but if you read his comment again, violence was not mentioned.

The words revolution, protest and 'major event' do not directly equate to violence, they can be entirely peaceful.

revolution was always bloody in history but yes you can make it peacefuel too.

Relevant Quote:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."- Thomas Jefferson


Nope i am not even a US citizen i live in Europe.

but yes i agree with them for the most part.

It's ok to say those other governments are bad, but don't say anything about ours.

Are you from the US?

If yes i must say your Goverment is bad and you should feel bad ;)

I wasn't advocating violence, I was using 'revolution' in the mentality of people sense. Something has to happen to shake up what we consider normal. A law has to be made that goes too far, a document has to come to light that shows the shady work of politicians, a catalyst of some sort that brings unity to the citizens.

“People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.” I love this quote because as of right now, IMO, the government isn't scared of us at all because they have control. Look at The Occupy Movement. I think it was in SF, they shut down wireless connections for phones to slow, if not stop people from protesting with Occupy. They bring up laws for all the tech surveillance so they can track our movements and make sure we stay in line. If you stray from what's acceptable, they switch up the game to make it illegal. We have rights as long as the government isn't threatened by us having and using them.

The amount of like minded citizens it would take to organize a private (because everything is monitored and would be stopped if the 'wrong' people heard about it) revolution or protest would be nearly impossible.

You can read it in both ways i only wanted to point it out.

Something has to happen to shake up what we consider normal.

I thought this was maybe 9/11 but i was wrong.

I completly agree with you on the other things.



Surely, naive could be picked up. Or I could see the matter of arguing presidents naïve.

Bickering about tiny details of past politicians, as if our votes were counted. As if they didn't just executively pass laws they wanted or just veto ones they didn't want.

All I'm trying to say is you could be using your time more wisely instead of complaining and trying to pin a scapegoat.

lizard people? What are you talking about? David has really good points on global economics and corruption, so give credit where due.

You want real truth, go to yourself.

Actually, your rights do not exist. They are imaginary in the same way that God is imaginary. They are a theoretical construct. The only thing that exists is physical reality. The important things are your physical health and your physical freedom. If the police or the mafia restrict your physical freedom, you will not be able to do much.

Oh really? A materialistic, atheist is going to talk about theoretical physics? How will this convo end....with tiny insults against our intelligence?

No thanks, The 21st century has proven that all matter has electrical properties.

And please don't try to tell me you're not materialistic. Here's the defintion: The theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena.

aka you.

I have no intent nor desire to insult you.

I am just trying to say that you may have the right to freedom of assembly, but if you are locked up somewhere, it does not mean much..

locked up...You planning on breaking the law? Or being around town during the riots?

If prepared, there's no need to follow your line of thinking

Well, I am a ex-boy scout, so I am always prepared...

In December of 2003, ABC news polls indicated 69% of Americans supported the war in Iraq. That was reflected in the voting results.

was he even elected once? 2000 is an obvious one, and there's a firestorm of controversy surrounding 2004

please let romney win so the 'left' can join the ranks of the 'kooks' who think elections mean nothing

Firstly it's very unlikely that either Romney nor Bush Jr would even make it onto a ballot box in most European countries.

International polls have repeatedly shown us this.

However, America is different and very diverse, there is a large core of the population who the Republican party appeal to.

In 2000 there were voting irregularities raised, but the race was tight, and Al Gore was not a good candidate.

The 2004 election was probably more shocking, Bush was starting to do badly in the polls, was deeply resented abroad, but Iraq had not yet become the absolute quagmire and Kerry was seen as aloof by many. Fundamentally people just vote for a candidate that they like. Bush got in again. Incredible.

For those who criticise the two party system, bear in mind that in Belgium they have a very democratic multiparty system, but none emerge as strong enough and the country was without an effective government for over a year.

Centuries of nonstop warfare and religious interference and violence has generally made us Europeans all very wary of anything akin to the Republican party in the States. We view candidates like Bush and Romney with horror, but that's the way the US is - one half stuck in the 15th century the other half something we'd consider normal.

Not much of a conspiracy theory, but just the way things are.

Be assured that there are large segments of Europe also stuck in the 15th century in every country in Europe.

History shows that US presidents who go to war are chosen twice, the others aren't.

Pappa Bush? Gulf War 1?

He got alot of things done while he was vice president 81-89.

"vice" president lol


People everywhere can be... If something sounds right, people up vote. If something sounds like an insult, people cheer.

People don't bother actually checking if something is correct, if something is based on fact or is just simply exaggerated. If it sounds right, it starts to get parroted. If it gets parroted enough, people just believe it is fact simply because it's being parroted.



I voted for bush for his 2nd term as a newly 18 year old before i knew what was going on. Im voting for gary johnsin now.

John Kerry's Voice: The Conspiracy from Hell

You're right. Idiots tend to generalize.

Oh wait...

I read about a nation wide write in for Ron Paul. Apparently it HAS TO BE ALLOWED IN ALL 50 STATES after some jostling in the courts.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Also, what is this bollocks Tarpley has been spouting about Paul and Bilderberg?

Can anyone confirm or deny this?

nope no information about that i personally would encourage you to vote for Gary Johnson he has the same politics like paul and your vote will be counted sure.

Also, what is this bollocks Tarpley has been spouting about Paul and Bilderberg?

I actually don't vote because I'm not a US citizen and I don't live in the US. It's not my election but from afar it looks like it's Paul or bust.

I don't really invest too much in Infowars nowadays. Alex switched me on to a fair few things when I was younger and I can't discount that. Having said that, I no longer listen to his show mostly because Alex's crazed rants, although both informed and informative, are horribly infectious and not really something I look for in my day-to-day listening.

I actually don't vote because I'm not a US citizen and I don't live in the US. It's not my election but from afar it looks like it's Paul or bust.

same here.

Ron Paul or Gary Johnson (They are really the same in a good way not like Obamney ;) would be my choice.

I don't really invest too much in Infowars nowadays. Alex switched me on to a fair few things when I was younger and I can't discount that. Having said that, I no longer listen to his show mostly because Alex's crazed rants, although both informed and informative, are horribly infectious and not really something I look for in my day-to-day listening.

The Article is written by Alexander Benesch a german journalist its only published by Infowars i think the article brings it on the point.

Yep Alex is sometimes over the top but i like his guest and his analysis is good when he isn't ranting.

Maybe you should look into his "Nightly News" where some one else from the Infowars Team is moderating the News without ranting and better presentation they are free on Youtube.

Alex Jones and his "Kosher Konspiracy Klub" are nothing but Zionist-owned and operated forms of controlled opposition. At its highest level, its entertainment, pure and simple.

AJ brings up LOTS of problems, but in each case fails to point out the Zionists--the 800lb gorilla in the room.

the way i saw this, it wasn't about voting for kerry or bush, it was about america choosing whether to pull out of iraq or try and 'see it through'. that's what won bush the election despite the fuck-ups. oh, and while he was definitely the worst american president, kerry wasn't exactly an enticing alternative.

The reason Bush got elected the second time was that we were in the middle of a War. Pretty silly to switch presidents in the middle of a war.


If people think you're handling the war well (Remember normal people don't understand that the war was Orchestrated, especially not in 2004) then they will be more likely to re-elect you so you can finish said war.

This is the logic on how Obama is going to be re-elected as well.


Sorry, I come off as a very sarcastic person (Because I'm very sarcastic.)

Let's not talk about logic, let's talk about reality. Two completely different things as you see :)

And now we have Bush III.

Second party won't get in unless people vote for them, right?

Elections are indeed pure illusion.

His first term was arguably the result of a sham election as well. Two terms republican, 2 terms democrat--that's been the pattern since 1984 and I don't see it changing.

I think the term "Americans are too naive to understand how this can happen." is more accurate. At least the average Redditor has a decent baseline of awareness about what is going on.

I saw a video of a guy on the front page the other day asking people about the election results of several days ago (yes, he was working on a false pretense the election was over).

The responses were ridiculous ... from "yes, I voted on election day" to lies about voter turn out volumes at the polls to "pretending and playing along" that they knew anything about what the guys w/ the mic and cam were asking them about. The bravado, bullshit and ignorance of the "average Joe" is absolutely horrifying. It is obvious why I have such disdain and lack of trust and faith in society as it is.

In fact he was not elected either time. They altered the Florida vote in 2000 and the Ohio vote in 2004. If it happens this time there will be blood in the streets.

Don't you think that "blood in the streets" is a bit extreme?

Especially when, as usual, the great majority of sheep won't care a whit?

Not to get of topic but what are your great goals and ambitions?

what are yours?

Lol really an answer with a question? I really don't know mine I just want to know what you would consider good goals and ambitions.


YAHWEH is /was a blood-thirsty mountain-bound entity that will grant its powers in exchange for worship and the destruction/sacrifice of non-worshipers. So what you say actually could be close to the truth.

Yep, I have recently been introduced to evidence that almost conclusively shows the god of the poor deluded Christians, Muslims, and Jews to be none other than a guy named Ish Kur, a minor component of the middle eastern pantheon.

He was a mountain god or something to that effect.

Can you link to any of that material?

I learned this from my friend/teacher who studies Asian culture and religions. He told of a story about being present when Siberian shaman were presented the 'God' of Israel and told of the story of Moses going up on the mountain. They all laughed and said, "Oh yes. We know of that type of deity. We have them here. They are very cruel and petty. We don't worship them though! That would be foolish!"


Basically, they have cataloged all types of countless entities and this one was an obvious, lowly mountain entity that appears as a powerful deity to humans in order to manipulate them.

I was actually poking around on the University JSTOR archive, but I found a book that talks about "jehova" here:

Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past

Also, there were some papyri recovered from a city in Egypt called Elephantine, which essentially prove this as well, or at least that's what I heard elsewhere. I'm not sure if they are available in a translation.


Somebody doesn't like our heresies about their false god. I keep getting downvotes here.

My problem with the Gnostics is that they have mixed their Indo-European belief system (ie Greek thought) with the alien, and quite repugnant, Semitic system, put the blender on "puree" and poured it into a mold. While I appreciate their exploratory nature and reluctance to accept the world precisely as it is seen by other Middle-Eastern schools, I also have the suspicion that their beliefs were just as stagnant and codified as any other religion that possesses an official dogma. The Gnostic texts I have attempted to read are interesting for a while, but they operate on the same type of delusional thought that is embodied in all the Abrahamic religions.

Angels dancing on the head of a pin, anyway. Not to insult those that subscribe to these kind of warmed-over Zoroastrian / Semitic meatloaf type blended religions, but they are not my cup of tea.


I can appreciate what they have, as a philosophical exercise. Their ideas (seemingly borrowed from Zoroastrians) about the true nature of good and evil are very much worth pondering. The troubadours of medieval Europe also had some very interesting ideas, partly inherited from the Gnostics but many of them directly imported from pre-Islamic Persia, which they kept alive through a process of Christianization, but without changing the allegorical meaning of their stories. If you enjoy the Gnostic writings, I would suggest you look into their European descendants as well. The Cathars are an interesting group, that was eliminated through genocide (their final demise is tragic and gave us the phrase "Kill them all and let God sort them out") but their mythology was kept alive by the traveling minstrels, whom I believe have a direct tradition stretching back to the Celtic bards.


Part on the square.

Pure illusion?

It went to the supreme court IN FRONT OF EVERYONE

The rig whatever votes they can - they got FL to the point where it was contestable and they got a hail mary from Bush Sr court appointees

A good portion of the founders were elitists who didn't think the common man should be able to vote because they didn't have property. People like the Kochs probably think in a similar manner that the common man doesn't have a 'real' stake in politics.

But, the electoral college was created because it was easier to send representatives who would vote for a big group. It was a technological and geography concern that created the electoral college.

Can you link to any of that material?

I learned this from my friend/teacher who studies Asian culture and religions. He told of a story about being present when Siberian shaman were presented the 'God' of Israel and told of the story of Moses going up on the mountain. They all laughed and said, "Oh yes. We know of that type of deity. We have them here. They are very cruel and petty. We don't worship them though! That would be foolish!"


Basically, they have cataloged all types of countless entities and this one was an obvious, lowly mountain entity that appears as a powerful deity to humans in order to manipulate them.

Excellent lol intervention