reddit is owned by advanced publications

7  2012-10-31 by [deleted]

i was just thinking about how most users of this subreddit don't like to watch/read anything that is corporate or mainstream, but this subreddit which is a part of reddit which is owned by conde nast a Subsidiary of advanced publications which is a 5 billion dollar corporation, so isn't ironic for us to be posting here. Oh yeah i already know that everybody hear knows that reddit is owned by conde nast, i just want to hear your thoughts about reddit being mainstream and corporate owned.


*Advance Publications. At least get the name right bro.

Youdonedidit, you gotta realize trolls will be trolls and sheep will be sheep. Make your point in one, well articulated comment and you'll start building karma again. Getting stuck in a dialogue just gives your opponent a chance to harass and downvote you.

Personally, I believe the intelligence agencies are watching us. But according to congress they've been getting too much data to make any sense of all it. So we're all equally at risk of being targeted for our beliefs. Some might just be more equal than others. Eventually the government might crack down, Lord knows it has been flexing its muscles. Till then. I'm going to stay dedicated to spreading the truth.

Stay happy.

we're all being watched and our IPs monitored. Honestly we should all get off of here and start playing stupid in order to survive what comes next.

It's not that hard to hide your IP.

I don't know how.

sounds a bit alarmist. do tell, what comes next?

There will, at some point in the future be a purge of the "dissenters" there has to be, in order for the New World Order to take shape, they are already in the process of demonizing the "truth" movement and the brainwashed masses are being conditioned by the normalization of police and military "renditions". So actually the quicker you hole up and play dumb, but watch the trends so you know when to act, the better chance you have of surviving any kind of purge or even some sort of mass roundup.

ever since i started posting about 9/11 on facebook i get adds that are usually just a picture of an arab dude with some arabic writing and the option to like it makes me wonder if "liking something on facebook" could possibly be enough to get you labeled as a terrorist. strange times

yes exactly, if you join "seditious" groups, like /r/conspiracy, you probably are getting marked for review.


when shtf theyre probably going to hit the internet kill switch so tor wont help


What you need is the innernette


Dude, stop responding...

Posting on reddit isn't harassment, though, I thought you were going to inform the big guy about my conspiracy?




No, you didn't acknowledge your temper tantrum which. 'Fess up, now.

I never said I would upvote you, I'd only stop downvoting you. If you post something reasonable that convinces me that maybe you thought for a minute I'll definitely consider upvoting it.


Or you can just 'fess up and I'll stop downvoting you

So close! I can feel it!

I mean come on, I'm not demanding that you acknowledge I have absolutely no relations to the people you claim I do, or that I don't work for the gov't, or that there isn't a conspiracy against you. I'm just asking that you acknowledge the gist of your behavior.

You're correct. But sometimes, things need to be said.

Everything is corporate owned. And the stuff that isn't... will have a much smaller userbase because its harder to find.

If you took the reddit code (or a forum) and installed it on your own server... it would take forever to amass over 88k members... 200+ of which are online at any given time. And we are probably only this active on /r/conspiracy because we are on reddit nearly 24/7 anyway. So when new material is posted, we respond to it quicker as a result.

But really... if you really think they are out to get you, you should be using a VPN and some browser extensions anyway.

i usually go to before it's news or disclose tv when I'm not on reddit but those sites don't have the same sense of community I.E. comment section which find very enlightening. I've known for some ttime that reddit is part of "the machine" but with no viable alternative I'm left with little choice but to continue using reddit (reddit is great regardless). Anyways, is there another social media site with a conspiracy thread i should be checking out?


I can see nothing whatsoever inaccurate with this statement.

Truth hurts.


Haha, if there's anything tttt0tttt is honest about, it's his hatred for Jews. No need to beat around the bush.


Turns out racists aren't rational people, who would've thought.


If you read my post, you will see that there is no hatred there, no insults -- merely a statement of my belief about what is happening. Please feel free to disagree. That's what social discourse is all about.

reddit as a source of "news" is still real (earthquake, science discoveries, war) but the community is dead.

the internet is the greatest invention of mankind so far. those who seek to or work to dismantle it are guilty of crimes against humanity. treason against our entire species. the worst evil.

kill facebook (leading the fascist charge), then we can regroup and hit the next target.



Funny - I said the same thing to you last night - but it didn't make sense to you then


Dude - I found this post here like I find any other thread on reddit, get over yourself.

Would you kill yourself if you found out you were wrong?


Did the above imply that I wouldn't respond to you? If I was stalking you, I'd respond to all your posts. But I think you know that. And I'd have my lackeys do it too!

Oooooo~~~ Spoooky!!


I told you yesterday I'm not going to stop downvoting you until you acknowledge that you misunderstood feminism and had a temper tantrum because of it. I see no reason why I shouldn't respond to a thread I find interesting.

Unless, do you really think I work for the gov't?


Feminism doesn't condone women kicking men in the balls - I told you that 20x yesterday - do you have that short of a memory?


Yes you did. You said feminists condone female on male violence and male on female violence and if you don't acknowledge that I will provide you a link to the posts where you said it.

That's not even remotely related to any of the points you'e made last night and you should go reread your posts if you don't believe me. If you think feminists should address misandry issues, then you should join the conversation and express it (rather than crying about how you don't understand them like you did last night).

Furthermore, what misandry issues do you think need to be addressed? The only one I can think of is divorce law in some states. With regards to paternity payments and divorce proceedings. Some states have laws where any reports of spousal abuse have to prosecuted, but that knife cuts both ways, so it's not really a gender issue in that sense. They are for gender equality, it's just that, you are clearly only thinking about your gender because I don't think the above compares to the battle women are fighting to remain in control of their own genitals.

I think that if people like you and the MRA guys didn't constantly bemoan mischaracterize and insult feminists then they would probably take up the misandry issues I've mentioned with full strength. But seeing as how you are likely going to vote for a president that has no regards for the issues they are facing, why should they listen to you? Why should they care? They are busy fighting a battle to overturn an entire history of being ignored and you want to nitpick them because sometimes in some places divorce isn't exactly fair and it's not on their list of priorities.

Why don't you try and have a reasonable discussion with a feminist and convince them that not only are their concerns worth fighting for, but yours as well? I've never seen someone do that on /r/conspiracy or /r/mensrights. You guys are dead set on telling women how it is - big surprise - they don't appreciate that!


So who are you going to vote for? Gary Johnson? he isn't going to sign the lilly ledbetter act.

Can you please stop acting like a goddamn baby?

Also, do you not understand what the word likely means? It means that you never said that, but I'm guessing based upon your posts that you just might.


Um, no I didn't. I used that as an example of why feminists might disagree with you. I didn't even tell you who I would vote for, jokes on you, it's not Obama.

Stop being a little baby.


I'm probably going to vote for the green party candidate, Jill Stein.

It was a debate between her and Gary Johnson. And while I appreciate some of Gary's platforms, I have serious reservations with libertarian economic theory, especially with regards to conservation of the environment. An issue that is given virtually no attention by the democratic party, contrary to popular belief.

So while Gary Johnson is agains the military industrial complex, so is Jill Stein. The key difference being that I think the end result of libertarian markets is corporate tyranny, so why would I vote for that?

And yeah, I wouldn't worry about the federal reserve, because there is no way that someone that wants to get rid of the fed will get elected. He would be shot in front of everyone before that would happen again. So while it's a change to hope for, it isn't realistic to ever expect. But I'm also not someone who believes the end result of government is inescapable tyranny so I don't necessary have many peers in this subreddit, in that sense.


No, I just fucking told you why you illiterate twit.

If you haven't noticed Ron Paul isn't running and I don't agree with libertarians so I'm probably not going to vote for one.

Although there is an interesting correlation between the amount of women represented in a country's parliament and how much they spend on the military. In this case more women means less military money. So am I voting for her because she is a woman? No. Do I think bringing some feminine perspective could create a more moderate sensible environment? Yes, quite possibly.

Try to think before you respond to me, please.



Going through post history, all I see is them disagreeing with your silly 'misandrist' conspiracies and very flawed view of feminism. That doesn't make them trolls.

All of who? Why are you implying that you are separate from the rest of r/conspiracy? Are you from somewhere else?

I was going to edit and change it to 'us' actually, but there was already a response to it and I didn't feel like having him complain that I was editting my posts or something.

I said it in that way because he's not making me look like an idiot because I'm actually calling him out on his bullcrap. Though I should have realized that the way I wrote it could have been taken differently as you have pointed out.

Your welcome to be in this community. Its just I beg you not to call youdonedidit on asking our opinions on the hypocritical nature of protesting corporate conspiracies on a site owned by a huge corporation. That's not a bullshit question, it's a legitimate concern.

I think you can take a look at his posting history and see he simply spouts bullshit and has no regard for any kind of honest discussion.

yes exactly, if you join "seditious" groups, like /r/conspiracy, you probably are getting marked for review.