DAE think this subreddit is totally manipulated?

6  2012-11-06 by [deleted]

Just wondering...


Eh, it's gamed and trolled a bit, but complete manipulation is a bit too bold of a claim.


Iunno? It just is? It's not really something you can prove, or disprove without access to all the data, and IP addresses.


So what makes you feel that the mods "totally manipulate" this subreddit?


just fyi - mods have no control over the popularity of subreddit content. they can delete, but in no way contribute to the popularity and therefor visibility of a post. only admins can do that.

Your answer doesn't even make sense.

Lol and downvoting me hurrr durrr hurr.

I don't say shit like this to people often but maybe you should reevaluate your method of communication and quit blaming "the mods" for your failure to sail a thread on reddit. You come across as a schizophrenic self entitled moron who is butthurt that /r/conspiracy readers aren't buying your soylent green bath time buddies.

For fucks sake man a mod asks you a question that is directly relevant to your OP and all you can do is dribble apple sauce down your chin. START MAKING SENSE!


If you suspect anything funny going on, please message us with some evidence of your claim so that we can investigate it or message admins if necessary...

It's possible that the admins manipulate things.

I'd say it's possible, but I personally have not seen any evidence to suggest that it happens.

Well they aren't going to micro manage every single subreddit so worst case scenario they plug a story they want to be seen and manipulate the upvotes.

Yeah, this very well may happen. I have no idea how we would prove it though.

I don't see why it would even need to be proved. There are conspiracy theories ranging from assassination to soft drinks on here. I frequently read material here that I enjoy reading but at the end of the experience decide "welp, that was a fantastical load of horse shit and propaganda steeped into an easy to digest herbal tea.".

Anyone who believes anything they read here or elsewhere on the internet, as the gospel truth is a tit of the highest order.

So TLDR. what does it matter if they plug us with a story here and there. We are plugging each other every day.

P.S. I guess it would be interesting to know which stories are plugged for the sake of having a glimpse of the agenda.

Yeah, I completely agree. I'm not concerned, nor do I think it matters.

We are plugging each other every day.



I didn't mean "that kind of plugging" you pervert.

hahaha just kidding my man


How, specifically is this subreddit "totally manipulated"? Do you have any evidence you would like to share?

he can tell by the pixels.


We get accused of this all the time. It is the nature of the subreddit. The rule from my point of view is always the same. If anyone has a problem, or question about deleted posts or bans, please contact the mods.

We try to operate an honest sub, the moderation log is in place and we are all approachable. However, we will not accept hate speech or blatant trolling in any form.

Check out the current front page and top rated posts or r/conspiracy, there is no hate. We are here to help people understand issues that MSM sometimes chooses to ignore or bury.

Feel free to message me or the other active moderators at any time.


Well personally i have had little to do with them. I would imagine that many subreddits are being manipulated. As any websites popularity grows, naturally so does the interest from TPTB. This isn't a conspiratorial thought, in 2012 it is unfortunately a fact.

From my own point of view our entire system is being manipulated.

By what or by whom?


simple as this - you don't understand how reddit works.

inform yourself before making accusations, and you won't have people like me calling you an idiot.

first: mods can't manipulate post popularity. period. it's impossible. go create a subreddit and see how much "power" you have. admins can. mods =/= admins.

second: look at the list of moderators and note /u/uncensorship. the mods of this sub employ the uncensorship bot. go to /r/uncensorship and read up, you'll discover that all posts removed by the mods here are posted there. I know this, because I wrote the bot.

third: only admins can control the content of reddit in an undetectable and effective way, short of an individual with a botnet or other significant way of affecting post/comment popularity.

fourth: reddit is open-source. go read the code. I have.


I'd imagine admins are manipulating content, but that's just speculation. I suspect as with any form of power, it corrupts.


I think I've disproved that since half of the mods like me and the other half despise me.

I say/submit anything I want and never get censored or downvote squaded.

You're just not trying hard enough ;)

Before this subreddit got bigger, it was much better. Now that it is bigger its just like any other big subreddit--75% of submissions are just junk and reposts.

I understand what you mean, and my conspirator brain wants to think this sub is being gamed too, but I think its as simple as it getting too big for itself and lossing its aim.

Absolutely! What a joke of a subreddit.

Are you implying there is a conspiracy in r/conspiracy. Oh the irony of it all.

Et Tu r/conspiracy? (hanahou slowly bleeding/collapsing to the floor clinging on tho the robes of /r/conspiracy as it snickers at his shock of betrayal)



Why so serious cosmos? You're new aren't you?


You Rush Limbaugh fag

Most certainly

Nope. I think people up vote titles and not content too much and there are a bunch of trolls - but hey look at that, it's Reddit.