What improvements and changes would the r/conspiracy community like to see in this subreddit?

15  2012-11-08 by [deleted]

Self explanatory title really, this is an open message to our community for feedback and suggestions on how the page can be moved forward.

We approach 100,000, this is a significant number. So, this is an opportunity for everyone to give us feedback, tell us your ideas and thoughts about how we can continue to improve the /r/conspiracy page.

We are open to suggestions and criticism, we want the community to understand that we listen and ultimately it is the community that drives us forward.

Your thoughts are appreciated and welcome.


  • Less racist Bullshit (solution: change rule 1 to no racism)

  • Keeping an open mind

  • More Thinking

  • Downvotes simply because you disagree.

We should try to make this Subreddit really a thinking ground.

We should offer some sort of "Solution" to fight back against the TPTB (The Powers that be).

Rule one already changed. Good observation.

Great to see a change!

Less racist Bullshit (solution: change rule 1 to no racism)

I said that too, and OP is asking me for proof of said racism and accusing me of making reports. Watch out, man. EDIT, actually I said antisemitism, and the OP in our comment thread was the first to use the word racist. Interest-thing.

Dude come down a bit lol

Mr Dong want only a example (which i did now post for you).

There is no "conspiracy" Mr Dong is a nice guy.

He asked how many posts I have reported for racism. That is unnecessary and insinuates I have done such a thing. The entire convo was changed from the problems with this sub to me personally, and that is bullshit debate tactics.

No it hasn't, you raised your concerns, i acknowledged you and asked you what posts you have had any issues with regarding racism. It was a direct question, not an accusation!

What is the point in asking that? There isn't one. Besides, you still switch this to me personally and that is still a really shitty thing to do.

What is a shitty thing to do? Answering your statement with a simple question?!

Yup. You turned it into a "reporting button user witch hunt". ;)

I think you have missed the point of this post. I haven't downvoted anyone and welcome your opinion. Forgive me for asking you a couple of questions regarding your concerns!

Asking me "How many posts have you reported for racism" is completely off topic from the problem of racism itself. Now you want to play all innocent since I called you out on that bullshit post. Well, glad you can eat some humble pie at least.

I haven't eaten any 'umble pie', it was a simple enough question. The rules are the same for everyone. If you have an issue or feel a post is inappropriate for whatever reason you should message the moderators. I'm not always here so i was interested to know how many times you have reported posts for racism in the past.

You haven't reported any have you?



You're doing it again!


Another downvote. I will spare you the same. Thanks for commenting.

I'll just go along with the other posters who have commented;

You're being downvoted for being dense and intentionally being complicated. I would nearly guarantee that MrDong is not down voting you. But I would nearly guarantee that you're down voting him.

The downvote that was on my original comment was undone. Too bad I did not get a screen shot

If you're condemning comments that you think are racist, maybe your mind isn't as open as you believe. It's very closed-minded to dismiss opinions with the "racist" label. It's a sign of intolerance.

There are comments made here that are racist.

look i talk about zionism but when the comments are only "the jews rule the world" "he is a jew he is in the conspiracy" without good evidence that is only racist and i don't discuss with racist people.

More 9/11 Truth

You were down-voted for offering your opinion. Says a great deal about what we are up against. Thank you for your comment Orangutan!

I'd like to see:

  • Less image/memes (still)
  • Have a spam filter for repeat threads (often times 5 of the same thread in a day)
  • Ban those who make it their goal to discourage free-flowing discussion.

I really hate that people who try to encourage thinking about every possible solution are demolished by down votes because they're not just going along with the status-quo of the sub.

I have no idea how to enforce but basic redetiquette would improve things greatly.

Less anti semitism. For examples, see anything posted by bumblingmumbling, tttt0tttt, most of what Occidentalist posts, and a few others.

What if i post things conspiracy theories involving jews?


Bumblingmumbling quite often (as well as Ijob911) posts about being anti-Jew, not just anti-Zion.

Except, the posts of those people you've named are not anti-Semitic. They are merely labeled anti-Semitic by you.

Yeah, I and many others would say you are actually anti Semitic. Nearly anyone who checks out your and those others' post histories (and who doesn't believe the whole "Jews run the world" BS) would agree. It's why your posts about such subjects are rarely taken seriously anywhere, except /r/conspiracy and /r/worldpolitics

And really, what would you do with your day if you couldn't scour Reddit for signs of anti-Semitism,

It isn't what I do with my day at all. A couple minutes of browsing the above mentioned subs and a few others leads me to such anti Semitism spouted by you. For fuck's sake, your username is a goddamn Menorah. Either way, I work 40 hours a week and have a few hobbies, plus a fiancee, so my day is filled with far more than "scouring reddit" for anything.

and save them up in a file for later reuse as weapons against particular posters?

No such file exists, but please don't act like it is wrong to link to bigoted posts made by you and your bigoted brethren and act like I am the one doing something wrong. Again, the proof is in your post history. Delete your comments and/or account if you are so ashamed of them.

You'd have to find a new hobby to occupy your time.

Again, I have plenty of hobbies. It's kind of pathetic that you fall back on a variation of the classic failed internet comeback of saying I waste all my time on this. Gonna call me a basement dweller while you're at it?

Of course, you only hate Jews because they oppress poor, helpless racists like you. Clearly the Holocaust deniers are the victims here.


You wouldn't have to deal with personal attacks if your person wasn't so utterly despicable.

You at least make an attempt to hide your antisemitism behind Zionism, though I think even the subscribers of /r/conspiracy aren't stupid enough to fall for that.


Hmm, I dunno. Could it be me? Oh, I know, it's the guy who thinks those Jews were totally asking for it.

We call you an anti-semite because you say things about ALL JEWS. What part of that do you not understand? Or do you enjoy hiding behind "anti-Zionism" as a front for being essentially a Nazi?


I agree with tot, bumbling et al. How.come.i can be proudly jewish and not.find them.offensive? So many conspiracy theories involve jews directly. The Rothschilds, the zionist lobby, the unacceptable amount of support israel gets. Why is it anti-semetic to expose the disgraceful loyalty diaspora jews have to israel instead of the countries they were born in. If anything should be changed on r/conspiracy, its that people should not be allowed to accuse others of being "anti-semetic" just because they are fed up with rich zionist criminals like adelson and bloomberg and silverstein. It sickens them that their leaders.brown nose a sandbox the size of delaware. Im jewish It pisses me off too. So stop calling people anti-semites.

I understand and it is uncalled for, it is tiresome for the mods. We can only ask that people who post choose their words carefully and not descend into race hate - which most of our posters don't.

  • Less "political correctness".

  • Less image spam.

  • More merging of dupe posts by mods.

  • More banning or flagging of known shills/trolls.

More merging of dupe posts by mods.

Merging is not a thing mods can do. The only way would be to completely remove dupes, but that would also remove any separate discussion unless done before any comments are made.

Especially the banning point.

Let the voting handle that unless they are spamming.

Banning someone for having a different opinion is a shitty thing to do in a subreddit that proclaims it " respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds"

ban yrugay. He just spams threads with pointless lists 90% of the time. He even posted the list from "related stories" as a comment today.

Dude, that's a bot. And those links are great resources.

Its not an actual bot, just a person pretending to be one.

Kick out the nazis.

More intellectual and engaging discussions. Less hatred. Less patronizing.


This this this. even if you disagree don't just say "You're perspective is fucking stupid".

More challenging standards, like no mundane stories, memes, endless tomes of blog fluff, and just a change in the culture here that if there's an explainable and somewhat reasonable answer to something strange happening, you are encouraged and upvoted for posting it. One subreddit that does really well there is Glitch in the Matrix. Because whatever their rules are all about, it seems to work for Glitch.


I would like to change this too, it's bland, and counter productive. I will bring to the other mods attention.

  • Less propaganda posters.

  • Less Illuminati bullshit

  • Less anti semetic bullshit

  • More actual conspiracies

Propaganda posters aimed towards who's benefit?

Less Illuminati BS vague considering that many conspiratorial topics have elitist/secret society ideas and themes.

Less anti semetic bullshit Any recent examples that have done well on r/conspiracy?

What conspiracy theories are we not covering exactly, do you have any suggestions?

Propaganda posters aimed towards who's benefit?

Doesn't matter who the perceived beneficiary is, they are just annoying.

many conspiratorial topics have elitist/secret society ideas and themes.

Yes, but the Illuminati is getting pre-tty old to hear about; it is akin to chasing the dragon.

Any recent examples that have done well on /r/conspiracy

Of what, a non antisemetic conspiracy?

What conspiracy theories are we not covering exactly, do you have any suggestions?

I don't know, that's for you guys to find out. I'm just sick of the same old bull shit.

Pretty vague answers here. Without any specific examples, especially of supposed anti-semitic posts it is quite hard to see what you're getting at.

Please feel free to point out any posts that could be considered racist.

Without any specific examples, especially of supposed anti-semitic posts it is quite hard to see what you're getting at.

If you haven't seen it then you haven't spent enough time here.

Please feel free to point out any posts that could be considered racist.

Ain't nobody got time for that. Just read around.

Ain't nobody got time for that. Just read around

How many posts have you reported for racism?

Agreed. However this is the nature of this subreddit. Racism is one thing and opinion and free thought are the other. This is where downvoting and upvoting have to come into play.

I don't have to agree with what an individual says, but they do have the right to say it, and argue their point don't they?

i did have with a moderator the same discussion about 2 racist comments i did report:

The wording is important here. No racial slurs means people cannot use words like spic, nigger, chink, beaner, heeb, or cracker. [...]

In my view this post's(and these are a small example) are still racism and should be forbidden.But i understand your point. I don't want to censor "Jewish Zionism" post's either but when its Hatefull Speech against jews there is the line crossed.

The fact that so many people adopt anti semetic attitudes is a tribute to how well the Zionist elite are able to cloak their intentions and deflect criticism by using Judaism as a shield.

I Personally call it "Rothschild Zionism" because its controlled and payed by them. I am still trying to discuss this here in /r/conspiracy but it results in massive Downvoting,discussion's are ending in insults and white supremecy stuff.

I personally think that all religious extremists are bad people, Jews, muslims and Christians alike. The extremists On the Jewish side are mostly apostates anyway, so hey are not truly religious at all.

Completly Agree

Change Rule 1 to "no racism" and you still can have discussion about Zionism but not Racism.

The line is indeed a fine one and you sum up the point well. Rule one has already been changed. We do not hate any one group of people and certainly not the Jewish. However we will challenge any group that hides behind religion and uses an ideology as a tool for further control. That is the difference and it's a major one. We try to challenge evil men and evil institutions, not religions or faiths.

The one thing Joe biden said the truth:

"I am a Zionist.You Dont Have To Be Jewish To Be A Zionist" - Joe biden


Zionism is a parasite that has hijacked a religion to further a hidden, darker agenda.

Yes, but you aren't automatically Jewish for being a Zionist, nor are you automatically a Zionist for being Jewish.

I really do not think there's anything valuable to gain by giving racists a soapbox for their hate speech.

edit: personally, when I first came to reddit I checked out the conspiracy subreddit because I like reading about these things. I quickly unsubscribed though, because it was full of such toxic people and opinions. I'm just one person but there's an example of how racism can turn away potential subscribers.

but they do have the right to say it, and argue their point don't they?

LOL, not according to some posters in this subreddit, they don't. These censorious posters want certain points of view eliminted, certain opinions hidden from view, certain ideas banned from the discussion. I'm surprised they haven't already won in this subreddit, as they have over most of Reddit, but I guess it's because the mods here continue to believe that free speech is something to be valued. But they are never going to stop, you know. They are going to keep chipping away until they get the censorship they are lusting after. Fanatics never stop pursuing their fanatical goals.

Fanatics never stop pursuing their fanatical goals.

From the thread linked to it seems you speak from personal experience there.

oh gawd, i can only imagine.

Well, way to turn this from a friendly conversation to an accusatory question.

your answer


Have a nice day. :)

Asking a question is hardly accusational!

No need to downvote, it was a serious question, one that has obviously made you squirm.

Someone downvoted my original comment, can only assume it was you ;) EDIT how cute, thanks for undoing that.

I haven't downvoted anyone.

I am downvoting you, because you act like a pussy.

If it makes you feel better then downvote away.

I downvote what deserves to be downvoted.


Don't be a little bitch lol

The only posters I'd want banned are those who advertise commercial products, and those who deliberately and persistently follow and harass other posters because of their opinions.

By that I mean, those who pop up every time a particular poster makes a post, and come forth with the same personal insults against that poster. It's not that hard to recognize targeted personal harassment when you see it repeatedly.

Also, now that I think about it, I'd ban all the bots. The one that keeps posting long strings of links really gets on my nerves. One or two links is useful, but 20 or 30 is just spam.

Other than these categories, I can't think of anything remotely on topic that I want banned from this subreddit. One of the great things about this subreddit, and probably a reason it is so popular, is that people are permitted to voice politically incorrect opinions.

oh gawd, i can only imagine.

Agreed. However this is the nature of this subreddit. Racism is one thing and opinion and free thought are the other. This is where downvoting and upvoting have to come into play.

I don't have to agree with what an individual says, but they do have the right to say it, and argue their point don't they?

Yes, but you aren't automatically Jewish for being a Zionist, nor are you automatically a Zionist for being Jewish.