why is the mainstream media losing viewership.

19  2012-11-08 by [deleted]

for example i remember reading about how anderson cooper of cnn was getting 8 million viewers during 2008. Now in 2012 they are barely scraping by half a million viewers. what do you think happened are people waking up to their lies.



Hence the recent battles by the government to limit the internet with SOPA and PIPA

How about this one: SOPA and the like only failed so you would think your interwebs is free and unmonitored, because people that know they are being monitored will act accordingly, basically the entire is a honey pot.

Well, the Internet isn't free. I know, because I pay for it once a month. And I seriously doubt much of it is unmonitored. There are too many nice folks drawing a paycheck from the NSA who would have no reason to be employed unless they were listening to our conversations and reading our social media threads. Whether people react to this situation with self-censorship is up to them. At the end of the day, you either say what you believe, or you stay silent, or you lie and say what you think you are expected by others to say.

also allowed them to eliminate the advertisements completely from their lives

No it hasn't, not for the people who you're thinking of. The reason we have so many free services on the internet is because ads are paying for them, because people buy that shit. The 18-24m (tech savvy) demographic is one of the hardest to sell to, but everyone outside of that are the ones making the impulse purchases and clicking on/watching ads that keeps the internet chugging along.

I haven't watched an advertisement for years.

Like I said, maybe you haven't, but you are the extreme minority.

Online advertising pays my bills, trust me.

Nobody needs to watch advertisements. Just refuse to watch them. Get AdBlock Plus and Firefox. Don't use any software that pushes ads on you. There are alternatives. If necessary, steal the commercial software that is ad-free. Don't let the rats who run the world make you believe that you have some obligation to look at their fucking advertisements -- you don't.

Without ads great services like YouTube would go under. I'm sure we can both agree the work would be worse without unlimited free video hosting?


The bar for what constitutes 'brainwashing' isn't very high these days, huh?

And how do you anticipate they stay afloat?

Endless LOLs at cat videos aren't gonna pay for the server space for Youtube. Advertising revenue, however, does.

My question is "why has it taken this long?"

Because there was nothing else readily available to entertain the masses.

But, the TV told me to watch TV.

"are you two hugging the tv?!"

Alternative Media is growing fast!

Most Mainstream Media don't really are using the possibility's of the internet.

And yes people are waking up.

And aren't the ratings based on volunteers with special hardware? Seems like they might not be a representative sample of the population. My guess is that the numbers are inflated over what they really are anyways so they're losing viewers faster than they think.

You don't think your cable box reports your viewing habits?

What is a TV compared to the Internet?

There's your answer methinks.

It might have something to do with Cooper coming out of the closet, however...

And making that anti-religion film.

  • Alternative media becoming more and more popular

  • The MSM doesn't offer the news the quickest anymore

  • You can just find out the information without hearing a biased spin on it

  • Again, they are not the quickest to give out the information

People used to love the media because of that ability. Now, the TV is just a cycle of repeating what's already been found online. Now, websites just repeat what has already been reported but just have their own take on it to keep their viewership happy.

I don't think people are waking up to lies, as much as realizing that TV is slowly becoming irrelevant since it is no longer 'required' to seek out certain paths just to find out the news.

I'm surprised no one mentioned the demographics. MSM is also OLD media, as in for older people. Fox News alone expects to have half its audience die of old age before the next election. I know quite a few people who haven't watched a major network in years... but none of them are over fifty.

People are waking up to the fact that these news organizations are bought and paid for by the banking interests and military industrial complex. Most people now have a computer and so their availability of information is much larger, thus they are realizing how little mainstream media was actually informing them.

It is state controlled media propaganda now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXV_8oOeeOE&feature=g-u-u#t=0m58s

All the news, all the talk shows, all the commentary TV shows - they're all inflammatory. Everyone is screaming how everything has gone to hell and ONLY their remedies will work setting the world straight. "Reality TV" programs incessantly pander to the lowest common denominator of human intelligence. Hopefully, people are abandoning all that shit for a refreshing walk in place of all the doomsayers trying their damnest to convince you to use THEIR brains and not your own.

O_o...You really have to ask that?

Exponential progress moves in two directions. There will be many who lose stuff in the next decades.

Because they are bias.

Everyone is working more, plus the Kardashian's got a show, everyone is watching that.


not exactly. The people that can work more are working more, the people that aren't working aren't watching the news, they're watching reality TV. News is just not as interesting to the average TV watching moron.


start reproducing, start a family, raise children that are awake from the get-go. That will change more than you will think.


It's easier to wake up women that you'd think. Just have to point out to them the Disney programming. Look up Freeman and Jamie's talks on "Princess/Warrior Programming" they do a good job of breaking it down. Women see this shit and sometimes instantly wake up because they have noticed it their whole lives and it goes against everything "feminist" that they have been taught yet they have seemingly accepted it. Once that foot gets in the door, its just a matter of time. Just point out the programming that is all you have to do.

Nobody needs to watch advertisements. Just refuse to watch them. Get AdBlock Plus and Firefox. Don't use any software that pushes ads on you. There are alternatives. If necessary, steal the commercial software that is ad-free. Don't let the rats who run the world make you believe that you have some obligation to look at their fucking advertisements -- you don't.

The bar for what constitutes 'brainwashing' isn't very high these days, huh?