Whats your favorite psyop on Reddit? Mine is the military propaganda.

28  2012-11-11 by [deleted]

Whatever company was funded to do this is really good. Over the past year it seems be increasing up and the timing for content to appear on the front-page is almost perfect. They are as good as whatever company Taco Bell is using for covert marketing here.


The Obama AMA. He masterfully managed to crash Reddit for hours, building up anticipation among his zombie-like supporters. When the AMA could finally be accessed, he stuck to straw-man talking points despite legitimate questions being voted to the front page. After it was over, all he had to do was sit back and watch his supporters shout down anyone who pointed out how disingenuous it was

Check out /r/enoughobamaspam if you're tired of Obama's bullshit.

/r/politics drove me there ages ago

Well, we get different people from all over the political spectrum. Even Obama supporters from time to time who try and defend his positions but they never stay there too long. :)

Yeah, because /r/politics was a safe-haven of free thought and flowing discussion before the Obama AMA..?

The crowning moment for me was when the /r/politics mod shills took over, led by PHOY. People said, how do we know you will be unbiased? And BEP responded, "It's ok, because I'm not American."

Then, of course, they used the spam filter to delete any voice from the left pointing out how Obama was selling out his voters.

Classy shills.




This is a good read for those who haven't seen it yet.


Cat propaganda

I'm going to have to ask you for proof of this conspiracy right meow.

This is prepawsterous

Agreed, I just cat believe this trash

This is a feliny.

Cat pun

The gridlock fallacy. It takes away all guilt Obama has from anything. Very dangerous.

It's even better than that, because it's usually associated with the "Obama is a victim" claim. (See /r/talkingpointstalk, where I used to collect a few of these.)

I mean, if you just think it through. Democrats were one vote away from a supermajority, but just couldn't figure out how to win in that Republican stronghold of Massachusetts.

Then Obama wanted nothing but to keep his campaign promises, but was somehow forced by the Republicans into making backroom deals with lobbyists to sell us out. Every time.

And this guy, one of the most charismatic speakers in politics, with 75% of the nation on his side on these big issues, somehow can't figure out how to even call out obstructionists in the Republican party.

And then, this poor guy is such a victim of the Republicans that we must clearly vote for him again, so... I guess so he can keep on being a victim.

"He can't do the important things in his first term because he wants to be reelected."

"Fuck Republicans for not doing things just so they can get reelected."

It's gotten to the point where logic doesn't work. They are so ingrained in the mob mentality that they can't accept that their side does any wrong, so when they hear about something bad they construct their own reason for it off the top of their head and stick with it and if they are pestered more they change the subject. Fucking school system.

I think that by the time they make it to the internet, most people will at least reconsider when confronted with reality. It takes a shill to persevere at being stupid.

Are we using the same reddit?

/r/politics, /r/worldnews, and /r/progressive are shill territory. (Among others.) It's not ignorance, it's malice in those cases.

Only to a certain extent. There are thousands of comments on posts. Are you saying that they are all by shills?

News flash: all minorities are victims is the foundation of progressivism

News flash: Obama is a Reaganite, not a progressive. And "minorities are victims" is NOT the foundation of progressivism.

You're just being silly.



Propogating a theory of the way the world works which is contrary to someone's currently accepted world view is literally threatening the entire basis for the value and meaning they have found in the world. No shit they get defensive and double down on these beliefs and shout down the new ones. Without them they are nothing.

Trust me, David Icke's lizard-people theories do not threaten the entire basis for the value and meaning I have in the world.

They just annoy me, so I downvote them.

Because it's... Reddit?

It's a massive forum dedicated to the discussion of almost any single thing you can possibly think of, which just so happens to have sub-reddits that require (nearly) no additional effort to just jump in and start talking.

People constantly dismiss points because of source, despite it's content. They don't think critically, they are okay with bias as long as it's "their" bias, same thing with propaganda and often objectivity is just left at the door.

I'm convinced most people here don't even read threads, they just go through and skim and just up vote things that are up voted, and down vote things that are down voted.

most of /r/conspiracy thinks their either completly nuts (without even look at the information) or they are "disinformation agent's".

People have no neutral perspective and are only seeing what they want.

Listen, I downvote most David Icke bullshit because it's bullshit, not because I'm some shill. There's enough real conspiracies out there that we don't need his sensationalistic self-promoting bullshit posted all over here.

David Icke simply repeats the information he is shown in the course of channeling deceptive spirits. Most everything he claims in regard to how astronomical, energetic, and physical machinations of the universe function can be easily disproven by very small amounts of investigation, through which all scientific understanding will be shown to entirely oppose his views. He is not the only one channeling these deceptive spirits -- all 2012 hype has originated from the channeling of spirits, for example -- and every single person repeating what he is told by these beings can be shown to be deceived just as easily, with just as little effort. Here is a video that thoroughly debunks David Icke. I suggest anybody who even believes him a tiny bit take a look at it and see what is what before you are deluded any further.

I see your point but when you say "anyone that believes him" it sounds inclusive of all of his views, not just the new age shit. It does piss me off how he comes up with some totally out of this world stuff but then also presents very grounded issues that have presented themselves after he has been vilified for pointing them out.

That's the reason no one will listen to anything he says because the unbelievable stuff is what is used in newspapers and other publications to destroy his character rather than bring up issues like the push for globalisation, which he was making an issue of before it became a mainstream issue that would actually get reported on.

Pay attention to what I'm saying if you're going to respond to my posts please.

The pro-GMO astroturfing absolutely astounds me.

Obvious guileless shills. How these guys hold down their jobs amazes me. I guess Cass Sunstein runs a tight ship and they're the best he will pay for.

I have never seen more upvotes in this subreddit than when someone talks about how ridiculous chemtrail, anti-fluoride, and anti-vaccination theorists are.


Because everyone who disagrees with you on the internet is a fat jew? Is it that hard to imagine that the vast majority of the population denies your silly theories?

I really like the Climate Change ones.

They use seven exclamation points about it and then get in their cars and drive to the store moments later; completely unaware of the idiocy of this action on their part.

I try not to judge them too much because I'm ridiculous too.

Pictures of Russians doing badass or dangerous things. It's like coldwar propaganda has never gone away.

They do tend to be more badass and reckless than your average american. I never get tired of seeing their crazy shit, even if it is propaganda. It's better than anything we've got.

It's the vodka.

The Freemason apologists/aggressive down-voters...

  • 1. ADL psyops
  • 2. Anti-Alex Jones psyop
  • 3. Pro-Vacine and Pro-Fluoride Advocates
  • 4. JREF

In this order. So much fun.


Randi might or might be not a good guy, but some very active guys who visit his forum use a variety of propaganda techniques to surpress knowledge. This is not only limited to 9/11 truth, but expands also to scientific topics. Basicly everybody who thinks out of the box is a nut and they have this group conformity thing going where everybody who disagrees and defies them will be baned sooner or later. Some of them are on reddit now and administrating subreddits.



very intresting thanks

Pro vaccine? Seriously?

The one that we are not even aware exists.

Pancakers, believers of nist's pancake theory.

The "Green" movement. Environmentalism isn't bad, but the whole "going green" religion is just UN guided propaganda.

All the alien stuff.

Everyone like David Icke or Alex Jone is a disinformat agent.

Reddit is Protocol 12 in action.

That military thing is fucking creepy. I remember when someone did some detective work and sniffed out that brand new accounts were getting to the front page for simple military posts/pictures. When the users in question were called out, they deleted their accounts. Now I'm starting to notice it popping up again, but by accounts that are usually a year old.

I'm sure some of them are legitimate, but others are still out there. Why would they do it? Just for some feel good PR? What's the point? To show that the military isn't full of blood thirsty monsters? Alright, I get it guys. The military is made of human beings. Anyone with a brain can understand this. Give us all a break.

Mine is the military propaganda.

You should check out /r/MilitaryConspiracy and help keep an eye out.

I like the way dumb people try to sound like they are the most knowledgeable and fly off the handle with intimidation tactics.

They might as well say: paid for by.....


 EDIT:  Nevermind, your orientation was already set to gay.

Go hack yourself.

I hacked my Facebook and deleted my account! Take that!

That's twice you made me laugh. Have a nice day :)

this one



Pro vaccine? Seriously?