Can someone tell me what's going on in the Middle East right now?

11  2012-11-16 by [deleted]

I'm so lost.



This should somewhat bring you up to speed.

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

World War 3

That's kindaa what it seems could be possible (notice I don't wanna speak in absolutes). With the UK, US, and Australia supporting Israel while Russia and Egypt support Palestine. I could see this as the start of a larger conflict. Especially, if the US goes through with the oil embargo.

But, whether the US does or not, this violence has just started and won't stop anytime soon. Hamas had now had 2 senior officials killed in the past few days. They won't want to stop and Israel just looks like they're gearing to fight. 75k reserves being called upon by Israel.

I know. This makes me sad. I'm fucking terrified. No wonder America just turned into a police state

I wouldn't be terrified. This is empowering to know that we can see what's going on. Before, we wouldn't know about any of this. I think it's always been a police state, except that now there is more exposure. Which could bring more freedom.

Whether you believe in God or not, you have to notice that these events coincide with the book of revelation. (Don't assume I believe the rapture is coming) But, like I said, the events occurring are explained in the bible. Maybe it's because the elites believe they are fulfilling God's word or maybe it's just a divine plan, but regardless, it's in there and it's occurring according to scripture. And I don't think anyone can say I'm wrong because I'm not saying I know anything. I'm only pointing out similarities I see and making educated guesses. I don't know anything more than the next guy, i'm just pointing out observations.

That's funny. Glee, a few weeks ago, had a quote about how Twitter was predicted to happen in the book of revelations as well as in insinuating that the Book of revelations is being repeated.

There was also a season of Dexter last year, that was about a killer who was reenacting the revelations.

More proof that TV predicts the future so that the elite can laugh at us.

Hahah, dude. I love Dexter. I just started watching last season and now i'm watching them all. That show is just so intense and has great writers.

But, yeah. With all this mass media and online live streaming, we have reached the tipping point in media saturation. Meaning, the world will be able to watch the events unfold. It says in the bible that we had to reach this point first, so that everyone could see what was going down. But, I still think we have ways to go, it's only the beginning of the end, which will produce another beginning. Nothing ta fear.

I've never read Revelations. So I honestly don't know exactly how certain "events" are similar. I wouldn't believe it was god though since the bible came out after humanity did.

I don't know man, you should think about this more and do more research.


Once we see persecution of the church is when he is about to return. And I mean extreme persecution of those who believe and follow the teachings of Jesus (Yahshua). Like, It will come do the point where either you deny Him or die. And that's when christ is getting close. (At least to my understanding, I'm not claiming I know when it will happen because no one does, not even the angels) Right now, I think it's just the beginning and sure everyone has been saying christ will soon return. (And when He does return it won't certainly be the end.) But have they seen the culmination of events that we have along with the space weather and sudden earth changes that we've seen? Also, Israel became a nation on the exact day that it was predicted in the bible. You can google this.

If you really want to go into the bible subject. Then you have to recognize that it was written in a (now) dead language and that people will never be able to understand it's complete message. Also, that it's a copy of copy of a translation of a translation of a translation, etc.

So, even if I was able to elaborate, how would either of us know i'm correct. I'm just simply trying to make observations. If you want to know how these events were predicted, then i'll let you research that. Because of the complexity behind this issue I can't even answer your question without getting into all sorts of side conversations.

Except that there is no such thing as angels or christ or hobgoblins.

ElephantitisDick seems to have good intentions in helping spread some truth, God bless him, but he seems a little rusty on his bible study (no offense).

If you want some daily prophecy updates as to what is going on in the middle east, I recommend this youtube channel I watch everyday

God bless.

Google "Revelation dated astronomically" and you'll quickly realize something may have never thought of before.

What the fuck are you going on about? I hope you relize that religion is the biggest conspiracy of them all. You are a slave to a fairytale. And it makes you sound like an ASSHAT.

go back to r/atheism. If you don't believe in God, then I feel really sorry for you. I'm not going to pointlessly try to defend my position. You have a right to your opinion and if you think i'm the asshat, that's fine. Your judgement will come and that's something you'll have to deal with by yourself.

So, while you claim I believe in fairytales and continue to attack christians, i'll be here. Just respecting others opinions, trying to help make this world more tolerable and helping to spread positive information. Not trying to alter anyone's opinion, because I don't claim to have the answers or any answers at all. So continue to try and be the most superior human with the most superior opinion and scoff at the opinion of others. You'll definitely help our race progress.

To me you are not holding an opinion. To me you are preaching fiction as fact. Like telling everyone the Easter Bunny is real. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm free.

But, you soul-less. Th


You have a soul. Your consciousness will exist after you die. You should do some reading into telsa and his theories. Figure out the power of vibration and how it shapes the world around us. How frequency can warp matter. God said he was the word. Or known in the original hebrew translation it's more like he said he was the vibration.

Also, how Einstein was wrong with his theory of relativity and gravity is just a consequence of electrical forces. The new research doesn't lie.

What the actual fuck.

Yeah, you're lost. You need to research more.

I think you mean Tesla and there is no such thing as god.

You came outta nowhere, just to attack. Btw, I said that wasn't claiming any fact, just making observations. So go troll someone elsewhere, asshat.

Actually, your shenanigans were linked in a comment thread in a different subreddit.

How am I supposed to know that. I was just replying to someone else's comment.

You're terrified? lmao way to be overly dramatic

At least you don't have family that lives in Israel.

That's why I'm terrified. My entire moms side of the family is Jewish and several of them are Sephardic Jews in Israel who are going to be target

Oh, I thought you meant you were terrified that WWIII or something is starting, my bad.

Stay safe, all the innocent families are in our thoughts.

No one is innocent nowadays. But I do believe that my relatives do not deserve to be targeted because their family ACTUALLY lived in Israel when it was Palestine.

My prayers go out to your family in Israel.

Also, cheer up because God will intervene for Israel when it gets attacked by Russia, Iran, Egypt, Palestine, few others, and will be just fine.

Lol God.

I'm glad I'm not religious. I can see through the smoke screen so much better

Which smoke screen exactly?

The one that religion is based upon; the selling and spreading of fanciful lies and terror to keep the powerful full of power and the poor in their place.

Good thing true Christianity is just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

It is not a population control religion like Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, Hinduism. Which have clergies/priests/bishops for a hierarchy of authority.

There is no such thing as a Jesus Christ. And if you tell me its your "belief", well, that's is great and all, but you could choose to believe that unicorns exist too... But that doesn't make it true.

The scary bit isn't exactly what Palestine will do vs Israel, but what every other nation in that region will do when they see their sworn enemy crush Palestine. Make no mistake, if the Israeli military makes their move, it will be a slaughter. The only question is "Will the rest of the middle east stand for it or will they dare engulfing the entire region in a massive war?"

Once Israel has finally eradicated the state of Palestine, will they stop there?

This is what I think about. How fast things can turn to shit cause history repeats itself.

TIL I'm either Russian or Egyptian.

Yeah... same old shit, different day.

Same old shit for the most part, though there ARE some differences this time around.

The Arab Spring has led to more vocal support for Gazans from Egypt (though I would bet my life savings that it stays purely vocal and humanitarian), which is a bit unusual; with that said, the military still firmly holds power in Egypt, and will not risk that by involving themselves in the fighting itself.

The biggest change I see, and something which I think may come back to bite Hamas in the ass, is the engagement of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with rockets. This is a MAJOR game changer for a lot of reasons.

When rocket attacks could only reach the south of Israel, there was impetus for restraint (or at least the Israeli version of it); while sustained rocket attacks could largely paralyze southern cities, casualties were limited and the economic impact was sustainable.

With rockets reaching Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, this goes entirely out the window. While I doubt Hamas has enough Fajr stockpiles mounted to launch any sort of sustained bombardment, the mere threat of paralysis of Israel's economic centers will virtually guarantee a harsh Israeli response.

I'm not sure the time was right for these missiles to be launched; with Fajr stockpiles assuredly limited, and a guaranteed Israeli escalation, this may have been a tactical overstep for Hamas.

This guy is still goin? Holy balls. thats dedication.

Building next to him was hit and he moved to "green zone" that is safer (hotel). Now he has outside microphone and everybody can hear drones flying around and explosions. This is first war going on live in whole world.

It is a great moment in history and also pretty scary.


Watching your link:

And watching "dan the israel shill" is infuriating.

He is wearing an earpiece. He even said "I was told by the IDF" -- he is a spokesperson for the IDF and has a bias and is using clear and cold propaganda tactics...

Nice catch, thank you for that

Israel hits civilians: "oops."

Hamas kills family: "Allahu akbar, only 6 million more successful targets before we can move back where great-grandma was born."


I believe the "kikes" in question are Khazars who've never lived there before, but believe they are entitled to occupy Palestine because their distant ancestors converted to Judaism. Ironically, the true, shephardic jews who have been living there all along (thus having no need for a Jewish state), also suffer under the Khazar occupation, which has (even more ironically) killed tens of thousands of them in medical experiments similar to those the Khazars allege the Germans used them for in WWII. The occupation of Palestine is not just committing genocide against Palestinian Muslims, but Palestinian Jews as well.

yet the kikes thnk they own the land whwn they havnt been there in 2000 or so years?

They think they own it because they live on it and they're not going anywhere, sort of like Americans in Texas and California.

Good luck finding unbiased truth on this subreddit. Nothing but anti-semites, and anti-TRUTH redditors posting pro-palestine propaganda.

Have you guys researched how many rockets were launched from Gaza strip prior to Israel retaliating?

Here is a great youtube channel that shows how biased the main stream media is against Israel.

Once we see persecution of the church is when he is about to return. And I mean extreme persecution of those who believe and follow the teachings of Jesus (Yahshua). Like, It will come do the point where either you deny Him or die. And that's when christ is getting close. (At least to my understanding, I'm not claiming I know when it will happen because no one does, not even the angels) Right now, I think it's just the beginning and sure everyone has been saying christ will soon return. (And when He does return it won't certainly be the end.) But have they seen the culmination of events that we have along with the space weather and sudden earth changes that we've seen? Also, Israel became a nation on the exact day that it was predicted in the bible. You can google this.

If you really want to go into the bible subject. Then you have to recognize that it was written in a (now) dead language and that people will never be able to understand it's complete message. Also, that it's a copy of copy of a translation of a translation of a translation, etc.

So, even if I was able to elaborate, how would either of us know i'm correct. I'm just simply trying to make observations. If you want to know how these events were predicted, then i'll let you research that. Because of the complexity behind this issue I can't even answer your question without getting into all sorts of side conversations.

ElephantitisDick seems to have good intentions in helping spread some truth, God bless him, but he seems a little rusty on his bible study (no offense).

If you want some daily prophecy updates as to what is going on in the middle east, I recommend this youtube channel I watch everyday

God bless.