Tired of infowars
45 2012-11-17 by MrRedPill
Anybody know of a good alternative news radio show? I'm beginning to think Alex Jones is equivalent to a televangelist.
45 2012-11-17 by MrRedPill
Anybody know of a good alternative news radio show? I'm beginning to think Alex Jones is equivalent to a televangelist.
19 [deleted] 2012-11-17
12 grandmacaesar 2012-11-17
He's a "pressure relief valve". "Conspiracy-minded" people listen to him, and put faith in him that something is being done...the same way Bill O appeals to conservatives, and those twits at MSNBC and PBS/NPR appeal to liberals.
If AJ truly was truly into restoring the republic, he would call on his listeners to march on Washington, and not leave until the job was done.
6 Weltall82 2012-11-17
3 archonemis 2012-11-17
4 Weltall82 2012-11-17
3 KenKannon 2012-11-17
guys guys guys its all about collodial silver which turn you blue
2 preventDefault 2012-11-17
Then you crush up some survival seeds and wash em down with Beyond Tangy Tangerine and you're good to go.
2 grandmacaesar 2012-11-17
Just like WND. I subscribed to that site when they were relatively new. I started getting donation requests in my email box. I had noticed there had been no coverage of the questions re 9/11, so I emailed Farah directly and told him I would donate if he would do a story on WTC7. No response. No story. Just an ever-growing push for Islamophobia.
2 Issimplicitypossible 2012-11-17
I agree he is a pain in the ass. I do believe he has people thinking about things in another light. He wakes up a lot of people who then can do research and draw their own conclusions. For this I am grateful as I was one of those people. For now, he's the best we have at waking people out of their comas. I like Webster Tarpley world crisis radio but its only 1 day a week and he is the opposite of AJ in that he puts me right to sleep. If nothing else, AJ puts the bug in people to rethink what's really going on. He often trips me out too which helps me deal with the repetition.
2 DOG_is_GOD_backwards 2012-11-17
I'm getting a bit sick of his "Kosher Konspracy Klub" as I saw someone else put it.
He is controlled disinformation and entertainment, nothing more.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Seems like the most inspirational part of his videos is when he shows video footage from someone who knows what they are talking about (Ron Paul's brother) but even then he seems to sorta talk you out of going to far into conspiracies, like when David Ike goes off on reptaliens
18 [deleted] 2012-11-17
The Corbett report. Check out his Youtube channel, he posts everything there for free, with the exception of his contributions to Boilingfrogspost, which is made free after a week or so.
New World Next Week is also great, and you will find those weekly contributions on his Youtube channel as well.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Yeah I like the corbett report also. I find it a little annoying with all the self-promotion stuff, but it's more professional than, say Ry Dawson, and less egotistical.
0 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Dawson's work regarding 9/11 is second to none and I appreciate his commentary, but his ego does get in the way sometimes, that is evident.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Agreed. Corbett's got the smarts without the ego, which is why I follow his stuff most of the time.
14 EddyBernays 2012-11-17
I know it's been said many times on here before, but I feel as though I should say it again.
Alex Jones is a paid shill.
10 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I think it was obvious during the election that he's being paid by the GOP. The way he was pimping for Romney was absolutely disgusting and sealed it in my mind that he only exists to try to sway the angry right who dont want to vote republican anymore into doing just that by demonizing the democrats.
If he was legit, there would be hardly mention of the left-right bullshit, and he would host a stream of third party guests. He didnt even cover the third party debate. If that doesnt convince people that he is only interested in keeping the left-right bullshit going, then they need to wake the fuck up.
1 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
are you serious?
he is talking about left-right paradigm all the time he did even make a 9 hour free video stream about the "Puppet Election".
He did have Gary Johnson/Ron Paul multiple times on his radio show and did support them massive.
11 [deleted] 2012-11-17
He pays the lip service to the third party that he has to, just like the mainstream media. With the exception of Ron Paul, infowars coverage, or lack thereof was a mirror of the mainstream medias. I listened to his first interview with Gary Johnson over the summer, and was disgusted at how negative it was - it was nothing but dismissive statements and passive aggressive attacks, the kind of "interviews" that fox news gives to democrats.
Like I said though, he didnt even mention the third party debates. That tells you everything. During the election, he just went into overdrive obama-attack mode. All he ever does is talk about the dems and repubs. And as they say in the business, there is no such thing as bad press. Whether he talks good or bad about them, his job is to just keep the masses focused on the dems and repubs. Its completely obvious.
On a side note, your constant obsessive posting links to infowars is really fucking creepy for the same reason. Love him or hate him, your job seems to be to keep Alex Jones the focus of attention, so that he can do his job.
I may have been born at night, but it wasnt last night.
4 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Your comment is 100% on point.
I won't mince words here, I am glad that someone else is able to see that Weedtastic is a Jonestown shill. If you go on their forums, there is an ongoing effort to "spread AJ's message".
Also, Gary Johnson is a fraud.
3 Weltall82 2012-11-17
agreed, johnson totally supports citizens united, which is enough. ...plus he thinks people don't talk policy at bohemian grove. that's an extra cherry for me.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
He also believes in continuing the Afghan war, drone strikes and he foolishly believes that the Fed is owned by "the people", the great Bill Still set his stupid ass straight on the latter.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
If true thats hilarious. Because when Alex Jones was attacking him, he was attacking him based on the fact that he shares the same libertarian view on abortion that Ron Paul does, the ones he NEVER attacks Ron Paul for... which in itself exposes Alex Jones hypocrisy.... But this? this is fucking icing on the fuck you alex jones cake.
Fuck you Alex Jones, you fraud.
-1 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
I don't agree with Alex Jones on everything the reason i post often links from infowars its because they have conspiracy relevant news.
He did talk about the Third Party Debate also played clips from it.
It was clear that Gary Johnson couldn't win if he can't debate romney or obama to get mainstream news attention.
0 [deleted] 2012-11-17
2 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
i know but when i see pure lies i call bullshit.
I only want have a fair discussion.
3 TheQuietOne 2012-11-17
I really think he means well but he is strongly influenced by money. So if someone offers to pay him to be on the show he will have them. He is also not a trained journalist so he has a bad tendency to let his own opinions and ego sway him (sometimes a good things but often bad). One simple comment for Alex more listening and asking questions less commenting and summation of what has been covered.
10 [deleted] 2012-11-17
As am I. I'm sick of the hate he promotes. Sure, things are messed up, but he never promotes ways to fix things other than buying water filters and guns.
8 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
That is really not true he says all the time you should try change your local goverment,do activism.
He did the End the Fed Protest, TSA Opt Out Week and is now trying build a secede/nullification movement with people like ron paul.
-5 SargonOfAkkad 2012-11-17
You might have noticed - none of those things accomplished jack shit.
6 camelglitch 2012-11-17
They may not have gotten ride of the Fed or TSA but it may have woken people up.
I not a Alex supporter but he has his usefulness.
0 SargonOfAkkad 2012-11-17
No one opposed the TSA because they saw some weirdo at an Alex Jones protest.
10 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
No Agenda Show,Joe Rogan Podcast (more entertainment not a news radio show)
17 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Ask Joe Rogan about Israeli involvment in 9/11 and he will call you an antisemite.
Celebrities are not to be trusted.
16 [deleted] 2012-11-17
i really love rogan but his 911 thoughts drive me absolutely bonkers. he invariably brings up northwoods [important] and building 7 but reverts to the "i'm not an architect" cop-out. yeah joe, i'm not a mathematician but i could still tell you 2+2=4. just mention PNAC or something PLEASE
4 [deleted] 2012-11-17
You've taken the words right out of my mouth!
I could not have put it better.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
but he really does throw a lot of out there ideas into the mixer
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
what's PNAC?
3 webbery 2012-11-17
Project for a New American Century - neocon outfit (including Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Kristol, Feith & Perle) who published a paper calling for the invasion of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan & Iran. They said the American public wouldn't go for it "absent some kind of catalysing event like a new Pearl Harbor."
By some huge coincidence, 9/11 happened a year later. Google "Rebuilding America's Defences"
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
wow. thank you, i've got a little bit of homework to do...
sooo... my uncle was in the CIA for about a decade during the 70's...hes coming to our familys house for thanksgiving. I'm seriously contemplating just grilling him with questions. I dont even care if he answers anything or not. I want to put him on the spot. Any thoughts?
1 genesissequence 2012-11-17
Start simple. Did Cheney or Bush have forewarning of the events of 9/11? (It all seems too convenient.)
8 Weedtastic 2012-11-17
i really don't care what his personal opinion is on what exactly happend on 9/11.
He has great Guest's/subjects and encourages critical thinking.
Also its funny as hell always
8 [deleted] 2012-11-17
It's definitely funny as hell. He is a comedian after all.
2 Malizulu 2012-11-17
He just needs someone to show him evidence. He is like that.
3 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Anyone that deep into the 9/11 truth movement has seen it. It's a matter of due diligence.
He is fucking hilarious, though. I will not deny that, and his show is definitely entertaining. I just don't consider it a serious source for information; more along the lines of comic relief.
3 Malizulu 2012-11-17
I think it can be. I love joe rogan, even if he does marginalize conspiracy and simultaneously engage in speculation himself.
1 l2l1 2012-11-17
did he do that once?
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
1 l2l1 2012-11-17
if you say so...
1 ForAHamburgerToday 2012-11-17
His antigay and antitrans statements are also just hella hateful.
1 Weltall82 2012-11-17
people are suddenly fawning over anything this guy says. it's astounding how anti-intellectually he can frame things requiring critical thought, and then clarify with boxing metaphors. the guy serves to remind me that the jocks nowadays also want to sound like studied psychonauts, too.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
are they mutually exclusive? jocks and psychonauts?
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Nailed it.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
You shouldn't blindly trust anyone.
But you gain easily just take things as they are and decipher your own conclusions from information heard.
You're going to get infinitely better results from Rogan than Alex Jones.
0 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I couldn't agree more, listen to all and follow none. Though, why settle for any of them when many alternatives are "infinitely" better?
Rogan and Alex are entertainment, that is why people choose them, not because they want to truly inform themselves; they want to be entertained.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I just don't know how many alternatives are going to do much besides just feed you information.
There aren't many (if any?) sources that just give you information as it is, and not with their spin on it at all.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
It's a hell of a lot better than being fed disinformation, is it not?
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I'm not sure Rogan feeds disinformation though..?
0 [deleted] 2012-11-17
That's the problem, most people aren't.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Well I just don't think Rogan speaks in absolutes like most alternative sources do.
If he doesn't know, he kinda just talks about it.
It's the one reason why I still struggle to find alternative news, because I just want to know the story, and then decide for myself what I can take from it. Not have their spin and have random pieces taken out or changed to fit a bias.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Unless you are doing your own investigations and reporting, I don't see how one can avoid "spin", but you can mitigate it by vetting said sources.
My first rule, is to never, ever trust anything that comes out of a "celebrity's" mouth, ever. My second, never trust anyone that is selling you information. Third, never trust anyone that has sponsors. Fourth, if it is on television, it is bullshit, no exceptions. These automatic disqualifiers dramatically reduce the pool of sources one must vet, by eliminating the sewage from the potential cream.
Like I said, Rogan is entertaining, he is a comedian after all. Though, the OP wasn't looking for entertainment; he was searching for an honest perspective, unlike what is coming from Jonestown's koolaid brigade (Tangy Tangerinetm flavor), that resonates with him. Not some salesman trying to scare him into buying their sponsors wares.
I am in full agreeance with you on almost everything you've stated. I just believe that once you've managed to seperate infotainment from actual journalism and honest reporting (biased or no, as everyone has a bias, though if they are honest about it, it ceases to be an obstacle), it makes the job of discerning the facts and figures less of a struggle. I think we can both agree on that.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Yeah, I pretty much agree across the board on the points you've made.
I don't really think Rogan sells information too much though, but I honestly watch his podcast to just listen to what he has to rant about, not expecting some sort of revelation.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I couldn't agree more. It is all about expectation.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Definitely. Also, you may have a stalker.
I really don't see any reason at all why anyone would have down voted what you said =/ But I up voted you.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Thanks for the heads up. Sadly, I'm afraid that I may have acquired more than one. :/
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I am a big fan of both shows. They are worth checking out.
6 archonemis 2012-11-17
Red Ice Radio isn't too bad.
And Time Monk.
6 jakenichols 2012-11-17
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt, you can podcast it, it's way informative, he uses just published texts to break down the "master plan", is wayyy concise too.
5 bumblingmumbling 2012-11-17
Republic Broadcasting Network, RBN, and Oracle Broadcasting.
4 SutekhRising 2012-11-17
Looks like someone is waking up.
4 Aswas 2012-11-17
Alex is really having trouble with this latest Israeli attack on Gaza. He's really pushing all this other stuff loud and not a peep about that.
3 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Sure. He's a Zionist. Why would he?
4 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Coast to Coast am--different guests everynight and covers an extreme diversity of topics. Cometh the hour, cometh the mother ship, that is Coast to Coast, AM. Nothing like driving through the high desert late at night tuned in.
3 Reddit_DPW 2012-11-17
RT is pretty good but its TV though.
1 KRIMMYTibbles 2012-11-17
Adam vs the man.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
104.3 the truth
1 hanahou 2012-11-17
I started out listening to him on his Bohemian Grove video. I will give him credit for that. However he constant rhetoric is getting real tiresome especially his last diatribe on Revolution by states seceding.
1 webbery 2012-11-17
Alan Watt offers excellent analysis of the scumbag agenda at http://cuttingthoughthematrix.com
John Stadtmiller's National Intel Report on Republic Broadcasting is more insightful and less shouty than AJ. Find him at http://republicbroadcasting.org
Also love the No Agenda Show - http://noagendashow.com
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I think Jones used to be a pretty good guy, but has really just gone way over the deepend or something, as he's changed so much.
Invariably, he has helped the truth movement so much, but with the decline his 'production' has gone through, I don't know how much he's helped overall anymore, just due to the fact that his followers still blindly believe the shit he says.
1 RoflCopter4 2012-11-17
1 selux 2012-11-17
1 preventDefault 2012-11-17
I really love listening to Adam Kokesh. No commercial breaks, and is totally uncensored.
Sorta reminds me of the Joe Rogan experience, but is more news/politics oriented.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
My problem with a lot of these libertarian podcasters (I've been libertarian since 1980, so don't blow me off) is for the most part they are fundamental christians and that annoys the shit out of me. how can you trust the word of an adult who believes in a giant man in the sky?
-2 Orangutan 2012-11-17
Same here. Mike Rivero is good out of Hawaii. Thom Hartmann is decent, but not as conspiratorially inclined. Same with Cenk Uyger.
4 [deleted] 2012-11-17
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I agree, Cenk is a fucking dispicable sell out, but Rivero is a pretty good source of information, and he doesn't hold back when it comes to Israel.
-4 GriftyMcGrift 2012-11-17
I hear Rush Limbaugh is great
3 MrRedPill 2012-11-17
Infowars seems like very violent baby food. It's good info to start you down the rabbit hole, but it sometimes Alex is screaming and digging hard clay with a plastic spork. No matter how loud he is, he kind does the same thing as Michael moore-scratch the surface and drift you toward his agenda, though he never says what it is, unless its buy tangy tangerines or a pro pure filter.
5 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I like that because its soooo fucking true.
Alex Jones is the right wings Michael Moore.
They both touch on the truth, but then are too fucking radical to follow through.
They're downvoting you, but they know its true, that Jones and Moore both use the truth to advance bullshit
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
They are both fundamental christians though. I'd like to find a smart rational site that wasn't staffed by jesus freaks
2 Necronomiconomics 2012-11-17
"Violent baby food" is my next screen name
1 DOG_is_GOD_backwards 2012-11-17
I could not have put it better OP!
3 [deleted] 2012-11-17
Sure. He's a Zionist. Why would he?
1 [deleted] 2012-11-17
but he really does throw a lot of out there ideas into the mixer
2 [deleted] 2012-11-17
I'm not sure Rogan feeds disinformation though..?