I can talk to UFOs telepathically, AMA

0  2012-11-23 by [deleted]

Yeah.. I know most of you believe this.. Or maybe you will, Idk? But anyway, it's true. Benevolent civilizations (or alteast ones that apparently are benevolent), are here on this planet, to chill with us I guess? But we are too hostile/weird for them(atleast most of us are), and they will not land.

So there ya go.

*Cue he's sciztophrenic/lying/idiot, DOWNVOTE!!* I'm all prepared for it... Whatever.

If you don't like what I have to say, fuck off, I don't give a shit. For those who are interested, I'd be happy to explain what I'm all about, and why I'm submitting here.

Okay, that's about it.


Tell those aliens to stop fucking around with their thumbs up their asses and make contact with us already. I don't give a fuck what event, timing, or opportunity they're waiting for, the world is going to shit and we need a miracle NOW. Are they waiting for the New World Order to take full effect before making their presence known? If they were truly benevolent, they'd save us from ourselves right now.

Well actually, apparently it's some sort of spiritual evolution that we don't actually understand at this point.. Kind of mumbo-jumbo, but hey, what do I know? Or any of us know?

I mean, I like to point to Joe Rogan for this one, who says about that not much of reality we can actually perceive, and that there could be whole universes, realities, and worlds awaiting us? I like to think of DMT trips, when I see the idea that people just *fly* off to whole other worlds, or zoom-out so to speak, and contact these aliens races also?

I would say that, the telepathic contact I share is one of a perceived way-of-being that I have obtained. But I think that because of that, I am attracted to situations that allow me to find truth? So to speak? So I think that what I am saying is true. It requires like, a loving demeanor. And lack of fearful or angry emotions. I know that sounds liek batshit, but to my experience, it's true, and there's much more to your emotions than just neurons and synapses.

The point is for us to save ourselves. We're more than capable, but we march on towards self-destruction. If 'they' save us, then 'they' will be come responsible for mediating every dispute we have as a species and our maturity will be further stunted.

So why should they save us? Are you willing to admit you are too disgusting and low to save yourself? I'm not.

I'm not the one threatening the world with nuclear weapons, but the ones who are certainly won't give up their power just because they've seen the error of their ways. The average person on the street see's war as a grotesque act of cowardice, and a testament to how primitive we are as a species. If we had a shining example of how we could be (say, from a superior and benevolent race from the stars) then that would be the kick humans need to get their shit together and say, "We could be just like them." Until then, the powers that be will never let go of their stranglehold to maintain their tyrannical rule.

It is up to us to prove we are willing and capable of overthrowing exactly that kind of tyranny all on our own to demonstrate unprompted that we can be just like them.

One assumes we would never be accepted into a community of races until we can prove capable of policing ourselves.

You tried posting in /r/UFOs/

/r/conspiracy doesn't really do UFO's, weird I know

I actually did a while ago, but got kind of shit on. Those people are not very open :P

I feel like if I get some proof in the form of a night vision video of the craft, they will believe, but they still won't be open enough to accept the spiritual aspect of it(and maybe some of you won't either..-_-) It's sad really. But hey, what can you do?

It's mainly because /r/ufos is just for people who want to study ufos. Not for those who are ET enthusiasts/people who are searching for more in life. But that's just my rant/etc...

I answered alot of questions there, actually, so some of you might want to go check it out, but I can still answer here too. -_-

Ok wall of text reading will have to be put on hold.

Dude only you know what is real and not real, thank you for trying to share though. I will return to read all at some point

Prove it

Well.. to do that, I'd have to go get a night vision camera. Which I could do, but I'm 18 and live at home, with no job atm. soo.. Maybe with enough convincing my dad would give me enough money to let me get one?

Other than that, I could tell you all you need to do it yourselves. And that you could do it yourselves?

Or, if any of you live near Richmond, Virginia, I could say come out here and I'll show one of you a flyover?

..Pick one.

..but I agree, I need proof.

Explaining your methods sounds like a start.

Well, I practiced meditating alot. And then I got into spirituality(which is like, religion -onmipotent god +self-development? I guess?..)

Then I got into UFOs, and the ufos.. wait no. The UFOs got me originally into spirituality, because I started reading channelings and whatnot, and I uhh.. started to get into all sorts of stuff,demonic,possession,evil aliens.. But eventually worked it out to where I only studied positive alien material and works. I realized that I was very passionate about this stuff, and alot of channelings talked about ET possession into this world, and ascension into a higher level of consciousness. So I wanted to do that. And I still haven't gotten into psychoctive drugs just yet, but those might be fun, and productive towards this. I mean have you seen what people report on DMT trips? I, for one, don't think they're crazy. I think it's actually possible for humans to ascend into higher dimensions. I mean, there's so much talk about it. Why not?

Sorry, anyway, I'm getting off topic. The point is, that it involves putting yourself into a positive state of mind, and transferring your consciousness energy into what you think to be another being. Like, just imagine it. Basically, I go into a meditative state, and send my consciousness out to the heavens. I'd say it requires a specific kind of person. Most people in the world probably wouldn't have a clue what I am even talking about and just call it mumbo jumbo, or whatever.

Thanks for the reply and those are techniques I've heard used before. Interesting stuff for sure and certainly fascinating how similar many DMT experiences are.

Hey, some people believe them, some don't. I for one, am interested to try.

Belief is dangerous, but you sound more like an explorer than a believer. I suppose I believe very little... I believe I'm experiencing something. That's about it :).

Yeah that's it. It's not a belief. It's an experience. We all experience something to learn more. You don't find "God" through belief, but experience of the higher realms in which "God" - the sum total of all things in the universe in pure form, exists.

if any of you live near Richmond, Virginia, I could say come out here


What's so bad about Virginia?

Nothing is bad about Virginia. It happens to be where almost all our intelligence offices and think tanks are situated, however.

Really? I didn't know that. But what would that have to do with anything? Unless you're implying I'm a spy, or the UFOs are actually military craft?

Which species do you communicate with? I've heard the greys are no long among us except as hybrids, can you comment on that. Also, have you noticed ufo's that are piloted by humans?

I think they are, and also some are good. But it doesn't matter.

And they're not humans, but spiritual collectives of Light.

Could you elaborate? Also, have you read about Drunvalo Melchizedek and the production of a flying light-body merkaba and is this what you mean by spiritual collective of Light?

Thanks, I believe there's good Greys out there too. :)

No, there's much more than that out there. It's infinite. Like, literally, infinite possibilities.

There's no need to think that "one way" is better than the other way, or what not. Imo what matters is how you follow your specific path, and find a higher purpose and meaning to reality.

Thanks. Both good points. Nothing is true and everything is permissible. I'm just enjoying the chance to discuss the ways of getting "there". I can also attest to the joys of psychedelics for engaging my hyperspace, and they work similarly to what you've described. If you choose to engage with them positively you'll have positive experiences, and one can apply that philosophy to all of life.

how could a night vision camera give proof?

They fly around for me.

How many races have you spoken to?

I don't even know... See even I'm skeptical about this, because I can't tell who I'm communicating with. I mean sure, it feels good, but what the hell does that mean? Ya know?

Anyway, It's more of a feeling approach than actual speech, and I usually only do it to get them to fly around for me when I'm bored. But they teach me things too? Again, it's through feeling. So I can't describe it too well..

Interesting, I am abit of a skeptic but there is alot about ourselves and our world that we are yet to fathom so I'm going to keep rolling...what do they teach you?

Again, it's not words. And I don't think they're really here to teach me/us, anything..I just think we learn ourselves. Like, they're watching over us, like parents, while we play in our playpen xD Sorry, that's the best analogy I have.

I just know that the nature of reality is a positive one, and the nature of "God" is to serve, like a big, fun, world of play. But right now, we're in a dark world, of our own creation, to see what it's like. And that's what were learning at this time in human history.

Also, to get out..

But they don't teach me anything. They just fly around. :) It's quite fun xD

What do you to get in the zone to communicate?

See, it seems so natural for me, it's really hard to communicate xD Just.. like.. meditate alot...find your center..realize your faults.. and go get em!

Cheers for the convo atb

Thanks!, you too!(I'm assuming you said, "All-The-Best"..

You assumed correctly

How did they originally contact you?

I just kind of, developed myself to that point...I don't believe "they" contacted me.. or the other way around...I just think I found a link that's completely natural in all of us. Just saying..

Ya but what was the first words or conversation that happened to you.

Well, the first time I started communicating with them There were two ships that flew over. I didn't know they were aliens for a while, until I started doing research on them, and learned more about who they were.

I umm.. have lots of communications with them, but none so more than a whisper.

where did you do your research? what things did you look up, and what did you turn up that helped? links?

So who were they?

Oh. Well I think they are the Galactic Federation of Light. I'd like to say that's who they are, based on what I feel. Like how you can *feel* that somebody is nice or not, through a photo? It's kinda like that. I feel that, except that they are a positive alliance of benevolent beings here to watch over us and fuck ourselves up, and grow...

Well what do they say?

Nothing.. really..

Can you give us a example of a conversation?

There is no conversation. And I like your username:D


I don't know why people are downvoting this, I'm serious.

You might be schizophrenic, seriously dude if you believe these things. Seek help before it gets worse.

Cool story bro. Maybe I am.

LMAO. sigh

wut. :P

See this Terence Mckenna OmniBus movie on alien conspiracy - http://cognitionfactor.net/forum/index.php/topic,50.0.html


Are you sure about that? Djinn is muslim spiritual deities. I believe that I am speaking with more benevolent creatures, and ones that wish us no harm. I don't think that muslim interpretations of spiritual concepts and ideas and necessarily accurate. Sorry.


Hmm that's true.. I was actually thinking some pretty dark thoughts earlier. I should watch out...thanks for informing me!Really. Thanks. Although I am sure that in the end, all is positive. It is just negative to go through the experiences of being a negative being.

So I'm looking this up now..

Well.. to do that, I'd have to go get a night vision camera. Which I could do, but I'm 18 and live at home, with no job atm. soo.. Maybe with enough convincing my dad would give me enough money to let me get one?

Other than that, I could tell you all you need to do it yourselves. And that you could do it yourselves?

Or, if any of you live near Richmond, Virginia, I could say come out here and I'll show one of you a flyover?

..Pick one.

..but I agree, I need proof.

Ok wall of text reading will have to be put on hold.

Dude only you know what is real and not real, thank you for trying to share though. I will return to read all at some point

where did you do your research? what things did you look up, and what did you turn up that helped? links?

So who were they?

I'm not the one threatening the world with nuclear weapons, but the ones who are certainly won't give up their power just because they've seen the error of their ways. The average person on the street see's war as a grotesque act of cowardice, and a testament to how primitive we are as a species. If we had a shining example of how we could be (say, from a superior and benevolent race from the stars) then that would be the kick humans need to get their shit together and say, "We could be just like them." Until then, the powers that be will never let go of their stranglehold to maintain their tyrannical rule.

Which species do you communicate with? I've heard the greys are no long among us except as hybrids, can you comment on that. Also, have you noticed ufo's that are piloted by humans?

No, there's much more than that out there. It's infinite. Like, literally, infinite possibilities.

There's no need to think that "one way" is better than the other way, or what not. Imo what matters is how you follow your specific path, and find a higher purpose and meaning to reality.