Training in the scientific method
0 2012-11-28 by inboil
Hi, im new here. I just wondered, how much scientific literacy is there in the conspiracy community? Has anyone studied science, or done any scientific research? Or does anyone have knowledge about the philosophy of epistemology? I would love to get a discussion about these things, like what criteria must a source have to be trusted? If something feels intuitively right when we learn it, should we be extra sceptical perhaps? So as to not fall for the common confirmation bias. Any thoughts? EDIT: Im also interested to know where you stand on the issue of global warming, or anything else for that matter, I know very little about conspiracies, or what you guys are about! EDIT2: language
2 [deleted] 2012-11-28
Troll thread?
1 zombiecyborghitler 2012-11-28
Everyone here,Myself included are scientists of the most impeccable credentials.
1 goz11 2012-11-28
and gentleman
0 Weltall82 2012-11-28
2 [deleted] 2012-11-28
2 Weltall82 2012-11-28
oh, i know he is.
keep pointing it out.
2 inboil 2012-11-28
Do you know? or strongly suspect?
1 inboil 2012-11-28
You are correct that I had some preconcieved notions about your level of scientific understanding, but you are jumping to conclusions when you say it was my intention to discredit your forum (I never expected to get more than a couple of upvotes), or that I construed it as a question instead of a statement as some sort of sneaky trick. All ive ever seen of conspiracy-theorists are youtube videos, the odd conversation with one in real life, etc, which is why I had preconcieved notions. I asked a question, hoping to get some insight into how it is. I posted purely for my own sake, and had no agenda of turning people away, in fact I couldn't care less. Now I am either a liar, or you were wrong on some of your points. Why not just answer? "Hello, Inboil, I have a formal education on the scientific method, am very aware of the different cognitive pitfalls that are grosely relevant to conspiracies, our criteria for sources are this and this and this." Thanks for your input anyways.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-28
0 inboil 2012-11-28
It matters to me because there are some conspiracy theories, if they are not true, that have a tremendously harmful effect on society. This does not mean that "this is so awful that you shouldn't believe it", it's that, if this is not true, then the propagation of this theory is harmful. In particular conspiracy theories regarding vaccines. Theories that make thousands of people stop vaccinating their children because of risk of autism, or quicksilver, or government poisoning or whatever, inflict very much suffering into the world, in the form of deadly childhood diseases. If they are not true. If they are true, than it's a good thing. There is a widespread idea, or has been atleast, in Africa that condoms are made to trick people into getting HIV. As a direct result of this many people has died. So it really does matter if these things are true or not. Other conspiracies are relatively harmless in comparison, like the JFK assasination and moonlanding, this only harms the few people related to kennedy and the people working their ass of to get us too the moon. That is not so severe. 9-11 conspiracies can be somewhat harmful, and disrespectful to the thousands of people who lost their loved ones, but this is also of minor concern, and I think most people can deal with that pretty easily. I think that especially when it comes to ideas that will have incredibly negative consequenses in case they might be wrong, are ideas we should be very, incredibly certain of before we act on it. I think we owe it to the people who will die because their parents didn't vaccinate them, to really truthfully learn what it takes to achieve evidence, what evidence can be trusted, how easily and oftenn intuition and common sense can be wrong, etc. But as you say, you aren't out to save the world. Unfortunately there is very good chance that you are doing alot of harm instead. And I honestly think that not a single conspiracy-theorist wants that.
2 [deleted] 2012-11-28
1 inboil 2012-11-28
Im glad to hear it doesn't pop up too often, because that, and the global warming denial conspiracy is in my opinion the most damaging ones. But then you tell me about Gardasil. Has it been proven that it did more harm than good, or is the scientific concensus that it was effective, and safe? If the latter is the case, what is the evidence? Because as I mentioned earlier, many people will die if you are wrong, so the evidence should be crystal clear. And you mention FDA, but realize that every country has the equivolence of an FDA, and they do not trust the FDA to approve drugs for them, they do it independently. And the statistics of a vaccine is pretty straight forward, but easily misunderstood if you don't understand statistics.
So by your logic the fact that there are so many different strains of flu, and the vaccine only protects against 3, then all the statistical data, data that any statistician around the world can check, is wrong. Who do you consult if you really want to get to the bottom of this? You should probably find someone with a good understanding of the field, with years of training. The link you provide leads to one Donald W. Miller. A heart surgeon, who teaches cardiac surgery, who has written articles on a number on conspiracy theories in fields he has no training. That includes vaccination. I can't find a single scientific study he has done on any subject. He has not presented any material to peer review. The claim you make that gardasil has done more harm than good, and that flu shots are unnecessary is exactly the thing I was talking about earlier in regards to huge harmful effects of conspiracy theories.
Are you really convinced that this is true? Evolutionists, biologists, immunologists disagree with you. Is an HIV vaccine necessary in Africa? Is a malaria vaccine necessary? Or do you mean that because there are still africans, HIV vaccine is not necessary? We would survive as a species without vaccines, if that is what you mean. But the cost is huge, both healthwise and economically (300 million is nothing compared to the cost of treating the diseases afterwards, not to mention bury the dead).
There is a true fault with pharmaceutical companies, and that is greed. Their interest is to make money. This leads to publication bias, which is something all decent scientists know about, and which very many scientists are working to get rid of, and there are some very nifty statistical tricks you can do to uncover wether or not publication bias is skewing the results. Another problem is that there is no grandeur in replication, so noone wants to do it. It gets done, but not enough. These are issues that people work very hard trying to solve. Edit: statistical
1 [deleted] 2012-11-28
1 inboil 2012-11-28
Alright. I get my sources from google scholar. This is a library of scientific journals on any topic. My sources are independent competing scientists from pretty much every country and every university in the world. Since I don't have time to read the roughly 900 000 results you get if you search for vaccines, I try and find meta-analysis studies or reviews instead. The fact that there is agreement among a massive amount of scientists, who know that any paper they publish will be scrutinized to bits, and that their career depends on getting it right, and all medication are again scrutinized by statistics after they have been implemented, and the fact that governments all around the world does cost-benefit analysis of how much money it costs to have X amount of people dead or in the hospital every year, versus how much money vaccines costs. The fact that we have eradicated smallpox and rinderpest, and are damn near at eradicating polio, and a number of other horrible diseases, gives me great confidence.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-28
0 inboil 2012-11-28
meanwhile a bunch of people die because they don't get their vaccinations as a direct result of anti vaccine conspiracy theories. Im sorry, thanks for the chat.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-28
0 inboil 2012-11-28
Here are 4,403 examples. EDIT: I guess there aren't 4,403 examples of people dying, only some of the examples listed died. This is obviously a very incomplete list by the way.
1 [deleted] 2012-11-28
0 inboil 2012-11-28
I don't understand how this is relevant?
1 [deleted] 2012-11-28
1 inboil 2012-11-28
0 inboil 2012-11-28
I don't understand this. EDIT: OH! As in I am datamining for someone? Does anyone agree that this is what im doing? Is this common? oh there I go mining again, sorry.
6 Weltall82 2012-11-28
it doesn't even have to be about you. these posts can be mined by others.
but as a general rule, "i'm new here; tell me things about you" posts are clown shoes. this is an open community, whose members possess varying levels of scientific literacy.
as well, some here question the vulnerabilities of scientific research, and the ways in which scientists, publications and institutions can be influenced.
0 inboil 2012-11-28
Thanks! I agree there are flaws in science, and scientists are prone to bias and delusions like the rest of us. It's just that it's the best and only method we have of aquiring knowledge. And I honestly think that many people in the conspiracy community would benefit greatly of a science education. There comes a point where it is blatantly obvious that there are some things that there is no reason to believe are true, and some things there is no reason to believe are not true. I understand if this is not the correct place to discuss these things, I just thought it would be interesting! Thanks again for your help.
3 no1113 2012-11-28
No it's not. It's not like the acquisition of knowledge didn't exist before the word "science" as such came about.
As would many in the so called "scientific" community.
Are you aware of a documentary called "Who Killed The Electric Car?"? Are you aware of Virginia Steen McIntyre and her (and others) discoveries at Hueyatlaco? Are you aware of Jim Vieira's archeological and cave formation discoveries throughout the world?
Yes. Indeed the mainstream scientific community itself would greatly benefit from a "proper scientific education".
It would seem such from the limited, terrestrial human perspective. What exactly many of those things are, however, are extremely up for questioning still.
Incorrect. This forum is the exact place to discus some of these things. However, dogmatic acceptance to particularly limited perspectives (just as if not more often perpetuated by those very types that fancy themselves part of the "scientific" community) tend to derail, inhibit, and prevent a proper assessment of the type of true, critical, even "outside the box" type of thinking and theorizing that, again, many who take great pride in being called "scientists" would do themselves well to imbue.
This is part of the reason why some (myself included at times) get turned off by those that look more like the scientific equivalent of "bible thumpers" than anything else. They are just as dogmatic as the wost religious bigot, and make it very difficult to have a conversation that can grow and develop into real knowledge.
2 inboil 2012-11-28
Im glad to hear that I came to the right place! I had not heard of Virginia Steen Mcintyre, or Jim Vieira, or the documentary, although Ive heard about the idea that oil companies etc are putting great effort into stopping the technological advancement of the electric car? Seems like a rational thing to do, but I don't know any specifics. I didn't mean to deny the existence of philosophy or knowledge prior to the discovery of the modern scientific method, I guess I wrote it kinda clumsily. And yes many scientists would benefit from a proper scientific education! This is evident in the many cases of in hindsight obviously preposterous and easily falsifiable discoveries that none the less made it through peer-review with flying colours, like the N-ray. The lesson I draw from this is that even if you test it, and even if it has been replicated, there is always a danger of some sort of bias or variable that fools us. In light of such examples I would never trust my own reasoning, or my own experiments, my own intuition etc. And I am always willing to change my mind on any scientific subject if new evidence is provided (at least in principle, this is difficult). Until new evidence is provided, our best guess is the status quo, wether that is "we don't know" or "the current scientific consensus". I don't know if this makes me a bible thumper or not, but that is where im coming from atleast.
1 no1113 2012-11-28
I would disagree. It might seem like a rational thing to do on a very superficial level if you are interested in protecting your investment on a short-term basis (i.e. on the basis of one generation or two), but when one looks at it from the perspective of what is better for the health, longevity, and sustainability of the very organism creating the technology itself (i.e. humanity) AND from the perspective of what is better for the very platform and foundation upon which that technology is being created (i.e. the planet Earth), then you realize that the best thing to do is to side with technologies that DO NOT promote pollution and waste as the current ones do, and to side in favor of those technologies that have already been developed by various scientists and inventors that have proven themselves to be valid, viable, "clean" working technologies that benefit both the human species and the planet they live on as a whole as well.
Yep. Certainly.
I wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't say don't trust your own reasoning, intuition, or experience/experiments. I would say to simply have confidence in the fact that you did indeed do "such and such" experiments and studies and you did indeed come out with "such and such" results regardless of
outhow revolutionary or strange those results may seem or actually be. Then at that point, be ready and willing to be absolutely and totally wrong about your discoveries (or at least shown that there might be another explanation) if someone comes across and validly shows such a thing. Easier said than done, but don't be too attached to the results of any experiment. Simply go where the data, information, and evidence point you. One can do this without necessarily "not trusting" one's own intuition.Correct.
Well, one has to at least make sure and be willing to simply research as many avenues of investigation as possible - whether it be in the more mainstream areas of research or in the more alternative areas. One will often find if one is discerning and intelligent enough that it is really in the alternative fields that the more salient data is to be located.
At the point when one begins to look into alternative areas of examination for the explanation to certain phenomena, however, one will sometimes begin to uncover not only a more viable explanation for said phenomena, but (something much more sinister here) an influence that may exist whereby such information is actually actively suppressed from the awareness of the mainstream fields and public.
This, my friend, is when you discover and begin to delve into the very real world of conspiracy.
This is when one discovers that in that very mainstream arena of civilization - where the vast majority of the population derives its information from and where they are almost entirely ignorant of anything else - there is a very real world of apparently sinister influence and power in existence which actively and aggressively pursues and suppresses any and every form of information - scientific or otherwise - that directly or indirectly challenges a status quo that's been set.
After making this discovery (and, at times, picking one's jaw up off the ground in the process) you begin to wonder what exactly the dictates of that status quo are. What is the motivation? What is the modus operandi? What is the end game? For what reason are certain things happening in the way that they're happening? Why is such information that would be of obvious benefit to all of humanity across the entire planet so obviously suppressed?
The questions are deep and complex, and the answers are extremely difficult to find because the moment one begins actively searching for those answers is the moment that one begins actively swimming AGAINST the current of that very mainstream mentality that the majority of the people are plugged into don't question much if at all. This is when you begin to question and challenge all those people plugged into that mainstream - a mainstream that you've finally discovered is not all that it makes itself out to be to you and everyone else.
When you start doing this, however, and going down this path, you'll find that you'll be met with not only those very powerful influences that are the very creators of this deceitful paradigm - a great and powerful cabal indeed - but you'll also be assailed upon by those very people closest to you - your very family members and loved ones - that are not themselves aware of the deceitfulness going on around them. Often those that can effectively fight against those "big powers" that come after them and try to keep them shut up end up falling apart like a flimsy deck of cards when they have to combat their own family members and loved ones on the same issues.
TPTB (The Powers That Be) know this, and will often target these very areas and family members when someone gets too close to challenging that very status quo that many so devotedly pay attention to.
So far it doesn't seem that way me. I say this because you don't seem to be belligerent or have a bad or "know it all" attitude like some bible thumping types (scientific or religious) do.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
I agree to this, a much better description than I made.
I disagree with this. This will only serve to reveal the true power of the faults of the human mind. Even if you are trained in the scientific method, and have enough knowledge about the philosophy of epistemology, there is just usually too much that needs to be learned. If it goes against the scientific concensus, then either you are much more competent than thousands of scientists in their field in which they have years or decades of training, OR, the thousands of scientists from all countries around the world, from competing schools are involved in the conspiracy. And they are spending millions of manhours writing falsified scientific journals. This is an extraordinary claim, which requires extraordinary evidence. And alternative methods are alternative for a reason. They just don't hold up to peer review, unless of course the entire scientific community is in on the conspiracy as mentioned. So the deeper you dig, the wider the conspiracy becomes, because as soon as there is counter-evidence, you need to explain it. So whoever made the counter-evidence must be in on it. All phycisists disagree with the claims from the 9-11 conspiracists regarding the collapse of the towers? No problem, because all phycisists are in on it. Or all the schools that thaught them physics? This is, as far as I can see, a failure to apply true critical thinking. And there are huge amounts of data from psychology that can explain why the human mind is so prone to conspiracy thinking, but I guess psychologists are in on the conspiracy as well?
1 no1113 2012-11-28
So looking as well in the alternative, NON mainstream fields for truth "will only serve to reveal the true power of the faults of the human mind."?
Are you sure about that?
It's been in looking in the alternative fields that I discovered some of the very examples that I gave you initially which directly challenge what mainstream science says and that have still proven to be sound and haven't at all been refuted yet.
Oh I fully agree with this. However, it seems to me that one would still be remiss at not looking in as many different areas for viable information as possible.
With regard to the latter of the two choices, it is possible for this to be the case unwittingly believe it or not. I do not supposed that literally EVERY single scientist that says "1,2,3" would actively support "1,2,3" if "1,2,3" were proven to be part of a purposeful ruse against that very society of which they themselves are a part. However, there have indeed been enough examples of scientist and inventors that have been "quieted" (sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly) for intelligently challenging the status quo, and I imagine a decent level of unquestioning, "going with the flow" complicity has settled into the ranks of mainstream investigation. This undermines true discovery.
I would say that you're looking at it from too simplistic a perspective here in assuming that, again, literally every single scientist is 100% aware of the specific extent to which they are part of a machine not designed to help humanity. Think of this dynamic from the perspective of the vastly complicated "need to know" dynamics that exist in huge corporate empires and convoluted governmental conglomerates. It is very often the case that the left hand knows not what the right hand is doing, and everyone is simply doing a specific, compartmentalized job in the best manner that they can without doing anything that would cause the "higher ups" to get angry at and fire them for. "Just keep your head down and work. Don't question. Just do your job."
And even with regard to those whose job it is to question, many times their questioning is only allowed to take place within a certain limited frame of reference specific to the particular area those in charge want them to work in. When the questions begin to stray past that specific area of discovery, they are reigned back in by either being directly told to shut up, or by having their job, character, person, and/or work undermined (again, they get "quieted"). Sometimes the inventor's discoveries are allowed to blossom and flower, and then after everything is said and done and the final work is put on the front desk, those in charge will simply sequester that information and keep it from seeing the light of day if it challenges the status quo.
Relevant to this is this post I made. Pay specific attention to what I say in the original post's "EDIT" section. Click on the provided link in that area and take a look at it. This is a specific example of some of the things I talk about here.
It's said that part of what allows TPTB to get away with what some say they get away with is the fact that the public has been generally conditioned to have a perspective of the world that is so limited and mundane that they would simply not believe the truth if it were put in front of their faces in full disclosure form. It would simply annihilate too many of the beliefs they've (we've) been indoctrinated to believe are true and that we have grown to have an emotional attachment to. A real acceptance of many of these things would threaten to absolutely destroy many of those attachments. Therefore, most of us end up simply choosing to be like Cypher from the Matrix and knowingly look away, keeping our faces turned steadfastly toward the veritable cave wall.
Not necessarily. There is some counter-evidence that simply shows some conspiracies to not have existed at all; to have ultimately been little more than a hoax.
I myself have come across many circumstances whereupon what I initially thought was true and factual I, after more digging, referencing, and cross referencing, discovered that it was more likely nothing but a charlatan lying all along.
Delving into the admitted Pandora's box of alternative sources and conspiracy theories will indeed complicate matters much more. It will indeed cause you as an investigator to have to be MUCH more diligent in your questioning and inquiry. It will cause you to have to withhold your final conclusions more than would otherwise be the case. However, it is also similar to being a 7 year old child going from a 3 foot kiddy pool to the nearly fathomless deep of the ocean. Yes, in the ocean there is FAR more of a chance that you will meet your doom. However, the type and level of discovery that you will absolutely garner if you prepare yourself sufficiently for the undertaking (that is, of including mainstream and alternative sources into one's investigations) is such as to make where you were previously investigating appear to be little more than wading in a dirty mud puddle in comparison.
Again, you will indeed be more likely to come across sharks and all other kinds of things that can hurt and kill you in the ocean - something you would likely NEVER come across in the kiddy pool with mom watching and protecting you - but you are also much more likely to actually find a greater level of truth and understanding than would have otherwise ever been case.
Again, you need to have a sufficient level of discernment and personal responsibility to be aware of this type of possible pitfall. What you bring up is indeed a valid consideration, so one must as a result be even more willing to discard literally ANYTHING regardless of how steadfastly they previously regarded it as being correct. Conversely, one must also be more resolute with what one indeed KNOWS is right regardless of how many things one might come across challenging it.
An amazingly tall order, I know, but such are the waters one must travel through if they are interested in furthering their understanding.
Okay. We have to stop for a moment here and examine this statement. You claim that "all physicists disagree with the claims from the 911 conspiracists regarding the collapse of the towers". Really? Do they? All of them? I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but - as far as I know and have researched - "all" physicists most definitely DON'T agree on a set theory. There are many imminent physicists that have quite a bit of standing who show anomalies in the official story that it seems are absolutely incompatible with known scientific theory. However, there are other physicists (hired by the government and the administration) who disagree with these physicists. It would, therefore, seem that there is no "all physicists" here who agree on one thing or the other. As a result, one could not say that "all physicists are in on it". It seems from my estimation that all physicists aren't "in on it".
Regarding what happened on 911, one must just follow the available evidence presented not only by mainstream sources, but also by alternative sources, and weigh them both on their own merits. It makes it more difficult to arrive at an answer to be sure, but the answer that one ultimately arrives at is more likely to be closer to the actual truth than would otherwise be the case.
It seems to me that the true failure to apply critical thinking lies in hurriedly applying universals to any group directly or indirectly involved in what happened.
It is also important to consider the following when regarding the attacks on 911.
Researching some of the work of Dr. John Mack - a Pulitzer Prize-winning, Harvard-educated professor of Psychology at Harvard - will help one go a long way in terms of finding out just how variable and nebulous are some of the presumably inviolable dictum of this society.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
I should really go to bed, so Ill try to be brief: Dr. John Mack won a pulitzer prize for being a biographer. He is a psychiatrist, with no scientific papers published, and 11 books written. He has nothing to do with psychology, or psychological research, he has no weight in the psychological community, whatsoever. Meanwhile, there are mountains of evidence for confirmation bias, jumping to conclusion bias, hindsight bias, statistical bias, etc, which can explain why conspiracy theories are so prevalent.
I can't find one single source that can verify David Adairs information, any of his credentials, any of his research (which should be accessible through google scholar). I found claims that he met Stephen Hawking and corrected his math? And he was a massive genius despite never getting noticed for any accomplishments as far as I can see. The video of him making claims does not impress me, nor would it any scientist. It has no bearing whatsoever, unless it can be verified. If Einstein held a press conference about his theory of relativity without publishing anything for peer review, no scientist would take him seriously, and that is precisely how it needs to be done. Sorry I claimed that all physicists agree, that was a presumption, I later found this one guy? Who made his own journal so he could publish his paper, and make it appear as it was peer-reviewed. Noone gets away with this behaviour, doesn't matter if you are newton or Mack, it is not how we acquire knowledge. And in regards to the scientists who may be unknowingly used as puppets so to speak: This is an extraordinary claim that needs extraordinary evidence. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. And if you don't have enough training in the scientific method, and noone on your team has it either, you are just not getting anywhere.
Not refuted does not equal proven to be sound. Again the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. On one side you have thousands of scientific peer reviewed studies, from scientists all over the world, many of which sole goal in life is to discredit the established facts. On the other you have youtube videos by people with no verification for any claims made (and they are astounding claims indeed) and a psychiatrist with absolutely no connection with real psychological research, and you put your money on the latter? EDIT: psychiatrist
1 no1113 2012-11-28
Dr. Mack has no weight as a psychologist? Okay. If you say so.
Confirmation bias explains why various theories exists - both in the conspiracy realm and outside of it. It certainly doesn't explain all anomalous phenomena in general, however.
Either way, all the best on your journey through life.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
Again Dr. Mack is not a psychologist, he is a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists have a medical education, with specialization in mental disorders, and often trained in psychoanalysis. He is not a scientist either, and even the psychiatric community disagrees with his stance on alien abduction stuff, and he has a Jungian idea of collective subconscious, an idea that has no evidence or indication that it's true. So clearly the scientific method is not important to him. And confirmation bias is only one of many. But thanks for throwing the ball with me! Take care
1 no1113 2012-11-28
You are correct. I am incorrect. He is a psychiatrist. Not a psychologist. I made a mistake. Apologies for getting the profession incorrect. He is trained in and specializes in mental disorders and psychoanalysis, as you said.
Somehow, this makes him actually a lot more qualified in the specific area of understanding that I brought him up for. Not less. Thanks for that.
All the same, most things are ultimately neither here nor there for most people, and individuals will generally not allow themselves to understand certain things regardless of their truth or falsity if, as already mentioned, they have a psycho-emotional disposition too heavily favored in one direction or another. Lots of people that call themselves investigators, regardless of their supposed area of expertise or credentials are embarrassments to themselves and their field of study. Others, of course, are great benefits.
Such seems to be the way of things on this tiny wayward raft called planet Earth.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
He is not more qualified no. He has no scientific credentials, and he hasn't published any papers for peer-review. you make a good point about people not allowing themselves to understand certain things regardless of their truth or falsity. This is one of the reasons we need the scientific method of peer-review so that others can scrutinize every last tiny detail of your work and reasoning systematically. These great investigators that are embarrassments to themselves, you realize that the system of peer-review makes sure that if you are an embarrassment, we all find out? So unless your conspiracytheory is so big that all the scientists are in on it, or EVEN bigger: Something so powerful that it can fool all the scientists, then you have nothing to argue with. If it is such a big conspiracy, well how can we test if you are right? Can't use science, because science can't be trusted. soooo, ? We trust random youtube videos instead.
1 no1113 2012-11-28
It seems more than any peer reviewed methodology, what is needed is a civilization that doesn't stifle true discovery and awareness - scientific or otherwise - as has been shown to be most certainly the case on this planet. What good or use is a peer reviewed method of scrutiny when at the end of the day it bows down before moneyed interests and the limiting stranglehold they have upon much of this world? That is what ends up having the last say with regard to what makes it to the public's awareness and what doesn't.
This is not to say that peer reviewed journals should not exist. Of course not. However, the importance that many place upon them is entirely out of proportion with the reality of what is and is not allowed to move forward in the civilization. I've found that many people seem to have a very uncritical - even religiously-based - emotional attachment to the supposed "hallowed importance" of peer reviewed journalism.
Again, it's valuable and important, but it should not take such an exclusive position upon what is valid or true to replace one's hold on an understanding that even those overseeing said journals work under the jurisdiction of a power that has prevented many a very real technology from getting out to the public.
You realize that the system of peer-review is blind and powerless to that societal influence keeping the world in the current, ignorant state that it's in?
It seems then that your belief and faith (those two wonderful words many keep coming back to whether they understand they're doing it or not) in the method of peer review would, therefore, comes nowhere near to understanding the possibility that some of the information found here could possibly be true. It would seem not.
And examination of the (pretty big) world that exists outside of the limited confines of the peer reviewed one is not a horrible place to start looking.
Science - in and of itself and when practiced correctly - has a good possibility of yielding information that can be understood as being valid. As it is practiced on this planet, however (especially as it is practiced and applied in the mainstream arena), it has been shown to not have always been worthy of such validity.
You "trust" nothing. Trust is what unscientific types rely upon to come to conclusions. You work and research using critical assessment. This brings the dialogue back around full circle at this point, as I began where I started and say once again that a critical assessment of what is available both in the mainstream and in the alternative streams of study is what is needed for better understanding.
Anything less will leave one wanting in their awareness of how things really work.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
full circle indeed. The irony is that "questioning" all given facts and ideas is what science is all about, a neverending quest for more and improved knowledge. You come with a bunch of claims that are simply not testable. That means that you can't check if it's true. There is no evidence. I could literally sit down and pick any major disaster and fabricate a conspiracy theory, and it would be equally likely to be true, because neither can be tested. Like that link you gave me. That is why, in science when you postulate an idea, you have to be very specific, so that you can test specific elements. Im sorry I don't see any point in continuing this, but it was fun. You need some basic level of knowledge about the philosophy of epistemology in order to understand the requirement of falsifiability. take care.
1 no1113 2012-11-28
How is that ironic?
Of course they are. Perhaps in your world they're not, however.
Apparently in your world there isn't. Okay. I'm sure the company you're with in this sentiment makes you feel confident and comfortable.
Good for you. I couldn't - at least not one that would make sense if it weren't decently valid and scrutinized properly.
Again, you seem to project your bias and belief upon areas such bias and belief have no jurisdiction over.
If observed circumstances match the proposed theory, then - while this does not necessarily indicate fail safe proof - one has gone a decent way in the direction of validity, and those that quickly jump to discard or discredit such theory do themselves more harm than good.
I'm glad you have finally come to the conclusion I myself reached quite a few messages back. I was simply waiting for you to catch up.
You need some basic level of knowledge about the philosophy of epistemology in order to understand the requirement of falsifiability. Take care.
2 goz11 2012-11-28
yes, we are aware it is interesting.
1 no1113 2012-11-28
So looking as well in the alternative, NON mainstream fields for truth "will only serve to reveal the true power of the faults of the human mind."?
Are you sure about that?
It's been in looking in the alternative fields that I discovered some of the very examples that I gave you initially which directly challenge what mainstream science says and that have still proven to be sound and haven't at all been refuted yet.
Oh I fully agree with this. However, it seems to me that one would still be remiss at not looking in as many different areas for viable information as possible.
With regard to the latter of the two choices, it is possible for this to be the case unwittingly believe it or not. I do not supposed that literally EVERY single scientist that says "1,2,3" would actively support "1,2,3" if "1,2,3" were proven to be part of a purposeful ruse against that very society of which they themselves are a part. However, there have indeed been enough examples of scientist and inventors that have been "quieted" (sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly) for intelligently challenging the status quo, and I imagine a decent level of unquestioning, "going with the flow" complicity has settled into the ranks of mainstream investigation. This undermines true discovery.
I would say that you're looking at it from too simplistic a perspective here in assuming that, again, literally every single scientist is 100% aware of the specific extent to which they are part of a machine not designed to help humanity. Think of this dynamic from the perspective of the vastly complicated "need to know" dynamics that exist in huge corporate empires and convoluted governmental conglomerates. It is very often the case that the left hand knows not what the right hand is doing, and everyone is simply doing a specific, compartmentalized job in the best manner that they can without doing anything that would cause the "higher ups" to get angry at and fire them for. "Just keep your head down and work. Don't question. Just do your job."
And even with regard to those whose job it is to question, many times their questioning is only allowed to take place within a certain limited frame of reference specific to the particular area those in charge want them to work in. When the questions begin to stray past that specific area of discovery, they are reigned back in by either being directly told to shut up, or by having their job, character, person, and/or work undermined (again, they get "quieted"). Sometimes the inventor's discoveries are allowed to blossom and flower, and then after everything is said and done and the final work is put on the front desk, those in charge will simply sequester that information and keep it from seeing the light of day if it challenges the status quo.
Relevant to this is this post I made. Pay specific attention to what I say in the original post's "EDIT" section. Click on the provided link in that area and take a look at it. This is a specific example of some of the things I talk about here.
It's said that part of what allows TPTB to get away with what some say they get away with is the fact that the public has been generally conditioned to have a perspective of the world that is so limited and mundane that they would simply not believe the truth if it were put in front of their faces in full disclosure form. It would simply annihilate too many of the beliefs they've (we've) been indoctrinated to believe are true and that we have grown to have an emotional attachment to. A real acceptance of many of these things would threaten to absolutely destroy many of those attachments. Therefore, most of us end up simply choosing to be like Cypher from the Matrix and knowingly look away, keeping our faces turned steadfastly toward the veritable cave wall.
Not necessarily. There is some counter-evidence that simply shows some conspiracies to not have existed at all; to have ultimately been little more than a hoax.
I myself have come across many circumstances whereupon what I initially thought was true and factual I, after more digging, referencing, and cross referencing, discovered that it was more likely nothing but a charlatan lying all along.
Delving into the admitted Pandora's box of alternative sources and conspiracy theories will indeed complicate matters much more. It will indeed cause you as an investigator to have to be MUCH more diligent in your questioning and inquiry. It will cause you to have to withhold your final conclusions more than would otherwise be the case. However, it is also similar to being a 7 year old child going from a 3 foot kiddy pool to the nearly fathomless deep of the ocean. Yes, in the ocean there is FAR more of a chance that you will meet your doom. However, the type and level of discovery that you will absolutely garner if you prepare yourself sufficiently for the undertaking (that is, of including mainstream and alternative sources into one's investigations) is such as to make where you were previously investigating appear to be little more than wading in a dirty mud puddle in comparison.
Again, you will indeed be more likely to come across sharks and all other kinds of things that can hurt and kill you in the ocean - something you would likely NEVER come across in the kiddy pool with mom watching and protecting you - but you are also much more likely to actually find a greater level of truth and understanding than would have otherwise ever been case.
Again, you need to have a sufficient level of discernment and personal responsibility to be aware of this type of possible pitfall. What you bring up is indeed a valid consideration, so one must as a result be even more willing to discard literally ANYTHING regardless of how steadfastly they previously regarded it as being correct. Conversely, one must also be more resolute with what one indeed KNOWS is right regardless of how many things one might come across challenging it.
An amazingly tall order, I know, but such are the waters one must travel through if they are interested in furthering their understanding.
Okay. We have to stop for a moment here and examine this statement. You claim that "all physicists disagree with the claims from the 911 conspiracists regarding the collapse of the towers". Really? Do they? All of them? I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but - as far as I know and have researched - "all" physicists most definitely DON'T agree on a set theory. There are many imminent physicists that have quite a bit of standing who show anomalies in the official story that it seems are absolutely incompatible with known scientific theory. However, there are other physicists (hired by the government and the administration) who disagree with these physicists. It would, therefore, seem that there is no "all physicists" here who agree on one thing or the other. As a result, one could not say that "all physicists are in on it". It seems from my estimation that all physicists aren't "in on it".
Regarding what happened on 911, one must just follow the available evidence presented not only by mainstream sources, but also by alternative sources, and weigh them both on their own merits. It makes it more difficult to arrive at an answer to be sure, but the answer that one ultimately arrives at is more likely to be closer to the actual truth than would otherwise be the case.
It seems to me that the true failure to apply critical thinking lies in hurriedly applying universals to any group directly or indirectly involved in what happened.
It is also important to consider the following when regarding the attacks on 911.
Researching some of the work of Dr. John Mack - a Pulitzer Prize-winning, Harvard-educated professor of Psychology at Harvard - will help one go a long way in terms of finding out just how variable and nebulous are some of the presumably inviolable dictum of this society.
1 inboil 2012-11-28
He is not more qualified no. He has no scientific credentials, and he hasn't published any papers for peer-review. you make a good point about people not allowing themselves to understand certain things regardless of their truth or falsity. This is one of the reasons we need the scientific method of peer-review so that others can scrutinize every last tiny detail of your work and reasoning systematically. These great investigators that are embarrassments to themselves, you realize that the system of peer-review makes sure that if you are an embarrassment, we all find out? So unless your conspiracytheory is so big that all the scientists are in on it, or EVEN bigger: Something so powerful that it can fool all the scientists, then you have nothing to argue with. If it is such a big conspiracy, well how can we test if you are right? Can't use science, because science can't be trusted. soooo, ? We trust random youtube videos instead.