How come people really don't seem to realize that 'Syria' is just a re-telling of the Iraq/Saddam's WMD's story?

83  2012-12-07 by [deleted]

Soon, rebels to Assad WILL likely kill civilians, likely with gas, plus hinting at WMD's to come, then the Coalition, mainly U.S.A, Britian, and Israel will roll into town covered by International Law.

Assad is found in a hole, then dead, because all Muslims run and hide when they hear we're coming, right?

U.S-friendly CEO's take over as interim leadership until the new democratic leadership is elected, after whatever political and economic treaty's are signed.

A major enemy of Israel vanishes, with a minimum of response from Iran against the U.N-sanctioned troops, and Russia just deals with it and scowls.

It's enough for a b-movie, so it should be intricate and diabolical enough for world politics lately..

tl;dr-They're obviously full of shit about this one, too, but I think they've got it in their minds Syria would be an easier hit than Iran, as far as Russia and China are concerned. Iran has a lot of friends, but would anybody besides Muslims really stay pissed about Syria for long, if it could be done 'neatly' enough?


Maybe they got a tip that Saddam's weapons of mass destruction were moved to Syria.

They were, we have indisputable sources that confirm this.

See how easy it was to skip right by the recent Libyan disaster ...

Because people are stupid and have a memory like a fern's.

Yeah, how come no one remembers the civil uprising that lasted months and months in Iraq shortly before we invaded? Oh, right, because reality is more nuanced than your oversimplification.

we obviously learned from iraq ... now we create "revolutions" and "uprisings" so we can intervene when things get ugly and not be "invaders" but instead "liberators" .. pretty brilliant actually

More importantly, why does no one remember that the plan was all spelled out in Project for the New American Century back in 2001. Yemen is next. Such a sad state of affairs.

because reality is more nuanced than your oversimplification

Not as FOX News portrays it, it isn't.

You're probably better off just leaving the nuances at home and simply keeping it very basic, for that demographic. To them, a 'nuance' is something the pussy Liberals will just bitch about while they drive their fruity and un-American hybrids!

I simply chose to write this in that same spoon-fed tone that would likely be digested very easily by the stereotypical redneck type that would tend to buy into silly shit like this all the time..

I would think the 'sterotypical rednecks' mostly oppose America always going to war and beings Israels cannon fodder. You will have more luck with the blacks, mestizos, Jews and Dimbocrats on that score.

Do you remember when U.S. friendly CEOs took over Iraq?

Pepper ridge farms does

America shall reap what it sows.

Hopefully. The sooner the better.

america or americas leaders? surely you cant hope the people fall as well. americans have been shown to be very courageous and resiliant (black rights, gay rights, etc).. i foresee a bright future for the people , and a dark one for the corporations

I would hope for a bright future for both but when I evaluate history, I am not confident this is the case. Humans have a way of fucking things up.

I've never seen that, actually.

Is that on Netflix, U.S or Canada's? Hmm..

Something to watch tonight, maybe :)

definitively. It is "economic hit man" the movie.


Grosse Pointe Blank

Looks like it got a shitty rating:

So, I wouldn't really bother watching something that gets 5/10 since they turn out crappy most of the time.


The citizens don't care. They just want to watch stuff blow up.

I guess that scenario would just depend on how much russia and china like/need Syria there. Providing the U.S promises not to beat up Iran, that could be a fair trade, Syria now but Iran walks for a while, until that big of a bargaining chip with Russia is ever needed again anyway, though at a much later date ofc..

Russia and China don't lose much, everybody still keeps making money after the initial power vacuums, and stability in the region does likely improve. In favor of Israel, but still improves....

Needs Bruce Willis to be complete.

Syria is a key strategic zone for moving oil and natural gas out of the middle east, as there are many pipelines running through the country.

...Didn't people say that about Iraq and Afghanistan too? >->


Maybe they learned something the last time around? A few mass graves could have lent the whole Saddam thing some more credibility than it had at the time. Not saying I wanted that to happen, simply that fresh victims of 'Saddamn and his WMD's' would have started that off from a better legal standpoint, with U.N-approval from day one.

Libya is likely considered to be an 'operational success" for the U.S, or at least one of the 'desired possible outcomes' they envisoned. Compared to how Iraq ended up, I'd guess that they all learned something-get in, get what they want done, and basically get the hell out ASAP.

If gas is used against the citizens by anybody, really, could Syria be 'Libya'd' in that manner?

Accomplish their personal objectives, assure Israel's peace of mind, and just GTFO, leaving it up to Israel and whoever has been given Syria to work out for themselves?

If the strike is sanctioned by the U.N, scam or not, would Russia, Iran, or China really want to make that crucial first step and open hostilities against the United Nations? Not likely...

Compared to how Iraq ended up, I'd guess that they all learned something-get in, get what they want done, and basically get the hell out ASAP.

Not to mention, the entire 6 month Libya operation cost as much as a single day in Iraq circa 2006.

I have not heard anything about Assad possessing a nuclear bomb....

Unlike Iraq there's actually verifiable evidence of the gas weapons in Syria because the US friggin' sold it to them... All the stupid and non-researched posts like this are why this sub is becoming such a crap fest...