Where's Nibiru?
5 2012-12-12 by SutekhRising
Hey guys, where's Planet X? Shouldn't it be visible to the naked eye by now? Shouldn't there be some serious gravitational pull on the other planets by now? Can anyone explain this?
5 2012-12-12 by SutekhRising
Hey guys, where's Planet X? Shouldn't it be visible to the naked eye by now? Shouldn't there be some serious gravitational pull on the other planets by now? Can anyone explain this?
9 Weedtastic 2012-12-12
No planet will crash into the earth 21.12.2012.
3 [deleted] 2012-12-12
4 haveyouconsideredthe 2012-12-12
You think Armageddon was well done?
3 sovietcosto 2012-12-12
We barely realized an Asteroid just skimmed by us. I am not to sure on its size, but I think it was big enough to actually cause some damage. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2012/12/-this-image-obtained-by.html
2 Weedtastic 2012-12-12
It was for me always clear that this is a hoax alone how the mainstream media & entertainment hyped it to discredit truth seekers.
1 [deleted] 2012-12-12
0 Weedtastic 2012-12-12
The fact that the globalist are running the US Goverment,United Nations,European Union etc.
The fact that the globalist are trying to establish a new world order.
The fact that the US Goverment is supporting "Al Qaida" run Syria Rebels in Syria.
The fact that the Globalists are seeing us as slaves and bragging in their writings about what they are doing.
1 [deleted] 2012-12-12
People know that. But why else hype up the date if people are going to stay aware of the other issues?
0 [deleted] 2012-12-12
-1 Weedtastic 2012-12-12
They are behind with their plans but still in control
0 DOG_is_GOD_backwards 2012-12-12
Who, exactly, are "globalists?"
That is an Alex Jones term if ever I've heard one.
The word you're looking for is Zionists.
1 Weedtastic 2012-12-12
Nope Globalists is better because it describes all people who work towards a New Old Order not only the Zionists.
I don't deny Zionism is controlled to create a New World Order but its not the "the root of all evil".
There are Secre Society's like Bohemian Grove,Bilderberg,Skull & Bones... where the most powerfuel people come from.
2004 the American People had the "choice" between George Bush and John Kerry which are both Skull & Bones Member.
0 no1113 2012-12-12
Was going to upvote you until I got to the "albeit well done" statement. lol.
Didn't see the movie and I know it was a p.o.s. :)
0 stefgosselin 2012-12-12
This is the stuff sheeps are made of.
1 no1113 2012-12-12
Knowing that a movie was a piece of shit without having to actually sit through the entire thing? Is that what you're saying "this is what sheeps are made of" about? If so, that is the stupidest, most ignorant fucking statement one could make. Not that I'm not a sheep. Of course I am. Here's a newsflash for you, son: We ALL are sheep. To TPTB, we're all sheep. We're all fodder; all expendable chattel.
I'm a sheep that's definitely working on breaking out of that state of sheep-hood so many stay blissfully comfortable in, however. Your apparently thinking that you yourself aren't a sheep most definitely means that you actually are. That's what makes your state all the more difficult to get out of: You actually think you're not in it in the first place.
All that being said, I go back to the asinine statement you made. You imply that one cannot assess the worth (or, in this case, LACK of worth) of a film by the (shitty) trailer and/or by reviews written about the movie literally STATING how shitty it is.
Again, I didn't even see the movie and I know it was a piece of shit.
For you or anyone to make the statement you did IN GENERAL - to say nothing about how it pertains to THIS movie in particular - scales the height of stupidity to an impressive, impressive extent.
Way to show your ignorance there.
Oh...and by the way, there is no such thing as "sheeps" with an "s". The word is "sheep" - whether singular or multiple. This further adds to the depth of the irony created by someone like you using that word on anything other than yourself.
Again, way to go.
7 [deleted] 2012-12-12
4 RowdyRoddyPiper 2012-12-12
They say it will come in from the direction of the Sun. And not a hit, but a passage.
11 [deleted] 2012-12-12
0 RowdyRoddyPiper 2012-12-12
I guess "obscured by the sun" to us on Earth would be more accurate to what the Nibiru people say. It's supposed to be on an angled approach from the ecliptic, "below" the Solar system and more visible from the Southern Hemisphere. It's supposed to be nearly "dark", as in it emits little visible light but could be viewed in the infrared spectrum.
There's nothing sitting right there in the open on SOHO or STEREO, but things have been getting strange. Personally I don't think people should live in expectation of apocryphal prophecy or a certain date.
6 dromni 2012-12-12
The explanation is simple: Nibiru doesn't exist.
4 jblunted 2012-12-12
I don't think there will be impact.
I have heard that you can't see it because it is to the top left of the sun and you cant see it because the sun is obstructing it.
Also, according to Bob Dean it will not hit earth but instead pass between Mars and Jupiter having a gravitational effect on the Earth.
This could be totally false though. Just giving you my perspective as to what is being said will happen.
in the folklore of the Sumerians and mind of Zitchen.
3 [deleted] 2012-12-12
Really? Come on guys. I thought Santa and Jesus were real once.
3 phroztbyt3 2012-12-12
We are conspiracy theorists... not crazies. The explanation is simple, it was a theory. Not to say that it could not happen later on; just highly unlikely.
2 SWaspMale 2012-12-12
OK, I guess you're responding to stories like this but here is WikiPedia on the subject
2 Graped_in_the_mouth2 2012-12-12
From the first link:
2 istalkezreddit 2012-12-12
I can feel the frequencies getting stronger and stronger. No, I really can't must be the bullshitters at it again.
2 Punkwasher 2012-12-12
Yes, it's not there, nor was it ever, that's the explanation.
2 Graped_in_the_mouth2 2012-12-12
It's a fucking myth.
2 sovietcosto 2012-12-12
Didn't an Asteroid just miss the Earth?
1 herpaderp2026 2012-12-12
It can't be explained because there is nothing to it.
1 plutonn 2012-12-12
people believed this shit?
0 [deleted] 2012-12-12
It has foldspace tech attached and it will just appear in the middle of the solar system on a collision course with Earth. That is what the little green men told me anyway during my annual probing.
5 proggR 2012-12-12
Annual or anal? Or both? :P
2 Punkwasher 2012-12-12
annual anal probing, gotta have it!
0 VanillaPudding 2012-12-12
Today is 12-12-2012 what if the Mayans were dyslexic and wrote their 12 backwards... time to panic?
0 herpaderp2026 2012-12-12
A couple years ago that was the date, then the 21st, then both, now most people only say the 21st. Stupid, huh?
0 anglachel1 2012-12-12
Every now and then I cruise youtube checking out the Nibiru videos. One I remember was a guy seeing a sundog and calling it a second sun. Good god, people are stupid.