WTF did I just stumble upon? Details inside.

31  2012-12-13 by no1113

EDIT: What is a Sayanim? The main Wikipedia site deleted the term Sayanim from its files (surprise, surprise!). Only the French version is up. I passed the main description of it through Google Translate, however.


Nearly a month ago, I posted the follwoing response to a Redditor who since deleted his/her name/account, so I have no idea who it was:

It was through doing a google search for syanim that I found this. What is this particular site? Are you familiar with it? It seems to have some really interesting information that I hadn't heard of before.

Like this, for example, which I got from this page here - this second link here having been literally the last entry on the page when I did the initial google search for the word. When I clicked on the second link and read a bit, I was like what the FUCK? Columbine had Israeli connections? What the fuck?

I read through some more areas of the website...and am a bit in a daze. It definitely seems to have r/conspiracy relevance, and I was actually going to make a separate link and post it, but - again - don't know what to make of the site yet.


I decided to email one of the moderators and ask for their opinion as to whether I should put it up as its own separate, stand alone post so that I could get some clarification on what exactly this link was all about, but since nearly a month has passed and I've heard no response, I decided to post it up here all the same. Some of the info seems to be pretty voluminous and has a LOT of data in it. I'm wondering how much of it is true because it seems to have some stuff I hadn't heard before, and some of the information really opens things up even more to me in terms of how bad things are.

Trying to get some discussion going as to some of the information in the link.



All I beg of you is to spread the word far and wide.

These sayanim DO exist and these things DO happen every single day. Thanks for the post.

Edit: this memory just came flooding back: when Columbine happened I owned a Mac repair store in Boulder, CO. I had a customer/friend that was an Englewood, CO cop. We were talking about the incident and he brought this fact to light: he told me that some of the "bombs" had detonation systems on them that were NOT available in the US to ANYONE. Back then they were surmising that perhaps somebody who was active military had stole them since they were US in origin (I believe they were detonators?)

...and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Who has access to AMERICAN munitions that would have gladly helped these sayanim?


Because the detonators worked so well.

As a sane person who lived in Colorado during Columbine, I can say that Columbine has nothing to do with Israel.

Neither do I, but if you look hard enough you can see ties to a LOT of different folks.

For instance, it's proven fact that the shooters were both 'Montauk boys.'

If we look anywhere for blame it should be at the good 'old US of A.

They were both born after Montauk closed. Where is the proof they were Montauk boys?

Proof of Montauk?

There's a lot of blame to be placed, but none of it is at a national or international level. It's all local.

Both the shooters were Jewish. At first i was like wtf.. then i kept reading.. makes sense.

They weren't. Dylan Klebold was a Lutheran, and Wikipedia has no information on Eric Harris. If they were black would you say that it was orchestrated by Uganda?

Sorry, i should of just said according to the article. I made it sound like I was a firm believer in it. Well.. can't black people be Jewish also?

Not generally, no.

HA! So yes they are but not a lot of them? Doesn't leave out the fact their are jewish black people out there. Sorry.. just because a person is a certain color doesn't mean he can't study whichever religion he chooses to follow. Oh and if the shooter were black.. the first thing that would of popped up in my head is the following " Damn... somebody really pissed them off." Same thing i thought when i heard about the shooting we are talking about right now. Now I want to make it clear that I wasn't making assumptions on their religion prior to reading the article yesterday. So sorry buddy,I'm not assuming they are jewish because of their skin color. I'm saying they are Jewish because they followed the Lutheran Tradition observed some rituals in keeping with Klebold's maternal grandfather's Russian Jewish heritage. That is all.

I don't believe there are any natural born black jews, only black people who have converted to Judaism or half black Jews.

well isn't that how all religion was formed anyways? Converted from another form of religion?

No, many religions are formed separately from any other. Of course, religions may pick up traits from other religions and cultures.

But we're not talking about a religion forming from another religion, we're talking about black people (predominantly Christian) who have converted to another religion.

True sorry for getting off topic. Can you explain the difference it would make if he they were converted rather than born into. I mean they are both still taught the same ideas... just some sooner than others. ( Not trying to be sarcastic,a smart ass or an asshole ..sometimes when i write it comes out like that)

Jews, especially above other groups, have a lot of pride in their culture. They don't view "born agains" the same as they view people born into the religion.

So then born agains would be the best to send in to get your dirty work done huh.


Oh sorry we are way off topic. Wish to continue this in a P.M.?

Not really.

Ok buddy.

Well this is good to know if this is true...but what is the possible response then to the information on the website that one can have that is more valid and intelligent than, for example, "Nuh uh! That's not true!"

Not saying this is what you're saying in particular, but realize that your response here doesn't quite hold up as well as the argument that was made in the site itself. Did you even read it?

Bombs? Wait, what?


It seems there's simple so much damning information on the site that if even only SOME of it is true, then there's a WHOLE lot of evil being implicated upon these people - more than I already assumed was the case - so it certainly gave me pause for a moment.

The detonators were so shoddy that none of the big bombs exploded. They were propane tanks taped to gasoline tanks. Better check your sources on that one.

How did your customer know this?

He was an Englewood cop...didn't I just say that?

Englewood responded to Columbine along with several other nearby police departments.

How did a cop who responded to the incident know so much about the exact type of detonators/explosives involved?

Maybe he was former military. A lot of police officers are prior military.

None of the cops knew anything. They were all regurgitating chaos from that day. That's how so many myths came to be from the incident.

And adding to that how was he an expert in bomb detonators.

If only police forces had some sort of squad that are experts in bombs...

If only every cop in a police force was on it...

Or better yet, they are some how able to communicate, maybe with a device that sends sound over the air that can be picked up by another device, or if only they were allowed to just talk to each other...

So the bomb squad generally conveys information to regular cops on a scene over the radio of the exact detonator type and the fact that it isn't available in the US?


Ok I'll bite. Aside from the Jew bashing, where is the evidence? This could be written about any religion. Switch goy for kuffar for example and this could be a hate piece about Islam.

We need facts, people!

The site is huge, and the columbine incident is super detailed:

Edit: over 4500 pages apparently.

This was going to be my very response.

its jews all the way down

Why the fuck would Israel have a vested interest in shooting up some irrelevant high school in the middle of the nation that gives them billions of dollars a year?

Because they like to start shit. Have you ever heard of their secret service, Mosad? Responsible for numerous assassinations around the world. Among many other things.

They start shit for their own political or economic benefit, and Columbine has no benefit for them.

Weak link but gun sales always go up after these events because people are afraid that they'll soon be restricted. Israel exports lots of arms.

Extremely weak link, but good on you for trying to find something.

Shoot up a school = better chance to pass gun control laws, e.g. Canada


Or maybe it does/did and we just don't understand what it is... Can't solve the puzzle if we don't have all the pieces.

Certain Israelis subscribe to, how do you say, 'darker' beliefs. Poison the goy culture. Make their children fear their learning environment, turn their public institutions into prisons, keep them as rats in a cage shocked by electrodes such that they flinch at the slightest stimuli.

et cetera

This seems more like an apt response to BipolarBear0's statement - "Why the fuck would Israel have a vested interest in shooting up some irrelevant high school in the middle of the nation that gives them billions of dollars a year? " - than it is DNinja's.


Reddit, unfortunately, does not allow for title changes. I thought myself that the title was rather wanting as well. I felt that what I really thought was a bit too long-winded to post in the title alone, however. That's why I kept the title short and just filled in the rest inside.

It blows your mind does it not? I came across this a few years ago before his website and material were taken down, apparently by military order. Last I knew he reported that he was being harassed and followed.

One wonders then, if the information was so bogus as some on here are wont to say, why he was being harassed and followed.

His website has been shut down. If it wasn't people mirroring his website and information it would not exist. I think some information he had previously up has been scrubbed from the web.

The way he did things was simple and very effective. It sent people searching for more information. I rarely found him to be wrong.

He hasn't been heard from for a while as far as I know.

Thanks for the link.

Fucked up world we live in, ladies and gentlemen. Fucked up world.

I agree, and it now it appears there is no way to reign them in.

Drastic measures seem required.

Better 'details inside' please!

I recently read the book "Columbine", which is an exhaustive journalist investigation into the events that happened there, and also the lead up and fall out from it. It's an amazing read. I think that these claims posted here are outright bogus. The book debunks many of the myths associated with this incident, and I highly encourage OP and anyone else buying into this post to read it. There are many misconceptions about what happened at Columbine, and unfortunately many mistruths were taken by the wind of the media and spread to the masses.

The girl who "said yes", for example.. didn't say anything before being shot and killed. Books have been written about this Christian martyr, and unfortunately the story has been debunked many times over. This is just one example of common misconceptions of Columbine.

It was a tragedy caused by two disturbed young men. Nothing more. Also, I saw a comment here about how the bombs in the school were military grade, and had "complex detonators". This is simply untrue. None of the big bombs the boys brought in exploded because they were very shoddily made. They were essentially propane tanks with gasoline cans attached.

Do some research and clear up the myths.


Yeah great point. These two kids really were failed terrorists, at least Harris was, anyways. Such a chilling read. I haven't blazed through a book so quickly in a long time.. it reads like a fiction thriller. Glad someone else here has read it.

The user was goyim_lolacaust (me), glad this is getting discussion.

Cool. Thanks, SHIKSA_WAR_WIDOW/goyim_lolacaust. :)

Somethings are random - no matter how much you wish this wasn't so.

Neither did I say or ever "wish" that "some things weren't random". I honestly have no idea where you got that idea in the first place actually.

Additionally - and to address this particular point with more clarity - you are, in fact, actually wrong. It can definitely be said that the fact of the matter is that NOTHING is actually random. It can be said that everything is planned and works according to a structured set of laws. That structure and set of laws, however, just happens to be so vastly beyond your or my or any human comprehension that it appears "absolutely random" to our tiny, feeble minds. They appear random. They absolutely are not, however.

Regardless of whether things are or are NOT random, however, things are indeed whatever it is they are. And you know what? That doesn't really bother me at all one way or the other. Why ever should it? Why would you or anyone ever think that it actually WOULD bother me? It's truly strange that you would make a statement like you made here. It presumes things that you have really NO understanding about with regard to how I think or regarding anything I've said in this thread.

I decided to email one of the moderators and ask for their opinion as to whether I should put it up as its own separate, stand alone post


Who thinks like that?

Could you please describe your thought processes on general issues in life? Supposing there was a world with no "authority" figures, would you be able to function?

Im honestly curious, because I find that thought process really really bizarre. Like you've been programmed and conditioned to seek approval from someone "in charge" before doing anything.

Its the little things I notice.

Just because he wasn't sure how to post, it doesn't mean he's been ''programmed and conditioned to seek approval from someone 'in charge'', or would break down if there weren't any authority figures. Please dislodge you head from your inner colon please.


Sorry that you dont like it, but I stand by my question.

You're not making a question. You're making an assertion that is thinly veiled in a question form. There's a difference.

Is his thought process common? Do more of you think this way?

What thought process? Respecting others before posting certain information that might actually be considerably damning to easily-offended types? Hmmm. I wouldn't know. I personally would actually hope it's actually common, as I think respect is a very important thing to have in this world - especially if it's warranted. Respect is something that should never be equated with fear or following the herd, and those that ignorantly miss this point are more likely to cause more harm then would ever otherwise be the case.

If this thought process is considered normal - and Im the oddball for finding it strange

You see, right off the bat, what you're doing here is trying to single yourself out as "the oddball" for thinking you're some sort of "rebel" or "independent free thinker". What, in reality, you have shown yourself to be is nothing more than someone who makes wrong assumptions and simply runs with those wrong assumptions in the opposite direction of what is actually true or the case. You are very much not who and what you think you are thinking like this.

Believe me, I would MUCH rather be the type of person that is honorable and respectful about how I proceed with what I do and say before I do it so that if and WHEN I do it, I can do it with stick-to-it-tiveness and confidence and follow through with what I decide to do ALL THE WAY, rather than jump headlong into wrong assumptions (like you do) and look like a complete idiot as I do the equivalent of jumping headfirst into an empty concrete pool.

And yes. You're right, however. This world really and truly is fucked. There really isn't hope for people like you.


You're nowhere near as independent as you would like to make yourself or others on Reddit believe. That's okay though. Doesn't matter. Meh.



why do you take everything so far lol

It seems you do indeed at least have basic reading skills. What you are abysmally lacking in is an ability to understand the fuller picture of a scenario outside of the tiny world that your apparently remedial and neanderthal brain can grasp and assumes is the case.

A trifecta of incorrect.

You just stated the same thing I posted, but with a LOT less words and a lot more to the point. :)

lol. Your assumptions are pretty off-base. You started with a wrong assumption and then simply ran with it, assuming you were right in the first place, and quickly ended up being more, and more, and more wrong with every word you typed in this response here.

You are apparently ignorant of just how rampant the ADL crybabies on Reddit in general and in this subreddit in particular are. You are also entirely ignorant of the fact that I've had a moderator warn me that the ADL was actually crying to him/her about certain other posts I've made.

Regardless of how absolutely critical I am of Zionism or any way of being that is as world-raping as Zionism has shown itself to be, I do not wish to have or post incorrect information, and am not unwilling to double check information I find with a mod if necessary.

Given your response here, you would likely be utterly shocked out of your panties to find out just how anti-establishment and anti-bad authority I am. You would be shocked to find just how many posts I often and continuously make stating that I'm ready to strap on a big, armor-piercing bullet-shooting dildo and start ass-fucking TPTB with it. Your thinking that there is any "brainless following" trend going on here is, again, simply ignorant and mistaken. There's a difference between "following" and simply respecting the extent to which some information might effect others before posting it - which is what I was doing.

Regardless, the fact of the matter is that, in the end of the day - and REGARDLESS of the fact that I felt the information on here might be so damning that it might really offend and ruffle some feathers - I still decided to take it upon myself an post it without any feedback from whatever moderator I originally PMed. Therefore, what does that tell you about your "dependence on authority" assertion you made?

Again, in the end of the day, you simply started off on a very mistaken foot, and proceeded down an even more mistaken path without even bothering to question just how wrong your initial assumption was. It seems it is you and your thinking that is the one that really needs questioning and revamping - not mine - but oh well.


You messaged a "mod" to basically ask permission to post something

Again, this is something which you in your own masturbatory interest have misinterpreted. It is a failing in your mind. No one else's.

Cool. Thanks, SHIKSA_WAR_WIDOW/goyim_lolacaust. :)

Not generally, no.