Can We Start Compiling Everything There Is About a Possible Second Gunman?

92  2012-12-14 by TheWiredWorld

I was thinking making this as just a post in the main thread but it may easily get buried.

Can we compile everything that's been said/mentioned/commented on/hinted about a possible second gunman? I'll start - there's the image of the comment of the person nearby in a school.

Thread found here


Sheilaaliens has the first response radio traffic. Police reference visual contact of two shooters running past the library. It's within the first minute or two. I'd recommend listening to the entire thing, multiple shooters are mentioned more than once. Also, an officer states he has located "multiple weapons", including a shotgun, and handgun found in one location. Which does not jive with weapon reports in the news.

Why don't they play this on the main stream media? They will take the time to find one of the main suspects former class mates in India for a live interview, but they never took the time to play any of the police radio transmissions? That girl in India barely knew anything about the suspect! The entire interview brought absolutely nothing to light about who he was as a person and they hadn't even had any sort of interaction since middle school.


Like eerily similar... It's crazy... Like Aurora just wasn't a big enough catastrophe

Eerily similar? Be cause he was wearing body armor and carrying guns to a shooting? What was he supposed to do, dress up like a clown?

It would have been eerily similar if he dyed his hair or brought smoke grenades.

but but but but they are gonna take my guns!



Would you like a well reasoned argument as to why I think it's a silly idea?

If you had a well reasoned argument about anything, I would hope you would lead with it as opposed to some trolling comment.

So no I really don't care what your opinion on any matter is random internet user/agitator.

Well, I wasn't have a conversation with you. I was responding to someone else's comment in the voice of a character my argument would imply. He got it because he understood the kind of statement I was trying to make.

That their is a fear of a revocation of '2nd amendment rights' devoid of reality. If anything there is only the legal precedent for the opposite of what people seem to fear. Nevertheless they say the same thing every time this happens.

I heard the possibility that the second gun man is the "handler" of the known gunman.


Second gunmen are handy when you have a patsy/subject who might back out due to a limited period of conditioning. If primary shows up armed and ready to go but doesn't initially follow through, the second gunman primes the pump so that there's no turning back. There's a reason that most of these events culminate in suicide.

A handler might be in contact just before the event or during the event via cell phone/radio (as was the case with the Mumbai shooters), but the handler is too high risk to place themselves in the field at the scene of the crime (the handler would have to commit to a possible suicide mission... and we all know most handlers aren't that committed)

The reports said he was carrying a glock and a sig sauer. The .223 bushmaster was found in his car.

Why would she own these guns? Because she can? She probably went target practicing with them. That's what some people enjoy doing.


Further agenda? Like what trying to get America to agree on banning guns

Ya, I think that's what's being implied. See this thread for more.

Politicians prefer unarmed peasants

An agenda could be any number of things.

Saw on CNN an interview with a boy from the school who said he saw somebody on the ground with hands cuffed behind his back.

I saw that too. The kid said everything with that upswing in tone at the end of each sentence as though everything he said was a question.

As soon as the kid mentioned seeing the guy in cuffs on the ground they cut the interview instantly while he was talking.

Is there video of this. It would be cool to see.

The video of the kid saying he saw a handcuffed man being pinned to the ground by police is here

Iirc the two gunman theory in aurora came from a singular eyewitness account and from police radio where cops were discussing whether or not anyone else in the mall may have been involved. Eyewitness accounts are very unreliable especially under duress. ABC reporting a detail from an unconfirmed eyewitness source isn't evidence. The eyewitness account of a traumatized and confused child isn't solid evidence. I don't believe the state is to be generally trusted but christ some of you will accept any speculative bullshit as long as it's anti-government.

Also, the second gasmask. Debunk that asshole.

as well as the 30 foot blood trail going into the theatre....

You can tell from looking at it which direction a blood trail leads in?

Research of pictures of the blood trail leads me to believe it goes from outside in.

I never had a second thought about the official story in the Aurora shooting until I saw that kid in court. What the fuck was that guy on?! Even the news correspondents can tell he's completely fucked up.


I question everything I see now days.

In case the first malfunctioned!

Kill or bury reddit 24/7

Get outta MY subreddit, Cobra!

This message brought to you courtesy of G.I. Joe

"Knowing is half the battle"

I'm a skeptic... But the more sh!t like this happens, the more I think there may be something going on... the best way(I think) to disarm a people would be to make them fear the guns. If this doesn't scare the sheeple, I dunno what would

At some point you have to challenge the commonly held coincidental theory of reality. Sometimes things happen so that power can be extracted. Chaos created so order can be proposed.

You make a good point about people wanting to disarm everyone because they are scared.

This NaturalNews article by Mike Adams links to four MSM articles:

Three out of four have subsequently been edited to reflect the lone gunman story. When the article was first published all four collaborated a second individual and included the relevant quotes as indicated by Mike Adams. Only the "local CT CBS affiliate link" still has the quote referenced.

and this is why I don't like natural news. They go out of their way to post non-related anti-government crap so they can sell their "you'll be saved if you buy this!" stuff.

Yeah, I dunno about anti-government but I figured it was relevant as it was clearly referencing the major networks. All ads are annoying, unfortunately the nature of the beast, I don't pay for subscriptions.

Please show me a news source you like without ads.

State Police confirm that one shooter is dead. A second gunman is apparently at large and multiple people have been shot, sources told ABC News.

According to one television report, a second man was caught by police in an adjoining wood, handcuffed and escorted from the scene. There were very few non-fatal injuries reported, indicating that once targeted, there was rarely any chance of escape, and that the gunman was unusually accurate in his fire.Vance said the majority of killings ''took place in one section of the school, in two rooms".

no one seems to have noticed this video!

I want to know more about this video.

Did anyone think that maybe this was not a way to control guns, but children?


Herd those children like cattle. HERD THEM!

I heard there was a third gunman

There was most definitely a third SUSPECT, but from what I read and saw, he was unrelated and found in the nearby woods.

But who knows.

I heard since we as a nation have turned away from God, WE'RE ALL THE THIRD GUNMAN!

Repent! Join with the pastafarians to celebrate the Flying Spaghetti Monster before it's too late. May you be touched by his noodly goodness.

Upvote for noodly goodness.

Not sure why this guy has down votes, I think he is being sarcastic.

Don't tell anybody but I'm actually the forth gunman.

The last thing I heard was..that the person the initially id'd as the shooter, was the older of two brothers. But then they changed from the 24? year old to the 20 year old being the shooter. The other brother having been sighted in a van in the general area of the event. Was detained for questioning, but it sounded like this were leaning towards him not really being "involved".

the story goes that Adam Lanza was found with his brother's ID, whose name was Ryan and is 24 years old. his brother was in another state at the time -- however, he was later detained for questioning.

that would open back up the question about the guy in the van they were mentioning, since they said at the time he was not AT the school, but nearby, I wonder what the reason was they thought he was involved at all.


Yes, for gun control. In their minds, the more that these shootings occur and the more deplorable they become the more apt they are of gaining the public support for gun abolition. The reason they want guns out of the hands of citizens? The impending collapse of our monetary system. When that happens, there are going to be many many many people wanting to rip the government to shreds. Fortunately for them, we won't have an adequate arsenal to form any sort of effective force.

Since when are AR-15s and other civvy-available weapons an "adequate arsenal" to form an "effective force" against a highly-trained adversary wielding the fruits of 70 years of an over-funded military industrial complex? Do you really think black budget intelligence groups would go through such a potentially revealing operation all for the end result of a citizen being unable to down a Blackhawk with a compound bow instead of being unable to do so with an AK-47?
The timing's preposterous, as well. Were a group trying to force POTUS' hand, why stage the event when he is locked in negotiation with the GOP and currently unable to push through an agenda item which would entrench the right? Any shadow government operative worth their flouride would run an op like this after the fiscal cliff nonsense was settled.

Yet, one EMP or Solar flare in the future could at least temporarily disable the last 100 years of electronic goodies. In times like those, guns in skilled hands are as valuable as, well, guns.

Horrible timing? Hardly! It's always a good time for TPTB to strip whatever security they can from decent, law abiding sheep.

I'm not talking about the fiscal cliff, I am talking about when our currency truly tanks, and atm we are looking at that happening inside of 45 years. And why do you think they would only focus on AR-15s? ALL guns out the hands of civilians would be the desired end to this.

Merely using the AR-15 as an example here of a relatively powerful gun available to the citizenry which gives very little marginal utility over non-firearms when trying to take down military weaponry. I'm posing the question of why a shadowy agency would risk exposure--again and again, for years--to achieve such a minor advantage. Without evidence mor even internal consistency the theory reads like Red Dawn fan fiction.

They risk it year after year because it is working.

Just like it takes time for the waves to erode rock into sand, it takes time for some to be worn down and capitulate.

But it's the government that needs convincing which would mean that the CIA is doing this to secretly convince the president, who even now probably won't introduce gun control registration as Jay Carney the White House press secretary said once again now isn't the time too talk about it, and while rumors are that Obama plans on doing something the republicans will either strong arm it away or make a little harder to acquire guns. Fox News is also suggesting these massacres are the new norm; if anything the CIA is pushing for people to get more guns and make the killings more common place. If the CIA and government is making this more commonplace and the increased likelihood of anyone having a gun the mass public executions less scrutinized as they become the new norm.

A fearful populace is much more easily manipulated.

The Inquisitor is reporting via the associated press that "20-year-old man arrested had two guns including a .223-caliber rifle." and "reportedly drove to the school from New Jersey" this is might be the younger brother Adam.

Can we stop imagining a second gunman into every shooting incident ever?

What if the second guy that they found was a pedophile who was in the wrong place at the wrong time at the wrong time?

You people are fucking disgusting. This is not entertainment for you to spin theories about. Shut up.

And yet, here you are..

No. You're all fucked in the head. Is this thread a fucking joke? Are you serious?!

Not everything is a conspiracy. There are no all powerful societies and if you understood a smidgeon of human behaviour, you'd understand that things like a new world order would never work.

If the government wanted to abolish gun use, they'd make plans and do it! What? Do you think you're the ones holding back firearm prohibition? NO. The government doesn't want it because it's fucking profitable and an issue that could lose a shit load of votes for whoever proposes it.

I come from Australia where gun laws are strict and harshly enforced. Per capita, we have far less gun crime than America, and quite frankly, I enjoyed not dying at school. You might all bring up the fact that criminals will just buy guns illegally anyway, and yes that is true, but you forget two very important things about human nature: -most people lack the ability to mortally wound other human beings, regardless of the circumstance. -killers aren't just equipping themselves with guns; easily accessible weapons give the mentally unstable a means to manifest their illness into physical harm of others. For a group of people who claim to believe in the corrupting nature of power, you seem to have overlooked that. Give a man the ability to dominate others and he might just take it, regardless of whether he was corrupt to start with.

You're blinded by your pretense that most tragedies are orchestrated by authorities to chip away at your defenses. Be cynical in moderation, or you're just as bad as a fool who believes all he is told.

First of all, the way I see it, nobody wastes a bunch of kids for no reason. So the perpetrators of this most heinous act had to have a reason, leaving us open to speculation as to whether they were well connected nutjobs or isolated nutjobs.

Secondly, as a human I resent and reject your statements;

most people lack the ability to mortally wound other human beings

Give a man the ability to dominate others and he might take it, regardless of whether he was corrupt to start with.

As to the first wrong statement, I could kill you with my ass cheeks! Seriously? Humans are remarkable problem solvers and when the problem is life, cha don't have no problems. I hail to the quote "God didn't make all men equal, Samuel Colt did." When you blame the killing on guns, you're ignoring the problem of the people killing people.

As to your second wrong statement, you've gotta stop projecting your own dominant traits onto others. There is such a thing as a mutually beneficial relationship, and they are sacred rather than sinful. Stop fearing Hobbes' werewolves and love your fuckin neighbor!

To go back to your first wrong statement, you WERE right when you said giving access to weapons to mentally unstable can lead to killing. I'd like to throw it out there that mentally unstable people usually have a hard time acquiring a gun in America and that they have an equally difficult time learning the skills necessary to wield one. IMO that makes one very strong case that the shooters in this case were NOT mentally ill. So again I'm left wondering, why would anyone in the right mind shoot up a school of kids? And/or how much would these mentally unstable people have had to be aided by other mentally ill people to commit this atrocity....

A reason? By many accounts the guy was said to have mental issues including what seemed like a personality disorder and/or some form of autism. If you're not in that state of mind, then you're not in a place to say there needs to be a reason that makes sense to you. Mental instability amplifies small problems and warps your perception of events. What might seem a nonsensical reason to you, might be very compelling to someone in that state.

As for obtaining guns, there is no argument. You say the mentally unstable have problems buying guns, but that just isn't true. An extremely large portion of people with mental illnesses remain undiagnosed, and even if they aren't, there are people in shops that sometimes offer to waive the waiting period and background checks so they get more business. It's happened to a friend of mine. Not all places abide by the rules. And even further, the high powered rifle wasn't his. I'm not sure about the other guns, but there's a good chance he didn't have to personally obtain that either if his mother was keen on guns.

And what does problem solving have to do with anything? I'm telling you that you're wrong. You don't understand human nature, obviously. Most people are morally incapable of killing another human being, and many that do so in self defense undergo months of therapy. It isn't a matter of solving a problem; that's a gross oversimplification with absolutely no thought put in. And I'm not blaming killing on guns, I'm saying it gives people who are prone to be violent a way to manifest that in a way that is more likely to be deadly. Saying that people are blaming killing on guns is just a huge cop out so that you don't have to face the reality of how dangerous the weapon can make a situation. An analogy: a bunch of kids on a trampoline and one of them is holding a hunting knife. He isn't a malicious person and the knife isn't going to personally kill anyone, but having that hunting knife in that situation just makes it far more dangerous to everyone.

Your definition of mentally I'll seems to be skewed in a strange direction as well. Mental illness contains an extremely diverse array of problems. People who have emotional and reasoning problems can very easily have normal technical skills and ability to learn; and often, they can display a heightened aptitude in many skills than the mentally healthy. So you couldn't be more wrong in saying that the mentally ill would need help. They're not all retarded; depression is a mental illness FFS. Open your mind.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make about projecting my own "dominant traits". I say all this from observation, not from what I would do.

You obviously don't understand the general state of the human mind whether it be healthy or not, so don't embarrass yourself spouting nonsense.

You're so sure of yourself. That's right, I was spouting nonsense. And you are now spouting nonsense too. I know what you're trying to say is that we live in a dangerous world with dangerous mentally ill people and dangerous guns and this is just another example of why these things are dangerous. Just as all the other well publicized, essentially celebrity mass murderer and assassinations that our black ops government has been orchestrating these past 100 years.

I'm not advocating arming schizophrenics. I'm just suggesting somebody has. Again.

You've completely oversimplified what I said. I'm not sure of myself, I'm sure of what I know. And I know that your paranoid bullshit and sub-par reasoning for it. Obviously you aren't a person of science or else you would require some form of hard evidence before backing psychologically unfounded beliefs.

Some people are mass murderers without being connected to the government or authorities.

I'm most definitely not spouting nonsense, I know what I'm talking about.

Oh, you ARE so sure of yourself aren't you? I believe the hard evidence however points towards gun free areas being more likely to be targeted for a mass shooting, and lower rates of gun violence with increased regulation NOT restriction. Most shooting happen in metropolises and registered gun owners are safer than doctors. You're obviously a person of belief, so I'll stop wasting my time here. I'm never gonna convince you that guns aren't the problem, the runaway do whatever they want assassinate Kennedy military industrial complex is the problem.

I wish luck and clairvoyance upon you. Good day!

You're an ignorant prick. Your delusions blind you. I have no tolerance for people like you.

I live in a country with strict gun control and gun crime is remarkably lower than America. You can't even argue with that. It's fact.

I'm not saying guns are the problem, I'm saying guns make it a lot easier for problems to manifest themselves into reality.

If you can't accept reality and logic, you can place your head firmly deeper into your own colon. Fuckwit.

Y hLast word cuz I'm drunk and you were being an ass.

I just wanna be friends, even if we disagree on sumthin do stoopid as gun control and what the cause of this violence is. My being wills for the victims of this psyop or whatever to find some peace. I'm truly sorry if I've bothered you. I just can't stop loving!

Thank you.

Go ahead and down vote me, sheep. You're worse than the figments of your imagination that you tittle about in your knitting circle.

You can tell from looking at it which direction a blood trail leads in?

I never had a second thought about the official story in the Aurora shooting until I saw that kid in court. What the fuck was that guy on?! Even the news correspondents can tell he's completely fucked up.


Well, I wasn't have a conversation with you. I was responding to someone else's comment in the voice of a character my argument would imply. He got it because he understood the kind of statement I was trying to make.

That their is a fear of a revocation of '2nd amendment rights' devoid of reality. If anything there is only the legal precedent for the opposite of what people seem to fear. Nevertheless they say the same thing every time this happens.

Merely using the AR-15 as an example here of a relatively powerful gun available to the citizenry which gives very little marginal utility over non-firearms when trying to take down military weaponry. I'm posing the question of why a shadowy agency would risk exposure--again and again, for years--to achieve such a minor advantage. Without evidence mor even internal consistency the theory reads like Red Dawn fan fiction.