Adam Lanza and the Connecticut shooting.

14  2012-12-15 by [deleted]

So, my friend just posted a paragraph of text which showed up on my newsfeed about how the shooting is 'another' false flag attack.

Also, how Adam Lanza was a clumsy 20 year old autistic kid, dressed in full body armour and that he'd never held a gun before etc. etc.

I was wondering how long it would be before this stuff started circulating, turns out not very.

I'd be interested to hear if r/conspiracy think there was anything to it?


I need more information on this one, this isn't James Holmes, we don't have a heap of evidence to support a conspiracy (not that, that has stopped anyone in the past) you make an excellent point if true, about him never firing a weapon before, and having access to body armor.. who in that house would own body armor? His mother was teacher not SWAT

Mother was not teacher, that was inaccurate. Mother owned all those guns and enjoyed target shooting with her kids. No indications of body armor, pretty much no one but police has seen the shooter's body.


show one shred of evidence of that, you ghoul.

Same source for both articles, Sorcha Faal, and the underlying source, is secret Russian intelligence files that we don't get to see. If you're not aware of the credibility problems with "sorcha Faal" let me help you

and just to point out one glaring error in the article - Lanza did not relocate to newtown in 2009, had lived there much longer than that. Source

maybe the secret russian intelligence files had a transcription error?

thank you


ver nice loadout indeed ......


Weeeell... Owning a rifle is her constitutional right as it is with everyone in the U.S. we can't ask "why" she owned it without raising questions about "should" she have owned them. While that might be a valid question for some, it will lead to a solution in which people will be disarmed, and that cannot be allowed to happen for many reasons, mostly because disarmament isn't going to solve the problem.. Though I guess it doesn't hurt to ask, especially if the answer turns out to be that she in fact didn't own any weapons. Wouldn't that just take the cake?


She was a gun enthusiast, there's actually a lot of female gun enthusiasts.

I figured that would be the case. Enthusiasts come in all forms.

It does seem strange, along with the body armor. I just want people asking the right questions is all. As I'm sure we all do.

I'll consider owning an 'assault' rifle excessive when the police stop owning them, too.


Honestly, why can't people of here just accept that some people are sick. Come on, no sane person would have children killled in a false flag, that's just complete bullshit. Read about this kid Adam Lanza, he was very weird and definitely had problems. His mom owned the guns, and took him to various shooting ranges. I don't know his exact motive, but I am 100% there was no false flag conspiracy. Come on people, use those brain cells!!!


Ok, good points. Do you have a link to the exact SSRI he was taking? I'm studying pharmacology (study of how drugs work in the brain) and I think this aspect of the story is really interesting. I honestly don't think that the government really wants to wipe out the second amendment. They aren't afraid of armed revolution, most people are pretty content to be living in one of the highest standards of living in the world. But the fact remains we have incredibly high rates of gun violence in this country, and we need to figure something out. I have no problem with making semi auto weapons illegal, because honestly why do you need that? I'm not some hippy liberal either, but come on. Why is marijuana illegal but AR-15s are not, its rediculous.


Yeah they keep making these statements like we know he was on prescription drugs, and prescription drugs have blah blah blah effects, but its worthless rumor unless we know exactly what drugs.

On the political tip, let me try to understand your position. So you think 911 was false flag in order for the federal government to make a power grab? See, I can't believe this theory. The cost of those attacks, ten years later, with the war and what not has been fucking huge, and almost crashed our economy. But yeah, we did that on purpose so we could increase tyranny and put TSA in airports.


I explain it like this. 911 happened. There was panic, and extreme feelings of sadness and fear. Something had to be done. The result was the patriot act, which I'm not particularly a fan of, but it along with everything else you mentioned (except for the hollow points, I will have to research this) could be explained by a heightened sense of fear and vulnerability, and an honest attempt by the government to keep us safe. Is it encroaching on our freedoms, yes, and like I said I'm not a fan, but I do not think it was all a conspiracy because the ends do not justify the means. Seriously, just because there is TSA and homeland security, has your life and expectation of privacy and freedom really changed??? I honestly think you conspiracy guys are smarter than this.


I don't know anything about what you just said, I'll have to research. Doesn't sound like world domination or destruction to me though. I mean, why would they want destruction anyways? Hows that good for them?

And, how do you explain invading Afghanistan? Got no conspiracy for that, because Afghanistan has no trade. Want to know why we invaded? Because it was a safe haven for terrorists. You know, like the 911 terrorists. Sure, Iraq was bullshit and a mistake, but we are moving out now. Lets try to think forwardly and not get bogged down into stupid conspiracies.


Man you make a ton of points to refute. I'm stoned, and its tiresome haha. I'll make it brief. Honestly think about your life. Do you not have the freedom to do 99% of what you want? Sure, it would be nice if I could buy drugs legally, but I don't equate it to mass conspiracy. The patriot act and the TSA and the militarized police, haven't affected my life. Maybe you have different experience, but I honestly doubt it. So this whole big conspiracy you think is so evil, hasn't actually been all that bad, has it? Your life can be as good as you make it, no one is stopping you or oppressing you. Keep your guns, no one is going to come take them from you, and just try to enjoy life more. Honestly man, lifes too short to worry about every conspiracy you THINK you know so much about. Signing out, peace out bruh.

Also, I agree that the logic with the SSRI's is contradictory. They say that psychedelics are dangerous drugs. But they aren't toxic and they don't damage your body. They aren't even dangerous for your mind in 99% of cases.

SSRI's don't fry your brain, and they do help people with depression, but they shouldnt be given to crazy fucks like that kid who shot the school because they do have some fucked up side effects. But I agree they aren't to be given out like candy.

Also look how armed this kid Lanza was. You gun guys always say we should be armed just as well as the criminals. Well in all reality its the cops that have to go in and deal with shit like this, and he was wearing body armor, so that explains your hollow points. Militarizing police doesn't bother me because I have no reason to war with them.


Sure if someone had had a gun they might have stopped him. I agree. I agree that prohibition isn't solution. Too many guns out there already. I'm not sure where I stand on guns in schools like that. Obviously no one thinks that guns have a place in schools. However nothing like this had ever happened, so do you think we reconsider our whole policy of guns in school because of one incident?

To quote an email from Cryptome:

"The new 2nd amendment: disturbed young men exercise their right to form a militia-of-1 to fight their private war, go out in a blaze of american glory, media adulation, a nation's crocodile tears.

Or enlist in global violence for national security with WMDs, drone and special ops murder and torture. Gun control an entertaining diversion from psycopathological military arms merchandizing by stand-off-kill demonstration blessed by mediazation: Zero Dark Thirty, Homeland, No Easy Day, SEALs unleashed, wounded warriors, flags, medals, parades, defense and homeland jobs, journalism and juice. New England since the American Revolution a prime location for design and manufacture of killing machines and a secure base for intelligentsia imperializing."

Well, I find it interesting that it is next to impossible to find Adam Lanza's height and weight posted anywhere online.

He was carrying anywhere from 40-60 lbs of gear (a rifle, shotgun, pistol, extra ammo/clips, 2-4 smoke grenades, body armor, and mask). Military people of reddit, could you verify this for me? or let me know how much this would weigh?

I don't feel someone of his height and weight (all gear aside) could kick in a door; and I am positive he was not strong enough to push through a barricaded door (assuming he would shoot the door off its frame / shoot out the lock).

After the shooting started, wouldn't every other classroom lock and barricade their door with 1.) teachers desk 2.) all the student's desks?

In conclusion, I don't think that it was physically possible for this 110-120 lb boy to accomplish what was allegedly done.

there was a mask? what the fuck for?

Video of medical examiner here

Is it odd that only 2 of the 7 autopsies performed at the time of this video had close range wounds? Also, news reports are wrong. The examiner stated that all the wounds he examined were shot with the long rifle.

Edit: Have dug deeper into this. For autopsy purposes, close range is considered to be only 2 to 3 cm. So, close range in this case is obviously not a conspiracy.


One witness said they even saw two masked gunmen running around

police scanner verifies multiple officers with visual contact of armed suspects running past the library outside.

Commenting to save

It was not an assault rifle.

An assault rifle by definition, has a select fire capability. This means it can function in both semi and full automatic firing modes.

The rifle that his Mother owned was an AR-15, a semi-automatic rifle chambered in a relatively weak cartridge (.223 Rem). A Bushmaster is not a military standard rifle by any metric.

In fact, these rifles are the most common long guns in the USA so I am not surprised at all that she had one.

In the USA, any "scary" looking weapon is incorrectly identified by the media as being an "assault weapon". No such designation exists in the world of firearms.

I wouldn't really call a cartridge with a 500m accurate lethal range "weak." Compared to what? The .22 long cartridges have an incredibly high muzzle velocity compared to their 30 caliber cousins, and you can carry a lot more of it. A .223 round at 100m basically explodes a 20 lb groundhog.

A .223 is designed to maim, not to kill. I've heard this from multiple sources. It just bounces around inside your body, but it isn't likely to make an exit wound.

If the bullet is bouncing around inside the body, it is very likely shredding or puncturing internal tissues as it transfers that kinetic energy to the body. Internal bleeding is not easy to recover from.

The .223, like its military equivalent the 5.56, is designed to do maximum damage to the human body. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

When loaded with a bullet that expands, tumbles, or fragments in tissue, this cartridge is capable of delivering devastating terminal performance.

Source: 6 years USMC and

Just wanted to step in and clarify a few things in your statement.

The rifle that his Mother owned was an AR-15, a semi-automatic rifle chambered in a relatively weak cartridge (.223 Rem).

The AR-15 is the civilian version of the US Military M-16. The civilian round is the .223 and while the military version is the 5.56. The main differences between the two is that the the maximum pressure is higher on the military ammunition along with military projectile being slightly longer.

Both projectiles have very similar external dimensions and the military version of the rifle can fire the civilian cartridges. Also, there are several AR-15 variants that can safely fire the military grade 5.56 ammunition although you would need to verify with the manufacturer that the weapon can handle the higher chamber pressure of the military round.

At close range the damage done to a 6-7 year old by either weapon would be devastating and virtually identical.

This means it can function in both semi and full automatic firing modes.

Actually, many modern assault rifles, including the M-16, use a 3 round burst rather than full auto. Also, while not full auto, a stock AR-15 can come pretty damn close as this video demonstrates.

Source: 6 years USMC along with Wikipedia.

Well thanks for the nitpicking

I can't imagine that a 45 year old father- married, but once divorced IT professional for an energy company who enjoys xbox gaming is going to tell me a damn thing about firearms.

I have used a rifle to hunt and kill men, though I certainly don't need a degree in information security to know not to talk about it.

I have a lot of hobbies, including firearms. While technically correct, your response minimized the threat the AR-15 represents. While I agree that the AR-15 is not a military standard assault rifle, it is an extremely deadly weapon...especially when the target is a child.


This is correct to say that the police are withholding but it is fair to say that the police in Newtown are pretty justified in withholding info right now from a news media that has reported nearly everything erroneously. At one point they had the father, brother (who was actually the shooter), roommate (of the wrong guy) and the girlfriend (of the wrong guy) reported as dead. They reported that the shooter killed his mom and then drove to her kindergarten class, which makes no sense, and it turns out she wasn't a teacher. They in fact reported that that a purple van, with a man dressed as a nun fled the scene. I wish I was making that last part up.

Okay, I think I got most of that. Who is the guy with the camo pants? He's the "wrong guy" you were referring to?

"Wrong guy" refers to the fact that the roommate was actually the roommate of Ryan Lanza's, in New Jersey. Ryan Lanza, as Im sure you know was misidentified as the shooter. Somehow, reports were published that Ryan Lanza's roommate and girlfriend were missing. They were not missing or connected to this in any way that has come to light so far.

The guy in the camo pants, was pulled out of the woods by police in handcuffs. They were sweeping the area to secure it - Newtown is a heavily wooded area. There would be nothing unusual about someone being outdoors near that school. He was reported and there are literally dozens of eyewitnesses to his detention at the time.

woot, thx

One thing that's confusing to me is that police are reporting that the children were reported to be shot by a rifle, but yet the rifle was found in the shooter's car. Are they suggesting that he shot the kids, went back out into the parking lot (where police where showing up at the time) to put his rifle into the trunk, and then went back into the school to shoot himself? Doesn't add up to me.


Where'd you hear that? I haven't read that anywhere.

yes, this is confusing, state police statement today indicated all three guns were found near the body.

That would make more sense, especially since you can hear a cop over the scanner saying "He's firing an AR-15"
Still wondering where the report came from that they found it in the car. I mean, I read that on Fox News (not saying fox news is super-reputable, just saying that it wasn't some guy's blog).

Great post, I wish I could write them that well. I'd like to add regarding motive that, from my understanding Adam Lanza was autistic, (I've never heard of violent tenancies in autistic persons, but I'm no expect on the subject). I also heard that he was taking anti depressants, which I KNOW from first hand experience fucks with your mind (not to the extent of Adams actions) but I know that it changes people and in some cases in can cause instability. Not to take away from your MKultra or devils breath theory or anything...

Lanza has Asperger's - Aspreger's is no longer defined as related to autism.

This is incorrect. It has simply been rolled into the autism spectrum disorder instead of having its own classification.

thanks for correction, i misunderstood what i heard earlier.

No problem. It's confusing and will actually make it harder to obtain an Aspergers-type diagnosis. That's why it seems as if it is being eliminated.

My husband has Aspergers, and there is NO WAY he would be able to walk into an elementary school and kill innocent children. He has severe social anxiety anyway.. He hardly even leaves the house, which is very characteristic of Aspergers.

Frankly I find it hard to imagine anyone who could, even after the fact... Despite all the messed up stuff Ive seen on liveleak from places around the world, you would never expect some random white kid to shoot up a kindergarten class, its just not something you prepare for. AMA request a psychologist who can explain to me how this happen?

quick to stop mentioning a second shooter

Police never said "second shooter" at some point they brought a guy out of the woods in handcuffs. That is not a second shooter. If they cleared him, considering what happened to the shooters brother, they probably shouldn't let him get tried in the media.

There's no indication that Lanza "changed dramatically"

His mom was not a kindergarten teacher. And, it's not as unusual as this audience seems to think for women to be interested in guns and shooting, at least not up here.

Yesterday this was posted... Sounds like the cops did think there was a second shooter, maybe even a third.

This NRP story claims that Police Lt. Vance told reporters that the evidence indicates that the gunman "was not voluntarily let into the school at all. ... He forced his way into the school."

This is the official statement by the CT state troopers

As for a possible motive, a spokesman said “we don’t know much for sure.”

Also, according to NPR, an earlier version of this article suggested that the gunman in the Connecticut shooting used a rifle to carry out the shootings inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School. In fact, according to law enforcement, the guns used in the school shooting were both handguns. They were semi-automatics, but not assault weapons. Apparently, these are different things.

Confirmation that Adam did not fit the pattern of a criminal Marsha Moskowitz, a former bus driver in town, remembered Lanza and her older brother. "You know the trouble kids, and you figure, 'Pfft, that one's going to be trouble. But I never would have thought that about them," she said.

A man disguised in a mask goes on a killing spree, disappears off the radar momentarily, and then reappears dead or in police custody. Aurora, Clackamas, now Connecticut.

Could it all be misdirection? Is the man presented as the killer just a patsy? I mean, why would a suicidal killer bother wearing a disguise? Why these reports of second gunmen? So many questions.

There is an interview with a kid from Sandy Hook saying he saw the police pinning a handcuffed suspect to the ground.

Half of your points have turned out to be wrong. Come on, how about you wait until we know more before claiming conspiracy. Maybe it was similar to Holmes because he was inspired by that attack. Seriously, every piece of information that comes out about Lanza supports the theory that he was simply an ill, sad, strange person. The exact kind of person that would do something he did.

Also what kind of sick fucks do you think would have children murdered to support fucking gun control. Seriously, no one cares about your stupid fucking right to own a gun, get over it BITCH

Mother was not teacher, that was inaccurate. Mother owned all those guns and enjoyed target shooting with her kids. No indications of body armor, pretty much no one but police has seen the shooter's body.

Well thanks for the nitpicking

I can't imagine that a 45 year old father- married, but once divorced IT professional for an energy company who enjoys xbox gaming is going to tell me a damn thing about firearms.

I have used a rifle to hunt and kill men, though I certainly don't need a degree in information security to know not to talk about it.