Question: If American were told that they have to turn in all guns or else go to prison, what would happen?

15  2012-12-16 by [deleted]


sadly civil war





While the definition of 'win' is subjective, we can safely assume that the government has some pretty evil technology at their disposal. There is little doubt in my head that if things were to come to blows, the elite would hide underground and unleash military hell on the civilian population. A few AR's and your survival knife only go so far against drones with thermal/x-ray imaging.

now that is a good question.

No one.

scalar weapons.

Whichever side the U.S. military chose.
Whether that control lies in the Pentagon, certain competing parts of it or elsewhere.

No it's whichever side fights an asymmetrical war.

Texas would secede.

Let em. Texas sucks.

I have to ask why? Texas receives so much hate for no reason.

It's boring. I just don't care for Texas. A lot of their residents act like it's a totally different country already, so let em secede.

So you have decided the second largest and second most culturally diverse state is boring, but don't really have any reason for hating Texas (except of course, how BRAVE it makes you look).

As for secession, we would love too. However, Texas is one of the few states that would most certainly NOT be allowed to secede, because it quite literally is successful as its own country, as well as a tax donor state (Secession would immediately make Texas richer and the US poorer).

Beyond that, Texas holds some critical cards: NASA, Oil trading hub, most successful medical industry in the US, just to scratch the surface.

That said, It is fine for you to not like Texas, or Texans, but you best recognize it would be negatively impactful for you if secession actually became a possibility.

Also, it would be nice if you could rationally decide why you hate Texas, chances are it boils down to be about as irrational as hating Iraq because 9/11.

Ok, you're butthurt. I have been to Texas and I just don't care for it. From the inbred rednecks to the pseudo-happening "cities", they can all go to hell.

Those are all fine reasons to be proud you are from there, but that doesn't matter to me at all. Doesn't that just tan your hide? That's not "brave" it's honest. Or, actually, it's my opinion.

Now tuck your bottom lip in and shut the fuck up, pussy. You act like this is the first time someone on the internet offended you with their opinion. I remember my first time on the internet. Of course, I was well aware that there are different opinions. On the internet....

Butthurt? You may be projecting a little bit here. Reread my post and fail to seem where I come off as less than informative (other than parentheticals about how BRAVE it is to hate on Texas).

Inbred rednecks? Where do you get this information? Psuedo-happening cities? What makes a city "happening?" Texas is home to three of the top ten largest cities in the country.

When did I say I was proud to be Texan/from Texas? I live here, but I wasn't born here; furthermore I find pride to be a detestable, dangerous trait.

Now tuck your bottom lip in and shut the fuck up, pussy.

Oh, and I am the butthurt one. XD

My main contention is that you do not have a personal opinion, you have other people's opinions.

Otherwise you could explain yourself without resorting to.... this.

No no. You are the one with the issue. I just can't stand Texas. I have other people's opinions? How is that? I even said I have actually been to Texas. Stayed a while too.

What makes a "happening" city? Nothing in Texas, that's for sure.

Where do I get inbred rednecks? Gee, I don't know where anyone would get that, would you? Except for the fact that Texas executes more inmates (and mentally retarded ones too. It's ok, I rip on Georgia for that too) than any other state, besides perhaps Florida. Which is full of rednecks too, the northern part anyway. South Florida is pretty badass, actually.

There. Is that a good enough opinion for you, ya butthurt pussy?

Now quit being a pussy about it. It's just the internet.

You seem pretty emotional about this.

Not really. I just think you're a pussy and don't want anyone to mess with Texas. I like on you getingt upset at the notion that there is someone different than you that has a different opinion on your homeland. And if it isn't where you live or are from, WTF do you even care?

You are calling a stranger names over the internet for having a different opinion than you about a state you vehemently claim to not care about.

I would say you are being emotional.

Not at all, Strawman. You forget that you, personally, were quick to take up for Texas. All I gave was my opinion.

And the reason for calling you names is because you are in fact being a pussy about it. You are getting mad because a random person said they didn't care for Texas. And here you are, not emotional at all over the fact I hate Texas.

Do you have anything else to add to your loss here?

Ill find some nice christian texans to pray for you.

Of course you will. You're from Texas.

you suck.

Yeah, yeah. The butthurt is strong in this one.

The police would see it as a suicide mission and not carry out the order.

That seems highly likely.

However, our military is trained explicitly for that sort of mission.

Hm... Let's see; Yup! they're ready!

One of these days, we're gonna have a real life "Dr. Strangelove".

I think you sent the wrong link by accident.

You do?!.

American solders are the most successful, well trained, DEADicated suicideers under earth. If there's any other group alive today that is better at suicide, than do tell. (Not counting Israel.)

Are you familiar with the ending of the move Dr. Strangelove, Slim Pickings? If you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil it for you, but it's free on the web and you should watch it.

If there's any other group alive today that is better at suicide, than do tell.

LOL! If one were to believe the MSM, then it would be Al-CIAda, er, I mean, Al-QUEDA. Or the Taliban. Look how long that one man evaded the best police force in the world! MURICA!!!!!/S

Nothing would happen, some states don't require you to register firearms and there isn't enough space to incarcerate people who won't comply.

Honestly, in my area, the people I talk to really seem like they are waking up to some of this. It's becoming obvious that they will never get peoples guns. The Civil war would probably be inevitable though I am optimistic. 2012 is turning out to be a game changer, regardless of any theories and prophecies.

All Jews responsible for this would be gassed after the end of the insurgency.

The 'four corners doctrine' says that when two laws are in conflict the older one is in force. That means the new law does not supersede the second amendment. End of question.


Even if 99% turned in their guns, what would be left is a standing army of 1.5 million people with guns.

All out civil war. It's not going to be pretty.

Honestly, I understand all the anti gun control liberty stuff, I pretty much agree, but, realize gun control is a big deal mostly because its a wedge issue.

It's something for people to fight about that politicians can take sides on. It's the same as abortion or gay marriage.

These are things that only actually matter in a real way to a tiny portion of people. Yet... they can decide elections... People feel so strongly about it that they'll flip over the Risk board over it.

Yeah I know it's some sort of fundamental philosophy, whatever, it's dumb... It's about 1/10 as important as people act like it is. You certainly shouldn't be choosing who to vote on based on that, that's playing into their hands.

/askreddit is more appropriate for data mining.

There would be a record number of boating accidents. (In which firearms were reportedly lost)

The South would "rise again"

People will just bury them in their backyards. It's a complete fantasy to believe you can de-arm the US. They must be getting desperate. A fourth grader could come up with a better strategy.

Asymmetrical warfare. And the government has proven for 12 that it can't fight that way.