A weird dude trolling the sub has new Reddit account and is hyper focused on the Sandy Hook Shootings, and highly combative of anyone who questions the official story.

357  2012-12-19 by [deleted]

Maybe I am just imagining things here, and I know I am going to sound like the craziest mother fucker right now, but....

There is a new redditor who is commenting excessively and exclusively on any/every sandy hook post here on /r/conspiracy.

I noticed that he was kinda over the top the way he vigorously opposes every single alternative frame of thought regarding the Shooting. He is even out right combative.

I thought it was weird when I first noticed the frequency of his comments, so I hovered over his name and found out that he has only been a redditor for about 5 weeks.

I clicked his name to review a little bit of his comment history and it kinda just creeped me the fuck out how damn near every single comment was in a sandy hook post here in r/conspiracy.

And in every single comment he is actively, I would even say fervently, trying to lead people away from any kind of alternative thought/discussion on the events of that day.

It just creeps me the fuck out. Because he seems to be more informed than average, like almost professional in his reiteration of the official details and his defense of all publicly released information. He seems to be attempting to sabotage, derail and defuse any conversation or dialogue that looks at this from any other angles.

Like this dude is some sort of vigilante here to keep noses from sniffing around or something.

Its just really fucking weird to me.

And I guess the weirdest thing is that this guy has only had his account since last month. (almost exactly 1 month before the shooting).

In that time, He has submitted 4 posts, all of which pertain to the shooting in some form, but not all of them are here on this sub. The vast majority of his comments have taken place after, and have been all about this shooting. And basically attacking everyone else who has posted about or commented about the shooting.

If you posted some controversial information, or comments, or if you have suggested something mildly skeptical of the public story, chances are that this guy has attacked you too.

I am almost 100% certain that I will be attacked by him just for posting this.

The whole thing is just weird. I looked at this guys comment history, and he has not discussed any other topic in any other sub reddit any where near as extensively as he has been chipping away at this one issue here and now.

The funny thing is, I know how nuts I sound right now.

I have never speculated anything hokey as this, I just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed.

*EDIT: Everyone is telling me that it is not against the rules to post a redditors username so for the record the name of the user I am talking about is: TaylorHicks

And you can tell me if I am right to think this guy is fishy, or you can tell me if I need more sleep....ha ha ha.

Also, I am probably going to delete this post in a day or 2 if it doesn't get much use, I don't want to have some embarrassing post like this haunting my account, because its probably just nothing any way, and I will look stupid.

*EDIT: this user has apparently opened up a few alternative accounts today. All with the same MO, most of which have turned very hostile and sent death threats to various users and then deleting the accounts. One of those death threats was sent to me as well.


I think there is more than one shill poisoning the well.

There always is. But man. This guy is something else. Or maybe i need more sleep.

Well which user are you talking about?

Via PM.

I'll spill the beans. its /r/taylorhicks I dont give a fuck about secrecy.

account deleted.

Dude doesn't seem like a troll to me.

Edit: I double-checked, and indeed it seems he is a troll.

he came at me a couple times

Aw, what the hell. PM?

Yeh. That user is very obviously a troll/shill to me but, like you, I will leave it for others to make their own judgement.


They wrote about the other guy. Not me.

It's a bot, it just replies to whatever comment SRD linked to.

Everyone wants answers but no one wants to take action. We need to take matters into our own hands.

Taking matters into your own hands usually leads to incarceration. Especially for people with an outlook on the world similar to ours. Downvote his posts and call him out, not much more any of us can do without breaking laws.

The shills really stick out in a place like /r/conspiracy because they're the only ones trying to discredit the most credible theories.

There are people who want the truth, and then there are people who rationalize government action for their own comfort.

The shills really stick out in a place like /r/conspiracy[1] because they're the only ones trying to discredit the most credible theories.

I cant speak for other shills, but my goal here has always been to show you how factually incorrect those "credible" sources are.

Your first mistake was letting facts enter your thought process.

I think a big problem with conspiracy theorizing is the basic approach. In hard science, for example, the idea is to posit a hypothesis, then attack your own hypothesis from the angle of "how can this be untrue". Then eliminate those counter explanations one by one, where possible. Ultimately you are left either with a counter example that can't be dismissed, or the truth. Conspiracy theories are usually approached from the other side, or, "how can this be true". This line of reasoning can only lead to possibilities, not truth. So, all this to say that all theories should be criticized/challenged, especially the most convincing/credible ones.

edit: words mean specific things.

If we are talking about science you are completely using the word theory wrong. In hard science the idea is to posit a hypothesis. A theory ,in science, is a hypothesis which has a myriad of supporting evidence. In this diagram of the scientific method, step 10 and 11 is when we would start to consider a hypothesis of theory status.

If we are speaking about science the word theory takes on this definition:

a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena

If we are talking about conspiracy theories it takes on this definition:

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

My bad, you are completely right, that was careless of me. But damn, dude I fully understood after the first sentence or two. That said, with that correction, my analysis still stands.

Definitely. The negative thoughts of close minds stand out like a sore thumb. Lately, this sub seems to be more akin to /r/skeptic or /r/conspiritard.... I skim through the BS to find enlightening comments.

yeah but at the same time, there is a lot of really incorrect information posted on this sub and just because someone is pointing some of that out doesn't necessarily make him an agent of disinformation.

Well said. That's the only psychological understanding I can think of that would explain some of the outright denial I've heard of 'conspiracy' theories given the factual evidence that supports the theory, especially when critically piecing the information together.

Shill: Noun An accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

No where in there do I see people who rationalize government action for their own comfort.

I think you're misusing the word shill.



I couldn't care less what you think. Just because someone is rationalizing something doesn't mSke them a "shill".

Yes it does, according to every single one of the links that are below the definition you referenced.

So everyone who disagrees with you is either a troll or a shill? Brilliant.

Drive the pigmen into the shadows! Shun him to his jungle lair!

You don't make a horrible point in one sense. However, in another, one must realize that when TPTB become lawless themselves, then the only way to stand up for ones rights and liberty is to BREAK the laws they set.

This should never be equated with being bad or chaotic. It simply means one must be willing to defend their right and their honor regardless of WHAT any human-made laws say.

I agree. However, Jimmirehman advocates violence against a random redditor below:

Go to his house and drag his ass out and leave him at the footsteps of the White House . Let them know that we know

I'm all for civil disobedience, and standing up for liberty, but this kind of thinking is abhorrent, and runs counter to the narrative of acting in the best interest of people and their civil rights.

Yeah. I must say that I do think that advocating physical violence on someone who is posting shilly comments isn't the first or best course of action to take.

I'm all for civil disobedience, and standing up for liberty, but this kind of thinking is abhorrent, and runs counter to the narrative of acting in the best interest of people and their civil rights.

I don't disagree with that.

This is bigger than reddit. Down voting won't do a thing. There are no laws anymore. Stand up or be trampled.

Come on, man, give it up. People come here to talk about things and work towards intellectual solutions, not rally towards some stupid act of bringing someone "to justice." You reflect poorly on the rest of the subreddit.

Ah, I see, this is just about whining about what is wrong with society, not about doing anything about it. Got it.

So you're telling others to go commit violent acts? Why don't you do it and use your trial as a chance to tell the world your theories?

You won't. All talk. Maybe even... a provocateur?

Nah, i get what jimmir is trying to say. He just doesn't respect talking about it when you aren't willing to stand up. I consider myself politically active, but if all you do is write posts on the internet, it's not enough

He's not talking about being politically active: he's talking about carrying out violent acts.

I think you're confused when you equate "whining about what is wrong with society, [and]not doing anything about it," with what I initially stated. Your original posts seemed to indicate you wanted to hunt down and, in your words, bring a specific redditor to justice, whatever that means. I think it's fair to infer that you mean bring to justice in a violent way, but perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it's just me, but in any case it just seems petty in the face of important topics discussed in this forum. I think it's a lot more important to be able to provide rational, thought provoking information, followed by reasonable debates and counter arguments in order to effect some change. To me it would seem like there would be a lot more use in rallying your fellow r/conspiracy friends to organize a protest, a government petition, an information campaign, a volunteering event to benefit one's community, etc., rather than call for the harm of someone trolling a message board.

I like his idea. The way I see it is he's like Malcom X, and you guys are like MLK. I, personally, agree with Malcox X way more than MLK Jr, because Malcom knew his values, he understood what he wanted, and sought to change the world for the better by violently taking back power and giving it to the people. He's uncompromising with his values, and wasn't about to compromise his values/political ideas just to be a house negro with a longer leash. Give me liberty or give me death, I shall.never accept anything less. Either you fight for what you believe in to the end; no comprises, or you compromise a bit, and sacrifice the validity of you honesty, passion, and character.

That's romantic and all. It was Dr. King who changed things, though. And eventually even Malcom X, who, remember, was part of a cult which believed white people were created at the beginning of time by an evil black scientist, even admitted his uncompromising, violent approach was wrong. He didn't take back power at all. He got people talking about him because he was a radical, but nobody listened to him. They listened to Dr. King.

Nearly all of 20th century history says that you're wrong. Violent, uncompromising action is like, always inferior to compromise. 100% of the time.

You should read his biography, I think it'll do you some good.before you make some claims. Also read "Third world film making and the west" by Roy Arms and watch the movies that are discussed in the book and you'll see a more clear picture unfold about the black race in America, and u.s. economic imperialism abroad, especially the invasion of western media strangleholding the distribution; thus making western films, perspectives, and culture (or lack there of) the influential source of an indigenous population's perspective of the United States (from a biased source), other countries subject to western bias, and even of themselves and their own people. This goes on today for African Americans, Mexican-Americans, and just about every race around the world, especially the people's of other backgrounds that live here in the United States. Ipon discovering other perspectives l, I suggest you, please study Franz Fannon, and read his books: Wretched of the Earth, and White Mask black face.

I don't suggest any particular course of action. I just wanted to know what you think.

So when they show up at your door tomorrow and force your silence, you will be ok with that?

Jesus. What would you have me do about a fishy redditor? What other than what I have already done?


Your fucking killing me here, ah, my sides.

I am arming myself and will take out everyone who comes at me. Either you are with me or against me. I am asking you to join me.

Not sure if /s anymore.......

He said he wasn't of this earth but was one of the good guys

Like we say in the favelas of Rio. Be my friend. Vai se foder!

Tell me what you know and I will decide if you are friend or foe

Let's start with the proper question. What do I not know Charger. 01000100010001010101001101010101 01000100010001010101001101010101 01000100010001010101001101010101 01000100010001010101001101010101

Haha. I don't know you, dude. But let's have some real talk for a second. You've never hurt anyone. I know it's silly to try and talk rationally to you, but still. You and I both know that your fantasies of militant action are fantasies and nothing more. Do you know why? Because real revolutionaries who pull shit like this (not that it's the best way to send a message... At all) are out doing it, not talking about it on the Internet. Go set up a clinic in New Orleans, or some other disaster area, and give out aid when no one else will. That's what real revolutionaries did/do.

Either do things or talk about things. Both of those are valuable. But never talk about doing things, because you're wasting your breath.

My comment was posted here by mistake. I was referring to home defense. On my property that I own with my gun that I own. I didn't mean actively seeking violence. Only defense. I apologize.

no problem at all :) happens to the best of us haha

Because you sound like an agent provocateur.


May I ask how?

Go to his house and drag his ass out and leave him at the footsteps of the White House . Let them know that we know

Yes we got to a house of an anonymous Reddit user. Because it's like facebook everyone has to have their address posted.

That could be misconstrued at a threat. Siu Monea! Comer meu cu no Pão de Açúcar f

Defending ones rights is not a threat

So I hear someone around here is threatening to defend their rights...

Are you going to kill me now?

You're in too deep. I'd highly recommend that you stop this line of questioning.

Yes I am chin deep in bullshit. Can I get some upvotes if I say something like cute fuzzy baby kittens?!?!

It's just a guess, but I suspect people generally really take exception to what you've said.

Why ? Because they don't want to get their soft Girly hands dirty? What do you do when your own government is the one making the mess? Smile and nod your head because they could be watching?!?

Why though? It's ok for a corrupt government to kill and do what they want but a citizen can't fight back?

Maybe not.find.him and bring.him.to justice, but we can always downvote the shit.out of.him, and ridicule his ideas.with logic. The first.battlefield .is ideological.

So, am I going out on a limb here by saying it's you who they are referring to?

Its not jimmireheman I am referring to.

I'd like to join the PM train if that's alright.


PM me too. I'd like to take a look.

Thanks. He certainly looks a dodgy bastard.

Send it to me

Please PM me also with it. Also, thanks!

Yeah, which user?

Please PM me - ill look into it warrants a ban.


I'd like a PM as well

I would like a PM on this please.

Who is it

Can you send me the UN?

So it can stand around in a blue helmet and do nothing?


Also a pm if possible

PM please.

Can I get a PM to? I'm curious as to who the Judas is too lol.

you should just post the username and expose them publicly. yes that kind of thing is obviously allowed, reddit isn't some private network.

They would just make a new account.

I like the mods here(a large portion of them have up to +20 by their name for RES). However, sometimes I feel like they're not making a lot of effort to ban shills. I have a feeling that after so many account creations they might give up or at least slow down. It's ridiculous seeing a really well made point with two upvotes and twelve or so downvotes in a community of nearly 98,000. It's also interesting seeing disinfo about the LIBOR involvement with the shootings upvoted straight to the top even after we've proven those connections don't exist. Having a plethora of posts about reptilians leading the NWO is one thing, but I'm fairly certain there is a stronger workforce of shills at play than is acknowledged.

There are people who will say something along the lines of "you're crazy, you've been hitting the pipe too hard, you're seeing things that aren't there," but we know the mentality of the people who make legitimate posts here. Most of us have seen posts by each other in nearly every thread. It shouldn't be too hard to pick out who is purposely trying to spread disinfo(it's like going to /r/UFOs and seeing "swamp gas, weather balloon, nothing to see here" in every single thread).

I can personally let you know that the mods here take banning very, very seriously. As of recent, I have been personally messaging users that I see as being generally inappropriate; posting the spitefully sarcastic/hateful put-downs ect. The comments that stir up emotion and generally troll users are not welcome, and those users are messaged(warned) and are banned accordingly. We need everyone's help to report and message the mods about those kinds of users. Unfortunately, as was mentioned above, many users simply create new accounts, so it is difficult to keep up with it all...

There is a fine line here to show what is inappropriate. Some users are very good at posting comments that attempt to debate and have conversation but will typically just allow arguments to circle until the dialogue is confrontational. I want there to be authentic debates and the sorting out of integral facts from speculation, but any conversation needs to be conducted with respect and mutual-benefit in mind.

The gentleperson's guide to forum spy's is a great resource to get an idea about what tactics are often used to slide the conversation off topic. I see this all the time. Now with that said, any evidence I have of disinfo spreaders is anecdotal, which means that pinpointing users who come here simply to slide discussion are more difficult to nail-down(warn/ban) than one would think.

You guys can help by reporting the worst of the content/comments, making sure to downvote when people are disrespectful(regardless of their position on a topic), and messaging the mods so that we can message/warn the user in question and ban if necessary. As always, remember to conduct yourself with integrity here so that we can all collaborate together in getting at the truth, and grow in the right direction. Cheers!

Thanks for the reply.

My pleasure. Feel free to message me anytime about a user you find to be suspicious and I'll look into them.

Banning people is unamerican.

If there were more participation by users in posting thought-provoking, valuable content and publicly condemning the behavior of some users, the mods here wouldn't need to ban anyone. Think about the voting and the posting behavior of a sub like r/truereddit at its best. The forum acting like a self-regulating organism is ideal; but as it is, the organism doesn't seem to be aware that it can buck off almost any parasite in the system.

What do you care? Godzilla does have fucks to give about such things!!!!

lol so many people read my name as tokyo monster

Or it could be that some of the subscribers here are just overly credulous and prone to posting and voting for things that confirm their particular bias, regardless of how accurate or logical said thing is. Wanting to know the truth about something is great. Turning off your BS detector while you study it is dangerous.

Which seems to be the case of a gun control nut I'm conversing with in another thread.

I agree about the moderators being too lax here.

I posted "woohoo! I have been cited!" in /r/ShitRedditSays and was immediately banned. 5 words got me banned and I wasn't even offensive or abusive.

People go off in here taking trolling to a new level and keep on truckin.

Is that a good thing?

There are 2 things here:

  1. I was banned for no good reason in /r/ShitRedditSays
  2. trolls are not banned in /r/conspiracy

I do not think either is a good thing.

trolls troll, if you ban them they make new accounts. if you let them troll, the regulars are easy to spot and easy to ignore, everyone gets to know who they are and downvote the hell out of them. it's a pretty simple method, why have authoritarian mods when they can let freedom reign and let the people decide who to chide?

If this post is accurate he has probably already made a new account

Bottom of the page contains his predictable 'rebellious' post.

He has and he is here, fervently trying to derail the discussion.

They already have, I made the mistake of sending the username to him, he was one of the people who requested it, I should have looked at the user name, he literally JUST made the account, and now he knows I am talking about him, and he is trying to derail this post as well, LOL, I don't if this confirms my thought process or if this guy is just the most advanced troll I have ever seen in my entire fucking LIFE.

His post history is very simular to the 9/11 "official story" shills from the early days. 99% of their activity was in response to comments of posts. They never had anything substantial to bring to the table for debate. Their posts would always appeal to the MSM masses, easy karma points and lots of parroting of the sunday morning talk show drivel.

All they seem to offer is name calling and attempted "guilt trips"....telling us we shouldn't ask questions out of "respect for the victims and their families". There is no greater respect than seeking the Truth in honor of the victims and their families. Anyone who says asking questions and seeking the truth is shameful is a suspicious character at the very least.

http://seankerrigan.com/docs/PersonaManagementSoftware.pdf check this out and decide for yourself if youre crazy.

Wow, this is an interesting document... Amazing that it is legal for people to do this.

TL DR? Sorry I work at home and am on calls constantly and if I read articles my cll times suffer

It's a description of 'Persona Management Software' for the US Airforce.

And it dates from almost three years ago. How is this relevant to Sandy Hook whatsoever?

it's relevant to disinfo agents

that... blew my mind

This type of thing is what HBGary was peddling and perfecting. There are many different types. A while back There were some posts of job offers for people to run these for companies. Can't remember the details, sorry.

edit: if anyone remembers where the hacked HBGary emails are, this type of software is discussed in detail in their personal messages.

edit2: Found it

holy... fucking... shit......

Was ist das? Apparently, I need the plugin.

this doesn't surprise me at all. i imagine this was used when trying to figure out occupy wallstreet's next steps.

I remember reading an AMA or something like that about a guy who used to WORK as a writer for the government doing exactly this! He quit his job when he realized the real purpose of his job was to cover up and change the way people thought on the Internet about specific issues. If anyone else remembers, that AMA would be HIGHLY HELPFUL!

Holy shit I totally remember this...This is getting too fucked up. Nobody believed him when he posted the AMA and he ended up deleting it!! HE OUTRIGHT TRIED TO TELL US.

Yeah he did. I remember him saying that he got offered the job cause he was out of work and it had seemed like an opportunity, so he took it.

Would love to see this.

I remember that too. It was posted about a month ago. The guy was paid to post pro-Israel comments and bash any criticism of them.

here is a bunch of links to reddit conversations about this stuff.

Doesn't he sleep? He's been posting almost every hour for more than 24 hours now.

sleep tight tonight, your air force is awake.

Multiple agents people may have access to the account

He made a new account /u/911inside or something like that. He did a post saying to stop talking about the shooting, I made a comment calling him out then he sent me a death threat. Edit: watch your tongue from [deleted] sent 20 minutesago or it may be the last time you are the one telling it what to say

thats creepy as fuck, yeah he sent me a message from what I am sure was another of his accounts which he deleted, which said "Next time you go digging for worms, you should be careful of snakes" or some shit like that.


Sounds like a child. Maybe someone who was personally affected like another redditor suggested. I imagine that people who would be willing to carry out threats aren't going to hurl them out carelessly.

Around 2005, I was posting regularly on a "Terror Management Theory" discussion board and had brought up 9/11 questions, invoked the ire of a few of the theorists who were working on the relation of mortality consciousness to public relations/management, and I started receiving a number of cryptic threats along with comments similar to:


Supplemented with references to email content from recent work and personal emails...

/u/911inside is /u/Duck_Puncher, a troll from r/conspiratard bigoted hate-group.


Good chance this whole effort is coming from them. Forum sliding.

Good investigative work.

I noticed that as well.

did he also send you a death threat, another person pm'd me and showed me one that was sent to him.

I just received a death threat from what I am sure is his alternate account: terripatsieAUCO (which I only reveal because he deleted the account promptly afterwords.

telling me that "next time I go digging for worms, watch out for snakes"

I got a similar PM from someone impersonating illuminatedwax...I called out terripatsieAUCO in my thread. Pretty wild how they all self destructed...

very very odd, I wonder why he is keeping the original account around.

probably because he is beginning to realize that the newer an account is, the more it is subject to suspicion, and he wants to keep his longest standing account.

that is a good point, I did not think of that.

Yep, death threat. But not from him, from a new account just created today, I am sure it was him though.

They should just make an official apology in /r/ImSorry.

This is not so surprising. I have encountered users like this before. Probably a plant from a news or government agency trying to bring credibility to the 'official' story...which we all pretty much know is bullshit. I mean, how does an autistic teenager break into a secured building in full combat gear and assault rifle, shoot 20 kids in a very short amount of time, and not be seen by anyone?? NO eye-witnesses? NO security footage? Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. This kid was set up.

I imagine it is more likely he is just a bitter person who wants to annoy theorists rather than being an Agent of the Government.

Mirror? Not working for me.

"I know I am going to sound like the craziest mother fucker right now"

In this sub? You have some stiff competition.

Well, for me, this is really going out on a limb.

Don't forget Zagtar_The_GobermintShill

I'm honored

Shills are VERY real and VERY persistent/unwavering at their jobs. Very creepy indeed.

There's one person that posts here frequently that responds IMMEDIATELY after you reply to him. He could have posted a few hours ago, you'll still get a reply almost right away.

I can't speak to it's authenticity, but this is an interesting story I read a while back on ATS from someone claiming to be a former shill: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread826545/pg1

I personally wouldn't think too much of a quick response anymore, simply because of modern technology. If you have reddit on your smartphone, you can be alerted, just as with an sms or email, as soon as someone posts a reply. And, if they are unlike me and don't have to edit and re-edit my post fifteen times before hitting save, they could pump out a reply in no time. I see the same thing you speak of when i post in even the most mundane of threads.

Of course, that may not be the case here.

Also, don't underestimate the hordes of people with nothing better to do than sit and monitor their account all damn day. The mentally ill can also exhibit this behavior; especially the ones who don't have the social skills needed to interact with human beings in any kind of meaningful or respectful way. They will find ways of getting attention of any kind. Much like a child being ignored, it doesn't matter if the attention they receive is good or bad, so long as someone acknowledges them.

Exactly, the existence of such people only serves to strengthen any conceptions of controlled opposition. bravo


Via pm

Just FYI: There are no rules against posting a reddit usernames for any reason unless it is connected with any of the actual user's personal information.

Are you sure? If that is true, I feel like a dumb ass because it has been a pain in the ass doing the PM thing.

Yeah I'm sure. Some may see it as uncouth (like yourself I imagine), but it's not against any rules that I've ever heard of.



for the lazy /u/TaylorHicks

Jesus. Thanks. I don't get all the secrecy that OP is using here. It makes no sense.

Yea I don't understand either, it's not like he's posting the guys address, facebook or something.

I thought it was against the sub rules. I have never posted anything like this, I don't want any trouble. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This is a conspiracy sub, we need to stick together and call out shills and assholes mate.

How the hell are these shills getting so many upvotes? It's like they're networked with each other to power upvote anything they post.

There are subreddits used for that exactly. The obvious one is /r/conspiratard. But /r/bestof, /r/worstof, /r/subredditdrama, and other "meta" subreddits also are used for vote brigading by pro-Establishment reddit activists.

FYI - You wrote it in the thread...but yes it's just another sock. They multiply like rabbits and are very dominant in active threads.

Thanks for the heads up, I didn't notice.

I peeped his account too, that is nuts that you also noticed this. I went through all of his comments and was amazed at how fervently he was pushing the story.

He hasn't slept for awhile. Maybe he's a robot?

No there isn't

I was thinking about posting the same thing. I just figured, 'why bring more attention to him/her. Isn't that what s/he is trying to do?'

Obvious troll is obvious.

RES tag, Downvote, Move on. Calling them out derails discussion.

Well put.

I'm just not as savvy as you guys, I cant always spot a troll. And this is the first time I have even heard the term shill. I just noticed something weird and I wanted t to share it. I learned a lot from you guys because I posted this. So no regrets on my part.

But in the future, I guess I will try not to get so freaked out about it.

Just tag/dv/move on. Sounds like a plan.

lol popcorn.gif

I've commented on these obvious shills too. I think they're here for one or both of two reasons: 1) discredit any attempts to bring up the LIBOR connection, and 2) stampede the drive to remove guns from the American public.

There are a few people who are just fanatic and driven about item 1, and too many who are forcing the #2 item. Cars kill more people than guns, but they ignore that and insist the government must ban guns. Thank you, propaganda machine,

In a time when HSBC funnels tons of drug money through and gets off free, and the US tries to dominate the world with wars everywhere, the elite do not want an armed populace demanding reform and resisting being bled dry for the needs of empire.

And the shills descend here, too. Especially the one who is trolling all the discussions pasting his vehement statements there's no proof. Washington reporters as I've said knew there were to be LIBOR hearings and that they were pulled. A troll saying that there there's no proof is actually not proving anything, if there were scheduled hearings that were then censored. Certainly then there's no 'proof' in the form of a published meeting time.

As for "A lot of people do not own a gun or have any desire to", that's fine for them, but you have no right to demand that I cannot own a gun, especially since the Constitution identifies it as a right, In other words, you're demanding to take away one of my Constitutional rights? Get the fuck out. You don't have the right to do that, troll.

I continue to assert there is no LIBOR connection. One shred of proof please.

Well, prove there is no connection. The burden falls on each of us. And why exactly is it you are so determined to assert there is nothing to see here? What's your motive again?

That's really a bad way to go at it. That's kind of like someone saying (and I am only using this as an extreme example here, not trying to be an ass.) that the world is run by a giant monster created from holiday fruitcakes that have gained consciousness through electricity from lightning. And when someone refutes it they just respond with. "Well, prove that the world isn't run by said fruitcake monster."

Well, you can't really prove that it isn't, but it doesn't make the prior statement any less truthful, even though someone couldn't get proof of said fruitcake overlord actually existing. Get what I'm saying? It's kind of backwards.

Your reasoning is quite right in my opinion. But, the ones asserting there is no connection have every much the same duty to prove what they say as I do. I have cited my sources and the fact that not everything is on the Internet for easy gathering. Sometimes one has to be connected into the system, as is Wayne Madsen, hear the scuttlebutt, and figure out who to believe and who not to. I trust him and a few others who monitor Washington.

There are no LIBOR hearings upcoming nor does every one that works in finance have involvement.

My motive is the truth and all you are doing is parroting lies. You have no clue where the rumor came from but you take it as fact because it matches your world view.

You distort wonderfully.

Just because there are no LIBOR hearings scheduled does not refute that they had been planned then pulled under pressure.

You have no clue where the rumor came from

You don't read well. Go back over my comments to find where I stated my sources, which were not some wild-eyed idiot like Sorcha Faal.

Except there is no evidence this has happened.

So where were your sources? All I see is "There was definitely something there but it was removed before I could see it". You didn't give a source you gave a wish and a dream.

I've only said four times what my sources were. You are approaching trollishness.

Where? You linked to a list of upcoming speakers and the rest were just claiming they were removed before you could post them. Post them again because I went through 4 pages of your history to find that.

You ARE trolling me. I specifically said Wayne Madsen multiple times and you repeat asking me. So you're trolling, trying to waste my time. How sad.

Where does he claim his dad had a libor connection or that he was due to testify? All he said is that James' doctors had links to government research. Who's trolling exactly? You're the one spreading disinfo.

Piss off, troll. This is the sixth time you ignore - deliberately - what I said. Who the fuck do you work for? Because nobody could be as stupid as you present yourself to be.

You haven't said anything except "I already said it" then finally after insulting me without providing an actual answer you dropped the name of someone that said nothing like you claim. There is one source for the Robert Holmes story and they are about as far from reliable as you can get. And there is NO source saying they are having upcoming LIBOR hearings or that any were planned.

Stop making stuff up and stop insulting me and calling me a troll because you're too embarrassed to admit you got some bad info and tried to spread it.

You're a troll, sparky. Maybe a stupid, maybe a government one, but a troll.

And there is NO source saying they are having upcoming LIBOR hearings or that any were planned.

Wrong. There may be no open Internet source for you but that does not mean there is not a source. I've said before and not repeat after this, not everything is ripe fruit open on the Internet for your picking. Some people - idiots - believe that if it is not on the Internet, it doesn't exist. Hello, there are whole libraries with material not on the Internet. You are a fool.

I said before and I repeat, there are plenty of intranets behind firewalls that you cannot read, but it does not mean the information behind them does not exist. Just that morons like you can't read it.

Wayne Madsen has a paid subscriber section. I'm not going to post his copyrighted material for you. and violate my service agreement. If you want the data, you go subscribe and go read his discussion of Holmes and Washington. Troll.

So your source exists just it's behind a paywall and you believe in the hiding of information from the public for an elite few? You sound like a gem.

TROLL. First you scoff and whine there's no evidence and nothing to see, and so I'm an idiot. Now you whine that I'm hiding evidence? Fuck off, bozo troll.

Claimed evidence behind a paywall isn't evidence. Nor is one mans claim evidence without anything to back it up. Wayne Madsen is no more trustworthy than you. But you go ahead. Believe everyone with a blog you sucker.

I'm now pretty sure you're not just some idiot but deliberate on this. I wouldn't be surprised if you're paid to troll. TROLL.

I'm paid way too well to be paid to troll. You're just upset because someone called you out on your lies and now you're trying to deflect from the fact that you have nothing to back you up by trying to claim I'm a troll for doing so. Piss off until you have something of substance besides an insult in attempt of deflection.

TROLL. And if you maintain I'm lying- which I'm not - then prove it by showing Madsen did not discuss Holmes for subscribers. And otherwise, you're a blowhard troll as well as an asshole, I now see.

"Pay for access to a site I'm associated with to prove me wrong" Hell no.

I guess I have to explain this like I'm talking to a five year old.

Your entire argument all along has been that I'm a liar because you can't find something on the Internet. Your assumption being that if it's not there for you, it can't be true. Well, boo-ducking-hoo, troll. You insult me by stating I'm lying, then get incensed when I insult you. Boo-fucking-hoo, troll.

You can't provide evidence. You are asking me to pay for a site(how do I know you're not affiliated with the site and just lying to me to get money?) to get the information when there is no other indication online besides your claim that he has said such things.

when there is no other indication online besides your claim

Your whole premise has been that I'm a liar because you can't just go out on the Internet and find the information at your ease. I cited exactly where, and you don't accept it, so fuck off. Kiss my rosy ring, troll boy. I'll keep this up forever, if that's your desire.

Oldest Reddit account I have ever seen. Cheers.

sorry, but there's no proof whatsoever anywhere of #1, and no LIBOR hearings in the US at all. that was a Sorcha Faal claim, and is almost certainly disinformation and misdirection, and has been reposted some 50 times yesterday, by many new and throwaway accounts.

however, i don't support #2. in fact, i wish more than ever i had a gun.

lastly, I think your last paragraph is fried gold.

There is no Libor connection.

Cars are transportation and have been heavily regulated.

A lot of people do not own a gun or have any desire to, if anything they have one as a means of last resort for home protection. No propaganda needed.

Lastly, there are 3 million owners of the Bushmaster alone. The American population is more armed than any country per capita.

Paid Shill Employer:


"Whatever the case, whatever the media, whatever the combination, our team of strategists is adept at crafting social-media strategies that shape conversations and connect what you need with other influencers on the web."

I noticed this too.

Poison shills. Same tune, different lyrics.

I've always thought that the CIA or FBI had some sort of unit or division, of a cybercrime more than likely, that would go out and spread disinformation on the web. I remember reading an official looking manual (pretty sure it was posted here) that laid out guidelines and was basically a how to for changing peoples opinions online and suppressing certain threads. Probably just a screw too tight on my tin foil cap though, idk.

I read the manual as well, it was posted on Slashdot. The post kept getting deleted and people kept re-posting. This went on for about two days. Pretty interesting to think about. This really is not surprising for a group that makes a living on gathering and controlling information.

it's called the gentleperson's guide to forum manipulation.

and it's linked in our sidebar.

Damn you with your sense making abilities!! In seriousness, thanks for the heads up.

Same new type troll on other sites i go to. Low ranking airmen in the usaf perceptions management program.

The government admitted to having agents online to misinform or discredit. Plus trolls are everywhere and they suck.

The government admitted to having agents online to misinform or discredit.

[citation needed]

Why so secret with the name? If this guy is an obvious disinfo agent, why not blow the whistle on him?

Because the info in the sidebar seems to indicate that posting shit like this with a direct name to a user is against the rules.

PM me the name. please.

I've suspected an increase in disinfo since the sandy shooting. Some of these posts are almost inconceivable.


I am trying to expose legitimate issues and expose real concerns and when I posted my issues I was immediately downvoted multiple times with malicious statements. Yes the fact that there was such a hostile response with no allusions to the facts or issues is troubling

This is what I posted - what is so irrational that it deserved a hostile response

More Assailants Dressed as Clergy





Crime scene with discarded clothes apparently for clergy/Nun disguises


Multiple shooters -Man wearing camo arrested in wooded area - another man seen avoiding capture




Armed Off Duty Tactical Squad Officer from another town arrested in woods - what was he doing there before the attack and running away ?


4 handguns and 1 Assault rifle left in the car reported by multiple Federal and State officials


It'd be pretty funny if there was a disinformation agent posting with a username that seems based on a RL name like TaylorHicks. Almost like it's so cliche that he couldn't possibly have any sinister motive or origin (or maybe they did that on purpose, just to throw off people discerning enough to notice the silly name). Puts me in mind of of a certain Chips Handon

Are you referring to this person? http://i.imgur.com/AhQZB.png

Cubemate of yours?

Upvote, even though op posted the username in plain text a little way up. One good shill deserves another, what what.

No, but your shill has mine beat by a mile. Wow.

I'll call him out: super_pickle

To some people, the government is their god, and the media is as the word of god. Do not question the word of god. They don't realize their citing the media to try to convince people around here to accept the 'official story' is akin to a Christian quoting the Bible to an atheist that thinks it is a fictional work and expecting them to accept their views based upon their quoting.

Is his name Dallas Green(burg)?

Interesting. Would like a PM, please. Thanks for the lookout.

PMed you.

If I had it in me i would create accounts just to fuck with idiots claiming the sandy shootings are faked with absolutely no credible evidence.

It would be my pleasure if it werent like shooting fish in a mason jar.

just fucking with somone is one thing, sending death threats is a whole different ballgame.

Internet death threats? Excuse me while the color drains from my face

A weird redditor? Wow that's a new one. Can you be a little more specific there bub? Cause there are quite a few of them and I'm sure a few would put me in that category. ;)

Yeah it would take a tragedy with elementary school kids to perk reddit up

lol the government got caught

Insane production and absolute 100% conjecture-free proof that Christopher Manfredonia (the man in the woods) was Adam Lanza's next door neighbor!!!: http://sandyhookwaskindaweird.bl­­ogspot.com/ No conjecture, this is real. This is a break in the whole understanding of the event, and everyone has to save as much evidence as possible before it gets swept up further. They already withdrew Rodia's registry and are saying it's bunk, but this is solid fact, see for yourself.

Well, just go ahead and cry about it. Cry baby

Just when my healing phase was picking up you had to come along and reopen the wound. Now Im drowning in my tears all over again.

It's obviously a UN operative hired by Obama to help coordinate this attack and then cover it up through media disinformation. It couldn't possibly be a normal person who finds this entire subreddit's lack of rational thought to be outright offensive.

Typical conspiracy theorist. Someone disagrees with me, they must be a shill!!!

If that is all you got out of this thread, you just wasted a lot of time.


what about this case causes you to doubt it?

A lack of evidence, perhaps?


Am i doing it right?


Shut the fuck up shill.

I wish he would slow down the posting so I can upvote all his comments

I haven't looked through their account but it could be possible that they are someone who was affected by the shootings. They could be letting out their frustrations via internet.

I wonder if it might be someone who was maybe personally affected by the shootings and therefore hypervigilant on people posting "controversal" information and comments. Then again, it is probably more likely it is a government agent planted on reddit over a month ago trying to keep the truth from the people that post to r/conspiracy.

May be that neither is true.

But I would bet all my moneys that he is not personally connected to the incident.

But which one is less likely.

Chances are he is a guy like me that stumbled upon your conspiracy shit and felt a need to point out how ridiculous it is. I would surely bet all my moneys he is not part of some conspiracy to silence what "truly" happened.

Ok. And that is a very popular opinion in general. And you are certainly entitled to it. I make no judgments.

But this entire sub reddit is used for the purpose of discussing things in a different light. Looking at things from a different perspective. Weighing the information that is either ignored, or forgotten. Not every one here believes every single thing in every single post.

A lot of us are here to play with ideas. And see how the available information and the disregarded details and lesser know insights all kinda mesh together to paint entirely different pictures than the ones that are drawn with a bold crayon by those in a position of authority and those in major media.

We all have our "you have got to be fucking kidding me" moments on here. Moments when we cant help but laugh at ourselves and at each other. Trust me, it happens all the time. We are our own most vocal critic.

But sometimes the behavior of people is just very telling.

The behavior and history of this particular redditor was interesting, and out of the norm. It was worth mentioning, to me at least.

If you don't agree, thats fine. I don't blame you for your skepticism. I applaud it.

But why in the world would anyone come on here and work so feverishly to change the entire nature of an entire subreddit?

This guy is not some self proclaimed benevolent avenger of truth, or conciseness. Trust me, I know what that looks like, I see it all the time. That is something I can understand and abide by.

I don't sense any true emotion in this guys words either. I sense faux sympathy, used for a purpose.

But why in the world would anyone come on here and work so feverishly to change the entire nature of an entire subreddit?

Attention or they found something they don't agree with and feel that arguing over the internet will get them somewhere. Those are reasons much more likely than some elaborate conspiracy.

I don't sense any true emotion in this guys words either. I sense faux sympathy, used for a purpose.

Like the guy who's sisters friend's boyfriend's cousin died when the towers fell on 9/11, People tend to associate themselves anyway they can with infamous tragedies to get attention and sympathy.

I wanted to bitch slap so many people around 9/11 that just had to tell me how they were so much more affected than I, being a person living in the midwest, because of some very distant relationship with a person they most likely never even met. People tend to do that shit for attention and sympathy.


You're right, I'm sorry, there is nothing to see here, move along. Our government loves us.


You seem to think we have agendas to advance. We are the normal folk. The citizens who are aware. When we see fuckery, we call it out. Simple as that.

oh goodness, someone disagrees with your opinions! how terrible!

Its not that at all.

Not at all.

it definitely seems like it. others are allowed to have their own views. just because someone disagrees with a "conspiracy", it doesn't make them a shill.

Its not his opinion that I think is off. A lot of us have some really "off" opinions.

This guy is working very hard to derail discussion, as well as personally attacking everyone who disagrees with him.

I am also quite certain that he is creating multiple accounts for whatever reason, and making death threats.

You people need to go outside.

So you've all decided to focus in me and ignore the truth. Way to go.

Are you the jimmy from survivalistboards.com?

No I'm not


That's what that guy was telling everyone too.


via Google Translate:

"ban only heart ghosts, after the opening, in fact, not a big deal, perhaps the Chinese do not CCP leadership would not have any friends, all guessing."

Cool man. Nice defense.

橐橐: Censorship means that there is a ghost in [the authorities] heart. Once the censorship is lifted, everything is normal. Maybe China does not really need the Chinese Communist Party for leadership, of course this is speculation.

He/she got the quote from a discussion on V for Vendetta as reported by this site.

This is a good example of the reasons not to use Google translator for school homework.

Right, so parroting the 'official' story relentlessly relates to this how?

He himself is reinforcing censorship; not cutting it down. This is like Halliburton telling me weapons are bad cause they kill people. He's the source of the censorship, and then he goes and speaks against it through obscure quotes and faraway languages?

Sounds legit.

Also, most people on reddit don't speak Chinese. Expecting someone to have skills beyond Google Translate is another oversight.

If I really have to analyse it, i'm guessing he/she's refering to downvotes.

Downvoting is a form of censorship because comments are hidden once they pass the default threshold.

If the conspiracy side of the story was completely truthful we wouldn't need to censor opposing opinions, thus revealing the ghost in our hearts.

That doesn't pass the logic test as if he was worried about visibility, then he wouldn't have put his message in chinese characters. It's nothing but misdirection, imo, or a self-fulfilling prophecy at best.


jeez, your back, and crazier than ever, more transparent than ever too.

New profile, new approach, same old shill. We see right through your shit, trying to discredit the thread/sub.

Your going to have to do better than that.

Jesus. What would you have me do about a fishy redditor? What other than what I have already done?

Go to his house and drag his ass out and leave him at the footsteps of the White House . Let them know that we know

Wow, this is an interesting document... Amazing that it is legal for people to do this.

Tell me what you know and I will decide if you are friend or foe

I can personally let you know that the mods here take banning very, very seriously. As of recent, I have been personally messaging users that I see as being generally inappropriate; posting the spitefully sarcastic/hateful put-downs ect. The comments that stir up emotion and generally troll users are not welcome, and those users are messaged(warned) and are banned accordingly. We need everyone's help to report and message the mods about those kinds of users. Unfortunately, as was mentioned above, many users simply create new accounts, so it is difficult to keep up with it all...

There is a fine line here to show what is inappropriate. Some users are very good at posting comments that attempt to debate and have conversation but will typically just allow arguments to circle until the dialogue is confrontational. I want there to be authentic debates and the sorting out of integral facts from speculation, but any conversation needs to be conducted with respect and mutual-benefit in mind.

The gentleperson's guide to forum spy's is a great resource to get an idea about what tactics are often used to slide the conversation off topic. I see this all the time. Now with that said, any evidence I have of disinfo spreaders is anecdotal, which means that pinpointing users who come here simply to slide discussion are more difficult to nail-down(warn/ban) than one would think.

You guys can help by reporting the worst of the content/comments, making sure to downvote when people are disrespectful(regardless of their position on a topic), and messaging the mods so that we can message/warn the user in question and ban if necessary. As always, remember to conduct yourself with integrity here so that we can all collaborate together in getting at the truth, and grow in the right direction. Cheers!

So you're telling others to go commit violent acts? Why don't you do it and use your trial as a chance to tell the world your theories?

You won't. All talk. Maybe even... a provocateur?

Bottom of the page contains his predictable 'rebellious' post.

I think you're confused when you equate "whining about what is wrong with society, [and]not doing anything about it," with what I initially stated. Your original posts seemed to indicate you wanted to hunt down and, in your words, bring a specific redditor to justice, whatever that means. I think it's fair to infer that you mean bring to justice in a violent way, but perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it's just me, but in any case it just seems petty in the face of important topics discussed in this forum. I think it's a lot more important to be able to provide rational, thought provoking information, followed by reasonable debates and counter arguments in order to effect some change. To me it would seem like there would be a lot more use in rallying your fellow r/conspiracy friends to organize a protest, a government petition, an information campaign, a volunteering event to benefit one's community, etc., rather than call for the harm of someone trolling a message board.

that... blew my mind

Or it could be that some of the subscribers here are just overly credulous and prone to posting and voting for things that confirm their particular bias, regardless of how accurate or logical said thing is. Wanting to know the truth about something is great. Turning off your BS detector while you study it is dangerous.

It's a description of 'Persona Management Software' for the US Airforce.

And it dates from almost three years ago. How is this relevant to Sandy Hook whatsoever?

He has and he is here, fervently trying to derail the discussion.

holy... fucking... shit......

Because the info in the sidebar seems to indicate that posting shit like this with a direct name to a user is against the rules.

If we are talking about science you are completely using the word theory wrong. In hard science the idea is to posit a hypothesis. A theory ,in science, is a hypothesis which has a myriad of supporting evidence. In this diagram of the scientific method, step 10 and 11 is when we would start to consider a hypothesis of theory status.

If we are speaking about science the word theory takes on this definition:

a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena

If we are talking about conspiracy theories it takes on this definition:

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

this doesn't surprise me at all. i imagine this was used when trying to figure out occupy wallstreet's next steps.

This is a conspiracy sub, we need to stick together and call out shills and assholes mate.

So everyone who disagrees with you is either a troll or a shill? Brilliant.

I agree about the moderators being too lax here.

I posted "woohoo! I have been cited!" in /r/ShitRedditSays and was immediately banned. 5 words got me banned and I wasn't even offensive or abusive.

People go off in here taking trolling to a new level and keep on truckin.

This type of thing is what HBGary was peddling and perfecting. There are many different types. A while back There were some posts of job offers for people to run these for companies. Can't remember the details, sorry.

edit: if anyone remembers where the hacked HBGary emails are, this type of software is discussed in detail in their personal messages.

edit2: Found it

My comment was posted here by mistake. I was referring to home defense. On my property that I own with my gun that I own. I didn't mean actively seeking violence. Only defense. I apologize.

Except there is no evidence this has happened.

So where were your sources? All I see is "There was definitely something there but it was removed before I could see it". You didn't give a source you gave a wish and a dream.

TROLL. First you scoff and whine there's no evidence and nothing to see, and so I'm an idiot. Now you whine that I'm hiding evidence? Fuck off, bozo troll.

Claimed evidence behind a paywall isn't evidence. Nor is one mans claim evidence without anything to back it up. Wayne Madsen is no more trustworthy than you. But you go ahead. Believe everyone with a blog you sucker.