Sandy shooting.. LOTS OF SHILLS TODAY

6  2012-12-19 by [deleted]

commented on two already trying to say that sandy hook is not a conspiracy.

any comments? I would love to see a discussion on dealing with shills from now.


way more than usual.

taking time out and coming here to the place they perennially claim to deplore,

to "speak reason" to (see abuse) people they don't know, and have thoroughly objectified, parroting a social meme cultivated from the top of the media chain down.

heaps of abuse, hateful words, passionate curses, desires for death or dismemberment.

demonstrating that excellent sort of society they would make if they could just get rid of conspiracy theorists.

have an upvote sir for being an outstanding citizen

I made myself a throwaway just to address it. This is actually pretty scary.

yes it is..but who cares? you get to live once..if your not standing up you might as well be sitting down.

Shill: Noun An accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

Why is anyone who questions a conspiracy referred to as a shill? That's completely disingenuous and makes everyone appear paranoid.

your right per the definition..that's just what I love to call them though lol.

It's not about questioning the all..its about questioning the official narrative which happens to be changing as well as consistently going against radio and video evidence.

What radio and video evidence is there?

really? lol

sandy hook has cctv cameras according to the school district.

Video of kid saying he saw someone in custody out front of the school on the ground.

Video of someone being detained in the woods.

Audio of unusual police chatter. Have you even listened to the audio tapes?

downvotes.... love itttt! feed me!!!

S 436 being pushed by should read it before they start pushing for gun and mental health control

sandy hook has cctv cameras according to the school district.

If they did, that video is in the possession of the police. I don't see anything wrong with that either.

Video of kid saying he saw someone in custody out front of the school on the ground.

There is a man mentioned in an article by the Los Angeles Times:

"Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur.

He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had been locked in a small room with a teacher.

Video of someone being detained in the woods.

See above.

Audio of unusual police chatter. Have you even listened to the audio tapes?

I have. Nothing there leads me to believe there was a second shooter.

Do you really believe that the police talked about a second shooter on radio when they knew it could be recorded? Then they arrested the second gunman? Then they let him go? What purpose would that have?

opinion's zagtar...I have mine, you have your's.

I believe there is a conspiracy afoot. Believe what you want. I DON'T CARE :)

Thanks. I think its way too soon for anybody on any side of this to be passing judgment. There's just too much we don't know.

I have a business acquaintance whose wife is a K teacher in Newtown at the other elementary school (O'Meadow) and she said there are still dozens of forensic experts and cops at Sandy Hook school going through everything.

fine and dandy...but sandy hook does have cctv camera's according to the school district..That should clear this whole thing right up. But they probably won't release it.

The media seems to be passing enough judgement for everyone.

Don't take this the wrong way, but what gives you, or me for that matter, the right to view that videotape. Unless either of us has expertise in forensics, releasing that video publically accomplishes nothing.

It took them years to release video footage from Columbine, and even then it was heavily edited. As a parent of school age children, I would sue the crap out of the district if they released that video in any form.

As far as the media passing judgment, I don't agree. While there are some opinion shows (O'Reilly, Stewart, others) and a ton of blogs, the main media sources have mostly refrained from a ton of editorializing or sensationalizing.

Main media sources have definitely gone way above and beyond the call of duty on this one. They screwed the pooch on this shit show from the start. Im sorry but I have my opinions. Leave me in peace if you don't like them.

When my rights are being forfeited without my consent because of something like this... I have the right to know the real evidence. Sorry.

Sorry, but when you post in a. public forum I don't have to leave you in peace

touche lol :) I always love being put in my place..sometimes you need it. I walked into that one anyways. But seriously...your not going to change my opinion, and I will keep stating my opinion to the peers that want to hear it in the forum.

And I for one welcome it. This is what good discussion should be.

What is really pissing me off in this sub (and I think it pisses you off too) is this "you're either a troll or a shill if you disagree with me".

It just reinforces the lack of reality and maturity of some posters

Have a good night.

A lot of things piss me off..unfortunately we are dealing with what I believe to be trolls on a daily basis. But it should be no reason to categorize people one way or another. So that we can agree on. But there's a lot of people who come in here and call people crazy. So my deal is I just try and stick to the issues and not attack people personally. Ill attack the issues ferociously but every once in a while I do break that code as I am still human.

Cool. Good luck in tomorrow's apocalypse if I don't see you online today

no apoc yet...but I am ready and waiting lol.. I do think something is going to happen soon though to end out the Saturnalia

The government REALLY wants to take American's guns away. So the shills are out in force. Where were these shills when Fast and Furious broke?


we will agree to disagree over the facts of the sandy hook shooting as the video evidence doesn't lie.

Shills? Or just people with common sense calling out assholes that have the audacity to question grieving parents of massacred toddlers to further some crackpot theory with no proof?

Yeah, that "parent" who is seen laughing and joking before getting into character. That's enough proof to warrant a conspiracy theory. Unless he is a deadbeat father, he should be barely able to function knowing his baby girl is gone for good.

Yes, everyone here is an expert on acting, psychology and human behavior.

Do please explain then that if there's some covert clandestine operation at work here, why they hired such supposedly terrible actors. Or is it that they're such terrible actors, or that you lot are the only ones "seeing the truth" while the whole world was duped, because you're the most intelligent human beings to ever walk the Earth?

Or maybe it's just that you guys need to see a conspiracy everywhere and in everything, because the idea of an orderly and organized clandestine evil (however ridiculous, improbable and lacking in anything resembling proof) is still preferable to the chaos of the uncaring universe that we all really do live in?

tl;dr grow the fuck up.

Watch out! You'll be accused of being a troll! supercede will threaten to ban you in a PM if you don't watch it!

Actually, you have made a great point, but some folks (gotta be careful not to use a blanket statement!) will never get what you are a saying.

You'll be accused of being a shill


But thanks though :/

People vary in the ways they deal with stuff like this. However, it seems a bit odd how quickly he changed. But it's possible that he just isn't grasping the concept of his child being gone.

which ever one you think it fine with me... I don't control your actions or thoughts. I have my opinion, you have yours. I will let the video/audio evidence sort this one out.

It's hardly evidence. It's a small video clip taken pretty much out of context. Meanwhile, there's a giant mountain of evidence that all these people are real parents with real jobs and actual histories, who had real kids that went to a school in a real town. All of that actually exists. Unless you think these actors have been "acting" this role since shortly after they were born, and playing this role for the last several decades leading up to this moment? Which is more likely?

we will agree to disagree over the facts of the sandy hook shooting as the video evidence doesn't lie.

which ever one you think it fine with me... I don't control your actions or thoughts. I have my opinion, you have yours. I will let the video/audio evidence sort this one out.

Yeah, that "parent" who is seen laughing and joking before getting into character. That's enough proof to warrant a conspiracy theory. Unless he is a deadbeat father, he should be barely able to function knowing his baby girl is gone for good.

Sorry, but when you post in a. public forum I don't have to leave you in peace

A lot of things piss me off..unfortunately we are dealing with what I believe to be trolls on a daily basis. But it should be no reason to categorize people one way or another. So that we can agree on. But there's a lot of people who come in here and call people crazy. So my deal is I just try and stick to the issues and not attack people personally. Ill attack the issues ferociously but every once in a while I do break that code as I am still human.