Fellow Theorist: What conspiracy theory do you believe in whole heartedly without a doubt? And what conspiracy theory do you feel is the most absolutely ludicrous and you find your self shaking your head at just the mention of it?

23  2012-12-20 by [deleted]

As for me,

I am entirely convinced that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated in part, or in whole, by the United States.

And I find the whole Lizard Men theory to be the most laughable shit ever to be brought up.


The origins of the lizard people are in European libel law and Icke's desire not to go to Jail. He just used the lizards to refer to the Jews so he can not be sued.

Ok, if true, thats fucking hilarious.

I believe that David Icke was quite aware of what his fellow countryman David Irving went through in the 80's. Irving was attacked and vilified for his non Politically Correct historical writing. So he adopted a different strategy to expose Zionist bankster control.

So he used metaphors. Kind of like the movie "They Live". Or maybe he was just referring to a cold blooded group, either way it was sort of clever.

no..just lizards

and the inspiration came from the old V series


good point


So just neo cons then? You don't feel that the left is culpable in any form? Or that it may just be a lot bigger than the parties?


It's fairly obvious, based on the sheer number of coincidences, that Israel and Pakistan were involved somehow. The 'dancing Arabs,' the schoolkid in Brooklyn, the van pulled over on 9/11 near Giants' Stadium. One of those arrested went onto Israeli TV a fews years after and 'fessed up Israeli fore-knowledge.
It's not a 'Bohemian Grove' strata of upper-level conspiracy, but it's close to it.

Believe : 9/11 was a controlled demo. (I am a former EOD).

Disbelieve : The Moon landing was a hoax shot by Kubrick.

I find many elements of the moon landing to be highly suspect. The Van Allen Radiation Belts and the Apollo Capsule lacked significant shielding to pass through them. Not since the Apollo Missions has any manned spacecraft gone any further than low earth orbit. The Lunar Landers were never properly tested on Earth and Buzz Aldrin actually ejected from one of the few flight tests because the craft was highly unatable, yet we're supposed to believe it performed flawlessly on every moon mission. The lack of any engine noise in the video of the moon landing despite the astronauts literally sitting right on top of a rocket engine. No crater under the lunar lander. Highly suspicious video and photgraphs showing tampering. Suspicious gravity effects in video. One video shot on the way to the moon that has the astronauts holding slides in front of the window to appear farther out into space than they actually were. The fact that all video and audio went through Nasa so we had to take their word for it. The suspicious behavior of the astronauts at the press conference following their return and their inability to recall being able to see stars from the moon surface and no stars appeared in the photos from the moon. The size of the lunar lander was basically the size of a phone booth for each astronaut. How did they get their apace suits on and off? How did they fit the Rover on the Lunar Lander? Many more questions.

All voice, telemetry, biological data lost ~50 years ago; Ridiculous temperature differences in shadows/light on lunar surface and the total lack of equipment able to keep a human alive through a more or less instant 500 degree temperature change; Lack of shielding from cosmic rays/radiation on lunar surface; highly suspect and seemingly repeated use of backgrounds on lunar surface; Never before attempted (by US) maneuvers performed flawlessly six times in a row (command module/lunar lander docking in moon orbit); extremely convenient timing related to popular dissent surrounding the Vietnam conflict; etc.

The one that really grinds my gears is the "laser reflector is there, we went" argument, as if it's totally impossible an unmanned flight put it there or that what amounts essentially to a reflector you'd find on the back of a bike tire "required professional adjustment to be accurate" like that's possible wearing six inch thick gloves. In reality they are designed to send light back from the same direction it was received like this and are based on simple mathematics.

Why haven't we gone back? IMO, because it's still impossible from a technological standpoint.

I was arguing this with someone here before and they used the reflector as their basis that we went to the moon.

And I think it's pretty ridiculous that we're supposed to believe that they lost all of the original film from the first landing on the Moon. One of the most important events in the history of mankind and they lost all of the original film from the mission. Right.

People have also argued that they brought moon rocks back so we definitely went there. We could have easily obtained moon rocks without going to the moon to get them.

And finally, they could easily prove this story by showing photographs taken from Hubble or some other telescope of any of the landing areas but I have never seen a picture of it. If anyone can point me to a link, I would appreciate it. You would think if we have telescopes powerful enough to see distant star systems, then we should be able to see the moon.

how do you know he didnt just re-edit it?

Oh, please don't mis-understand me, I certainly aren't above any suspicions of general fuckery by Uncle Sam, my disbelief stems from the general air of engineering and resourcefulness that was committed during those years i.e. the Space Program.

For example, does anyone here doubt Kelly Johnson built a titanium bullet as a spy vehicle, and flew it past 3 times the speed of sound ? Does anyone here doubt the U-2 pilots spent days aloft, under radio silence, taking pics and gathering intel ? The engineering leaps needed to make those programs happen were "science-fiction" when conceived, but we did them. We made them happen. And that is no bullshit.

I respect that, but you do know NASA is just the nazi space/missile program in english right? Supposedly the nazis had the tech to get out past the spheres back in '36 or so. (sorry i cant provide anything about it, but it seems pretty fair on grounds of the theory of de glocke, you know the time machine or whatever)

then theres the conspiracy of the secret nazi moon base. but that f===s with my head, so id rather not even speak of it. but even if false, its still an intriguing thought http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV4Jb3Wna5g

Iron Sky!!!!

Yeah, "Operation Paperclip".

But the engineering...man !

I watched "Captain America" and was floored by the Horten Bros. designs. When you see that "flying wing" it just seems so "right". Damn that would have been a sweet Boeing or Eastern airliner.


you know, to make it believable that theres nothing back up there.


You should study some physics before spewing nonsense. Learn about propagation of electromagnetic wave before claiming infrastructure was necessary.


You can't fake physics.

That self portrait of the rover was from stitching together numerous photographs.



Let's see, taking your point step by step.

Aldrin & Armstrong (Apollo 11) had radio transmitters in the Moon Lander powerful enough to reach Earth. They brought their "infrastructure" with them.

They communicated to Mission Control on the way to the Moon, and comments were relayed live from Mission Control to TV audiences.

While in orbit they were able to share radar telemetry with Mission Control, they brought that gear also aboard the Apollo 11 capsule.

And lastly, they landed with samples of moonrock. dust and carbonaceous chondrites. (meteorite slag, far in excess of Earth samples with no O2 contamination).

Your patience is exemplary, and an example to us all.

Thank you, if only I was a better teacher.

Believe: JFK

Disbelieve: Airplanes flown into Trade Towers were missles dressed up to look like Planes. However, I do believe that the planes may have been under remote control. Google: Raytheon 9/11

There are a whole lot of theories surrounding the JFK assassination, so can you be more specific? I certainly find no reason to think that the Warren Commission report is true, but that still leaves a lot of open doors.

I'm also pretty sure that those were in fact airplanes that flew into the trade towers, but who controlled them and why it was allowed is definitely up for speculation. Was the a plane that hit the Pentagon? Absolutely not. A plane in Shanksville PA? Not a chance.

The one that hit the pentagon is definitely weird. Not sure what to make of it.

as for JFK. I dont think he was killed by a lone gun man. It was an involved planned and coordinated operation. By who, i dont know. Possibly the CIA.

There's no way that Oswald acted alone. Like with 9-11, there are far too many questions that the official stories simply ignore.

I think it was a guided missle that hit the Pentagon with an approved transponder thus the missle batteries that protect the Pentagon weren't activated to shoot it down. The planes that flew into the Pentagon were remote piloted, the Muslims on board had no control of the planes and may not have been aware that was the plan. I think they were told it was a highjacking to support the official story and once on the plane, it was taken over by whoever was running the operation. There were several AWACS spotted in the air on the morning of 9/11 and the planes were probably controlled from there.

As for JFK, I think the kill shot came from the driver of the Limo as Bill Cooper pointed out. Search Bill Cooper JFK and watch the video. It's the Zepruder film but everytime it is shown, the driver is usually cut out of the frame. You can see him point a gun with his left hand over his shoulder and then Kennedy's head explodes and Jackie attempts to flee the car. The Secret Service was definitely involved in the Killing. They set up the route, had lax security and then stole the body once it was on the plane so it could be taken to a hospital and cosmetically altered to make the wounds appear as though the shots came from behind.

Hmm... the 1st one is tough, but the JFK assassination, and 9/11 has to rival each other in evidence presented.

The most ludicrous has to be Icke and the Reptilian aliens in human flesh. He makes some intriguing speeches on other areas of conspiracies to which some points I agree with him, but that reptilian thing just shoots him down.

Do you believe in any God? if so the Lizard theory isn't that extreme. Plus there is a lot more to it then a select few being lizards. It has a lot to do with vibrations and if you have done research on the pineal gland and DMT it might not be so hard to laugh at. Serpent gods are littered though out history.

9/11 was orchestrated in many ways this conspiracy truth only scratches the surface to all the corruption and lies around us.

Search Suggestions: DMT the spirit molecule Annuki/Summerian

This. While I am not by any means convinced of the "lizard theory" I recommend you, at minimum, watch a FULL Icke lecture before drawing any conclusions. I watched all of Wembely and am currently watching all of this one, and honestly it really isn't all that far fetched the more you learn about the Illuminati and understand all of Ickes theory (the theory alone takes 7 hours to explain; if you want to see the evidence you need to read the books). I am fairly convinced of about 80% of what he says (from studying other sources), and to say that he is wrong about the other 20% without even reviewing the evidence he has presented is kind of closed minded. He came to the same conclusion that most of us accept as fact but he did it 15 years ago. If he IS telling the truth, the it's obvious that it won't make sense to us if we are 15 years behind in research.

Again, I haven't read any of his books yet, so I can't say of any relative certainty that he is right, but I think, as someone who used the same techniques and the same logical analysis as we all do (Except FAR more in depth and to the source), to say that his conclusions are wrong before even reviewing his evidence or even fully understanding his theory is just ignorant and closed minded. Not trying to call you out, but that's what it is. If you have no opinion, that's fine, but to say that someones conclusion is wrong when you don't even know how they got to it nor have reviewed the evidence, is pretty closed minded.

All I said is that I don't believe in it. I have no authority to say that is is wrong. I am nobody. But I don't feel the need to research it in order to come to my personal opinion on the matter, as uninformed as that opinion may be. If it is about Lizard/reptilian "people" among us, I just cant entertain that. I cant spend 7 hours on that.

I really don't mean to be so bull headed and closed minded, I really don't. And I especially don't mean to cause any offense to you or any one else by seemingly mocking their interests. So please, take no offense.

If its allegorical, and he is just using the term to describe a particular HUMAN group of people, I would be willing to look into it.

I know a lot of snakes. But they are all most definitely human.

It's not 7 hours about lizard people. He probably talks about lizard people for 30 minutes of a lecture tops. And even if you fully disregard the lizard people or say it's allegorical or whatever, it's very good information and a new way of seeing the world. Watching the Wembley event changed the way I see the world, even though it didn't make me believe anything new. It's more of a philosophy class than anything, just really solidifying the ideologies of descartes; as a result breaking apart every thing you were certain of about the world. I would honestly be amazed if you were not satisfied with spending 7 hours of your life watching an Icke event. For all the stupid, mindless, unproductive shit we all will spend tens of thousands of hours of our lives doing, using 7 of them to enhance our world view is definitely worth it IMO. A David Icke lecture is kind of like taking acid; 7 hours of mind fucking.

Jesus fucking christ man, you make a very compelling case. I think that was enough to sway me to at least watch it.

But the lizard men will really throw me off, I already know it.

Haha, I think you will see it differently once you hare the rest of what he has to say. Either way, just assume that the lizard stuff is allegorical while you're watching it, if that helps.

Just watched an episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura and he interviews David Icke about the Lizard People Theory and he couldn't come up with a single bit of proof for his theory and when pressed, he threw a fit and walked out.


And as I said, an Icke lecture is more of a philosophy course than a history course (at least for me), in the sense that it helps you to break down everything you believe and be open to new ways of seeing things. I never said that he was correct, nor have I even done enough research to support or refute his claims, as I said. Watching a lecture is like learning about a new religion, or a new scientific hypothesis; you have no idea what the evidence is or whether it's true but that's not the point (at least not the point in why I advocate David Icke). It's about how seeing the world from different perspectives can open your mind. Taking acid isn't "real", it's not how the world actually is, it's just how the chemical affects your perception of reality. But that doesn't mean that the experience can't help you to be a better person. The way that I advocate Icke is the same way. It's not about the information he provides, it's about the radically alternate view he provides to the way that most people see the world.

And even if it isn't philosophically stimulated to you, as I said, not even 10% of his work is about lizard people. You can interpret the lizard people as completely metaphorical and it doesn't detract from anything else.

Here's the link to the David Icke video http://youtu.be/VWxPAtkcUE8.

I've listened to a few of his talks and I believe some of his theories but the lizard people bit kind of discredits his work. I can talk to someone for two hours about sensible topics but if at the end, I throw in that I think Obama is a Bigfoot, my audience is going to think I'm a loon. David Icke is about making money for David Icke. In the interview, he couldn't just answer the questions, he kept insisting that you either read his book or watch one of his 7 hour lectures. Now I have no problem with someone making money but if you interview them and they can't answer questions or back up their claims without telling you to buy something, I find that to be problematic. Surely he can afford to give some answers for free.

First of all, wow. I have never watched anything Jesse Ventura or Alex Jones related(aside from Invisible Empire), and that video was just ridiculous . I felt like I was watching Pawn Stars: Conspiracy theory. Second, it is important to take everything you see with a grain of salt. If any significant portion of the conspiracies any of us believe to be true, you bet your ass there will be disinfo out there, and you truly cannot trust any one man or one source to lead us to the truth. And, I would argue that if anyone is "disinfo" it would be Jones and Ventura. There has been a lot of talk lately about Stratfor and the evidence of Jones/Ventura being shills. Bill Cooper, one of the most trusted "conspiracy theorists" that I know of, a man who predicted 9/11 (so I hear at least, I haven't looked into it), repeatedly stated how Jones was a shill. With that said, I think anyone should be skeptical of Jones and Ventura from the start. Well you should be skeptical of everyone, but Jones and Ventura especially. It is pretty clear that they put out a lot of legitimate info, but they have been found to have connections to the "elite" on more than one occasion.

It's funny how much effort they put into demonizing him. Whether he's telling the truth or not, they sure put a lot of effort into convincing people that he's full of shit. And, with shows like that, you really can't trust how much it's edited. There were more than a few times where words were spoken but the video was edited, so honestly they could have easily chopped the audio to skew his responses to certain questions (I have noticed that most shows do this for the "drama" factor, but to see it on a show that is supposedly based around truth seeking really just makes me sad).

I'm not saying that they did do that, but that the fact that they very well could have, on top of some relatively founded evidence (at least to my understanding) that Jones is disinfo, and the cable-TV-esque structuring of the show really just would cause me at least to want to do a whole lot more research on Icke before discounting him. Especially if Jones is a shill and he out there discrediting Icke, would lend more credence to his theories.

Honestly, regardless of the truth factor, forcing opinions (as it is pretty clear is the intention in this video), is everything wrong with the world. Conspiracy theorists need to separate the facts from opinions and draw their own conclusions. If Ventura or Jones's other videos are anything like this, I guarantee that they make it very hard for people to do that. Whether they are telling the truth or not, they way they present their information taints the waters for the critical thinking and open mindedness that is necessary for any truth seeker.

Next, in regards to "read the book" or "watch the lecture", I would have said the same thing. Icke's theory (note, it's one theory; everything he says is based around one grand theory that encompasses everything that is occurring int he world and the universe) is very radical, and you, as I said in a previous post, literally need to watch an entire lecture just to get the gist of his theory (and that doesn't even include the evidence). Icke's lectures are available for free online, and he has put out over a dozen books and has probably done hundreds of lectures. If his goal was money I truly believe that this is a horrible way to achieve that. And, he lives in some tiny ass apartment (look hi up on youtube and there is so long haired kid who interviews him).

To sum this all up: Don't trust anyone but yourself, especially when it comes to conspiracies. Don't take anyone else's word for it, or at least don't be convinced of anything until you have done thorough research and formed your own opinions, not adopting the opinions of those you trust.

I still don't know if Icke is right, but I can assure you that even if he is full of shit (which I would argue is far less likely than Jones being full of shit), taking the time to watch one of his lectures will change the way you see the world, and you will appreciate it.

I like Jesse Ventura but his show, Conspiracy Theory is pretty much just pure entertainment. The first two seasons were a little better and I would recommend watching the 9/11, Pentagon, Denver Airport, HAARP and a few other episodes. This season he added his son and Oliver Stone's son to the team and they're terrible. Now it's just over the top cheesy. They're inside "sources" are pure character actors and for drama purposes, they meet them in Vans on the side of the road or bridges or back alleys. But what really bothers me is that it's shot like a lot of these new shows, Fact or Faked, Ghost Hunters, etc. where they go to commercial and when they come back, they recount for about a minute what you just fucking watched and since I download all of my tv watching, it's especially maddening.

As for Alex Jones, he does report on some legitimate shit but he's full of himself. He's always talking about how the Government is after him and trying to shut him up or whatever and he also comes up with some wacky shit. He's kind of like Fox News.

And I'll believe in shape shifting lizards when they catch one and show it to me. Same with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

I had no idea these things had connections to DMT & the pineal gland. Thanks for the info. I find the pineal gland and it's appearances in history and cultures everywhere fascinating. Little did I know it's also subject to major conspiracies!

I'm a believer and I find the idea of lizard people absurd. I have a little knowledge about DMT and its involvement in, I guess everything. How do vibrations have anything to do with lizards? As for lizard gods through out history, there have also been numerous bird, dog, feline, humanoid, horse, cow, and even elephant gods. Why can't they be suspected just as much?

Actually, God and the Bible might be the biggest Conapiracy Theory of them all.


predictive programming. MK Ultra. false flags. ZOG. Masons don't mean well. the government would like it better if you didn't have any guns. dhs is fifth column


reptillians. mayan doomsday. that the elite (rothschild types) are demons.

Is it so hard to believe in Mayan mathematics? Why must there be doom? Please understand, its a calendar. it marks moments in time. if doom falls upon us, it will have been by our own hand.

Armageddon will not be a sudden cataclysmic death. It will be slow and painful like Cancer.

i think a nuclear explosion is pretty sudden

What is Predictive Programming?

And What is ZOG?

I know I can google it, but I would rather the open dialogue.

This is ZOG.

Predictive programming is a type of covert social conditioning, I believe many groups engage in this activity, mostly those in the hollyweird television and movie industry and news business.

MK Ultra.

This is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of fact. Not even the government deny it anymore.

I believe the JFK official story is sorely lacking in truth. Other than that I don't buy into most of the popular conspiracy theories. Especially this Sandy Hook bullshit. First of all, conspiracy theorists can't even decide between conspiracies. Either no shooting took place or a shooting orchestrated by the government took place. How anyone could believe such nonsense is beyond me.

No shooting: really? An entire town completely deluded into thinking a shooting happened where 20 5-6 year olds died? I live in a bigger city and I guarantee you if something like that happened here I'd be able to tell immediately if it were real or not.

Government plot: so the government (or what the fuck ever, CIA, FBI, NSA) plotted killing elementary school kids to further their agenda of gun control by using prescription drugs and reprogramming some kids mind over the course of years and providing military training. They are that capable but they are incapable of convincing lawmakers to do their bidding without doing this first. They are all powerful and organized but muck up this thing so bad that all these details leaked.

I'm convinced that the CIA were flying "illegal enemy combatants" through Danish airspace during the Bush years, thereby making the responsible Danish authorities break the Geneva convention on human rights.

I find it pretty ludicrous that shapeshifter octopusses should be some kind of alien race visiting us from outer space; that they have taken on the most clever physical form possible in our Earthly environment, and ultimately will travel on to other planets, as they continue their ancient quest to explore this Universe.

Believe: 9/11 was a false flag.

Don't believe at all: Any doomsday theory ever.

Don't believe at all: Any doomsday theory ever.

Heat death?


WTF with the Pedophacracy??? There are some truly evil fucking people in this world...

The link to the first one looks suspect, and my WOT indicator is red, and I am getting all kinds of popups as soon as I click it.

Can you tell me what it is about??

Strange, it's not giving me any issues.

The general idea: Pedophiles rule the world's governments.

If you want to know why is has a poor rating, look at the "reviews". "Site used to promote hate, fear, and untruths."

People don't like what some of the posts have to say, so they have attempted to blackball the entire domain. IMO, WOT is terribly ineffective and gamed easily.

If you are getting pop-ups, you may have malware unrelated to the site.

Its the first pop up I have seen since I got this computer.

uut I know your right about WOT being gamed sometimes, I mainly installed it for my wife and kids and told them to stay away from the red.

Scientists in California recently did DNA testing on hair found in the Pacific Northwest and have determined that it is human/hominid. I truly believe Bigfoot exists and they are finally piecing together evidence to prove it.

So they found human hair in the woods and it is automatically a giant ape man?

Unless they are some ancient ninjas, I believe we would have at least photographic proof by now. It seems that the Bigfoot industry is just around to turn a profit.

They could be that exactly. What if we are the offspring of evolution towards the homos apiens, and they are the offspring of surviving neanderthals. We have big heads, they have bigger.

Here's the link http://www.sci-tech-today.com/story.xhtml?story_id=0310032S7JLQ&amp;full_skip=1

I dunno man. Personally, I'd prefer a body or a live specimen. Why don't they put together some awesome trackers and really put some work into it? Track one of them down and bring it back, dead or alive.

Is there really that much money in Bigfoot? I don't know if you've watched that cheesy Tracking Bigfoot show with the fat redneck that calls them Squatches but that's about the extent of the Bigfoot Industry.

key words in that article "could have". They didn't actually make any money.

That was just a random article.

Television networks and amateur hoaxers alike have profited, and will continue to profit, from giving people what they want to see.

Believe Tesla's work is being suppressed Disbelieve chemtrail nutjobs.

Watch "What in the World are they Spraying?" And "Why in the World are they Spraying?" Both documentaries are on You Tube. I didn't used to believe in Chemtrails either even though I can clearly see the lines in the sky. I knew they were doing something. I didn't believe it was some population control plan because they have to breathe the air too. I knew it had to be some plan that was "for our own good". These two documentaries lay out the program clearly with plenty of evidence to back it up.

I think that Tesla was certainly good in his time, but really we've moved far beyond his knowledge now.

I must disagree with this, just look at recent attempts at wireless charging and wireless syncing (adding/deleting music off an ipod from a pc). We're going from DC to AC. Things that Tesla paved the way for. We're just applying his knowledge to today's technology

There are people who think living aliens have given us all the technology since rosswell.

Reptillians at least have the decency to make a "you cant see me" clause in their theory.

Believe: 9/11 was an inside job JFK was assassinated by the Secret Service and LBJ/George Bush Sr. The United States Government recovered the wreckage of a flying saucer in Roswell. Chemtrails are a Government Program to Control the weather and slow global warming. Sirhan Sirhan was a mind controlled patsy. There was more than one shooter in the RFK assassination.

Disbelieve: There is a war going on between aliens and the Government beneath the Earth and Phil Schneider was shot by an Alien Ray Gun The Royal Family are Shape Shifting Lizards The Earth is hollow and inhabited by Aliens The twin towers were brought down by a lazer beam from Outer Space. http://youtu.be/bRAw8Q6-AZA Alfred Billy Bielek claims he was part of the Philadelphia Experiment and that he has travelled to the future. http://youtu.be/jWkq4oM8HCA

Believe: 9/11 was a Mossad/CIA Operation. JFK was killed by the CIA. Social Hierarchy at the top is in cohorts with each other, often crossing national boundaries.

Disbelieve: 2012 doomsday, reptilians, bigfoot

I absolutely believe the world will end on December 21st, 2012, just like the Mayans predicted. Wait...Today's the 21st.....awww shit.

I feel that its very possible for throughout evolution a type of dinosaur could have evolved into an intelligent bipedal being:(

I believe it is possible too. Just as I believe human level intelligence to be possible with sea life and birds and insects as well. Given the right conditions and enough time I believe it would be possible for any form of life to evolve to the point where they are just as smart or even smarter, than us.

But what i don't believe, is that it has actually happened. And that somehow it has gone unnoticed, and undiscovered. Or that it has purposefully remained hidden from us.

200k years ago we think we where as smart as we are today, we just did not know as much. Many creatures since the beginning of life might have been intelligent but without knowledge

I believe there is a counter secret society against the evil ones I believe after a certain point certain celebs politicians etc broke out of the system and have a network of their own

i believe the ones that are true and disbelieve the ones that aren't

Believe: That Vincent Foster was murdered.

Don't believe: 9/11 was an inside job.

Believe: 9/11 and other false flags,mind control, UFO/ET visited already the earth,illuminati,

Disbelieve: Mayan Doomsday 2012

Believe recent shootings are part of a bigger plan.

Don't believe that all Indians own gas stations because they are planning to blow them up at the same time and cause nationwide panic.

Hahaha I have never even heard of that gas station thing, jeez.

I heard the same thing about 7-11 only it involves Slurpees.

Believe aglets are sinster Don't believe baskin robins has 32 flavors

What are Aglets??

And only the blindest of the sheople believe the lies of found in Robins Basket.

The plastic things on the end of your shoe lace

That shit keeps me up at night too. I cant believe more people aren't talking about this.


Actually, it's the little round metal things your ahoe laces go through.

You're referring to eyelets

That's because Baskin Robbins is 31 Flavors not 32.


99% of Jews are white, you stupid goyim

Goyim is plural. The singular is just goy.

I was accounting for all the voices he must hear in his head.


Jews in America have maintained a complex relationship to 'whiteness'. Light skinned Jews do not always consider themselves white, and often identify themselves, and are identified by others, as a separate race.


Mike Wallace, "I'm not white, I'm Jewish."


Jews also think that they are "gods chosen people" - and I assure you, for various reasons, they are not. Besides, it really doesnt matter what the fuck the average imbecile thinks - even if they happen to be jewish imbeciles. Jews are most definitely not a race.

Jews are a religion. Even if they claim people who belong to their group who share family lineage, but not religion, this does not make them a race. It just makes them annoying.

At .01% of the worlds population or whatever the fuck it is - even if they WERE a race at some point, they would have been absorbed into one of the more dominant races hundreds of millions of years ago. Just like the cro-magnons, and all the other evolved races in the fossil record that bred and combined into the dominant few races that we have left in the world today.

In short. Inbreeding does not create a race. Evolution does. Jews are not a race. If inbreeding made a race, we'd have to start calling mormons their own race, and the Amish, and West Virginians and probably the Irish too. Nope, sorry still not a race.

And guess what? In 100 million years from now, if we're still around? There wont be any white people/black people/asian people etc. anymore either. They will have all crossbred into each other to the point where they are indistinct anymore.

Just look at most black Americans compared to an actual African. There is already a huge difference between them - and they've only been interbreeding with whites for a couple hundred years.

Jews a race? No. Someone who thinks they're not white because they're jewish? Not a race either, an uneducated asshole yes, but still not a race.

Jewish laws of return are largely racial. I don't say that they do. Being Jewish is racial, cultural, religious, and tribal. More so than most groups.



The Jewish Encyclopedia (l948 edition) in Vol. 6 regarding the striking differences which exist between Judaism and other religions states: The very name Judaism sharply differentiates it from other religions. Whereas Buddhism centers in Buddha, Christianity in Christ, Mohammedanism in Mohammed, Judaism centers in no particular personality - but in the Jewish people themselves ... while Christianity is based upon events in the life of Christ, Judaism is based on occurrences in the history of the Jews.

Even if those who practice Judaism, or Jews, were a race, which they are not, if you even stop to think about it logically, the Palestinians they are oppressing now, very likely have a far purer "jew" bloodline, than the people who today call themselves jews - simply because, the "jews" of today, were the outcasts from Palestine 2000 years ago - they nomadically wandered around Europe for 2000 years, pissing everyone off, and getting kicked out of every place they went, but still interbreeding and diluting their bloodline along the way, while at the same time the Palestinians who the same people from the same area - just of a different religion - stayed in the same place for 2000 years, and didnt cross-breed with a bunch of Europeans nearly as much.

TLDR : Even if "jew" was a race, which it is not, the real jews are the Palestinians.

You whole heartedly believe the Jewish people are planning to destroy America?


This parent comment is nothing but racism.


I usually prefer that racists out themselves as soon as possible so that I know not to take anything they say seriously. If you're a racist, then you're quite obviously not capable of rational thought.

Just for the curious, how does racism cause an incompatibility with rational thought?



youjustdoneditit and zerosandones are obvious a shill tag team hoping that their negative comments will induce me to stop expressing my opinions -- they might as well have saved themselves the effort, I write what I believe to be true, and I believe slow genocide is being committed against the white race.

I find your views a touch extreme, but I love that at least here I can read them.

I am a very apathetic conspiracy theorist. I find it all terribly interesting but can't help give a shit.

The only thing that gives me any cause for alarm is the way that people such as you are treated in a community which includes people who think aliens are opening our umpteenth chakras so that we can "evolve" (in our current bodies, mind you) to "higher dimensions" (read: 'I don't understand what "dimension" means, but I'm TOTES spiritual in this bitch')

For my entertainment (or possibly, education) could you give me any sources that support your highly ostracized point of view? Preferably video or audiobook.

C'mon man, I've appreciated some of your insights about Zionism in the past, but what the hell is all of this? Do you know many American Jews or are you basing these views off of some blog posts/youtube videos?

All I said is that I don't believe in it. I have no authority to say that is is wrong. I am nobody. But I don't feel the need to research it in order to come to my personal opinion on the matter, as uninformed as that opinion may be. If it is about Lizard/reptilian "people" among us, I just cant entertain that. I cant spend 7 hours on that.

I really don't mean to be so bull headed and closed minded, I really don't. And I especially don't mean to cause any offense to you or any one else by seemingly mocking their interests. So please, take no offense.

If its allegorical, and he is just using the term to describe a particular HUMAN group of people, I would be willing to look into it.

I know a lot of snakes. But they are all most definitely human.