Hi guys, just wanted to inform you that there is a mounting grass roots occurring on Reddit to stop the government conspiracy for gun control. Visit /r/progun and fight back.

21  2012-12-21 by [deleted]

We are non partisan and value the 1st amendment as much as the 2nd. Let's fight against oppression together! /r/progun


50% of the world's guns and 5% of the population, and gun sales are at an all time high. If they're trying to disarm the U.S. they're doing a shit job at a formidable task.

That said, these weird media events ARE ridiculously biased in favour of gun control, and many people seem poorly educated on the role small arms play in preventing totalitarianism and crime.

50% maybe, but most must be own by the military. Many countries have more guns than people.

Pretty sure Yemen has more.

Yemen is ranked third, with 54.8 privately-owned firearms per 100 residents -- behind the United States (88.8) and Serbia (58.2).

And I said that this number looks really weird from what I know of Yemen.

Please share your groundbreaking statistical research with us.

Well simply from the fact that everyone in Yemen agrees that there's more AK than people.

Also, the only source of the number in the wiki is a politically engaged ONG.

These statistics are from the Small Arms Survey, conducted by the world's oldest International Relations school - the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. These institutions are generally apolitical, and I've seen no reference to this one being "politically engaged."

Otherwise, got a citation for "everyone in Yemen agrees"?

Drones have killed more children in Pakistan then mass murder from guns. I use my brain and share with fellow people these things. From a Southeastern Tennessee American who does not own a firearm.

Drones have killed more children in Pakistan then mass murder from guns.

Shouldn't you really be comparing "mass drone killings" with "mass gun murders", or "all drone killings" with "all gun murders"?

I do, too. I own my firearms to protect myself from the tyrannical government that lauches those drones and in hopes that armed rebellion in the streets will keep their cross hairs off of their citizens.

Hate to tell you this but an AR15 won't do much good against a predator drone.

A tyrannical government would use foot soldiers to take prisoners. They wouldn't just kill everyone for no reason..they would have no one left to control and to do work for them. This is why the "they have drones"/ "they have missiles" crap doesn't stand up in the argument.

This is assuming, however, that more than a very small fraction of U.S. citizens would have any skills applicable to a successful revolution. Just because you have a rifle locked away in a gun cabinet does not make you an unstoppable anti-takeover machine. Even just using foot soldiers, they will easily defeat us. Also a fun thing to ruminate over, how plausible is it that every U.S. soldier will be willing to mercilessly slaughter/capture their fellow citizens? Wouldn't a robotic, non-guilt feeling implementation of takeover be more reasonable?


Well now it's boiling down to semantics. Whatever the situation, no citizen militia could stand against a real military force. And I'm not necessarily talking about I Robot type shit, just any method of control that isn't your standard foot soldier grunt.

That is what my 7mm mag bolt rifle is for.
Edit: i know, impossible shot. =P

No, but ironically an RF transmitter at the right frequency will.

I know it won't help against any ordnance, really. I believe these weapons keep our government nice and civil with it's citizens because they know that if they show their true colors and start slaughtering us we will and do have means for an armed resistance.

Edit: horrible structuring

Your first two sentences contradict your third sentence.

Look at Iraq or Afghanistan, the 'insurgents' do not use tanks, drones, or serious artillery, but they still manage to fight back, at the least we will have that.

I would really rather not suffer the death:kill ratio that the Afghani insurgents are experiencing.

And the fact that Iraqi or Afghani insurgents are armed has really stopped the US army attacking them...

Your lack of sentence structure and logic are astounding. Drop the gun and pick up a book.

Was typing on my iPhone, corrected above.

Another Faux News spewer who hates the drones but loved the genocidal Bush team who killed in the range of 2 million between father and son. You are such a stooge.

I agree with many of the ideas expressed in this forum and find it a useful source of information. I don't think that gun control is the biggest threat. In fact I find gun manufacturing to be much more dangerous and I worry about the creeping militarization of everyday life. The US has a lot of guns and a lot of problems... and the weapons seem to create problems in the other places that the US exports them to. Consider that the NRA has a lot to gain from this backlash against Obama... and plenty to gain also from sales to the police and to the military. I don't trust the NRA and the gun industry any more than I trust the oil or pharmaceutical lobbies. Peace & have a good baktun.

in Canada, we do not share your strange fetishistic relationship with guns...

Nobody knocks on the Swiss for their "fetishistic relationship with guns" and I wonder why. Wait, no I don't, it's because the Swiss don't occasionally up and shoot a bunch of each other.

the swiss also donĀ“t have this bizarre fear of the government (the man, eh) that seems to dominate US conspiracy afficianados. Gun violence certainly exists in switzerland, but the culture is much more one of trying to get along with people rather than pumping them full of lead.

Well, the worst thing I can think of the Swiss ever got caught or were accused of doing (in the modern age) was hiding Nazi gold. What's the worst thing you can think of the American government doing this month?

Killing brown children in some 3rd world country.

Then there's all the money laundering/tax haven stuff, plus selling weapons (grenades, mines) to sketchy 3rd world dictators (syria). They are following the money, like all powers that be.

You are completely and utterly wrong. The Swiss are by far the most politically awakened by population on earth. They fear centralization of their government so much so that they do not have a centralized standing army. Rather, the Swiss have a localized malicious and it is uncommon for a Swiss household to not have an automatic rifle to protect itself if you thought that the American militias were paranoid the Swiss malicious r 17 * as paranoid and are the main stream in that country there is no standing army in that country there is no potential for the federal government of Switzerland to take over that country, are you beginning to understand. This to topology is a direct result of the Swiss is knowledge of political power and the nation state.

I am dictating these comments from my samsung galaxy note to apologize for all the spelling errors. Malicious should read militias

However, the exact same fetish and controversery exist in Finland.

Is there some contact going around that non-Americans have the be pretentious and condescending about American issues? How come every other nation has it's problems looked at with understanding and consideration but the U.S.?

Because the US is a superpower. It's like seeing a grown man act like a five-year-old.

America earn it's super powers status it started off as nothing except a bunch of British citizens refusing to give up their arms

Pretty sure 'British citizens refusing to give up their arms' was not how the USA started.

Then u should review your history because had they given them up as they were asked to several times they could never have defeated there brothers in the english army whom many of them sjared comon ancestry with #readabook >Pretty sure 'British citizens refusing to give up their arms' was not how the USA started.

Pretty sure 'British citizens refusing to give up their arms' was not how the USA started.

No shit. But what was their form of protest? (War) what did it require? (Guns)...

It's because you're cute when you're mad.

Call me when Canada starts invading countries around the world, trying to impose the Canadian way on them.

America is constantly saying how it is The Greatest, and then imposing their "greatness" by force. When it stops fucking the rest of the world is the day that people will stop criticizing it.

yes that's right....you're a victim...I feel sooo bad for you.

I never said we were victims, I'm just saying you guys are cunts.

so if a moose charges at you, you're able to diffuse the situation with some kind words?


You're supposed to be a man and punch that moose in the throat, not shoot it with a gun like some kinda pussy.

wow....you are both>DUMB and STUPID

i can't argue with this bulletproof logic

Canada just relaxed gun laws.

Not exactly.

Well this is irrelevant to us... Nice job trying to look "cool". I wouldn't expect someone who's country wasn't founded with the idea of using guns to keep the power with the people to understand the concept that is so dear to us. A Japanese naval commander was quoted saying it would be impossible to invade mainland America as there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. I'm okay with that.

Yeeaaahh... Bombs beat rifles.

You're right in that. But if the American military did decide to act against its citizenry than it would be 150 million armed citizens vs 500k American soldiers. Who do you think would win?

It happened in vietnam and afghanistan. Guerilla warefare routinely confounds the modern military structure.

We don't stand in fields and see who's left standing at the end of the day.

The military would win. Really fast. They got planes and missiles and shit.

Kill all the citizens or destroy all the infrastructure and you're left with a country of nothing.

They can't just bomb everyone to victory.

Good thing it's never gonna happen, then!

I'm guessing the military... They have tanks and planes and everything. What do the citizens have? Some guns and no training in the art of war.

your ignorance is deafening...your precious 2nd amendment was written two hundred years ago and meant to reflect it's times; the constitution was supposed to be reviewed every 15 years or so in order to remain current with the times...THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN...

and as for your guns keeping the power with the people. you(the people) have no relevant power...you are blinded by your own ignorance

Exactly, it's like people think their piddly experience shooting a stationary target at some safe regulated range means dick in the face of a full government onslaught. If the government wants to take you over, they are going to take you over. regardless of whatever "experience" you think is going to save you.

Nor do we share their love of freedom get real Canada's nothing more than a colony America is the pinnacle human society like it or not and I grew up in Toronto and still live here


I live in the South and do not own a single firearm. However, I believe in and respect the 2nd Amendment and will fight to the death to ensure my fellow Americans are able to arm themselves in any (legal) way they see fit and necessary.

You're willing to die for that?

Thanks. I found this quite interesting.

Mass Shooting at Sandy Hook is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution - Deals with Gun Control, leaving Americans defenceless against a tyrannical state.


I grew up going to schools in the ghetto and we had armed guards. Too good for the white kids though eh?

Most soccer moms fear exposure of firearms to their children, but then use Call of Duty to babysit. The irony of the upper middle class is astounding.


No idea why you got downvoted. Okay, your comment was a little rambling, but I get the feeling some people don't get that the Likud does not represent the opinions of the world Jewry.

They deleted a thread of mine yesterday...be wary of these people.

Your post was literally a post asking if our sub was ran by shills... You didn't make a point, post any information or anything. It was deleted for having no content.

I deleted your post, for the exact reasons that brokenmidset said. If you're going to call me a shill in a sub I moderate, you better be able to back it up.

Also, what the hell would i be shilling for? Gun rights? I don't think the elite illuminati are paying people to preserve the right to overthrow governments.....

Well, the worst thing I can think of the Swiss ever got caught or were accused of doing (in the modern age) was hiding Nazi gold. What's the worst thing you can think of the American government doing this month?

Killing brown children in some 3rd world country.

Then there's all the money laundering/tax haven stuff, plus selling weapons (grenades, mines) to sketchy 3rd world dictators (syria). They are following the money, like all powers that be.

You are completely and utterly wrong. The Swiss are by far the most politically awakened by population on earth. They fear centralization of their government so much so that they do not have a centralized standing army. Rather, the Swiss have a localized malicious and it is uncommon for a Swiss household to not have an automatic rifle to protect itself if you thought that the American militias were paranoid the Swiss malicious r 17 * as paranoid and are the main stream in that country there is no standing army in that country there is no potential for the federal government of Switzerland to take over that country, are you beginning to understand. This to topology is a direct result of the Swiss is knowledge of political power and the nation state.

Your post was literally a post asking if our sub was ran by shills... You didn't make a point, post any information or anything. It was deleted for having no content.

Most soccer moms fear exposure of firearms to their children, but then use Call of Duty to babysit. The irony of the upper middle class is astounding.

I deleted your post, for the exact reasons that brokenmidset said. If you're going to call me a shill in a sub I moderate, you better be able to back it up.

Also, what the hell would i be shilling for? Gun rights? I don't think the elite illuminati are paying people to preserve the right to overthrow governments.....