This is going to sound weird, but is it getting really windy for everyone else?

6  2012-12-21 by [deleted]


Must be HAARP destroying America! Let's look for clues in a Batman movie!!

The thing about Paul is that he couldn't have changed the course all that much as he's only one person. Unless he were to declare himself dictator and dissolve the congress our policy would remain roughly the same.

Realitychecker, I love you.

Unless he were to declare himself dictator and dissolve the congress our policy would remain roughly the same.

Dude, they just use "signing statements."

I would support that dictatorship.

That is mainly scares me about the cult of personality I saw developing around him. Liberty isn't compatible with a "dear leader" type mentality.

My favorite part was when Paulinistas would bash Obama supporters for subscribing to cult of personality politics without even the slightest hint of recognizing the irony at all.

cult of personality I saw developing around him

I can't say I saw that, but then again, Paul didn't get nearly enough media coverage.

Maybe it's for good that he didn't. I don't care how "good" you think a dictatorship is. A dictactorship is never good at all.

I mean, if you think shit's in the U.S. is bad now under the current homeland policy and security, it'd be far far worse under a dictatorship. Ron Paul or not.

Less to sway. Seemed to work for Rome.

and look what happened to Rome. It fell.

lol you have no idea what you're talking about. Rome fell because of Christianity and the adoption of the ideal that an Emperor is fallible and that can really, at the end of the day, be ignored - thus phasing out the concept of a dictatorship. Do you even have any idea of what Pax Romana even was or are you just spouting off 9th grade history conclusions?

The greatest period of peace in the greatest Empire that ever existed happened for over 200 years while there was a "perpetual dictator".

Must be HAARP destroying America!

It's the new version of HAARP: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program/Defensive Array Actively Repelling Pauls. HAARP/DAARP is their last hope to defeat Ron and Rand Paul.


You are a lunatic.



Well you know my reptilian overlord doesn't want me posting too much stuff. You know since I must be a government shill


1 so you know what the scale of the maps are? what are they then

2 see above question

4 Sandy Hook inthe movie is an area of the city , in the real world it the name of a school building

5 and after the bend the highway in RL goes north where in the movie it goes to the east

so they are not matching


So Star Trek is real? Because similarities.

And what the fuck, exactly, would be the point of leaving clues about this big secret conspiracy in a comic book movie?


Ok, try answering my question now.


Citation needed.

... not sure if serious...


Like I said, I just would like you to explain why they'd drop hints in a shitty comic book movie. It's preposterous.

Do you have some information on these so-called ethics they have?

I mean, which is more likely to you? Is it more likely there is a giant secret conspiracy involving literally thousands of people, controlling world events yet somehow still warning us of them through, of all things, blockbuster movies, or is it more likely it's just a coincidence you're reading into because of your confirmation bias?


I'll just take this as an admission that you are unwilling or unable to answer my questions. Logic defeats another tinfoil nutter.


One of the most common things you nutters do: Argue as to why you shouldn't have to provide proof, when in the same amount of energy you could have just provided the proof.


Still no coherent answer then? Ok.

its called cold front, moving through midwest USA


Jews deserve nothing but death, what disgusting creatures, taking advantage of Whites, yet again, and again and again! DOWN WITH JEWS!

not sure if serious or genius

That fact that you don't know, would tell you what level of retard you are. Hint: Full

Orrrr it tells you that he understands that there are both crazy AND sarcastic people on the world, and he doesn't know which this is.

He is just trollin by...

Meteorology is just a myth established by the CIA to take your eyes off of the fact there may be a major religious event happening soon. Do you even listen to the things you say? Weather is a hoax.


There's camera's in those clouds. Why else would they follow me everywhere I go?


This subreddit is getting ridiculous. REALLY? It's getting windy and the first thing you think to do is post in r/conspiracy? When Katrina hit Louisiana, I was feeling the winds up here. It's not a conspiracy, it's the weather, you ignoramus.

Well yes. This is what weather does. It also acts much in the same way in more then one area of earth.





Holy crap, that's an awesome map! I'd love to see a version for Canada.


Quick google search got me this:

Nowhere near as pretty, but, meh, it does the job. Kinda.

thread of the year for /r/conspiracy.

It's come late, but it was worth waiting for.


You can see where the Illuminati warned us if you pause "We Bought a Zoo" at just the right moment


Was this really posted to this subreddit? Jesus Quetzacotal Ra Christ

Are all you fuck heads this crazy?

MD redditor checking in. I've been thinking the same thing. Super windy. And just an eerie feeling outside; but maybe it's just me getting myself psyched.

It's definitely just you getting yourself psyched.


Wrong post?


You have it is so so so wrong. And so you don't make this mistake again in the future I think you should think about whether or not a by birth society that does not use any forms of initiation whatsoever could ever be capable of maintaining secrecy

Why do people delete their accounts like that...? What did he say? It creeps me out.

"Reddithatesjews" accidentally posted his racist, anti-white ramblings to this thread.


I don't know what the post is, but it's REALLY ironic to see someone being called a racist piece of shit for saying "the whites" in a subreddit that thrives on the phrase "the Jews".


Yes. It's a conspiracy to make anti-Semites look like idiots. A vast conspiracy.

Who said anything about a conspiracy?

Now, run off to r/conspiratard and tell everyone how you totally owned Aunty Semite, they love that shit.

I'm sorry. I should have been more direct. Racism is for assholes. You are a racist and ie you are an asshole.

syntax error

Was pretty windy here too. Although, nothing to fret over. It's just The Lord of The Winds, Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl making his return for the new Baktun. Right on time too! He might be calling himself Ehecatl now.

Interestingly, the name of this winter storm is Draco of all things. More here.

So basically, new era, old god coming home, lets all get drunk and start this holiday early.

Maybe it's Planet X or Nibiru coming towards us, shifting weather patterns.

Probably that too. They don't have Christmas on Nibiru and they are probably so jealous they made the trip all the way to Earth, hoping to get some cool swag. And fuck up our weather patterns.

Or hoping to get Alex Jones's autograph until they found it he was just as bat shit crazy as he sounds.

Fixed your link

I hope I didn't jump the gun, but you got your link syntax backward! Don't worry bro, I fixed it, have an upvote!

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Strange finding this post. I'm also near the East Coast and we've been having reeeeal bad wind.

I'm from Texas, and yes it has gotten really windy xp, today is the third day I think. Yesterday was really windy.

Fine over here in Vancouver.

Been pretty windy all day here in SC

FYI, its around evening of 21st in this part of the world, and ain't shit changed. Get over it.

Pretty damn windy here in NY

not very windy here in phoenix, also heard that california will fall into the ocean so I get beachfront property

Cleveland is very windy, (like always). Must be the apocalypse.

OK totally weird I know but I'm going to the mountains today and they are predicting windy conditions. Fucking creepy....

Yeah. It's never windy in two different places. On the same planet.

Connect the dots, people!


i keep getting wind gust here in Virginia, but nothing out of the ordinary.

in oregon, its been windy (30ish mph) the last week.

just saw someone set off chinese lanterns on a mild frosty breeze in portland.

VERY windy here in Idaho.

Another Idahoan here. 'Tis windy. I almost convinced myself that I'm not too old to go fly a kite. It didn't happen.

Well I don't blame you, it's cold as fuck!

I lurk here to have a good chuckle from time to time... but it seems to be abnormally windy in Oregon for this time of year. We always have bad wind during the spring for a bit but nothing like it's been the past few weeks in December.

Windy as hell here... looks gloomy too...

One of those 'scientist' type folk said somewhere in the not too distant past that part of climate change, global warming, etc. is the increase in severe storms and wind speeds. More wind also contributes to drought conditions by drying soils. All is good.

about 12 mph and gusting to 24 mph in NC

Drove through kansas yesterday, "they" closed hwy 70 bc of wind, not the snow. Now 3:30 in the mountains of colorado and I was just standing outside and almost got blown over. These are facts.

keep us updated, this sounds important.

Midwest here. Very windy all day. Picked up around mid afternoon.


Did it?

I've been hearing about snow tonight in my area for about a week (that loop is from yesterday). We knew it was going to be windy and we knew we might get snow. Now we know we're going to get a few inches of snow.

If a very average storm stirs your nerves, you might consider getting help. Especially if your response is to call that radar loop 'bullshit' or 'fake', in which case you need to get help.

and look what happened to Rome. It fell.

It's definitely just you getting yourself psyched.

I'll just take this as an admission that you are unwilling or unable to answer my questions. Logic defeats another tinfoil nutter.