Jews are the biggest anti-semites.

15  2012-12-23 by [deleted]

I came to the realization that jews are the biggest antisemites. Jews aren't semites at all. They are committing a holocaust in palestine, palestinians are semites. They committed a holocaust in iraq who are also semites. They are committing a holocaust in syria who are also semites. They are deporting and killing ethiopian immigrants in israel who are also semites due to racial mixing. They are more examples of this yet they still whine about the holocaust. Ant criticism of the jews is anti-semetic yet they are not semites.


Couldn't agree with you more. Well said.



as a jew myself, I agree as well.

As a Jew myself, I'd like to say that i have never participated in any of these actions. Please don't lump all jews in with Israel.

Also, what is this Iraq thing? Isreali-Iraqi relations haven't been great for obvious reasons, but there's no "holocaust."

Its conspiracy mixed in with truth. Because they're doing the palestine thing, they obviously must be responsible for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the current civil war in syria, and so on.

The Jews are committing holocausts against every race in the world, not just Semites. They are directly contributing to the degeneration of Europeans as well, through the promulgation of homosexuality and abortion. They promote ghetto culture among the blacks through their control of the popular media, which contributes to their crime and the rate of children being born outside of marriage. There is no question that Jews are the biggest anti-semites and anti-human group on this world, as they have been for centuries and centuries, since the bastard Turkic Khazars converted to and corrupted the religion of the Hebrews. There is not much we can do but call attention to the plight of the Palestinians as much as we can. Help people see the Jewish root of the problems in Syria, Egypt, America, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, England and so forth hundreds more!


Because clearly the jews are a homogeneous group with every single member having the exact same beliefs and goals.

You seriously can't be claiming that all jews hate gentiles, can you? Do you have any idea how idiotic that sounds?


Not when you guys have been using the same strawmen to attack Jews.

Well the Jews are using the same infiltration tactics over and over in "animal goyim" society. You can deny it all you want, but I know this to be a fact about the Jews, the leeches of Europe. They regard us as animals unfit for anything but to serve them and leech off of us they do. Unfortunately, you can't get rid of a leech Jew because they've indoctrinated our society so deeply with their double-speak. You get called an antisemite even if you don't hold a door open for a leech Jew these days. It's sickening and they're going to be the downfall of us all unless we wake up and do something drastic.

from your lips to god's ears(or whatever deity you believe in or not)

should we ask for another Führer?!!

Can't remember where I heard it, maybe in a standup routine, but the guy said "If there is anything Jews hate most, it's other Jews." Don't know if it's true or not, but it was pretty funny.

they are not semites.

But I thought they were because of the language. Didn't know "Semite" was a race.

EDIT: Thanks for the down votes whomever you are.

50% of Israeli Jews are not of European decent. They are Arab/Persian Jews. I personally try not to use the term "Anti-Semitic" because Jews are not race, and the guy who coined that word hated Jews. Zionists adopted "Anti-Semitism" and brought the term to mainstream Jewry to encourage the idea that we are a race. We are not a race.

it depends on your definition of "race" The Jews are certainly a race under definitions 2a and b.

2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics 3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group

this shit again.



Based on the definition of Semitic, I would have to disagree with you. Jews are semitic.

Over 90% of Israeli's have no genetic heritage in the Middle East. They are genetically Khazars and their genetic roots are Slavic.
So, to correct you, they are in no way Semites.

Benjamin Freedman gave a great speech about this

Over 90% of Israeli's have no genetic heritage in the Middle East. They are genetically Khazars and their genetic roots are Slavic.


Try Wikipedia for an overview.
Or, for a more in depth look, this is one site amongst many that goes into further depth about how a Christian nation converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages under an edict of their king.

These are the people who make up over 90% of Jews both in Israel and worldwide.

And for further reference, despite their overwhelming presence in world events and dominance of politics and media, the Jewish population (worldwide total) represents 0.2% of humanity.

These are the people who make up over 90% of Jews both in Israel and worldwide.

No, a source for that.

Okay. Fourth paragraph down of this Wikipedia article.
This article claims 80% of Jews are Khazarian in heritage. I've read other claims that its over 90% in Israel itself.

To be honest, if you're not interested in searching for the truth yourself then no amount of articles will convince you otherwise.
Do your own research. Don't look for others to educate you.

What is the truth? Even if the Ashkenazi are converted Khazars, which I still don't think thy are, what is the point if they are? Why does it matter?

From your linked article:

The theory that the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are mainly the descendants of the non-Semitic converted Khazars or Europeans was advocated by various racial theorists and antisemitic sources in the late-19th and 20th centuries, especially following the publication of Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe and Shlomo Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People.[46][47][48] Such proponents are motivated by the belief that if Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar or European and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of God's Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites, thus undermining both the historical/ethnic/national and theological basis of secular and religious Zionists, respectively. Despite recent genetic evidence to the contrary,[1] and a lack of any real mainstream scholarly support,[49] these beliefs are still popular among antisemites.[50][51]

once again "The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the ancient Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Eblaites, Ugarites, Canaanites (Hyksos), Phoenicians (including Carthaginians), Israelites, (Jews and Samaritans), Ahlamu, Arameans, Chaldeans, Amorites, Moabites, Edomites (Amalekites), Arabs (Sabians, Itureans, Nabateans, Ghassanids), Maganites, Shebans, Sutu, Ubarites, Dilmunites, Bahranis, Maltese, Sabaeans, Mhallami and Ethiopians" Sir.

Um? You inadvertently agreed with me.
90% of Israeli's do not belong to any of those groups you quoted. They are Khazars and have Slavic genetic roots.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see any Slavic groups contained within that list?

You are aware of the Khazarian Jewish history aren't you? And you are aware of the term Slavic? They have more in common genetically with the people of Serbia and the surrounding areas.

They still spoke and wrote in hebrew, which is what still makes them semitic.

You do not understand the term 'Semite' nor how it is applied to heritage.
Being a Semite has nothing to do with language. It describes a genetic origin. In other words, where your ancestors came from.

And for a people who claim that they have the right to a land that they were expelled from 2000 years ago, where your ancestors are actually from is quite important.
If 90% of Israelis have no genetic roots from that part of the world, then even if you believe what they claim about their god promising the original Israelites that land, by definition they are excluded from this claim.

I do agree with you, and am aware of the genetic origin of the people who claiming to be israelites. Unfortunately the term 'semitic' is one of much ambiguity. I personally do not believe these people or any people have a divine right to Israel or any any land for that matter. Especially when atrocities as such have been committed in the name of such purpose.