[META] Can we please tone down the anti-Semitism?

0  2012-12-29 by [deleted]


I regret even bringing this up. /r/conspiracy seems to love unproductive Jew-bashing more than rational inquiries into the corruption of our institutions of power. Keep blaming the Jews for everything that has ever gone wrong in human history; that will surely proliferate and legitimate our message of reasoned skepticism.

You do know that the Jews killed the dinosaurs right?


You fucking racist piece of shit. I'm not even Jewish.

Conspiracy theorists have been hating jews for decades now. It's nothing new.

This is going to sound cliche as fuck, but it's been going on for centuries. Same thing happened with mongolians since Batu Khan scared the shit out of Europe in the 13th century, they became the boogie men for everything. Difference is, Mongolians have disappeared from life in Europe, so I guess people forgot about them. Jim Crow laws actually applied to people of mongolian descent, so it was around for awhile though.

Jesus fuckin' Christ, all I ask for is some civility and I get told to go fuck myself. You people need to wake up and realize that its not just one ethnicity that's fucking you over.

all I ask for is some civility and I get told to go fuck myself

You're dealing with conspiracy theorists; what did you expect? Conspiracy theorists are simply unable to think rationally...

We aren't unable, it is just hard for some of us.

you're shocked? C'mon, really? Look at who you're talking to!

lol you're right - I'm talking to people that think reptilians run the world

Dude. Really. Don't kick yourself over it. I've tried the same a month ago and got the very same responses. Though much are deleted.



Left this subreddit a few months ago because of the huge anti-antisemitism thing.


Yes, I found it on /r/all/new Look at the gap between when it was posted and when I posted this.

Must be a shill.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

The upvotes on my reply say otherwise

(I saw this post on /r/all/new by the way).

Gotcha. I'm just fed up with the mis-labeling of 'semitic', and that people will actually quit a conversation just because people who do wrong are being blamed for it.

This is /r/conspiracy I am pretty sure OP is talking about the Jew-Bankster thing.

If this is about the Gaza conflict then I don't know, I don't pay attention to world news. My honest opinion on that is they should just bomb the hell out of Jeruselem so nobody can have it (Goes along the lines of cutting a baby in half and giving it to two parties).

If religious fundamentalists can't agree or something, they don't deserve to have anything because they are causing problems that affect everyone in the world. Not just their religion.

Yup - "Jew Banksters" is an oft-repeated trope that needs to go away.


Jamie Dimon


Bob Diamond.


Semi-powerful is a drastic underestimation of his influence. He was CEO of Barclays...


Still, to say he was a "semi-powerful" banker is like saying Barack Obama is a "semi-powerful" politician. You asked for an example, I gave it to you, you rejected it because Diamond is too much of a public figure, and we're at a fundamental disagreement.


With the antiquated caveat that they not be Jewish. I provided an example, the CEO of Barclays, and apparently that is not good enough for you.


Until someone statistically proves that Jews have a stranglehold over banking, I'm going to remain skeptical. The most dangerous religion on Earth is any of them.



This isn't the crusades, Jerusalem isn't the point. There are a ton of different ways to decide to look at it, I think the surrounding Arabs are amongst the most intolerant of societies in the world (think KKK in the south) and they just hate seeing a thriving non-Arab, non-muslim country next door. The argument from both sides tend to be this, the Palestinians are simply defending themselves from oppression, and Israel is only acting on national security. Obviously one of these two claims isn't entirely true since peace is light-years away and someone keeps up the bombing in case it gets quite. I recommend you take a look at it and try to understand the root of the problem, it can be very rewarding to understand the world around you.

Interesting approach, but surely you see that such judgments would increase the ridiculous nonsense claims and thereby benefit the aggressor?

Sure, I am not saying any of my opinions are the right thing to do as I have many wild opinions on things.

But it is probably much better than someone spamming propaganda.

Why are they your opinion if they're not the right thing to do?

How does their 'wildness' meaning I suppose lack of general social acceptability have anything to do with their rightness?

You're not spamming propaganda?

I completely agree. Both about the Jew Bankster thing, which is actually true, and about the Jerusalem resolution. Bomb it into a parking lot. If two children fight over a toy, neither one of them get to play with it.

Good idea.

Jerusalem isn't the point, no one is fighting to reclaim Jerusalem, this isn't the crusades, way to try to understand the issue.

Sure they are. Since the Zionists are the actual problem, not the Jews, it can easily be argued that this whole clusterfuck is over the idea of Jersusalem belonging only to the Jews. The Jews have become major assholes precisely because they had to push the world to give them Jerusalem. It worked, we're all pissed and they have Jerusalem.

I don't really think you understand this conflict very well. Jerusalem as a place of religious importance isn't really the reason for any of this. They don't even have most of it or are allowed into the dome of the rock, so it's not like they're desecrating the place for Muslims, and the vast majority of Jews aren't nearly that religious to care or not if they have the wall.

I don't think you understand the conflict very well. But that's ok, maybe someday.

The eternal struggle of right and wrong and the brainwashed masses doing their best to pretend things are OK.

He never left. He commented, didn't he?

Both, it turns out.

I think we need a new subreddit where we can ban this racist bullshit with an iron fist. this place is moderated by antisemites.


no racism is already rule #1 in here.

hhahahaha so the rules are a miserable failure. stop lying, neonazis run this place.

oh no doubt, i was just making a joke.

Apparently Jews are an exception. Yet they love to call the people in /r/conspiratard racists and neo-nazis. Ironic, right?


they still hear 'jews'



does that include banksters? it sure does.


They also rig huge financial scams


You sound like a person who would know that Jews are over represented in the halls of power (compared to genpop), including banks. Are you?


It sure ain't kosher.

I love Jews! I'm just anti-zionist, because those filthy horrible je, sorry, Zionists all deserve to be killed.

See, there's a difference!

Nah, we're calling shot callers and any other assholes who are pulling shit that's below and beyond the table be it they're jewish or not. They're Banksters.

Basically, we need to realize that ultimately these divisions only draw lines between us, the masses. The "zionists" you hate so much much not even believe in Jewish stuff, it's probably just a front to them and we're getting worked up about the front when really we should be worked up because they're fucking us over.

So if people want to squabble in details of what race or religion is involved they're ultimately missing the important thing, the war.

Zionist is more accurate, but still ethnically charged. People desiring the existence of only an Israeli state can be labeled Zionist, but most Jews are not Zionists nor are all Zionists Jews.

EDIT - Added "state"

^ This completely. I am anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish.


I think word choice here is important. There is a big difference between "a jew" "some jews" and "The Jews"

I enjoy learning peoples perspectives, and I honestly feel like the jewish conspiracy has been under-served for far too long here and hearing these opinions is refreshing.

But as soon as I see the phrase "the Jews" I realize I am dealing with a person whose motives are skewed.

I prefer the term TPTB; but nine times out of ten, I am talking about a jew.

the jewish conspiracy has been under-served for far too long here and hearing these opinions is refreshing.

You must be new to the world of conspiracy theories. The Jews has been the rallying cry of conspiracy theories since the early 1900's.

But not too long ago i would get shadow banned asking about such matters.

I think you need to commit yourself to a personal investigation on Zionism!

And if you truly care about "productivity" and safety then you should also care about eviscerating all traces of supremacist thought.


There are quite a few users on /r/conspiracy that just hate Jews.


[META] Can we all learn wtf a semite is, and what anti-semitism is?

Take a look at /u/bumblingmumbling, /u/primaryperception, /u/suredeathhellman, or /u/tttt0tttt if you want to see what an antisemite looks like.

OK, if we're going to get hung up on semantics, here's what I was trying to say: Stop the Jew Bashing. No one takes us seriously because of it.

I hate to be the harbinger of bad news all the time, but the jew bashing isn't the only reason people don't take you seriously.

Anyway, off to do some paid disinfo shilling against all the Truth Seekers who are Awaketm in /r/conspiracy! Wish me luck!

I'm in agreement with you. 9/11 wasn't an inside job, there are no such things as chemtrails, et cetera. People here think conspiracy = batshit crazy.

naw, there's lots of reasons besides jew bashing why no one takes you all seriously.

Specifics? Or you can keep talking out of your ass, it doesn't matter to me.

chem trails, HAARP, all mass shootings are false flag operations, the london olympics were a false flag operation, etc etc.

do i need to go on talking out my ass with this crazy shit?

I agree with you on every single one of those. Did you not read my previous post? I'm more keen to believe that Goldman orchestrated its own bailout than the Illuminati-lizard people are controlling the weather.

when you associate with kooks, don't be surprised if people don't take you seriously is all i'm saying.

Exactly, the Zionists tend to look more like Caucasians than Semites.

"antisemitism" has nothing to do with who is a "semite". It's a word that means "hatred of Jews". That's the definition. You can't redefine it by pointing out that "semite" refers to non-Jews as well; it's just the word that was chosen to replace the original German term "Judenhass".

How come, when someone is talking bad about someone who is Jewish it's Anti-Semitic, yet when some one is talking bad about the Palestinians, who are also Semitic, it's NOT Anti-Semitic? After all, the label 'Semitic' is referring to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Ahlamu, Akkadian, Amharic, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic, Canaanite/Phoenician, Chaldean, Eblaite, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others. Wikipedia.

Why are the Jews singled out?

Antisemitism is a technical term, and you can't redefine it by pointing out that not all "Semites" are Jews.

It doesn't mean hatred of semites, it means hatred of Jews. That's what the word "antisemitism" means, and you can't change that through this kind of semantic gymnastics. I've noticed that this is the number one objection people who like to bash Jews bring up when discussing "antisemitism" - as if it somehow negates the fact that they're ignorant bigots.

But not all Jews are Semites. It's a stupid word and should mean what it means! 'Semites' are those that belong to a certain language group. You can't just make it mean 'hatred of Jews' as it includes people who speak other languages.

Except that s the definition of the word, you fucking mong.

In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ‎) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Ahlamu, Akkadian, Amharic, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic, Canaanite/Phoenician, Chaldean, Eblaite, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others.

Except you're not a linguist or an ethnologist.

And the term anti-Semitic means hatred of the Jews.

What is your point?

That's the etymology of the term, it still means jew hating just because it didn't always. If I call someone feisty, it doesn't mean I'm calling them a small dog, even though the word "feisty" as we know it today came from "feist", a dog breed.

Everyone knows what "anti-Semitic" means, and most of them also know the word "Semetic", and that it has a slightly different meaning.

So someone made a mistake 50 years ago that stuck, that's how languages evolve. The language you and I speak is a different language than that was spoken 50 years ago. In this one anti-semetic specifically means Jew hate.


This quote is not from Voltaire, and it's also meaningless drivel.

Then again, you've argued to me that all Jews are scum, so I don't see why anyone should expect honesty from you in this of all threads.


Well, certainly not you! You never focus on Jews, or spout racist nonsense! Clearly, calling you out on your bullshit makes me a supremacist! I mean, it's not like the word "Jew" appears 47 times on the first page of your comment history. What? It does? Are you fucking serious? Go back to Stormfront.

You know full well your fabricated quote is about how poor you can't criticize "Zionists", and therefore they rule you.

Except you can, and do, every goddamn day. You can criticize WHOEVER YOU WANT. That quote - which, again, not from Voltaire - doesn't mean that you're oppressed because other people call you a bigot for making bigoted statements. That's just how life works. Get over it.


Okay, chief. Keep redirecting. Meanwhile:

I mean, it's not like the word "Jew" appears 47 times on the first page of your comment history. What? It does?


I'm sure it's changed slightly by now. The point stands.

Voltaire Kevin Strom

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire

The lack of comma was throwin me for a loop.

50 years age someone used the word "Semite" wrongly. And today you're prolonging the injustice.

European "jews" are NOT Semites!

In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ‎) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Ahlamu, Akkadian, Amharic, Amorite, Arabic, Aramaic, Canaanite/Phoenician, Chaldean, Eblaite, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Mandaic, Sutean, Tigre and Tigrinya, and Ugaritic, among others.


Notice that Yiddish is NOT ON THAT LIST

Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin,


This is all irrelevant, because the definition of the word "antisemitism" does not hinge on the definition of the word "Semite".

Antisemitism means "hatred of Jews". That's it. As someone who frequently bashes Jews, you don't get a free pass just by pointing out that the origin of the technical term whose DEFINITION you are arguing may be flawed. You're still a bigot, and you can't redefine your way out of that.

That's the etymology of the term, it still means jew hating just because it didn't always. If I call someone feisty, it doesn't mean I'm calling them a small dog, even though the word "feisty" as we know it today came from "feist", a dog breed.

Everyone knows what "anti-Semitic" means, and most of them also know the word "Semetic", and that it has a slightly different meaning.

So someone made a mistake 50 years ago, that's how languages evolve. The language you and I speak is a different language than that was spoken 50 years ago. In this one anti-semetic means Jew hate.


Is clearly seen in the Wiki article.

You stand corrected.

There was Noah And he had 3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth; all Semites (and that includes Arabs) come from the line of Shem as noted here:

In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem"... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semite

So the Palestinians/Arabs <Granddaddy was "Shem"!

Ashkenazi come from Japheth. Who begot Gomer who begot Ashkenaz as stated here:

וּבְנֵי, גֹּמֶר--אַשְׁכְּנַז וְרִיפַת, וְתֹגַרְמ3 And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.


So the European/Ashkenazi "jews" <Granddaddy was Japheth!

And the Ashkenazim converted the name of their religion but not their grand-daddy or their Babylonian Talmud in the year 740 AD as stated here: [3] http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/khazars1.asp

Can you see how they had different Granddaddies? That's what you call ethnology

And thus we have:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:9 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+2%3A9&amp;version=KJV

Witch makes Albert Pikes' plan of the destruction of "political Zionism" sound a little less devilish. ☺

Thanks for the linguistics lesson :D

This is about genetics.

These Ashkenazi "jews" come from a completely different genetic line than Hebrews and Arabs do.

3 And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.


The Hebrew and the Arabs are from the "sons of Shem" (As stated in the Wiki /Semite link)

It's like calling the Chinese Africans for a short time, and then saying it is just if the Chinese kick all the Africans out of Africa and claim god said it was the right thing to do.


Have you looked around? I'd say everything in the mainstream blames Islam for everything.

Why dont you go cry CNN and Fox a fucking river at how demonized muslims are, then you can worry about this tiny little corner of the internet.

Oh, and while you're at it, try crying to Israel to stop being so fucking evil.

The foulbastard hath thusly ruled on this issue.

Foulbastard, I'm trying to improve a place that used to be less fucking racist. I obviously can't do this for CNN. Thanks for the valuable contribution to this discourse.

First of all, jews arent a race - you cant be 'racist' for not liking a religion.

Second, exposing Israeli and zionist crimes is not anti-semetic to begin with.

Stop trying to paint blowback against israel as an attack on all jews, because it just aint so no matter how many times you zionists try to dishonestly paint it that way.

To your second point, of course. To your first, I should have said ethnicity.

They're an ethnoreligious group, that means you can be racist towards them.

Sound of a gavel

No. A spade is a spade. Get over it. Bullshit is gonna get called when needed.

you call collective bullshit on millions of innocent people, why not simply name names?

If a Jewish person is good, then he's good. But if he is bad, just because he is Jewish doesn't mean he is immune.

immune from what? your bigotry? apparently not.

HAHAHA! Nice try! 1/10, poor showing.

EDIT: How tired were your fingers logging each account in and out to down vote me? Don't lie and say you didn't, either! Every interaction I have had with you results in about 11 down votes. Each one is like that. I wonder why?

HAHAHA!!!!! Because I am full of awesomesauce!

Why do you look like Hitler?

EDIT: Awwwww! Give up already? PFFFTT!!


So call bullshit on Catholics too.

I do. When it's merited.

:D good for you dude

I am an "equal opportunity bullshit caller". :)

What!? We're barely organized! We're all hocus pocus and pederasts and shit. Nothing to see here...


And that allows you to hate Jews because...

Breath the same air as a jew ANTI SEMITIC. Talk about victim complex tactics

the fuck does this mean?



You're adorable.


If the fascists in charge of Israel need to be criticized for their actions, no one should feel the slightest hesitation about criticizing them.

If the neocons who run the federal government in Washington DC need to be criticized, no one should hesitated to criticize them.

If the billionaires who bought the presidential election with enormous grants of campaign funds need to be criticized, we should never hesitate about criticizing them.

If those who control the American media engage in practices that are not in the best interests of America as a whole, we should criticize them for it.

If the people who control the major banks and the Federal Reserve fuck up the money through runaway inflation, and engage in outright fraud and money laundering, we should criticize them for it.

If people in Europe and the US commit crimes when they assist the Mossad of Israel in murdering individuals around the world, as they have done many times in the past, we should criticize them for it.



Oh god, it's this cunt...

I don't know about anti-semitism, but their sure are a lot of Jewish conspiracies.

I don't know about anti-semitism

Based on your posting history, you're an expert on antisemitism.

The upvotes on my reply say otherwise

(I saw this post on /r/all/new by the way).

He never left. He commented, didn't he?

Sure, I am not saying any of my opinions are the right thing to do as I have many wild opinions on things.

But it is probably much better than someone spamming propaganda.