Californians, isnt time we gave Feinstein the boot? Reddit has taken out politicians before. This bitch needs to go.

238  2012-12-31 by [deleted]

Marijuana abolitionist, SOPA supporter, voted yes on Iraq war, voted yes for the Patriot Act, steered government money towards her husbands firm MILCON, voted yes for FISA, and a lot of other shit plus she has armed guards and a CCW permit yet now more than ever wants to come after your 2nd amendment rights.

She is the worst of the worst and needs to GTFO!


We need your support.

Edit: If anyone willing has the capabilities of starting an online petition for her recall or any information on how this could be done besides an article, please share.

There needs to be a serious uprising against her 20 year crippling dynasty. She is a treasonous leech on our political system.

Maybe there isnt a readily available candidate to take her place but I dont care, she needs to be made an example of what Americans will not put up with. She doesnt represent us, she votes purely on her own fucked up agenda. OUT!



She is the worst of the worst. She needs to be made an example of Americans not taking this shit anymore.

At least 73 senators and 301 representatives, to be a little more precise.

Found out one of my senators was one of the Nays. good.

Unfortunately my representative voted yay and so did my other senator. I vote against both those guys every time but it's hard to remove long term incumbents.

Things like FISA are made to look "not that bad" in the mainstream when in reality they're absolutely tyrannical. This is done to quell dissent to such an extent that the charlatans in DC can vote for the measures and still be elected in the following term so that they can continue to pass these kinds of measures. Any civilian who isn't already overcome by apathy and who actually looks into the issues driving things like FISA and what it means to the public IRL is against this kind of thing, but apathy and the lack of disclosure about what these things mean to them artificially deflates the amount of resistance to their passage.

We've been complaining about these things for years, and yet a big brother state is incrementally still being imposed from above. If we can't make the politicians who are in office listen to us, we have to figure out how to replace those politicians with our own public servants. We need to find people who are willing and able to seek candidacy, who are not entrenched in the two-party system, and who will lay out their policies before us, and help them campaign. Money goes a long way--almost all of the way--but at least in small states grassroots activism may be able to overcome those forces.

She is god awful . But I fear there will be a line of clones to pick up where she left off.

In california? You damn skippy there is.

She didn't just vote for FISA; she pushed that shit hard.

I've always voted against her, Boxer, Pelosi (when I lived in SF) and George Miller since I moved out to the east bay. I'm pretty much convinced that the system is so rigged towards the incumbent that we're not going to get any of these corrupt knuckleheads out short of death by extreme old age.

I think the barest flicker of hope is the new open primaries. This enabled us to get rid of Pete Stark (40+ years "Serving").

I'm starting to see wet kiss news stories about her daughter (retired judge) that makes me think she's grooming her to take her place in the family business.

I keep not voting for her, to no avail... But you have my (non) vote.

If she was Republican it would be easy but she is a female Democrat in San Francisco.

Being a californian, I recommend you forget about us. Trust me, the people here could give two shits about anyone but themselves.

California, at least so-cal, has the most self-serving, self-absorbed, and materialistic perspective. I can't stand conversing with people here. What's considered conversation is blipping quotes back in forth with quirky little remarks about tiny details within the materialistic realm. It's So hip.

Also, politically, we are retarded. Like straight retarded. The past 30 years have proven this. Like complete retards, the minorities+hipsters will vote for those that screw them over. They're not educated enough to understand. It's not their fault, but it's their fault.

I need to move.

Being a Californian I cant find any .223 and 7.62x 54r ammo anywhere. Its sold out. I am seeing record amounts of people at the range. AR-15s are sold out too. I couldnt even find .00 buckshot. People are pissed and scared. Now is the time.

Let's get that bitch out of there! This could be the beginning of the end for a whole lot politicians. Let's vote all of them out! I'm tired of these snakes. It's time the people woke up an give these blood suckers the boot.

What politicians has reddit "taken out?"

It's what I was trying to do when I voted for her opponent, whom I didn't really want either

I would love to help. Whst can I do?


Let's say we do get her out, who do you suppose should replace her? Also, X-post it into /r/California

When she first ran for senate, she promised to support the Balanced Budget Amendment. I actually voted for her.

She immediately turned around and voted against the amendment, while Babs Boxer, her even more liberal cohort, horse traded one of the "yes" votes. See, Boxer was up for re-election sooner and needed to appear to be on the side of fiscal responsibility.

As I recall, the amendment bill failed by one vote.

That's how they roll in politics.

Anyway, I decided then and there to oppose Feinstein forever after. She has gone on to prove herself one of the most corrupt and self-enriching limousine liberal pigs at the trough.

For Di, it's okay for israelis to all carry guns, and for our tax money to help pay for that, but Americans with guns, oh no. Traitorous bitch.

I've voted against her 3 times now. I usually choose: "Option B - Anyone BUT Diane Feinstein".

I hate her so much, but voters are so lazy and just keep voting in incumbents because it's easier than actually doing research and picking a competent candidate.

It's not enough to say "Oh she is bad lets get rid of her"..Bring forth a candidate that is better, one who has a track record of supporting issues in a consistent manner that better represent the people whom she is supposed to. Get them to do an AMA (maybe get her to do one as well so more redditors might see what the issues actually are with her).


I agree with every point, I just thought I would throw in the need for an alternative to the thread about getting rid of a politician.


what's the game plan

It seems like the politicians of her generation are next to impossible to get rid of. Nobody seems to really like Feinstein, Pelosi, or Jerry Brown, but they keep getting elected. I especially love this clip of Pelosi dismissing a journalist for suggesting she pass the torch to a younger Democrat

Wondering what politicians lost their jobs due to the power of Reddit?

That's kind of funny the way you said that reddit has taken out politicians before. Made me smile a little bit. Happy New Year.

(D) can do this all day long and get re-elected... Look around

There are actually 2 or more anti-Feinstein petitions on

Yes and as a native from Cali, we must restore California dreamin'.

Why don't you try slipping her some of that sasqajuana shit?

Wow, that sub is old! You guys are dedicated!

It never really got into full swing 11 months ago, no promotion, no posts. It needs a revival. No problem, we'll get it there.


Never too late for a recall

California limits recall to state officials so that's off the table. Your best hope for change is to knock off Barbara "Check Kiting" Boxer in 2016. Barring an act of God we're stuck with Feinstein until 2018.

Lets get that piece of shit too

Your a day late and a dollar short btw, she was already reelected for another 6 yrs so suck it up and move on. Or not, and keep wasting time + energy on a fruitless dream.


I feel like continuing to attempt influence on a rigged game is futile. If you want promote the collapse

It may be that Feinstein needs to go but you are undermining your cause by using the word "bitch" to describe a successful woman. Please knock it off.

How about cunt? I have no respect for a bitch who voted for the Iraq war and the patriot act.

I have no respect for these decisions either. They seem unrelated to Feinstein's gender.

It fienstein was a man i'd call him a scumbag, prick etc.


I don't think the words are very meaningful except as gendered insults. Sometimes people use them to insult men, in which case feminizing the man is part of the insult. I very rarely hear someone call a man a "cunt". Regardless, there is no reason to keep these words around.

Everyone's eligible to be a cunt in the UK, man or woman.

Get off your high horse the bitch is a fuckin' cunt.


Upvote for understanding that we must refrain from using name calling as a means to refer to the opposition in intellectual debate regardless of whether it truly does describe the person lol.

On a purely pragmatic level: we will never create a mass movement to change the power structure using this type of language.

You use "we" as if you were ever able to put a group that consisted of anyone more than you and an inflatable sex doll.

Fuck off. You are not part of "we."

There's a lot more of us than just Feinstein that want to erode the 2nd amendment. Maybe you should get the fuck out of the state. Eventually the 2nd amendment will be challenged federally and we can have real national reform. It's only a matter of time.

So you don't see the hypocrisy? She's a perfect example of an elitist, screams for gun control, carries a weapon, has body guards with weapons, funnels money to family, screams tax the rich yet knows how to work the tax laws so it all works out in her favor...yeah she's a real hero for the democratic party...

I really like your reply :)

Are you mentally challenged? "Maybe you should get the fuck out of the state." You should get the fuck out of the country. Just another programmed bot that doesn't know the first thing about The Constitution, The Bill of Rights or what this country was founded on. It is mind boggling to hear people like you talk about things that you have no idea about, to think that we have people like you voting is unnerving to say the least. Please for the sake of us all do some reading that doesn't come out of a magazine.

The Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land, and no law made by man or any law of any state that contradicts it controls over it.

The Colonies did not believe that this document was sufficient, they insisted in fact, that 10 Amendments be passed along with The Constitution or they would not ratify it. They did not believe that government would adhere to The Constitution, that the judiciary would not uphold it and that in fact government would immediately seek to undermine and destroy it.

The 10 Amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were passed with The Constitution, becoming an inherent part thereof.

Any other law or regulation, no matter how proposed, no matter how passed, no matter if enforced or not, is facially void upon the very words in The Constitution itself.

This isn't opinion. It is fact, and that this fact has been intentionally and wantonly disrespected and violated on a serial basis only turns each and every one of the legislators, law enforcement officials and executive members who have done so into factual criminals.

So says The Constitution itself.

The Constitution is America, you cannot "erode" it without destroying what America is, if you have a problem with it or The Bill of Rights, you have a problem with America.


I understand this, however the first ten amendments (originally 12) were created in response to an understanding of the founding fathers that without them the constitution would eventually be destroyed by the very governing institutions it outlined. Without the protections afforded by The Bill of Rights we cannot hope to maintain the freedoms we hold dear as Americans.

If we allow one of them to fall the precedent will be set for the future abolishment of them all.

define "arms".

The same thing that your enemies might have

Lol mindless babble from a worldview horribly warped by Libertarian/Dystopian fantasies. GROW UP AND LEARN TO SHARE! THE WORLD IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL SANDBOX... Don't know why I bother considering the majority of ppl in r/conspiracy are paranoid delusionals fearing black government helicopters and secret shadow organizations that are plotting against them LOL. As if any of us were actually important enough to garner such attention... Bring on the down votes!

Laugh all you want but I fail to understand how you can call a factual representation of the Constitution and what this country was founded on is somehow "mindless babble from a worldview horribly warped". Everything I discussed was in reference to the reasoning behind the colonies passing The Bill of Rights with The Constitution in 1787-1791.

You are pulling talking points out of thin air and arguing with yourself, I never said anything like what you are ranting about, "paranoid delusionals fearing black government helicopters and secret shadow organizations that are plotting against them LOL". What part of my comment has anything to do with this childish generalization?

So next time you make a feeble attempt at responding to a comment, please actually read it and try to understand it before you start to play around with your caps lock.

A Constitution written at the end of the 18th century should be taken in spirit only, a strict/literal interpretation in the 21st century is a foolish course that only hamstrings society by limiting alternative courses of action. Decrying all elected officials as criminals simply for not kowtowing to an old document with their every breath is a narrow-minded and simplistic way to excuse yourself from more critical analysis and engagement of the issues at hand. Regardless as to how everything went down the shitter, we, as a society, are the ones who have to put it back together.


A Constitution written at the end of the 18th century should be taken in spirit only, a strict/literal interpretation in the 21st century is a foolish course that only hamstrings society by limiting alternative courses of action.

Except for the fact that those politicians you say shouldn't kowtow to an 18th century document have SWORN to uphold that very same document on inauguration day.



tHEY're cOmING to GET YOU sINcErE... bE AFraiD

Don't think that because you copied off of me that you're slick.

Unoriginal = You

Your opinions regarding the importance of the founding principles of our country are amusing but still moot. Whatever you may believe, you are not an authority that has any right to challenge the laws and statutes that led to the genesis of this country.

When our elected officials act with blatant hypocrisy and defiance of our highest laws and of the ideals they set to enforce on the general public it is not narrow minded to label them as criminal, it is obvious fact. Apply critical thinking to the fact that the politicians who propose limiting our freedoms in response to fear and panic over tragic events have themselves done the exact things they publicly oppose.

One set of laws for them and another for the rest of us. Is this how you would propose we rebuild our society? If so may I suggest you move to Russia or China, they have a lot of people you would agree with there.

And what reforms are you looking for? You think her plan is righteous? I think it would be a ridiculous tragedy if the nation had to match CA's ridiculous gun laws. Perhaps you should move to the UK, they're almost gun free.

You make a good point ... for me to poop on.

Triumph, glad to see you around.

Well, if they successfully repeal the second amendment, I hopefully won't have to hear dumb fucks like you much longer since they'll be repealing the first amendment shortly thereafter.

Everyone who replies this this got trolled

Actually, this this this, and sometimes even this too.

She is the worst of the worst. She needs to be made an example of Americans not taking this shit anymore.

At least 73 senators and 301 representatives, to be a little more precise.

It fienstein was a man i'd call him a scumbag, prick etc.