Proof everybody in r/conspiratard are zionist shills and are part of the jidf.

0  2013-01-02 by [deleted]

Just look at the comments and the massive downvoting sock puppeting. It makes me sick to my stomach what these ziosupremacist are doing to rconspiracy mods please ban these jidf trolls or make me a mod so I can ban these zioshills.





You can't possibly be serious. You're coming off as a caricature of the average /r/conspiracy antisemite.


Don't argue semantics you Jew-hating piece of shit.


Gtfo you piece of jidfshit go fuck off to your jewmaster your nothing but a dumb goy

And this makes them secret government agents because...

/r/conspiratard exists to mock conspiracy theories. There's nothing to it beyond that. They're not zionists, they're not JIDF agents, they're just looking for fun.

nah, probably not. I'm not saying everyone on conspiritard is a shill, but a good portion of them are there to sway public opinion, maybe even professionally.

Do you really think that /r/conspiratard sways public opinion? It has 10k subscribers, not exactly a huge subreddit. Plus, people that go to conspiratard already don't buy into conspiracies anyway, so why would they participate in what boils down to a circle jerk? Doesn't make sense that "shills" would post there to change anyone's opinion.


woah there buddy take it easy

You aren't exactly coming off as a rational person in that post. Just so you know.

Now that I have you here would you mind explaining this? I'm sure everyone here would like to know why you have more than one account. I hope you haven't clocked out of your job yet I would like an explanation.

I explained it perfectly well in that thread. I was banned from this subreddit, so I made another account in order to continue posting. I did the same thing when I was banned from r/lgbt.

And if you're trying to claim that this makes me government agent instead of the bored college student that I actually am, you're fooling yourself.

Nah man. I don't buy into that shill shit really. If you think about, well at least not on reddit. I for certain think they hit digg yahoo YouTube but reddit is still not mainstream enough for them to worry about. All they need to mind control is just over half the population so they would most likely stick to the major publications to make sure nothing slipped through know what I mean? They would have to pay an army of soulless neckbeards to control reddit, and they would probably still not be able to handle these crazy animals.

I for certain think they hit digg yahoo YouTube but reddit is still not mainstream enough for them to worry about.

Woah, you're saying Digg and Yahoo are popular enough for the government to infiltrate but reddit just isn't big enough for them to bother? What's it like, living in 2004?

Nah man. I don't buy into that shill shit really.

Then may I ask why you wanted an explanation? Just to appease my curiosity.

In short its data mining the hard way. I'm just getting as much information as I can. I have never once been honest with you I'm telling you this now due to tard banning my username AGAIN. So I will dump info and start over. It won't ever end until you have somehow incriminated yourself or leave. As long as there is conspiratard there will be this anonymous guy trolling you possibly befriending you I roll in different each time and single out a few of you and compile your info. I'm an analyst. I go for patterns. All the while looking for the silver bullet. The game has been afoot for sometime. I don't stop I am relentless because I do get paid for this.

Well allright. Have fun with that.

Dude, just PM the mods of NoLibsWatch, they've already doxed all of us.

Or if you want, I can just PM you my info directly if that's too much work. It's already out there, you don't need to work hard at all. All the work has been done for you.

I don't know how many times you idiots need to dox our members, but you really don't need to go through the trouble of some super secret agent doxing. Just ask us, most of us have been doxed already, several times over. Hell some of you guys have mailed creepy shit to my house.

That's all I ask, if I give you my info you don't mail creepy shit to my house.

I was insulted and downvoted to hell. I was being kind and not at all out to get anyone. However I expose one of your boys as a fraud and hypocrite, and bam I'm like negative 30 on comment karma. Why don't you help me out with that since I won fair and square. Have your homeboys go back in there and take away my downvotes as a show of good faith. That would be great thanks!


It certainly from my point of view from the outside. Looks like there is something very fishy going on and I'm new at this shit. I was in what I thought was a debate of which I won fairly easily, but my score does not represent that at all. I watched as downvotes started falling on me regardless of whether I made a good point or not which shows that there are some serious issues here. It also looks like you guys had each other on speed dial, or one of you is a radio DJ in Tel Aviv, and called in a reddit blitzkrieg. Of this there is no doubt. So if you can't control your forces maybe there should be a massive ban. Is it not one of your rules not to cross post?


Lead the way, bro.

To Tumblr!

to 9gag!

To infinity, AND BEYOND!

Thus guy is so over the top it's clear he's a plant to discredit any legitimate criticism. But the nice touch is mixing some truth with the wild-eyed persona. Few of the genuine critics try to invoke anti-semitism so furiously. And this is an obvious ploy to discredit real criticism of the real sockpuppeting. Giant fail, bud.

I give it A- for acting and an Oscar nomination.

I have found a fatal flaw in your "proof".

I am a subscriber and contributor to both /r/conspiracy and /r/conspiratard. However, I am not a "zionist shill" nor am I part of the "jidf". Nor am I a "jidf troll" or a "ziosupremacist" or a "zioshill" (whatever they are). I'm just an average white guy.

Looks legit. Nobody would lie on the internet.

I'm a Jedi

Total control.