Sandy Hook Explanation? Help.

1  2013-01-06 by [deleted]

Could someone explain to me why is actually going on? I see these videos implying that the numbers were incorrect and then I see videos where they are claiming that no one was killed. The latter theory is kind of like the "no-planers", it seems insane. Someone give me a run down please.

(This is not for karma, yet for education. Thanks in advance.)


There have been a LOT of posts about this... there are a few people who have intricately lined this up and gave their feedback on these issues. I'd suggest staying in this subreddit and "searching" Sandy hook. Between links and videos, you'll have hours of reading & watching. Read all of the comments - they will give you different opinions to question what you read/see. Then, come back and post your opinion to help someone else. It's interesting, good luck.



You don't have to be an asshole. I was just unsure of what all the different allegations were ACTUALLY trying to say


Dude, chill. I don't even know what that is. You're a fuckin Internet Nazi. Hahaha


Grow up, bro.


Hahahahahaha you're insane, man. You give new meaning to "nut job".


Like I said, "Grow up."


I can't be the only one downvoting you. I can't put each of your posts down to -1.


You are seriously fucking insane. You need to take a test of some sort, yourself. A fucking brain examination would be the first direction in which to head.

Fuck you. I'm a goddamn construction worker. Double agent... You're fucked in the mind, dude. Please get help.

It's people like you that make conspiracists seem crazy. Thanks for the social stigma, you fucking kook.


You've been reported to the mods for harassment. Maybe they can make you go away, since you won't do it on your own.


You being engaged in a conversations by yourself is INSANE. I was clearly dismissing you. I didn't want to talk anymore. You need a girlfriend or something. You have too much time on your hands. So if you will let this die down now, I'm going to lay down next to mine.

Good luck in all your future endeavors. I hope that whole tin-foil hat, Area 51 delusion propaganda takes you places in life. Crazy person.

Dude, chill. I don't even know what that is. You're a fuckin Internet Nazi. Hahaha

Like I said, "Grow up."