After what happened on CNN last night I am unsubscribing from r/conspiracy

0  2013-01-08 by [deleted]

The sheer fact that /r/conspiracy has tons of people defending Alex Jones' behavior last night on Piers Morgan's CNN show means that I owe it to myself to unsubscribe. AJ is a complete moron and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to have their head examined. It has been fun but there are too many better places to waste my time on Reddit.




There was people for and against just like any sub-Reddit. Why are you making stupid drama? It's no different than any other argument in any sub-Reddit. Have you unsubscribed from anything else when you felt things weren't 'going your way?'

Deal with the fact there are people who like and dislike Jones and neither camp represents this sub-Reddit.

This is the culmination of many /r/conspiracy issues. I just can't take it seriously anymore.

Leave while you can, everyone here is fucking insane.

Good riddance asshole. Get lost you trash. If you think that Alex Jones represents you or conspiracy or is so important to your pathetic life that get the fuck lost !

Thank you for proving my point. You fools make it so easy.

What? The point that your miserable life revolves around Alex Jones and if everybody doesn't hate on him all day long, you are going to leave?

Big fucking deal ! Cry me a river. Go on write in a newspaper how you are going to unsubscribe from conspiracy.

Thanks again.

After reading a bit of your post history I can also confirm that you are certifiably nuts.

"You'll be back Rackatanski.......your hooked!"

big whup. you don't post or comment here, except to call people "clueless" or "crazy".

boy, what a loss.

but, hey, at least now you will have more time to make more important contributions to r/gentlemanboners, and r/dogs.

(no, i'm not a jonestownian. i just think you're bullshit.)


Bye bye now.


Buddy. I dont disagree with OP, or you for that matter, that Alex Jones is a fear mongering over dramatic man child. I agree.

I just disliked the attention seeking title.


You could try contributing something worthwhile to the sub instead?

Instead, you post a "I'm leaving" thread and expect everyone to hug your nuts. You're part of the problem, sir. And I'm no AJ fan, but there's other stuff going on in this sub that's worth a read. in fact, it's been my experience that /r/conspiracy is pretty anti-AJ, we just have one or two people that keep clandestinly posting infowars horseshit and renaming it so that you don't know that's what you're watching until you click on it.

And I'd agree, those fans are assholes.

Bohoo mate! Stop your fucking attention seeking.

There are too many Harvos in the world. Suggestion, find a really high bridge and jump off.

Good, fuck off.

Oh, gosh. Never saw you post anything here, so I doubt you will be missed. Now you have more time for the really important subreddits like r/gentlemanboner. Your are so vain and it is your narcissism that makes you think that somebody should take notice that you unsubscribed. The less of you people the better. Good bye.


Mein lieber Freund, in dem Moment an dem du sechs Fremdsprachen fließend sprichst und du dich wahllos in ihnen auf verschiedene Ebenen schriftlich auszudrücken vermagst, kannst du diese Spielchen mit mir spielen und wir können uns dann mit meinem, hiermit ausdrücklich zugesichertem, Einverständnis über vermeintliche grammatikalische Unebenheiten, die in der schnelle des Gefechts in einem Forum durchaus vorkommen sollen, in aller Tiefe ergehen. Hasta ese momento definitivo creo que te quiero asegurar que lamento mucho mi rechaza de tu invitación tan generosa que fue pronunciada casi sin presunción y que sigas soñando que algun día la frase siguiente, cuyo sentido seguramente entenderas en algún momento de tu vida tan ligera, sobre todo cuando logres traducirla en tu idioma preferido por ayuda ajena, fuese dicha. Cette proposition est excellente.

I guess you haven't been here very much anyway, AJ is cia puppet go and unsubscribe because you lack alot of information anyway.


First of all he's a fear-mongerer and pro-israel. He talks alot of bullshit, because one of his agendas is to take conspiracy theorist on wrong path. Second of all, most of people will look at him and say, ahh this conpiracies are for crazy nutties, they don't want the american workforce get intrests in what government is doing. Now go back to what you were doing, nothing special to read here. Unsuscribe yes, better for you and for us.


Well, conpiracies are everywhere, if some of their guys are leading our way of thinking is just better for them. Let me remind you that some conspiracies are pushed into our info sources so the other iportant conspiracies will stay un-noticed in their shadows.

He didn't get that Bohemian Grove footage by 'sneaking in', I promise you that.


he snuck into a public campground after definitely being frisked by guards before being allowed in or around the area in a pre-9/11 era.

So he didn't sneak in. Like I said.


I didn't say it was proof of anything. Just pointing out how AJ's rhetoric doesn't always match up with reality. That could be for any number of reasons.

I'm personally of the belief that people need to be steered away from the AJ's of the world. Part of that is helping people think objectively about the actions and claims people like AJ make. For instance, "I got this footage by sneaking into Bohemian Grove" is a selling tactic. Not reality.

Whether AJ is CIA is anyone's guess. There's evidence going both ways.

Sorry I didn't help you take your conversation in the direction you wanted. But you didn't have to explain jack to me. Making assumptions, especially in this sub, is bad practice cochise. But you already know that.


I am only here because I think for myself. If that wasn't the case, I'd be somewhere drooling in front of a Storage Wars marathon, or whatever the fuck the braindead are into these days. are a text book example of why I am out of here. Only thing worse than an AJ supporter is the AJ is a CIA operative crowd. you should be posting to r/funny.


People who defend Alex Jones on this forum are paid CIA shills trying to paint all conspiracy theorists in a false light.

At least one person I know of does not agree and does not fit in your generalization.

Sounds like something a shill would say.

hey sargon how about you don't stereotype everyone yeah?

I hate a.j. but I agree with what he did last night. That being said I wish I was a paid CIA shill..least then I wouldn't have trouble affording things. Take that sarcasm to the dome :P

ya old zoinist schill was our only and most respected spokesperson.....lets pack it in and go home.....