Can /r/Conspiracy get a chat room?

57  2013-01-08 by [deleted]

I was thinking that some other subreddits have chat rooms, so why shouldn't /r/Conspiracy have one.

I think it would be great to discuss events in real time. Any one with me on this?

  • It has to be secure.
  • It needs to be in side bar.

  • If the first isnt met then a lot of people on this sub will not participate; without the second it will die off.


I have heard gewd things about mirc

it's terrific if you want me to know your IP.

Is a proxy recommended then? Will it still work while using a proxy?

Yes and yes.

unless the IRC server detects and reject proxies and/or TOR.

No escaping eschelon anyway...

Depends on the central chat server, secure ones use SSL/TLS and automatic +x cloak mode. There is nothing to stop a user from using a chain of secure proxies (i.e. TOR) on a server that doesn't explicitly ban known IPs with known association with that kind of proxy network. Packet tracing is not very reliable over a heavily trafficked proxy network like TOR. Xchat or others are better than shareware junk like MIRC. Also make sure not to leak DNS queries if you use TOR.

Sure, if you're using TOR and not leaking DNS and your IRC server uses hostmasks, and doesn't blacklist proxies, VPN services, and TOR, you have options.

My concern is that the average visitor here will not be aware of these potential security/privacy issues or how to mitigate them.

Ideally, if we're going to promote a chat feature, it should be inherently secure and private without requiring the users to jump through hoops.

That goes for all chat. For a start, definitely don't use Skype or MSN.

Hostmask mofucka


Torchat or something similar would be better.

TIL. Will check it out.

mIRC is just a client for IRC which is the actual chat system.

Each members posting history should be checked if a member is active in this subreddit and a long time member on reddit he can access the chat. Ofcourse even that will not entirely get those peski agents out.

But its true what the poster above says, conspiracy chats can die if intelligent discussion is overrun by fucktards. The intelligent people stop comming and the retards revel among themselves in their retartedness. A bit like ATS with the odd good post.

Seriously though, if theyre THAT concerned with privacy, the fuck they doing on the internet? Yeah they can see everything we say, on the one hand i just dont give a shit anymore, on the other I know a bit how federal agencies operate (meaning slowly, incompetition with each other, and they dont take a SHIT without a political reason)

Because they think someone gives a shit about some guy on reddit posting unverified claims of jewish-banker-scientists putting mind control chemicals in McRibs that make us watch TV.

I have a feeling no matter what is done its not going to be "secure." the higher ups dont want a bunch of conspiracy nuts conspiring haha

Correction - We're not conspiring, we're exposing and trying to enlighten ourselves and others in regards to conspiracies and people who do the conspiring. There is no conspiracy to the truth.

I agree. I feel as though they would assume we were conspiring and monitor it anyhow.

Thats how they want us to feel, like we're doing something wrong... bastards...

This guys got it.

I can bring this to the attention of the other mods, don't see why this couldn't be added if the community wants it. Let's see what readers opinions are first.


I say it's a great idea.

Obscure question and apologies if im being a ludite but would you know if this chat function works on iPhone?Tried logging in but couldn't chat,felt quite rude not being able to reply


MartinTimothy again?

Fuck this bullshit link-aggregating bot taking up my screen real estate?

Mods, can't you FINALLY do something about the /u/yrugay bot?

This, and shills, are turning this sr into a piece of digital shite.

I'm tired of seeing /r/Conspiracy so anti-chat (IRC in particular) because they don't want anyone knowing their IP.

If you believed your own rhetoric, you should be using a VPN regardless. Why you would post what you do on a site like reddit, but be too afraid to post it in a chatroom -- is beyond me.

Either people are out to get you, and you use a VPN -- or people aren't out to get you, and you should jump on IRC.

IRC fits the need for a chat room for a subreddit perfectly. Give the /r/Conspiracy mods moderator status on the channel, and it's good to go.

UHHH, once the government gets your IP they can send their nano killbot drones to your house with a signed letter from obama stating he has the right to shoot your unborn children in the brain with his cross shaped abortion gun. I for one refuse to use public forums for this very reason...

i hate those cross shaped abortion guns

like it.

I'm down I think it could be useful

Best idea i've seen all year. I could possibly make a r/conspiracy thread on tinychat but voice and cam theme doesnt mesh well with the idea

lets make this happen


im fairly new to reddit so i hope something/someone keeps me posted if this happens

Good idea but you would need mods that aren't completely useless, our mods are pathetic.

Vote a few new mods in? I have suggestions

they are nazis

fuck yeh man im on board with that

It's right here:

Check it out.

paltalk is fucking trash

What's better?



100,000 accounts who clicked "subscribe". One guy could have 200 accounts. It's more likely there are about 10-15K active users in /r/conspiracy (not including shills). Out if those, maybe 5-10% might be interested in a chat room. Then factor in the time zones and who's awake (and when), and the number of people actively participating in chat gets much smaller. Let's not kid ourselves with big, imaginary numbers.

I'm not against it but wouldn't be interested in participating. I need time to be able to read comments, organize my thoughts and prepare proper responses with sources if necessary. Chat rooms just move along too damned fast with subjects changing in the blink of an eye. They remind me of the rat race that defines the rush to success for too many people. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

Not my style.

How about irc? You could get masks on a server like so you don't tell everyone your hostname/ip every time you connect. Otherwise, you could set up your own irc server and make the hostnames anonymous.

I would recommend everyone use the /pol/ board on 4chan. It's a better format and is completely anonymous.

Sometimes I read these threads with the mentality that I am a government spy, it is horribly entertaining.



Big difference at that... it's live and dynamic form of communication. Reddit is easily manipulated because of the time factor required and the up/downvotes being manipulated/abused by circlejerking haters.

I think that would be a great, that way we can talk directly to Lea...and then we can ask things dude, you work for central bankers, killing freedom, does that make you feel?


you know, agent smith....dude this place is run by "them"...come on man, everythings theirs....go ask Nate on the front page about money as debt and why he and his newspaper doesn't talk about it and central banking in general....hahaa

da fuq?

cccpcharm has issues. Check out his history.

issues, yes, issues