Is it time to overthrow the US media? Why? Why not? How?

132  2013-01-09 by [deleted]

I would just like your honest opinion r/conspiracy. Take this as a discussion thread. Upvoting for visability would be much appreciated.



I'm not trying to be offensive here, but I wouldn't open with calling the media blatant lies. You'll be almost automatically labelled as a nut in their minds.

You are labeled the enemy. They will rebrand you and sell it to you another way.

They will rebrand you and sell it to you another way.

Exactly what does that mean?

sorry i mean "they will rebrand it and sell it to you another way"

meaning these companies are targeting the untapped potential of the market. if you leave their product for some logical reason, they will not stop trying to sell it to you.

i dont like being sold stuff

North Koreans media lies to them, why not ours


There is only Korea, bitch!

you have been banned from /r/pyongyang

Yeah, they don't really cover relevant shit, and they're mostly owned by the few might be a better segway since these are things that are pretty well accepted as fact.

"The media is all propaganda. Nothing but lies" is a pretty absolute black and white statement that will discourage an open discussion imo. There is a lot that the media likely reports accurately. I wouldn't know about the patriot act, or NDAA if the media hadn't told me.

I think a better way to put it is that the MSM makes the truth more convenient to their parent company's agenda.

That makes absolutely no sense.

Know your audience.

The obama administration labels you a 'low grade terrorist'.

The answer is to throw out your television, and simply disregard by default anything said in the fascist media.

And that is the medias fault. Sheeples!

It's not just news media, it is all television networks that air commercials. You are the product in all cases full stop

I told this to my mom last night. That TV is here to take money from your wallet. We're wage slaves. The American dream doesn't even make sense. Her reaction was favorable.

it's beyond lies, lies would imply some motive to deceive, based on the fact that its is "supposed" to be a group of "independent" journalist out there to scour the earth for "facts" about "events" as they happen. By this premis, as an entity that could make money by telling you either the truth or lies there is no motive for either way in a business model that just disseminates information. So therefore by default what we have is something much more insidious and much more crafted than most could imagine, after all they still dictate your election, and all are accepting the choices and decisions, so they are winning,... No what you are seeing is the end result of millions of man hours in advanced training where individuals are molded to manipulate the entire population by creating what they perceive as reality. It is by far the longest running military operation in existence, set in motion against the american people starting operationally in 1913, and conceived well before that. When you watch tv, from the "good shows about animals" to the news, what you are seeing is a clever and effective form of hypnosis whereas cult victims are brainwashed via group think embarrassment psychology. It is a military operation. First with Ink, then with Radio wave, then the tv,all of it there to manipulate reality...I mean, you don't want to be the only one who doesn't know? you

I think it'd be easier to plant seeds by easing it in. Instead of saying "it's all lies", be a little less blunt about it. That way, as time passes, they won't see you as crazy anymore.

This. Doesn't. Work.

Yes. The only way to 'overthrow' the media is to ignore it. Their power lies in their ability to reach millions, and thus spread state propaganda.

First step: Cancel cable TV.

Don't consume it, and for fucks sake, don't pay for it.

That's too passive, though. If that was the sole tactic - there's entirely too many people doing exactly that - consuming it and paying for it. An offensive is required.

How does one make an offensive on the entirety of media? Are we talking about some form of Anon-esque type public shaming as in a graffiti hack?

I think another aspect of this is the continuation of support for alternative media. I really like the Tragedy and Hope network, for example. There have been so many new broadcasters over just the past couple of years, that I can't help but think that we're on the cusp of something big with regards to media consumption.

Alternative media is GREAT, and I hope it only flourishes, but the problem with it is that it still does not get anything to a national stage. I've thought before that if there was a way to circumvent the MSM, but still get something to a national stage, then that's what we need. But that's simply not happening.

What we need is a massive effort with letters written, emails sent, comments bombarded on articles, and people getting out there to explain exactly how and why the media is completely controlled and wrong. The people are waking up at an alarming rate, we know that - but it's time we do something about it. It's time we take our media back. Think about it - if every major news show and news network had proverbial and maybe even real angry crowds banging on their door, they couldn't help but to acknowledge it.

You know what we need? We need an Occupy Wall Street, but on all forms of corporate media in this country. People literally camping out or whatever, generally causing a nuisance at news stations. REGARDLESS of people's post opinions of OWS, it got national attention - and THAT'S what we need.

P.S. In the end, secretly I know this still won't, in itself, fix much, but it will definitely be a catalyst to something. Good or bad, I don't know, but anything that's not the status quo is good to me.

There's no such thing as a free lunch. If you get that paper for free, you are the product being sold. Be aware of what you are consuming and think critically.

TANSTAAFL! If people would just take a moment and think about what they are being fed then it wouldn't be an issue. You're right, there is no such thing as a free lunch. The money is coming from somewhere, even if the paper (or whatever medium it is) was free. Just like in any business, if someone is putting money into it, then those people are profiting from it somehow.

Absolutely we need to overthrow it, but really the internet is already doing that. They can't push their propaganda unchecked anymore.

It is obvious many of US are turning away because of the media manipulation.

I thought that 15 years ago, finally thought we would get past the old media channels but in fact they just found better ways of manipulating the information we get, and found way more effective ways of discrediting anyone who questions the official stories.

Like citing RT as a source in a subreddit post about media organizations. ..

Stop paying for cable. If you have it, end your subscription. You'll stop paying to be lied to. Simple. I did it back in 2008.

The only problem with your suggestion is this (and I'm looking at YOU Comcast)--if you cancel cable you also cancel your internet connection (unless, of course, you are handy and simply remove the in-line bandpass filters--result is cable internet with free basic cable TV).

In time, wireless connections will offer nearly the same advantages as RG-59 does today...but I cannot get a consistent 60MBps with Clear or sat...not even close.

Still, upvote for the comment--sucks to admit it but we most assuredly ARE paying to be lied to, especially with the "new and improved" NDAA '13. What a joke.

V for Vendetta great movie! :)

What exactly does that mean, to "overthrow the US media"? That could be interpreted several ways.

It is connoted that one overthrows tyrants, but no one is forced insofar as I know to consume American media; this would be like "overthrowing the candy store"... and just as absurd. Shutting down the candy store doesn't magically put people on a diet, and shutting down certain media outlets won't put an end to confirmation bias.

If every person except yourself gets their info from one source, who are you going to have a real conversation with?

You're missing the point: people that get their information from one source CHOOSE to do that. There are plenty of options, no one makes you watch Fox News and only Fox News.

Taking away that choice doesn't take away Fox News viewers, they'll find someone else to tell them what they want to hear, all the while blaming you (somewhat justifiably) for your intolerance.

Having correctly identified the problem, to wit:

If every person except yourself gets their info from one source

... you're trying to solve the wrong one. You're focusing on "one source" when you should paying attention to the verb "to get". Why do people choose to get their news only from one source?

ill give you a hypothetical example.

typical 9-5 guy finishes 8 hour shift and leaves to go home. 40 minute commute with a pit stop at starbucks. hes home by 615. has dinner by 7 and by 8 is on the couch watching tv. he wants to watch the news. he has a few options but SHIT BRO IM REPUBLICAN. i turn on fox news and say fuck the liberal biased media! theyre out to get me! needless to say he watches cbs sometimes and other cable network televison shows but only goes to fox for news! hes done this as long as he can remember.

tell me, after this person has watched fox news for years and has become indoctrinated to the point of a self serving bias, does this person really make a choice? or could they simply place too high a value on the time they have already invested in watching fox?

I find presenting functional and preferable options the best tactic in the struggle between awareness and ignorance. Whenever someone says "I saw on the news X". I look at them mostly blank with a hint of concern and say non judgmentally "you watch tv news?". They then begin questioning me and I quickly explain in a non "crazy conspiracy" way that I don't trust the mainstream media due to conflicts of interest with their parent corporations and the necessity for the news to make advertising revenue over factual reporting. Naturally at this point, I have done this many times, they ask "well where do you go for your information" to which I promptly respond with several websites I find highly enlightening.

Don't attack them for being ignorant and brainwashed, help them find truth compassionately.

I like the idea from /r/infograffiti collective use of dvd burners to enable distribution of information in places where people normally wouldn't expect to find them.

If people would just get rid of their TV connections, their Cable or their Satellite hook-ups, things would change a LOT. I got rid of mine a while back and it's incredible to realize what level of fucked-up-edness is constantly streamed into our brains because of that shit. Even if you don't try to watch that crap, you still see it, in the promos for the local news, while you're changing channels, when you're bored and think "I wonder what's going on in the world" .... It's SO insidious and SO hypnotic! America is literally hypnotized by the damn things. And they lure us in with things like Sports. Just turn. If. Off.

My mantra that I spread where I can get away with it...keeping it simple these days: KILL YOUR TV

I don't think ignoring television solves everything but it's an excellent place to start and enhances mental health IMO.



...Said the voluntary inmates of Conde Nast's playground.

Some folks forgot......

"US Media" is such a pathetic generalization that underscores how manipulative organizations maintain their control. Know your enemy. Is it Fox or the Huffpo or Twitter? Use your words. Hunter S Thompson was "media." And all those people black listed for proper reporting of the McCarthy era were "US Media." This is too unwieldy a label to be taken seriously. TMZ? Vice? What the fuck IS "US Media?"

yes it needs to happen

We're more than overdue to overthrow a lot of things in this country; the media's just another name on a long list.

Turn off your tv, walk away from the world drama, it serves no benificial purpose anyway, do what you love whatever it is. Dont worry about what the media/govt does or says, the idea that they have power is just an illusion that you play into, so stop playing their game by their rules, make up your own, thats all life really is anyway. Live like the revolution has already come and gone.

Yes. Why? They are NOTHING except a political propaganda machine. Garbage.

Damn skippy. It's all about citizen journalism now. Become the media. Become the message.

Just in case anyone knew, the creator of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica sings in a band called Hierosonic. The music is kinda catchy pop-rock, but I dig the message. This post reminded me of their latest single, Media Taught You That. Worth a listen.

I dig anything the stewart brothers touch. I didn't realize one of them had a band. I wish I knew those dudes in real life haha. Have you heard of their documentary site, esoteric tube?

I don't think it's enough to simply say "turn it off / don't listen to it". The main problem as I see it as that there is a major communication gap between those who reject mainstream media outlets and those who don't know better than to turn on CNN/FOX/MSNBC in order to "feel informed".

Ignoring the problem by refusing to turn on the major networks does nothing to chip away at their viewer base.

The question is: how to we successfully reach out to and win the hearts and minds of those who will otherwise just continue to watch mainstream media coverage for years to come?

If you create an alternative they will come. Apathy is not easy to overcome though. It's a serious problem requiring creative solutions.

this gets into some grey areas, of course no violence, can't have that....the reality of what we have here, along with most tech companies is that we have companies operating as private for profit buisness's that are simultaneously operating as qausi factions of the military. So, when one proposes to inflict some type of reprecussions to these buisness's that on the suraface act as merely buisness, buisnesses that do not have treason, sedition and alike to protect themselves from you, one must be aware that the underlying unseen hand that guides it does have those "protections" in place. This is why the best theory of engagement is to simply ignore it....stop watching, it has no effect, stop using their currency, it has no power over you, or those that would control you

There is nothing in the world that says you can not give freewifi to your town. You would of course need an insane connection and you could legally spread it across your town with repeaters.

TheBigBadDuke is right, also getting the word out is key, if you're going to watch the news (or TV at all) watch it skeptically or whats the word im looking for?, anyways as for overthrow we should use our time on the internet wisely as it is still completely free. Viva la revolution.

Want to "overthrow" the US media?

Tell a friend about Reddit.

And turn off your TV.

We need to hold any/all journalists (from the recent college grads, to the profs at schools of journalism, and the working 'old-guard' too) and the news agencies (print & radio & tv & net) they work for accountable to their very own...

Code of Ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists < >

  • Seek Truth and Report It: Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

  • Minimize Harm: Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.

  • Act Independently: Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public's right to know.

  • Be Accountable: Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.


And their ability to write what they're told.

"US Media" is such a pathetic generalization that underscores how manipulative organizations maintain their control. Know your enemy. Is it Fox or the Huffpo or Twitter? Use your words. Hunter S Thompson was "media." And all those people black listed for proper reporting of the McCarthy era were "US Media." This is too unwieldy a label to be taken seriously. TMZ? Vice? What the fuck IS "US Media?"

Make a viral video on YouTube. Publish and advertise it everywhere. Short simple and to the point. Make the media the enemy. Remember how big kony was (and now isnt)? However for that brief moment everyone knew regardless of if they cared to or not. Plant this idea of lies and corruption and watch it grow to anger. Then you'll see change.

The problem is: videos only go viral if supported by the mainstream cabal- that's how they get viral, they get tons of outside publicity by controlled websites and blogs.

The Huff Po isn't going to link to any video speaking the truth. Mainstream news won't mention it 24/7 like they did the Kony video.

I've been saying for a long time- There needs to be a coordinated forum/ website that is geographically oriented where people post when they see a news person giving any sort of report, or a news crew setting up-

Then, people can show up with signs/bullhorns/just their own voices, and start interrupting the live broadcast- Saying 9/11 was an inside job etc. (notice how Alex Jones hasn't done this in a while?)

Perhaps a site that also gives live alerts via social media or something.. Letting people sign up for phone text alerts.

Television studios have the same security as a bank

Probably moreso

Diversify your consumption. Watch tv. Read the paper. read blogs. Watch videos. Use social media. talk to people face to face. Go to protests even if you don't agree. Go to big events like concerts and sports. Go to shopping malls and buy nothing. Go to church if you're an atheist. Live your life to the fullest and your picture of life will be honest albeit never truly accurate or unbiased.

I'd love to see a mass exodus from cable news programs and a collective embrace of factual news reporting. The media is not "all lies" but it is often slanted, misrepresentative, and lacking detail. The problem in the US is that people here was fast news without having to think critically about anything.

Considering that's who has everybody under their spell. I think so. The sooner the better.

No way! I need a good laugh. Without the talking heads to spew fear and celebrity scandal with their serious faces, things would be less interesting.

I'm going to contradicting here:

As much as I think there is nothing left to do but that I am going to say...

That before we do that we honestly, HONESTLY, genuinely overthrow our media. I'm being completely serious. We need to do that.

yea sorry but wer'e being mind controlled through various delivery systems to accept the them who controll us and their media propoganda. fluoride

The 2 party system.

just ignore the MSM, and stay glued to reddit, fagit!

so shilled, lets see, how long until removal....lets talk about religions and races, and stuff, how bout gays and abortions...or perhaps laden vs unladen swallows...oh god this place is so funny

WTF are you talking about? "Overthrow the US media?" Get your head out of your ass.

You are wrong. WE THE PEOPLE have the power to change ANYTHING. Don't ever forget that.

OK then overthrow the U.S media. What does that mean? I'm guessing it means that we destroy all media created in the U.S. But that's just stupid isn't it? I personally like having media, I enjoy books, movies, television, radio, music, etc.

So if it doesn't mean that then what does it mean? Don't consume corporate media that you don't agree with? Ok, but that's not exactly overthrowing anything. As a consumer you can choose what you purchase and what you don't, there's no overthrow involved.

The OP's post is asinine. He's talking about unachievable and unnecessary goals using unrealistic language. The post might as well have asked "Is it time we overthrow The Corporations and fought The Man?"

its not necessarily the content we disagree with, its the sourse of the content. a big media company will look to other (non-media) companies to partner with for advertising revenue. if those other companies get involved in some shady activity that should become publicly scrutinized but DOESNT because of that partnership, then i think its time for a new source of content!

as we know, nothing exists in a vacuum, and that includes big media companies. there are so few of them that it has become a pseudo prisoners dilemma where none will rat on each other or their revenue streams.

do you understand what im trying to say?

No. If you don't want to read the NY Times then don't read the NY Times. If you don't want to watch Fox News then don't watch Fox News. If you don't want to buy the products sold by their advertising partners then don't buy those products. Why are we talking about "overthrowing US media?" What does that even mean?

it means getting our news from radically different sources. NON PROFIT NEWS SOURCES... media co-ops, blogs, social media, actually talking to people. its about diversifying media consumption when too many people are doing the opposite.

So not reading the NY Times and Fox News?

I guess what I'm saying is that this whole thread is fucking pointless, espcially in this sub-reddit.

No. YOU get your head out of your ass. You agile fucker, you.

Remember! We are all different here, and you may find that have different beliefs, but please be respectful of each other.

This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds.

Please we shouldn't be fighting, ford2city was expressing his opinions besides its a little absurd to try to overthrow the media. They are well protected against any change seeing as some select people decide what we see. I think we should instead we should just stop watching and throw some doubt people ways as this guy says He makes a good point.

Thanks for reading and i hope you reply with your honest opinion and open minded way of thinking.

I wasn't fighting, with that last part I was merely trying to make give someone a little laughs.

I don't think we should be fighting either. But the way I see it; the media is brainwashing so many people every day(and I agree with his statement. How does one overthrow the media? Nearly impossible if you ask me) and it isn't very much we can do about other than discouraging people to swallow everything that the media tosses at us.

Wow it really saddens me that the we actually have to be (sorta) cut off from the world just so we don't swallow the poop they throw at us.

OK then overthrow the U.S media. What does that mean? I'm guessing it means that we destroy all media created in the U.S. But that's just stupid isn't it? I personally like having media, I enjoy books, movies, television, radio, music, etc.

So if it doesn't mean that then what does it mean? Don't consume corporate media that you don't agree with? Ok, but that's not exactly overthrowing anything. As a consumer you can choose what you purchase and what you don't, there's no overthrow involved.

The OP's post is asinine. He's talking about unachievable and unnecessary goals using unrealistic language. The post might as well have asked "Is it time we overthrow The Corporations and fought The Man?"

Totally agree. You CAN'T overthrow it. But the media is still fucked. Filled with propaganda and twisting everything they tell you.

And replace the current system with what? We pay people for their ability to be discerning. As the internet shows, when we leave it to untrained and sometimes unscrupulous individuals who are held to no journalistic standard the quality of information decreases and the quantity increases, obfuscating the truth and making it harder to be a discerning consumer.

The problem is, journalists aren't held to journalistic standards either. You could make a good argument that the profession is dead in any meaningful sense. When's the last time Fox "News" or the Cable "News" Network broke a story?

I'd sooner take my chances with potential liars, than I would with known ones.

It's that the 'news' hires the journo's they want not the ones the readers need. News corps and their readers/consumers have conflicting interests

I bet your ancestors were in nazi germany saying "and replace the nazis with what? They provide us with credible info and protect us, they are trained guise...."

My official response to you sir..... Hurr fucking durr durr

Well don't say I didn't come here in good faith.

Enjoy infowars


I think this might be the most bigoted trash you've ever posted. You will respond to this post with more useless bullshit, I'm sure, but please remember that you are suggesting restricting one specific ethnic group from being employed in a field. You and those like you claim Israel is an "apartheid state", yet you advocate the same goddamn thing. Two wrongs don't make a right, as they say.

He is also suggesting state interference in a private enterprise. Wouldn't be surprised if he's a plant of some kind.

He's not a shill, he's a fucking idiot.

Not a plant. A weed that grows natively from this soil right here. Perhaps one could spare some thought for what one uses to fertilize, that one gets such pervasive weeds.

Nah, much easier to posit and blame some mysterious night gardener who enjoys transplanting weeds into your otherwise lovely plot.

Of course he is, his username is a stylized menorah!

Yes, obviously anyone with a worldview different than yours is a shill.

I was being tongue-in-cheek. Who's signing your checks? Which anonymous PO Box do you pick them up from? Answer that, Statist.

Ah my bad. Unfortunately I do not get any any checks right now because I the job market for new lawyers is, to be technical, fucking terrible. Why, are you offering? Please?

Nope. Job market for literature M.A. graduates is not much better.

Cheers! raises $8 bottle of vodka

Yes, a logical solution to combating the media conglomerates strangle hold on America is to create a quota system for the Jews. Come back when you take off the dunce hat off and actually have an actionable solution to the problem.


So do you wear the hood in public or is that considered a fashion faux pas these days.


You're right. But proposition can be neither true nor untrue. Still, while it can't be true, it can pretty much be racist. Just like this one.

It might just be my own bias but I believe that whenever anyone starts blaming an over-generalized group their argument becomes invalid.

I'd also like to point out the voices of Fox News are very Christian and talk about very Christian viewpoints so...

are Rupe Murdoch and Ted Turner jews?

Secret jews, obviously.

The only entity capable of breaking up the major media companies is the government. The problem is that the government (specifically the 2 party system in the US) has the most to lose from a breakdown. They would have to embrace reality which will sadly never happen in a sudden change.

The revolution will be slow, very slow indeed.

Quite simply because they believe most Jews to be their sympathetic friends, which they are, in fact, most assuredly not.

I personally have nothing against Christians...but Im a secular Jew. Many I know openly laugh at and taunt Christians...especially in Israel.

Go to r/atheism please.

Secular means "seperate from religion". You can no more be a 'secular jew', than you can be a 'secular catholic', or a 'living corpse'. The statement makes no fucking sense.

...except for the ethnoreligious cultural and family heritage that he is most likely referring to.

Sure it does.

I'm Jewish by virtue of blood, but not observant.

Secular Jew, no?

There is no such thing as "jewish by virtue of blood".

Just because people of the jewish faith like to inbreed doesnt make them a race. Just like the you cant be Amish or West Virginian by "virtue of blood".

You are, presumably, white/caucasion of middle eastern possibly european descent. Now, if you were actually, black or asian? I'd lmfao.

End of story.

Just asked a rabbi this question who happens to telecommute to the same office I do--even though I already knew the answer it was worth it to make the rabbi laugh.

I am white of middle-eastern descent, correct...but according to Talmudic law since my mother is Jewish, I am also. It's determined matrilinearally.

Let me also add that I am a Sephardic Jew...and we are quite a bit different from our Ashkenazim brethren.

You are incorrect, though I don't expect you to admit it...but here is some study material for you:

End of story.


To be Jewish is to belong to both the Jewish ethnicity and the Jewish culture (and therefore religion). This isn't complicated.


Ethnic group.


Says the conspiracy theorist.

Atheist here who is ethnically Jewish. Please go look up "ethnic group". Jews fit the definition. Calling them "imbred" is flat out bigotry.

You can genetically test blood and say... yes this blood came from a black man. Or this blood came from an Asian woman. Or this blood came from a White guy. Or this blood came from a monkey, or a dog, or a bird, or a snake...

You cannot take that blood and say, yes this blood came from a Jew.

Because there is no such fucking thing as a jewish race, or jewish ethnicity. They are a group of religious people who have been inbreeding for hundreds of years or more, because you do not like that fact, does not make it bigotry. Because your personal lineage comes from those inbred people, does not make you a jew, it just makes your family tree fucked up and creepy.

Again, please go look up "ethnic group". Then, go to any university and argue with those with degrees in such a field. They will make you feel far more ignorant than I can via webisite comments.

*You cannot take that blood and say, yes this blood came from a Jew.

Actually if one applies the scientific method, one can =O. If someone tests the blood of a person from Russia that claims Judaism, and compares it to a person from Yemen that claims Judiasm and sees that they are similar, more similar in-fact than to a non-Jewish Russian person, this would imply some sort of genetic link between the Jews of Europe and other Jews around the world. And so the idea of Jewish blood is very credible.

No, you cannot identify race via a blood sample. DNA from the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA can be used to match a person to a family or determine if people are related, but it will not say definitively what race a person is. Most genetic variation occurs within a particular racial or ethnic group, not across it. On a whole, there is actually very little genetic variation across races and ethnicities.

actually the majority of americans are athiest or frankly could give a fuk about race or religions, but understand gangs and money as debt...don't you think it's funny how people keep on bringing up jews and christians when we're talking about the media which is run by the central banks which is comprised of both jews and christians, both of which are complete assholes


Because it derails the topic and many people here will take the bait and run with it.

It provides many easy talking points that many people have an opinion on and choose to comment on.

You can destroy any constructive discussion by using just one word to fan the flames.

That's the cynical view.

The other view is that some people actually believe what they're typing, and in general they are grossly misinformed.

But in either case, the effect is the same. A heated discussion mostly unrelated to the topic begins, and any sensible person would click the back button and remove themselves from the discussion, and therefore, reduce their exposure to the information at hand or dismiss its accuracy.

Have you ever met a "Luciferian"? I'm going to say probably not, considering your statement that they are themselves the PTB. The ones I've met (quite a few- I went to a really stupid school) are basically goth pseudo-sorcerer douchebags who read too much Nietzsche while failing to comprehend it, and listen to really terrible music. They're black-metal Tyler-Durden-lings with daddy-baggage (both personal and religious) and a propensity for knee-jerk, unconsidered reaction. How could a group of people who feel so powerless in their own lives (again, go hang out with a few and see what I mean) run anything aside from the overnight register at the 7-11?

Besides all that, if Christianity isn't an issue, then why are Luciferians considered so nefarious? They're nothing more than the other side of a closed system anyway.


That is indeed the difference between Satanism and Luciferianism. But Satanism's the "humanism with a goat mask", and Luciferianism is the religious philosophy based more on opposition of Christianity and utilization of "magic" than any over-arching philosophy. The only reason Luciferians employ any nihilism generally has to do with it being counter to typical Christian beliefs rather than being a central religious tenet to them. Lucifer they hold to be a deposed god, Yahweh being the usurper and the true evil entity. All this has been folded into hermetic and ceremonial magic systems and concepts, and borrows heavily from the occult movements of the Victorian era, but "punched up" a bit with music and imagery.

For Satanists, however, the "magic" aspect is purely pageantry, and they don't literally worship an external being, believing that one's self is the center of its respective universe. They don't believe in a literal Satan, using the name in an "adversary" sense rather than as the name of a deity, the adversary of ignorance rather than an evil entity.

Why aren't Christians, who make up the vast majority of Americans, running their own media?

Because christians are just as fucked up and arrogant as jews.

Christians believe, that they need to kiss jew ass because thats what god wants them to do. In the belief that by doing this, the jews will completely take over Palestine - thus fulfilling the prophecy of the second coming - when jesus returns - so he can murder all the jews (and all the other non-christians) himself. They're basically just fucked up slaves to a sociopathic fairy-tale dogma.


Oh, and your affirmative action analogy doesnt work - because jews arent a race. They're a religion, and there is a clear seperation of church and state in our constitution. And even if there werent, the last thing in the world you would want is scientologists, catholics, mormons and all the other bullshit religions demanding guaranteed representation.

show me where it says christians need to kiss the jews ass

Just watch the 700 club for 10 minutes, or the mainstream media - especially fox news.

we're all smelly monkeys with stinky bumholes

Not my bumhole, I regularly use a Bailey's Irish Cream enema.

woosie, real men use Jameson's...haaa


Jews are arrogant, Christians are arrogant, Muslims are arrogant, Atheists are arrogant. They are also nice, shy, rude, spoiled, impoverished etc. All facets of humanity exist within all these groups some way or the other. Jew does not equal arrogant evil machine, they are not robots without emotion or thought or conscience, please let’s NOT see Jews as 2 dimensional cartoon characters.

They literally fit the definition of an ethnic group.

Also, what you are suggesting is called "tyranny of the majority". Your white nationalist KKK bullshit shows more these days.

I bet your ancestors were in nazi germany saying "and replace the nazis with what? They provide us with credible info and protect us, they are trained guise...."

My official response to you sir..... Hurr fucking durr durr

The problem is, journalists aren't held to journalistic standards either. You could make a good argument that the profession is dead in any meaningful sense. When's the last time Fox "News" or the Cable "News" Network broke a story?

I'd sooner take my chances with potential liars, than I would with known ones.

woosie, real men use Jameson's...haaa

And that is the medias fault. Sheeples!

You are labeled the enemy. They will rebrand you and sell it to you another way.

North Koreans media lies to them, why not ours

I think a better way to put it is that the MSM makes the truth more convenient to their parent company's agenda.

Yeah, they don't really cover relevant shit, and they're mostly owned by the few might be a better segway since these are things that are pretty well accepted as fact.

"The media is all propaganda. Nothing but lies" is a pretty absolute black and white statement that will discourage an open discussion imo. There is a lot that the media likely reports accurately. I wouldn't know about the patriot act, or NDAA if the media hadn't told me.

How does one make an offensive on the entirety of media? Are we talking about some form of Anon-esque type public shaming as in a graffiti hack?

I think another aspect of this is the continuation of support for alternative media. I really like the Tragedy and Hope network, for example. There have been so many new broadcasters over just the past couple of years, that I can't help but think that we're on the cusp of something big with regards to media consumption.

Know your audience.

You're right. But proposition can be neither true nor untrue. Still, while it can't be true, it can pretty much be racist. Just like this one.

That makes absolutely no sense.

OK then overthrow the U.S media. What does that mean? I'm guessing it means that we destroy all media created in the U.S. But that's just stupid isn't it? I personally like having media, I enjoy books, movies, television, radio, music, etc.

So if it doesn't mean that then what does it mean? Don't consume corporate media that you don't agree with? Ok, but that's not exactly overthrowing anything. As a consumer you can choose what you purchase and what you don't, there's no overthrow involved.

The OP's post is asinine. He's talking about unachievable and unnecessary goals using unrealistic language. The post might as well have asked "Is it time we overthrow The Corporations and fought The Man?"

The obama administration labels you a 'low grade terrorist'.

The answer is to throw out your television, and simply disregard by default anything said in the fascist media.


it means getting our news from radically different sources. NON PROFIT NEWS SOURCES... media co-ops, blogs, social media, actually talking to people. its about diversifying media consumption when too many people are doing the opposite.