4Chan discovers some shady stuff about the Sandy Hook shooting.

562  2013-01-10 by [deleted]

EDIT:I am going to update this thread until the original 404s.

Supposedly /pol/found all of this info, I copied as much shit as I could be for the thread "404d".

This picture was posted in the thread http://i.imgur.com/IsCU6.png

Facebook group R.I.P Victoria Soto created December 10th http://i.imgur.com/P6kAt.png ( edit: barely evidence as made clear by many comments. The page was created on the 10th, but it is more than likely that R.I.P Vicotoria Soto was not the original name.

Pretty sure this has been posted here before, but who cares http://i.imgur.com/NKIto.jpg

Undeniable Proof: http://i.imgur.com/bw8Cd.jpg

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.youcaring.com/blog/post/2012/12/10/Fundraiser-for-the-Families-Involved-in-the-Tragic-Newtown-CT-Shootings.aspx (Picture Proof with google cache, just in case that link is taken down): http://crossedshadows.com/undeniableproof.png

..This page was created on the tenth. 4 days before the shooting happened. Now tell me. If it was so sudden, how was there a fundraiser already setup?

Video over tweets and websites' fishiness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgKOCb1e0XA

Police Radio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=S59IXI9g6VE#t=302s (Audio Boosted): http://crossedshadows.com/ADAM2.mp3

Actor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urrRcgB581w

Outtakes and Bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhLe2i8uFwc "I got a text from CBS"

Medical Examiner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0OT5od9DA He makes fun of the situation, laughing a few times. At around 1:50-2:00, he gets lost in what he is saying; looks at a police officer to our right who then nods. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-sandy-hook-school-massacre-unanswered-questions-and-missing-information/5316776

Facebook being removed, after being uploaded a little to soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPKNLk-sdUg

URLS existing before it happened: http://i.imgur.com/yRKFJ.jpg <---go fund me sandy-hook-victims fund http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/08/united-way-no-we-didnt-know-about-dec-14-sandy-hook-shooting-in-advance/ <--They deny it, but it's undeniable proof

FEMA Training: http://www.ct.gov/demhs/ical/eventDetail_page.asp?date_ID=CAC9C6C9CD83CDC9C7 Just "Happened" to be on Dec 14, the same day of the shooting? Well maybe. Wait.. Friday? A free, Friday-only course? I don't think so. Also, there are simple things that don't add up. class size limited to "30" 5 of 40 seats available last day to register: 12/13/2012 Yeah, right. Coincidence.


Holy fuck that picture of the thread being slid is fucking nuts.

And you don't think the same thing happens here on Reddit? To control your population is to control the information. You think 'the government' really doesn't see the power of the internet and has their own force into place to counter the information stream of the truth?

The power of downvotes D: (and upvotes.. and spamming shit comments)

...and paying moderators...

It would be much harder in reddit to do the same thing.

First - no anon accounts. Second, visible and responsible mods in subs. Third, if a post is "removed" other mods see the removal and can re-approve the comment after removal allowing for a deeper check and balance.

Finally, fuck you government shills.

What does Slid mean? forgive my ignorance, i just dont use 4chan

derail, hijack, etc...

Beware, it happens here - but a lot more subtly since all they can use is text.

it essentially buries the important parts of a thread. like a rock slide. a barrage of unrelated comments/pornography. unfortunately it kept it on the front page so the said "switch tactics" and suddenly the thread gets buried.

Lurk moar. :)

Yea dude...the people sliding the thread were totally planning their next tactic in the exact thread they were sliding. What the fuck man come on...common sense.

Alright team, downvote this guy's comment. He won't possibly realize we have a team downvoting his comments now HAHAHAH PSY OPS!

It was probably some douche who was intentionally trying to make it look like a psy ops.

Shut it down.

Switch tactics.


Nazi Crackpot

thread slide

you'll always find me at the bottom....


Fire in the hole!


Being the Devils Advocate here: One of my family members had something bad happen to her that was all over the news for awhile. It was amazing how many times the News people messed up the story. They added "facts", left other facts out, got the order of events completely backwards, it was horrible. Sometimes it's not the government causing the stories to be changed, but the news media just being complete retards.

I'm still waiting for a witness to come forward saying that they actually saw Lanza the day of the shooting. Until that happens, I remain skeptical of the entire ordeal.

Statistically speaking, it seems nearly impossible that not ONE person has come forward saying they saw him that day.

That, to me, is the one thing that makes no sense whatsoever and should be the only thing anyone needs to question the events/explanation/investigation of that day.

How were all the victims NOT FRIENDS with any of the living children?

How did he shoot with such accurace? There were NO injured. Just dead

Hanlon's razor in action

I'm no techno wizard. I pretty much believe the internet is fragile and at the mercy of anyone, but err.. what's up with those dates? Time don't lie..right? Internet does though.. I believe people can rationalize anything for love of whatever.

Casey Anthony?

No..thank God. :)

Quit bringing in reason and logic to a thread that is hellbent on maintaining some solid level of ignorance and stupidity. Why is it that all of this opinion is taken as fact when there is, indeed, no proof of any kind of manufacturing of this situation.

Oh, you've got screenshots? THAT is your evidence? And then everyone else in here mocks those who are too smart to buy into that kind of bullshit, threadbare 'evidence?'

I guess at least you keep this bullshit cooped up in r/conspiracy and people realize the ignorance they're walking into when they come in here looking for some kind of 'evidence' or reason.

It's just like how they tweeted about Osama before it actually happened. That was pretty much solid evidence, but it just got forgotten by our short memory span. I saved the tweet, here it is. http://imgur.com/qnIAM


They knew it was going to collap-

You know what, fuck it. It's not like you people are actually interested in the truth.


The firefighters were pulled out two hours before the collapse over concern that the building was going to collapse.


All am saying is that the firefighters had pulled out of the building over concern that it was going to collapse. That's a fact. We can debate the how and why of WTC7 all day, but there were no firefighters near the building for two hours before the building finally went down.

The most important operational decision to be made that afternoon was the collapse had damaged 7 World Trade Center... It had very heavy fire on many floors and I ordered the evacuation of an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we had to give up some rescue operations that were going on at the time and back the people away far enough so that if 7 World Trade did collapse, we wouldn't lose any more people.

FDNY Daniel Nigro

Time difference


I was kidding :)


Well, I know you were, but I didn't know you knew I was! What a twist...only in /r/conspiracy!

dude. you could SEE WT7 in the background on a live feed as she was saying it.

London, England is a full 7 hours time difference from Washington, US CT. Did you think about that?


Accept most coverage isn't "live", usually pre-recorded...


Not true, all footage from Britain is at least 30 seconds late


No, but I am trolling for my own entertainment. And hey, it's been fun. And I could have kept going with it, too. But you know what? I'm a nice guy!

Naw, you failed at trolling...

But you win at idiocy.


Hey I'm not idiot!

This is as hard to prove as the "I am not crazy" bit.



That depends on the time zone. I said CT = Central Time, you're thinking of Mountain.


Well I meant Mountain Time

OMG IT DOESN'T MATTER what the fucking time difference is, if it was live coverage or not. Fact: BBC reporter reports WTC7 had collapsed while standing in eye sight of the building still upright. So it doesn't matter if it took 10 seconds or 10 days for the recording to get back to the UK, they still received and reported on an event just minutes before it happened.

Yeah but you can't prove if he was wearing a watch or not, and don't say cell phone because that doesn't count as a watch since you have to take it out of your pocket to see it. He couldn't possibly have seen his cell phone through his pocket...

have you ever watched on the news when they have someone over a satellite feed. Have you seen how long it takes the person on satellite to hear what the person just asked them. Same idea here. The live coverage is not "live" live it's TV live. Which is delayed.


I didn't know it was 20 minutes. But I seriously doubt that whoever is organizing a giant conspiracy like 9/11 would have all of the media networks in on it. It's just too many loose ends to give the info too. Okay you work in TV News has anyone ever told you, "hey we're doing this big false flag thing so please read this script but make sure you say it at the right time". I just don't buy them telling the BBC about 9/11 over the possibility that the wrong footage ran.

The problem is that the BBC never explained why they prematurely announced the collapse of WTC7, which according to the official account was "totally unexpected" since no steel framed building had ever collapsed due to fire before.

it's true them not making a statement is troubling. But I'll admit to not being really into the 9/11 being an inside job thing. Occams razor and all that. But I don't know I'm not omnipotent

Yeah, if you are going to stick to the official story (ie, the version presented in the 9/11 Commission Report), Occam's Razor won't help you.

Can you please explain this tweet? I just don't get it.

There is a tweet by megneverland on April 28th saying that Fox News was reporting OBL's death. OBL was not killed until May 2. There is no known way to backdate a tweet, so this tweet was made on April 28. We know that much for sure.

Correction: he tweeted about something he saw in the Fox News ticker (the horizontal scroll on the bottom). He could have easily seen "Osama Bin Laden" and "dead" out of context, and interpreted it wrong. Come on guys, you must have better proof than this -.-

It has absolutely no relevance to anyone except those who are dumb enough to buy into bullshit fantasy and conspiracy theories. A nobody tweeting something out of his ass and people lose their shit over it.

OMG! That's not the only tweet! A reporter tweeted about his death before it happened, too! I saved the text of the tweets but of course the tweets are GONE now! I took screen shots but can't find them anywhere. : ( Tweeted on May 1: https://twitter.com/ClaytonMorris/status/64883796444577792 "U.S. MISSLE STRIKE KILLED OSAMA BIN LADEN ONE WEEK AGO... DNA TEST HAS CONFIRMED... FOX NEWS " & this one I can't find my screen shot or the original tweet for, but there is some cache info on it: “All the News sources are in Synch. Bin Laden is dead. Killed a weekago, delay was waiting for DNA match.” - Mike Tobin

This stuff makes me feel nauseous. What is actually REAL?

Thats a tweet by some random guy though...He says he saw something on the news. This isn't even a third-person source, it's like 6th. Those tickers are usually misleading, especially if you miss a part, or accidentally mix two stories. Seriously though, how do you think this is proof? It baffles me that you (and sooo many others) are so naive.

LOL, 4 days ahead of time. Hadn't seen that before.



If you are using a proxy service, this is probably why. My proxy IP is commonly banned from certain websites probably because a ton of people use it.

Nah the guy who owns the site, or rather the group or entity that owns the site routinely bans people to force them into signing up for memberships.

Apparently every single thing has been debunked officially and there's nothing to see here..

Isn't this rhetoric getting old for anyone else?!

Aren't people starting to get pissed at the fact that every time a tragedy occurs massive waves of legislation are put forth to strip more freedoms from the American people?

Are people not slightly intrigued by all of this?

Or are we all just waiting to be ushered into our government centers after some national calamity?

Our entertainment will be a constant live feed of the American military snuffing out any pockets of resistance (terrorists) in our homeland. Murdering innocent men women and children in the name of freedom. While we idly sit by and cheer for the greatness of this country.

Is this what we're waiting for? Because it is rapidly approaching.

Just take your Soma and be a good consumer.

That's the signal of a dictatorship. Look at the history of Spain, Chile, Libya, etc. The government considers anyone whom questions their rule a 'subversive' or a terrorist and ousts them. This country seems to be headed down this road.

Answer: Yes. We're all just waiting to be ushered into our government centers after some national calamity.

I wish I were trolling in saying this. I wish it weren't true. Certainly seems to be though.

Or are we all just waiting to be ushered into our government centers after some national calamity?

Stockholm Syndrome


Aren't people starting to get pissed at the fact that every time a tragedy occurs massive waves of legislation are put forth to strip more freedoms from the American people?

Examples please.

Your name is fitting shill.

Wow, you are a fucking cunt. I was not disagreeing or arguing. I honestly was looking for more information to read up on. Just attacking me for a percieved disagreement is fucking childish. Then we wonder why /r/conspiracy is so easy to troll.



I don't know what this means.


Ha, get it now. Shove the Patriot Act through along with a bunch of other bs. Any more recent legislation you could suggest? The cunt I replied to just called me a shill. I wasn' t disagreeing I was looking for reference for honest discussion. Thanks for not being a dick.

why are you downvoted?

Incase anyone gives a shit, the first link contain NSFW pics.

Can anyone on this thread point to a piece of evidence that ISN'T a piece of easily manipulated digital imaging or a Youtube video that requires me to interpret the correct emotional response of another human being?

I just don't see anything incontrovertible - everything here could be created to fuel this "conspiracy." Especially the fucking FB page. Joined December 10th. There's no year given!

Gimme something credible.


That's what happens when you

  1. are very lucky and
  2. have millions of dollars pumped into your body

From my experience working for the government. I could absolutely see them being that sloppy. The more amazing part would be that they would be coordinated enough to pull it off.

Uh, the 12/10 URL can easily be manipulated server side. Show me a reputable cache version (google cach, archive.org) where the downloaded cache date is before 12/14 and I'll be willing to accept it.

I gave you the Google cache. It's the first link.

It says it was retrieved in January.

Ok, fair point, but that was last retrieved 5-Jan.

The version Google retrieved both A) has the 12/10 url and B) on the actual page content shows "Created 10 December"

Of everything I've read in this thread, the inclusion of Google Cache was the most interesting / convincing part. It's not iron-clad, but, well, there ya go.

But neither of those are unspoofable. That's why it's not reliable evidence.

This is the biggest problem, it's all images. I need a link for proof.

Could say the same thing for the whole event on tv.

It's a new era. MSM can't compete with a community as large and diversified as Reddit - with regards to speed of information. However, much of the info hitting Reddit isn't vetted and isn't entirely accurate.

People used to wait hours (and sometimes days) for journalists to gather information, vet stories, and present them in a straightforward manner. In an era of instantaneous communication, everyone wants answers NOW and the rumors and errors of the first reports haven't been filtered out. And they go online immediately and become part of the information dump, despite being contradictory.

We are going to see an increase in this tendency in the near future. There's no antidote, but we need to sift through with a little more diligence.

Has anyone posted or done an AMA for someone from Sandyhook/Newtown? Surely someone on the ground there would know the real story, right?

The media's consistent inconsistency - but only this this incident. When something deviates from the trend........

Hey man. If you can't accept all the new accounts coming in this sub saying that those aren't actors and google caches pages funny, then there's something wrong with you.

Move along, citizen. Nothing to see over here or over here.

They did this in the 4chan thread on /pol/, too. They bait people into arguing about the facebook posts like it's the singular piece of evidence for this whole theory. It's the only think they hold plausible deniability on.

So why would they create these 4 days ahead, what's the logical reason behind it?

Create face book page on day 1. Bad event happens on day 4. Rename page created on day 1 - still keeps original creation date.

That explains it all. I am off this thread.

where are you going? Home?


Just to give you guys a heads up. This guy has been known to cross post in /r/conspiratard and mock the /r/conspiracy community. That is all.

And what an excellent time we have too.

Though I can't help that our time wouldn't be better spent invoking the power of jesus to scare away aliens.


I'm sorry Akasa that I turned down your offer to be your gay lover. I just don't roll that way. Maybe you should ask JCM or nolibs since they enjoy bum fucking guys as well.

Homophobia too!

You are a precious little gem

Wow, nothing is wrong with gay people Akasa. I didn't know you hated the gay community as well...Does that mean you hate yourself? xD

That's the URL for this very page you idiot.

I copied the link from /r/conspiratard and didn't notice, thanks for going easy!

Yes but the smoking gun is not the facebook page or the vimeo. It's the tweet that came out saying "Check out my video" that linked to the sandy hook video. There is no way to backdate or change a tweet so it is a fact that that tweet happened 4 days before the shooting. Although the tweet just said "Check out my video" so it is possible that the video was changed after the fact.

Why would anyone involved in this conspiracy post these things days ahead of time? A grand conspiracy seems like the least likely explanation to me.

Nobody knows because there is absolutely no reason to do it. This bullshit 'proof' is manufactured by people with too much time on their hands and too much fear and ignorance in their minds and hearts.

You answered yourself. There is no reason for someone to do it and it 'proves' absolutely nothing. These people are desperate for attention and this is how they go after it. Lonely, desperate, a little removed from sanity and normalcy.

Good people are on the inside trying to sabotage their plans and make their corruption public. The Dark Knight Rises stuff...that's beautiful. Proof that the theater shooting was planned all along and the Sandy Hook hoax had already been planned months in advance. Yes, it IS a massive conspiracy...and they got caught. Rejoice.

Something to do with ritualistic predictive programming, idk.

That's because people like him are here to stop people from talking about this.

Since he's known to cross post in /r/conspiratard...

proof of this?

You obviously don't understand, the vemeo video was shared on creation day with a tweet about the newtown massacre. Both timestamped. Along with a Facebook page of Ortiz. Several days in advance. Also the fundraiser page. Debunk them all right now or shut your shill ass mouth!

You're all missing my point.. why not create all those things AFTER the shooting?

If I where to executive a conspiracy like this I wouldn't create those pages beforehand, that makes no sense at all! The only reason I can imagine is to cause confusion. Make people doubt the official reason and sound like nutcases to the sheeps.. that way I could distract attention from something else.

Still.. this whole thing sounds too nutty for me

So you mean, when you have a project to do, you don't ever, not once, set it up before the due date?

I don't think the google time stamp evidence is credible, but I'm just asking. I don't think it's so far fetched; the people in government are just humans, after all.

So you're saying people smart enough to orchestrate a vast conspiracy involving not only a shooting at an elementary school, but apparently dozens of media people, are not smart enough to realize that things made on the internet are dated on the day they're actually made, and that it might be a bad idea to tell people that there's going to be a shooting four days before it actually happens?

how smart do you think someone has to be to fuck something up?

The question is how smart do they have to be to arrange the grand conspiracy, and how stupid to fuck it up like this?

You don't have to be very smart to lie and keep secrets either. Calling it 'grand' gives them too much credit.

There have been a couple of incidents in the last few years of news websites accidentally green-lighting a prepared obituary for someone who hasn't died yet.

So are you saying you are a sheep? Contradictions :)

yea that's fucking silly. We all know the best course of action is to close our eyes and wish really hard and then open them and all our work is done right the instant we decide that we want it.




At the risk of sounding like the biggest nutjob on the planet...


Yes. But Satan rebelled and was cast out of heaven. I should have been more specific, sorry.

get out

I am not sold that it happened like that in this situation, however, the people who claim to be of the nature you describe follow laws of Karma.

Science sure got a boost over "magic" in the 16th century.

The Atheism movement that resulted is very interesting. No Atheist could ever be a magician in the old sense of that word. Perhaps the group in question was eliminating competition. Religious dogma of post-reformation christianity also prevent magic, as if they too were trying to eliminate competition.

You know the weird thing? How many magicians work on comic books. Like Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, etc.


How is his hard to believe? They have done worse shit in he past, a lot of which they admit too.

Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it

aren't capable of hiding tracks

This also denies the distinct possibility that TPTB are trying to force a civil war, which would benefit them for thousands of reasons.

Best way to start a civil war is to convince a healthy portion of your population that you are a lying sack of shit bent on world domination.

What if the clues are there for us to find, and we are being duped in reverse?

Ah the infamous octo-bluff.

Maybe that's the only way they figure they can weasel out of their debt, and still retain power. If the U.S. corporate government came out and said "we're broke", the world's answer is then going to be, "okay, what are you going to do about it". If, instead, they provoke a civil war, they can claim:

  1. The situation was out of their control, and they are therefore not responsible.
  2. After the economic collapse, assert that they are the only ones in the country qualified to govern, as they have the experience.
  3. Rally the sheep around them in order to protect "the nation".

On point number three, picture in your mind a group of wolves protecting themselves from lions, by hiding deep among a herd of sheep.


Because they dont need to. Jesus man do you have eyes? Most people only watch tv news. Hey know this. you need to look to find inconsistencies.

He general public will never do this. And will never listen to those who do the research.

Tldr they dont need to hide it

Fuckin exactly. It's what was the original intent of Waco and Ruby Ridge - you marginalize a people so much where anyone that shares an inkling of their beliefs have no common ground to stand on.

"Well sir, there's a group of people online that's pretty much figured out our plans"

"who are they?"

"conspiracy theorists from reddit and a few other sites"

"No one will believe them. No one. I'll make sure of that. Speak of the devil - I'm due for a meeting to discuss with someone how we're going to marginalize them further"

"Sir, I'm here"

"Come in, Mr. Jones...."

Dude, they can't even hide where the president puts his dick. They could absolutely NOT hide something of this scale.

The room was bugged by mossad where Clinton got some action.


The government classifies 100s of thousands of documents each year. Do you know everything on them? Secrets can be kept.

Not big ones, friend. The biggest government secret in history, the Manhattan Project was successfully kept secret until the end of the war, costing billions. Now, it's not exactly a secret, is it?

Gulf of Tonkin? USS liberty? Oklahoma city? MK ultra?

I do believe the fact that you've listed them means you've heard of them.

Like we hear about everything, they are, in fact, quite TERRIBLE at hiding anything.

Remember not everyone will take ANY EFFORT PAST WHAT THEY ARE SPOON FED.

If "official sources" said the sky was green a lot of people would believe rather than look up.

You claim it's the biggest but that doesn't make it true. Have you looked into the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations' involvement in education? Public education? Government funded and regulated education? You, I, and most commenters know nothing when it comes to the secrets the government keeps. Did you know the US used white phosphorous in Iraq? There's evidence to support that and that would be a war crime. Where's the news on it? History is shrouded in conspiracy.

Wow amazing reply, go look at history you one track minded idiot. They have done worse things then this and hid them for way longer.














Shut your government hole!

Haha gfto agent. You can't do that shit here. We can see you.



Shut up


Yes,yes I do. At least we know you're not a computer. Being a stand up comedian is like getting paid to spot assholes and describe them.

Haha you fucking idiots. I see you are a first day redditor. Then you wouldn't know what a r/conspiritard sockpuppet account is now would you? It's funny you have only been on reddit one day and you already know your way around. Found this on r/conspiritard. http://imgur.com/k0ngT


I'm only here to follow you and discredit your every utterance. You can go now.


Lets play a game? http://i.imgur.com/YND0l.gif


Woo, you're good! With these Nolibs skills you must be the newest sockpuppet of a moderator? If so would you please remove my ban from r/conspiratard? I promise I will be a good little boy! I swear to tow the government line, sing the songs of Rachel Corrie's murder, and shill shill shill. Pretty please? http://i.imgur.com/VtVcH.jpg

They were so fucking smart to dupe the public into accepting Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee and let Ron Paul fall out of the race largely unnoticed and uncontested. The mainstream media would not even utter the name Ron Paul, even while he was winning caucuses and polls. Most people only watch 1 news channel for all their news, and if you only watch FOX NEWS or CNN and rely on that for all the truths in the world of news, you are going to get duped and lied to on numerous accounts.

Well yeah because its practically a stereotype that 'conspiracy theorists' are crazy.



The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, learn your history


Someone on the inside was trying to tell us.

Because "people" make mistakes. They are human after all.

Good people on the inside. Wake up. There is a war going on.

paid shill


1st day redditor says lol gets 3 upvotes. Go to r/conspiratard and get paid for your opinions.

wow redditor for 2 days at the time of me reading this. How many accounts did he have to make to get me 15 downvotes? Unfortunately for them we are intelligent enough to see past the lies. Look at his comments, malarkey.

He is deleting comments now. I would wager on it being this guy. As you can see my trolling got to him a little yesterday. I had planned on following him all over, well all over r/conspiratard anyway that's all he posts in besides here.


We will not be fooled! Stay sharp, friends. I just made a self post expressing my concerns.


And who do we all know who frequently deletes comments? .... yeah, a small handful of perps.

Well, you know, their elaborate conspiracy involving fake children, actors, black ops teams, or whoever else is involved, just had a brain-fart there.

That's the reason b

Probably the same logical reason why they hired actors to play the parents of the dead kids rather than use the real parent's authentic responses.

And the same logical reason why they stuck clues into a Batman movie.

So... no reason because that shit didn't happen?

A large army is always disorderly, a disorderly army makes mistakes, making mistakes leaves evidence.

They get 99% right. The other 1% is damning. People don't get that. They think "Oh, yeah, they're so smart but they bungled this?"

They did a real good job. Convinced me, for sure, at first. Hell, I'm still not 100% convinced the official story isn't true. Lanza's the exact type of person you'd assume would do something like this (if not the government). A crazy dude with Asperger's on psychotropic drugs.

What always bugged me in every news report was that people that knew his mother said she mentioned frequently that she was scared of him and that he could turn violent at any moment. She then proceed to arm him with a high power rifle and train him to use it efficiently. That's like having a child who loves to play with matches, fearing that he might burn the house down, and then buying a flamethrower and teaching him how to use it. Why? It makes no sense.

She was probably just looking for ways to bond with him. Either she was dumb and didn't see the obvious problem she was making or she was pretty bright and realized that even an untrained person can kill with a gun in close quarters.

Plus, teaching kids the proper respect and handling of guns is a solid way to help prevent accidents.

She's a shitty parent.

Now, do you need proof there are shitty parents out there, or can you just take that on faith?

No but acting against her own self preservation in that situation just seems to be strange. A shitty parent whose afraid of their kid usually kicks them out of the house or beats them but she went with the least obvious option.

She was a Doomsday prepper. Not exactly rational by a long shot.

New theory! she planned the whole thing and sent her drugged up aspy kid to kill a bunch of people because she felt it was gods will that they should be spared from suffering the coming apocalypse. Makes about as much sense as the government hiring actors.

People with autism detest loud noises. And will run away screaming from gun fire. It's basically sensory overload.

Every last one of them? Without fail?

My cousin has autism, he is pretty high functioning similar to what I've heard this Lanza kid was. It would definitely paralyze him with fear, with the exception of possibly slapping his head in distress. All I'm saying is it may be something to look into. I have no idea if all of them exhibit this reaction. I do know its like turning up the gain on all ones senses. I will learn more. Edit: seems some have the opposite effect, although those with low sensory effects may not be high functioning. Wiki; They may be unusually sensitive or insensitive to sound, light, and other stimuli;[

only, when you add in the fact that he "drove" someone else's car there, the owner of which has like 7 felonies and is awaiting a prison sentence, and who's residence in the area is also registered to a guy who's currently IN prison for selling automatic weapons to the Latin Kings - Yeah, it "adds up".

Don't forget the part where he managed to make the power go out when he entered so there would be no security footage- then killed himself.

Can I get a definitive look at Sandy Hook somewhere? All's I've seen is weak circumstantial evidence and hilariously stupid hoax actor stuff that's probably put out by feds. The only actor stuff that's worth looking into so far is that guy who was laughing and then got real serious as soon as he was about to go on air.


Best one I've seen so far - it caught some good stuff - like how the guy that was arrested running in the woods was placed in the FRONT seat of the cop car, and how the car that the shooter drove in was moved at the crime scene - that it was tampered with, clearly. And that the news reporters clearly try to slip passed an agenda, their forced accepting of their narrative - like at 6:10-ish where the reporter says that the nurse said that Lanza's mother was "the best teacher ever", though she never worked there....And it even has something I didn't see the other day as this is an updated version - those kids "determining the types of gunshots" - hahahaha, that's the biggest load of horse shit I've ever seen.

Thanks. So you're mackuss, I take it?

no but I DID copy and paste that comment because I agreed with it.


I don't get the Chinese names part, I'm stupid, explain please?

I used to scoff at these stories but that picture hit me like a thousand stones


This guy shows up in both Sandy Hook and near Aurora, apparently related to Nick Phelps (the supposed victim)

Tsinghua graduate (bringing this one out though, probably has chinese government ties as he was a thermal engineer graduate; i.e. hu jintao was also an engineer graduate from the same school), GIT PHD

Assuming from his academic credentials, he was born in the 60's

Works for GE though, not HSBC

Tons of GE links, possible "manchurian candidate" in the oval office

Take away the guns and America will be rolled over like wheat by the Communist bloc; lets be honest here, the Soviets never actually lost the will to fight and the US has been pouring out "red scare" again lately.

This world is a dark place once you start thinking; seriously, these coincidences do not just happen

It gets even better when you realize that we essentially traded a victory over Nazi Germany to allow their top scientists to come work for America.

The United States is the Fifth Reich. It becomes clearer every day.

What about the Zionism and Jew loving? How does that mesh up with Nazi control of America? Or is it the Babylonian rituals at bohemian grove? Or the discarding of religion for an anti Christ? Or what about the devil worshiping? I'm not trying to attack you but I'm using your post to show that so much of this is unbelievable rambling trying to scare people using which ever group the person choses to hate. For the sake of credibility conspiracy theorists need to pick one scapegoat.

So who will it be? Jews, Satanists, Christians, Nazis, communists, globalists, rich people, or God forbid aliens and shape shifters?

It's fact that America brought on Nazi scientists after WWII, first of all. Look up Operation Paperclip.

Second, I don't understand the need for a group to blame. Consider the bigger picture. Bi-polar domination of the globe couldn't last forever, someone had to win. America was the public victor. But that wouldn't automatically and unilaterally eliminate power structures wanting dominion over man from elsewhere in the globe overnight.

In fact, I think it'd be a fair argument say that America has become the apparatus from which the control schemes of various groups work their plans. After all, America is the military from which all non-aligned states are crushed, and all participating players are rewarded. For instance, American tax revenues ARE paying to protect poppy fields in Afghanistan, yet another demonstrable fact.

The truth is more complex than you want it to be. And I don't claim to know the whole truth, I don't think anyone can know that and not be directly and intimately involved. But saying things like "So who will it be?", if not an overt smear tactic only serve to help you limit your view of what's going on. Even the divisions you mention are just distractions. And I think that was your point. So in that regard we agree, but I in the broader sense and you in the limiting sense.

Does any of that make sense to you? You can't pick one because it's not just one. All involved players are cooperating with one another AND trying to eliminate one another at the same time. There's competing spheres of influence in every corner of the globe, surely you can see that.

Edit: Also the part about protecting the poppy fields is wrongish. I don't entirely know your intent with the statement though. I cannot say more than that because of my security clearance.

While I don't believe conspiracy theories in general, I appreciate your response. Your view is definitely one that I could understand better than most as it does not appear bigoted. As for the Nazi scientists, I don't believe they are controlling anything, they were merely scientists who could have been raging Nazis but knew secrets and information beneficial to the United States. I would not guess for a second that the ones with clear party ties were not followed every day to keep them out of Soviet hands.

Well, that's pretty much my point. The Manhattan Project was so black that no one out side of those actively working on the project knew about it until Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Not only is that a demonstration of Nazi tech with American funding/backing, but also a demonstration of the government's true ability to keep a secret. Moreover, there are camps that state it was a double conspiracy, and that the damage to the two Japanese cities was done by hundreds of planes dropping tons of napalm, as you can see concrete buildings still standing at the epicenter of the 'atomic' blast zones even to this day.

The Nazi scientists aren't in control of anything, on that you are correct. There were controlled and manipulated into a position where they would be most beneficial to whatever agenda unfolds outside of the public sphere. Much like America is now being manipulated into doing the bidding of the Zionist state. It's not ZOMG JEWS in control, Most Jews are like most Christians, simply trying to go about their lives and pissed about the direction of their government and angry at the constant larceny stemming from the financial sector.

Whatever the overall agenda is, it benefits immensely from a global war centered on Iran. This is clear when you monitor the geopolitical chessboard with any focused level of scrutiny. For instance, an American insurrection would hinder a global war with Iran, but fleecing the American economy to arm all players is essential and so must continue. But how do you keep Americans from revolting against the power structure? Well, you must remove their weapons and watch over them like a hawk (eagle). But if Americans think you're violating their rights, they will revolt anyway. So you must make Americans think it's their idea to give up their rights. How do you do that? Well, Americans have been programmed to value life, especially young life. So you must threaten their young and tell them the only solution is to give up their rights. Have a shooting where kids are killed. Have another. Have a few more. And once you've got them in an emotional frenzy, tell them that a solution is on the way. Tell them experts believe that giving up their guns will make the hurting stop. Watch them 'be patriots' and adhere to what people they believe are smarter than their gut tell them.

And if they don't comply, have the shootings continue until they are left with no choice but to comply with the laws imposed upon them.

Then they have no guns. Then they cannot stop Martial Law if it's necessary. Then they will have no say in the direction of their government. Then they risk their lives and well being and the well being of others if they protest the global war with Iran or the re-appropriation of their food and resources.

This is how the world works, not because of Nazis or Jews or America or China. This is how the world has worked for EONS, and it's because of the Nature Of Man being influenced and gamed by the Psychopath. THAT is the true enemy, and you'll never hear that on the Corporate controlled media outlets.

I wish I could upvote you twice.

Good post, especially the point regarding psychopaths. Devils in our midst.

Again I'll agree with you on some points. The way I see it is that the world and our country, along with many others, are all a bunch of high school sophomores trying to be the toughest in the school when it really doesn't matter as the graduates know. This country, does not stage attacks like Sandy hook. Rather it is just the liberals using that to push their agenda because they don't understand guns. They fail to see that each attack happens because the person was sick. Maybe they are right that it was easier to kill a large amount of people with "assault" weapons but as we know that's not the issue, he could have just as easily made a fertilizer fuel oil bomb, or poisoned the lunch line. The liberals in power would not like to take over America, instead they, like the conservatives want to maintain certain rights while ignoring others. The problems come when issues like the second amendment come under attack when there is absolutely no justification. Mental health needs to be fixed.

This country, does not stage attacks like Sandy hook.

Demonstrably false.

-USS Cole
-Bay Of Pigs
-Chavez coup

And that's just the ones we know for sure. There are others that are pretty obvious but haven't been confirmed in the mainstream.

-Pearl Harbor
-Kennedy assassinations


http://articles.cnn.com/2000-10-20/us/cole.evidence_1_fbi-agents-explosives-uss-cole?_s=PM:US Where did the US do this? What was achieved?

http://old.pnsr.org/web/page/919/sectionid/579/pagelevel/3/parentid/590/interior.asp So killing American children is equal to the government supporting an opponent of a dictator? Was it a conspiracy we had spys in Soviet Russia?

Bay of pigs- an attempt to overthrow a dictatorial threat that was equivalent to having a gang member safehouse across the street.

How does any of this further a one world government?

It was Col. Mustard in the Library with the False Flag Attack.

Haha, dang military industrial complex infiltrating our libraries spreading misinformation.

But I can prove it using the Alex Jones method.

  • 9/11!
  • 1776!


What is it you would like me to know? I have studied history since I was 12 what am I missing?

The Nazis were in bed with the jews; well, the zionists at least...

The holocaust was just an elaborate plan to obtain the country of Israel.

Did I sleep through the Fourth Reich? (curious)

The Cold War? I dunno, it was pretty long.

I just asked because I think you meant the United States is the Fourth Reich.

More info on Reichs.

You must be off your anti-psychotics again...

They link it to HSBC and to that crisis actor guy.

Holy. Shit.

Holy. Shit. A bunch of useless screenshots, some fucking paranoia and a bunch of ignorance. HOLY. SHIT.

"Everything here is a work if fiction. Only a fool would believe anything posted here."


It seemed like a forced comment.

Just in the spirit of sound skepticism, is there any way to verify the dates of the web cache? I have very limited knowledge of HTML but I know how to modify the way text appears on the page long enough to take a screenshot.

You mean like this?


Takes a couple of seconds at most. Specifically in Chrome, its just a matter of highlighting the area you want to edit, right click, "Inspect Element", expanding the <p> tag associated with that area, typing in the edit you want, and hitting enter. Job done.

All the links provided in the OP were edited this way. You can manually navigate to them yourself to see the originals. Specifically Facebook timelines should always display as "Joined Facebook December 10th, 2012" with the year showing. The guy who took the screenshot simply was being over-enthusiastic and accidently deleted the year.

I don't know how you would edit Google Cache though, unless theres some trick being pulled with the URL. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.youcaring.com/blog/post/2012/12/10/Fundraiser-for-the-Families-Involved-in-the-Tragic-Newtown-CT-Shootings.aspx

Ask the google man link is above this where it is discussed.

The Dec 10 fundraiser isn't on the site any more, but if you search for "fundraiser for the families involved in the tragic newtown", it still appears in the search results and Google's date for the document shows Dec 10. Very odd.


I'm pretty sure the date Google shows is the date their web crawler crawled the link. If that's the case, then this isn't due to the date/time being wrong on the youcaring.com website.


It could be also the last-modified headers...

I have a website that appears on the first page of google, it was in test phase since a month more or less. It shows no date at all at the page, and it's a standard wordpress blog. It could be also one of those tags that google crawls..

Anyways this is pretty interesting stuff.... IMO even if it really happened, the guy was some sort of CIA op hypnotized type of shit. If it didn't happen, it was a scam.

Either way the clear motive here is that they want to take the guns. Watch out guys because there are gonna be more and more shootings, just wait for it. Maybe they will switch from the school shootings(or not, because it touches the emotional).

We all have to remember that all they do we give our permission to it. So the media acts as an opinion former so we beg that what they intend to do happen.

edit: I may have sounded arrogant on the "front page on google" thing, but I said that because you would expect that the front page websites have some more attention or updating or whatever.

According to this page, it is in fact the date which Google crawled the page: http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/23474.htm

That's from 2004 though. If someone can confirm that's still the case, that'd be a pretty airtight case for foreknowledge.

That page is wrong, and anybody can check it for themselves to see. Look at this, it says the date on the page is Dec 11th, 2012. Then go here and put in "https://newtown.uwwesternct.org/", and you'll get the date Google actually last cached the page, Jan 7th, 2013. I'm not sure exactly how the date is obtained, but it's not when Google last crawled the page.

I didn't say it was when google last crawled the page, I (and the Google employee in the page I linked) said it was when it first crawled the page. And yes I saw that cache date too, but it doesn't answer the question.

You didn't say "first crawled", by the way. Check out these search results, as part of Snopes debunking this, they've also put up a page on the Sandy Hook shootings that comes up in Google with a date of Dec 11th, 2012. You'll see many more results in that search that come from earlier dates, so either there were many sites that reported on Sandy Hook months before it occurred, or the dates Google gives are not accurate.

Your right, but I meant first crawled, since that google date is the "publish" date, which subsequent crawls wouldn't affect.

I know there are various dates on the site and elsewhere. None of those points address the question: how does google derive the "publish" date on it's results?

Good question, but as the search results I posted illustrate, it's very unlikely that it's the date Google first crawled the site.

What does it mean to be "crawled"?

oh please shutup!

The date is from the page itself - not from Google. If it was from google all the other links in that picture would have a date.

You are correct, the date displayed appears to be pulled from the the page itself, it's not when Google last crawled the page. This is so easy to prove, though I've been ignored every time I've pointed this out on /r/conspiracy. Check out this link, obviously there weren't hundred of sites that posted about the Sandy Hook shootings months before they happened.

I still don't follow. So if it came from the page itself, instead of Google, that doesn't really change the mystery at all. Why is the page itself giving a date prior to the 14th? Can you please elaborate a bit?

In most of the cases, they simple updated an older page with information on the Sandy Hook shooting.

Not necessarily.

Yes. Ask Google.

please don't feed the jack boots upvotes.

That's a modified screenshot. The actual date shown in google is December 20th. Check it yourself.

This is scary that a small group of people can shut down a thread like that...

Bah this is a trick a group of no more than 3 people using proxies could do in an hour or so. My friends and I used to spam various threads with gay porn and pictures of Sarah Palin. Then knock entire threads off the front page by generating a shit ton of traffic on empty threads.


Boredom. Drunk, listening to music, and dicking around on the internet was a favorite past time.

Manipulating internet communities by spamming gay porn is your idea of a good time?

You should look into that.

Used to be about 4 years ago. Now I'm too busy with work.

Oh yeah, its just people who are bored. No serious efforts by people at the top to stifle the flow of information, nope couldn't be. Just bored people. Soon they'll learn from their evil ways and will resign themselves to the only place a good citizen should be and be thinking about......work.

Gooood citizen, good. There, there.

I was saying that I used to do it because I was bored. I don't know why these other people were spamming that message board.

Maybe he's gay.

becuz hes s0 1337 & koool

Why would the government tip off charities and get them "in on it" when their normal response would be the same? Seems like a needless risk to me and a huge potential leak source making it just not worth it strategically. This thought causes me to think it's just a result from the Google page cache methodology.

government and NGO's are both smokescreens for corporate rule. Just look at the 12-12-12 benefit concert, sponsored by Chase. In that case, the funds were aggregated under the Robin Hood foundation (look up the board of directors) who use the guise of charity as a kind of financial shell game

I'm big into primary research so I checked out the charity with the help of this overview page. The charity actually seems to be extremely transparent and garners high ratings.

From there I dug deeper into the original financial documents when I discovered you can access their audited financials for 2011 (with 2012 to come as soon as they're finished). In that document you can find that

Robin Hood’s Board of Directors, through their personal contributions, fund the unsponsored costs of events, all staff salaries and benefits, and all other non-personnel operating expenses.

Because Robin Hood’s Board of Directors pays all overhead costs, 100% of all unrestricted donations from the public go directly to organizations helping New Yorkers in need.

So while there are a number of big, big CEO guys and their likes on the board of directors, this seems far from a financial play. I imagine the most uncouth thing they do is use it for charity tax write-offs.

With that in mind, I started digging through their investments in other funds (page 13).

Their largest investment ($7 million) is in the Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd which is a massive hedge fund of over $2.3 billion (and part of the $27 billion Master Fund) but does not seem to have any direct connections to any board members. Elliott International Ltd is another hedge fund that I could not connect. The investment in the The Children’s Investment Fund lost money (which is appropriate). King Street Capital Ltd. is another giant hedge. My vetting became much less rigorous after this as it's a lot of information to dig through.

The one interesting investment was Viking Global Equities III Ltd. (held by Morgan Stanley Fund Services) which turned $674K into $4.2 million (provided I'm reading this right) though that seems to just be a $674K increase in the amount of funds they have previously invested. Apologies to those more financially savvy than myself who see errors in my interpretation.

Ultimately, the amount of money they are investing in these multi-billion dollar hedge funds (no more than $10 million into any of them) is nothing more than a drop in the financial budget and far less than the grants and direct donations the organization gives.

TL;DR Looked into the Robin Hood Foundation and didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

EDIT: fixed typos

wow someone does research and knows about money. :) nice work. i think they are legit too

What do you think happened on 9/11? There's no charity that helped out those people. Or the government workers forced to take Cipro, which injured them.

Plus if you are paying off people to make sure they stay quiet that and the threat of never seen light again.

No, see, the United Way is in on it. All their thousands of employees. All in on it. Isn't that plausible?

I thought this was interesting -


The Emile Facebook page was setup so fast, within hours an entire page, a new memorial account set up... just seems fishy

Can anyone link a credible article outlining the time of day when parents were notified of the deaths? I would like to see how close it cuts to the facebook fund page being created.

That's another thing... the school was on lockdown for hours... it's all so dodgy

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I've been seeing a lot of Sandy Hook conspiracy posts, and what I've gathered is there's a lot of information supporting the theory that this wasn't just a freak accident. I've seen "actors" who are supposed to be the parents of the deceased, relief pages posted early, etc. etc.

What am I supposed to make of it? I'm reading the information but it's getting jumbled in my head. What does it mean? Were all of those children ACTUALLY murdered? If so, where were the real parents and where did the kids come from? Was it all staged? Where does the use of actors come into play and why?

WHY? Why would this be a conspiracy?, is my question. Don't take this as me trying to question that it IS one, I've seen plenty of info that says the shooting (and the Colorado one as well) were "inside jobs" I guess it would be called, can anyone explain WHY that would be?

I know they're trying to instill fear, but for what purpose? I've seen stuff about FEMA camps, etc. The only thing I'VE gathered would be that these shootings were placed to alter the public mindset surrounding gun safety, but the public is SCREAMING "BAN AUTOMATIC WEAPONS". I feel like that would be the opposite of what they want from us. Is it to put armed officers around the country? Is it just to scare us?

TL;DR IF this is a conspiracy and it was some sort of inside job, WHY?

Becuase the federal government wants an excuse to take away our 2nd ammendment rights (eventually, and cleverly) in order to create a police state. '

The undeniable proof that it was staged for me is threefold: 1) the 2 other shooters fleeing the scene, of which there is footage. One of them ended up in the "front seat of a nearby police car" 2) the lack of photographs of the scene (compare to other mass shootings) or footage of inside the school, as the principal had recently install security cameras throughout 3) how Adam Lanza was pronounced dead the day before the event, no one knows who he is, and his parents have never given a statement. He also "fell off the map" in 2009. too convenient.

Compare all of these details to columbine and virginia tech. it's pretty scary.

The only agenda i can see would be to allow the goverment to swiftly pass laws and bills on a wave of public hype instead of allowing due process. Isn't it bizarre that the media is pushing legislation when there haven't even been any autoposies or ballistic analyses released?

i should buy a gun. and then a boat.

Most people would say to inact gun control, because that is what the national debate became immediately after. However, all the "evidence" is either that the news story wasn't 100% correct within the first few hours(Duh, lots of news organizations were reporting on whatever info they could get their hands on). Or they just point to someone and say if I were in that position I would have at least 2x the tear frequency and 1.5 voice trembling, obvious actor. There is no proof, people can piece together conspiracy theories from anything, but there is nothing substantial in this one.

I don't personally think there's much to the theory that its fake, but I'm more or less curious as to what people who truly do believe it's a conspiracy think is the reason for said conspiracy.

If you believe this is a conspiracy, for what reason do you think it happened. Most would say gun control but Obama just did 20 something executive orders, couldn't he have done that without slaying children? I'd like to see where the minds of the people who truly believe this are at.

Well he did the orders immediately after the shootings and they would argue he orchestrated the shooting in order to get public opinion on his side before imposing gun control.

I heard the OP was killed after posting this. Is that true OP?

I'm confused as to why a conspiratorial government with such vast powers would allow such freedom to discuss these types of errors on reddit.

the internet is impossible to control completely, they are trying as hard as they can to distract us and deflect our attention. A lot of the users on this subreddit are actually shills paid to misinform. Only trust your own mind

How do we know you're not?

now that sounds like something a shill would say ;)

because look where they are being discussed on reddit. the people associated with that lunatic who yells through a microphone. they account for the few that will question and the many that will follow blindly whatever they say. then the many call the few lunatics and everyone goes back plodding away at their debt and mortgage. the important things.


If there is a "they", I think you're right. Just makes me laugh to think that if someone was really onto something (not saying they're not) that they" wouldn't shut it down rather than let it all go on.

First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident, guess what I am speaking about?

A cliche that is almost always false.

"They laughed at the Wright Brothers!" Yeah, well, they also laughed at the (Groucho) Marx Brothers. Being ridiculed or opposed does not have any bearing whatsoever on whether what you are saying is factually true.

Oh wow, didn't know we had a statistician amongst us, mah bad!

Statistician? No, it's called elementary logic. I'm speaking about the use of the "appeal to ridicule" fallacy, the illogical conclusion that any ridiculed or opposed theory is correct, by virtue of it being ridiculed.

even if sandy hook shootings were done by our government, do you really think some barely known fundraising website had exclusive access to such information??? Why would they even bother setting up a page for that? To make money? How much money could you possibly make from that? The risk is extremely high and rewards are very low. This is simply an error with Google. I run a popular website and use Google's services all the time. Their inner software does make mistakes.

Yeah... United way is so barely known.....


Got to set it up before a legit one does.. Especially when you use that money to pay off people.

So.. the government sets up a fake fundraising website so they can raise a couple thousand and use it for paying off people?

The Pentagon "misplaced" a trillion dollars, do you really think they need the pocket change?

Why else would they import cocaine? To have money off the books.

this way its already laundered and doesn't seem suspicious when their bank accounts grow.

This is actually explained very easily.

1) Make a random facebook account / page.

2) Wait till someone dies.

3) Change your account's name to 'RIP person who died'

4) Yell on the internet: conspiracy!!! 'RIP Person who died' account made before person was dead!!!!!! Someone knew!!!!

Am I the only one here that doesn't feel safe reading about these things as if I'm being watched? Brings me chills typing this.

I remember seeing all of the points brought up here, mentioned before in this subreddit. Most of them have been debunked. I didn't get the whole Chinese name thing though, what was that about?

No you haven't, please provide proof of these comments like everyone else or gtfo.

Are you new here? Have you not read any other comment sections regarding Sandy Hook?

You should go over the thread again just sayin.

Here's one thing that doesn't make sense... by posting to a thread on 4chan, you're essentially "bumping" the thread. Not posting on a thread makes it 404 and die. It would seem, if they were trying to expire the thread, they were doing it the wrong way. Thoughts?

If you use sage for a email it will post your reply without bumping the thread. In addition, 4chan has reply limits after which the thread will not be bumped. 'Saged' posts still count towards the reply limit and once reached the thread gets buried.

Well actually the facebook page was disproved on 4chan earlier. Actually tbh a lot of this was disproved on 4chan earlier.

NSFW tag is needed...

Don't be a bitch lol

There are definitely more and more unanswered questions about the Sandy Hook event. This post has some great stuff. But in an effort to keep people on the right track, here's my two cents.

I don't understand how google works, but as someone pointed out, this link shows that the fact a page is being showed about Sandy Hook days before the event doesn't mean anything.


Regarding the 4chan thread, I've been around that site for years. Everything in my gut says that the forum slide wasn't the result of any shills, but just of some sick fucks who trolled us, and trolled us well.

Still, everything about this event stinks like 9/11.

What ever happened with the Emilee Parker situation? I remember watching a video that showed her with Obama after the shooting took place, when she was supposed to be deceased.

Is this still accurate information?

The supposed Facebook page created before the shooting doesn't seem to be real. The URL just redirects back to the Facebook home page and the actual page titled "RIP Victoria Soto" was created on December 15 as you can see:

Nice try, there was a different fb page before this one replaced it, I saw it. This proves dickshit. Stop misinforming people. Oh wait ha that's kinda like saying quit your job.

Days since I've last been called a shill: 0

Days since you have been directly called a shill probably 0 as well. I see you constantly, and have one question. Why do you give some much effort to your life mission if that's what it is? Did a conspiracy theorist kill your parents in a dark alley after seeing the cinema? Now you troll the Internet in a cape to discredit and disinform? What is your motivation to constantly do this?

I don't troll the internet, I present alternate arguments. If you view every opposing viewpoint as a troll then you should probably reconsider... Something.

Oh stop! Come on? Nobody works this hard without some form of personal gain, so what it is?

If you looked through my comment history you would find that the majority of my comments spanning over a year are in subreddits I mod, askreddit, SRD and some defaults. You'd also find that I'm a libertarian who supports loosened gun legislation and owns 11 firearms. I doubt even the government has the foresight to grow an account like this in preparation for some sort of propaganda tactic.

But in all honesty, if someone approached me and asked me to do this shit for a paycheck, I'd totally take them up on it.

Why do you roll with folks that troll libertarians? That's strange.

However much I dislike the fact that they do that, that's their decision. Lots of them know that I'm a libertarian and that doesn't affect their attitude towards me.

The problem I have with some of them "trolling" libertarians is that they have the viewpoint that all libertarians are insane doomsday conspiracy theorists. That stereotype is propagated by some high profile libertarians such as Alex Jones as well as certain online forums in which many of the conspiracy theorist members are libertarians. There certainly is a correlation between being a conspiracy theorist and being a libertarian, but the entire political ideology should not be attacked because of it.

So you are just getting close to them so you can expose what it really is? Or you are unaware of their real motivation? maybe just one that prides himself on facts, but Rolls with the the same guys that put out an all out assault to derail your most recent presidential hopeful? That's like getting slapped on the ass while standing on the opponents sideline. Not to mention catching a sweet pass or two. You are intriguing... I must say.

No, I just like /r/conspiratard. It's really not that complex. I don't take this internet stuff that seriously anyway.

So simple and so highly unlikely. I like it! Possibly a complete lie, but who cares right that's what the Internet is for.

I'm confused, but whatever.

given that its a 4chan themed thread? lulz

I'm guessing you use this account for getting downvotes that's a brave worldnewser.

I can't believe that anyone of lulz sec would have shit to do with blood thirsty Zionists that write songs about the murder of Rachel Corrie, and laugh about it as their personal inside joke? That's motivated by jack boot paramilitary ignorance, not lulz. You could only convince yourself of that.

So it was posted on the internet then edited, it should still exist in cache. Find it and prove that it existed, because saying that you saw it (which I doubt) is about as much proof as me saying that I can stick my thumb up my ass on Wednesday's and fly.

Note to self, 5+ days from now watch for man flying through the air with thumb in his ass... http://youtube.com/watch?v=XkgOkD9HyfA

Thats a video of a web page. Congrats, that is not proof of anything other then the fact that one has the ability to edit a webpage and take a video of it. Woot, job well done, and I am truly impressed.

There are a shit ton of these. You are telling me it was a vast conspiracy by conspiracy theorists? Well I have to say I have been out matched. The possibilities some of you come up with are more loony than all these so called loonies. All we need to do is figure out who's theories are more loony then? I'm just here to troll trolls. Excuse me, I need to get back to it.

Are you saying that just because there are videos on youtube that this is somehow proof that they are posted by more then one person. I can show you videos on youtube that if you put shit in the microwave it turns it into gold, you believe that too. Man, you are a bright one.

Link please?

That's YouTube gold! Have an upvote.

We really need to get these facts out to the mass population. We need to create a viral video that explains the evidence in a way that will make them NOT associate what they are seeing with "those nutty conspiracy theorists", which is what is currently happening. Not saying that we're nutty, that's just what everyone assumes we are.

Good job, op!

i can honestly say that i'm not sure how to feel about the shooting, but what i can say is that this is some compelling stuff that is worth considering. It is not fact. It is only speculation, but speculation can lead to fact, and in that regard this stuff is worth its weight in gold.

If you think that TPTB are coordinating their tactics in public on the actual thread they are "sliding," you really need to rethink this whole thing. The Soto Facebook page could have easily been renamed from a previously created page, and in fact someone on /r/conspiracy already proved this was the case.

Of course, 4chan, the most reputable source of all, if you're a /r/conspiracy poster.

You guys are the best.

This thread's like a late Christmas present.

How does one get a job like that. 'Jim, this is going to sound like a strange request. We're going to need you to professionally troll boards with pictures of black cock. Since this job is obviously stressful, you are allowed to work from home'

Is it possible the Victoria Soto facebook page was just renamed? Some clown created a fake memorial page on Dec 10th and then decided to name it after Victoria Soto after the shooting?

I think it's great that everyone's conspiracy theory is posted, no matter how outrageous or unlikely.

I think people should look at everything and make their own decisions.

Regarding the second picture link, the one about the Victoria Soto facebook page. I am one of the commenters shown on the page, serious mindfuck browsing reddit and then seeing my facebook profile picture pop up.

This is just sad. You guys will take a tragic school shooting and twist it into a plot about the government trying to come after you. It's sad and disgusting.

I spent 20 minutes looking at this stuff and I was disappointed by the lack of common sense around here. Here's just what I noticed with a quick look.

  • Seriously, a bunch of screenshots spliced together from some image board with someones comment cut out. What does that show? Nothing

  • Fishiness? It's just someone making a video confused over how google tracks dates on their search engine.

  • Actor? Looked like someone who was very nervous.

  • Outtakes and bloopers? Sure, a blooper most likely. The lady says she got a call from an automated system, she then says she got a text from CBS. Most likely she got a text from ENS (CT Alert ENS - Emergency Notification System) but she was being interviewed by CBS so a simple brainfart = illuminati?

  • Medical examiner what? I don't see any signs of joking or laughing or anything you're wanting to see.

  • Facebook page. I can create a facebook page right now and wait for a tragedy and then change the page to be a memorial to it. Woopty.

  • URL's with a date showing before, that's just google fucking shit up. Someone probably had a blog that had the wrong date written down and it picked it up. Ya, it was probably the youcaring blogpost with the wrong date. That date/time format isn't part of the youcaring structure, whoever wrote that blog post manually entered a date and time. I don't think this was intentional since the images and links to CNN are all date appropriate.

can you retroactively change timestamps on twitter?

Which one would you like me to do? Send me the link and I will.

Edit: Sorry it took me several months to respond. I thought you might like this tweet from Alex Jones sent in 1978.


omg undeniable proof that Alex Jones is a time traveler.

Nebz. I love you.

URL's with a date showing before, that's just google fucking shit up. Someone probably had a blog that had the wrong date written down and it picked it up. Ya, it was probably the youcaring blogpost with the wrong date. That date/time format isn't part of the youcaring structure, whoever wrote that blog post manually entered a date and time. I don't think this was intentional since the images and links to CNN are all date appropriate.

Listen to yourself, desperate to stay safe inside the dream.

If you go to any of the other blogs on that site you'll notice a big difference. No date timestamps. Whoever made that blog did it oldschool editing HTML, mistakes were made obviously.

Edit: Actually it's more likely he copy/pasted the format from one of his other blogs or another site. http://www.youcaring.com/author/JesseW.aspx?page=2

Look, this guy has made hundreds of fundraising blog posts. Obviously he has a format saved and just copy/posts

No dude, listen to the enlightened Morpheus over here. You gotta wake up from your dream.

This is just stupid. Why in fucking hell would conspirators who might have orchestrated this event give a single flying fuck about setting up a fund raiser, especially before-fucking-hand???

Fund raising happens to have monetary aspects, believe it or not.

No shit, Sherlock. But why would a group who's behind such an event unnecessarily draw suspicion for a bit of money by putting up a fundraiser page days before the event?

Unfortunately I think hoaxers know what strings to pull now. I think it was shown the Facebook page was created before but changed to look like a previous made page. Just changed the description.

I don't think any tyrannical regime would need to fake killing of people to reach their means.

4chand plus Facebook seem to me to be poor places to look for conspiracy proof.


TL;DR: We are sick in the head and will find any bullshit to convince ourselves of the conclusion we have already set up in our minds: That the government is smart enough to fake the deaths of 28 people, but not smart enough to handle facebook and twitter.

There is actually a way to change the date of when a group is made in facebook's settings so this could very well have just been a troll.

How? I know you can change your name but i don't see where you can change your join date. That seems like something a normal person would never use

  1. Go to Facebook in Google Chrome

  2. Find date

  3. Right click, "Inspect Element", change date.

  4. Screenshot

  5. ???

  6. Profit

Prove it.

Pretty sure this has been posted here before, but who cares http://i.imgur.com/NKIto.jpg

The three photos on the bottom left: Of those three, is the one on the right a pic of the Phelps or of the Greenbergs?

The top photo is the Phelps family. The bottoms ones are labelled as Greensbergs.

I think the OP is trying to suggest that they are all the same people. Obviously not, but it's what a lot of these sick people do to feed their conspiracy obsession.

Look at this https://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/tag/phony-name-nick-phelps/

They say the same thing but attribute different names to them. Just twisted.

Videos been removed, anyone got a mirror?

I found the page on the youcaring.com site about the fundraiser being up 4 days prior to the shooting...

The link above says 10 December 2012. The one on the actual site is 20 December 2012...

One of them is false

this thread is too much. like with hypnosis: if you want to believe, you will believe. if you want to think this is a big hoax, you'll find a way to make it so.

Can someone help me link to my most recent post on this? I dont know how :( I tried to copy and paste after clicking Link, but I keep getting 'null'. I just want you all to please please please see what I wrote.

I also would want to know why NO OPEN CASKETS. Not one. Nancy Lanza was buried at undisclosed location, then they said cremated. If no children died, - scary and shocking and disgusting as anything. However, IF CHILDREN DID DIE this is the worst tragedy and is utterly horrific because I see no evidence to show that it was NOT planned/orchestrated. I am so.... scared and shocked and uncomfortable. The lies haunt me...

Insane production and absolute 100% conjecture-free proof that Christopher Manfredonia (the man in the woods) was Adam Lanza's next door neighbor!!!: http://sandyhookwaskindaweird.bl­­ogspot.com/ No conjecture, this is real. This is a break in the whole understanding of the event, and everyone has to save as much evidence as possible before it gets swept up further. They already withdrew Rodia's registry and are saying it's bunk, but this is solid fact, see for yourself.

surprise surprise

can you put this all in a blog post so I can share it? Can't share from reddit

So I believe that this is some sort of cover up, but can someone tell me what we're not being told? 20 kids did die that day correct? Is this to say that this was planned or that all those kids are alive?

No man, those kids were magical homunculi conjured by the government. They were then murdered so Obama could take all my gunz.

So I'm truly curious. But is there a way they made the page on the tenth for some other random group, and then changed the name of the group after she died or is that not possible.

Yes, you can create a page today and next week change it to be a tribute to some recent tragedy. You'll have your very own conspiracy as people point to your facebook as proof of your foreknowledge.

You want to know the real conspiracy? It's the one where trolls/gov shills have infiltrated /r/conspiracy along with most other conspiracy sites and are disseminating false information to lead all of the conspiracy theorists down an endless rabbit hole where the truth will never be discovered. All to keep you occupied and distracted and too busy to actually work towards changing the country/world for the better.

None of this is a mistake, including the evidence that's found. They want us to see it. It's all left in on purpose. There are no mistakes.

Lets get a NSFW tag on that. Just opened that at a full bar on my laptop.

As a CT resident who knows people who's relatives died here are my thoughts: Fuck you.

More power to you man. I used to believe in all this conspiracy stuff. I stopped after people started believing the world was controlled by fucking lizard men. They look at this tragedy and say "Hmm I bet the government did it!" and then fill in that predisposed mindset with whatever shit they can for it to be true in their minds. They look for patterns that aren't there. They'll take the alternative argument but not the one from legitimate news sources or experts because they're supposedly ALL paid by the fucking CIA or some shit to lie to us, which is unbelievably insane. When something disagrees with their "logic" they label it as misinformation while they all get duped into buying end of the world shit and purified fluoride-free water from greedy Alex Jones who feeds them dates of shit is supposed to happen but never does. They're all paranoid and like the feeling of being in the club of "people who know things that you don't because ur sheeple."

  • The average conspiracy theorist will argue with NASA, Nobel-prize winners and every expert in the world despite having fewer qualifications than the average fry cook.

  • Conspiracy theorists view logical argument as cheating.

  • Like pissing fetishes and tentacle rape comics, conspiracy theories are a problem made much worse by the Internet.

  • Never assume malice when incompetence will do.

  • They subscribe to confirmation bias and hind-sight bias.

What's your beef with fry cooks? Ever work an all day shift on Sunday at bob Evans? That takes skill and talent to run 30+ tickets and keep KP on their toes so you don't have customers whining about no more roasted chicken. The way you generalize conspiracy theorists is the same way whites generalized blacks back in the 40's, Its rude and shows how ignorant you truly are.

This is why educated and self-educated students of politics and history only use reliable sources such as human rights reports by NGOs and FOIA documents. It is very possible to research these areas without going off into lizard land.

All you do is attack people. It seems you're also familiar with the neighborhood skinhead but do not readily post in r/conspiratard. That's rather odd. Hmm 19 years old, it looks like you fanatically post insults to racist. I'm still looking. I'm not fully convinced this isn't a sockpuppet Hasbara account. You seem to know immediately when someone posts something that has a hint of anti semitism or anti black. It's a respectable sockpuppet account. If you aren't associated with JIDF I respect your opinions.

Cool! I put a lot of this information together over the last week or so. Sandy Hook is definitely a hoax and now that we know how this works it's bringing into question the Giffords shooting as well (for me at least). The /pol/ board on 4chan is the best place to go on the internet to have a frank discussion about all this. Please join in and do your own research. We will not be fooled!


I know our government can be really evil. And I know our government can be really stupid. But if they were being this evil, they would never be stupid enough to announce their plans to charity organizations for the purpose of fundraising. That's just not rational.

I doubt this is true, but I love conspiracies because what if?

"Undeniable proof" is a screenshot of some random blog? For a subreddit of "freethinkers" you do upvote the most moronic shit.

It appears there is a massive coverrup- there is substantial evidence of multiple shooters. Additionally an armed off duty SWAT officer was caught at the scene with Lanza and the media will not report except the local Newtown Bee newspaper. Reddit you are the only hope for Justice for those kids VOTE UP

More Assailants Dressed as Clergy





Crime scene with discarded clothes apparently for clergy/Nun disguises


Multiple shooters -Man wearing camo arrested in wooded area - another man seen avoiding capture




Armed Off Duty Tactical Squad Officer from another town arrested in woods - what was he doing there before the attack and running away ?


4 handguns and 1 Assault rifle left in the car reported by multiple Federal and State officials


Check this out and someone tell me if these children where even in class that day cahttp://newtown.schooldesk.net/Parents/SchoolHours/tabid/3193/Default.aspxn

http://newtown.sandyhook.schooldesk.net/ Where are the Dead teachers not on this site. They really update the website fast.

the Superintendent has a blog ask her what she got out of the Scarfice of innocent children.



Jesus H Christ.

You know if you actually bother to type any of those links in your browser, you will quickly discover none of them are true, and have in fact been edited?

posting here to find it again later

Hey solid thread... Can I toss another link inhere?

http://sandyhook.ustart.info/ Looks like a vault for all Sandy Hook videos.

Some things I have found of note yet dont prove anything...

Alternate pronunciation of EMILIE is AM A LIE

Funeral had in Ogden Ct, OG Den (Original Gangster Den)

Xfiles ep season 5 "Emily" features parents from Sandy Hook as actors in episode, also replayed on massacre day for 15 year anniversary original air date dec 14 1997

Guy with a knife in China injures 22 kids same day as Sandy Hooking took place.

This is one goofy tragedy

I totally agree that that the shooting was a set up. But going on about 4chan users spamming porn as if to deter the seriousness of the post...have you even been on 4chan before? Damn near every thread is like that lol

Nigga plz ive yet to see anything real on the Libor thing, thats a red fucking herring if you ask me. What trial is this referring to because the libor trial (slap on the wrist for those dirty fucking banksters they should all be shot in the face publicly) was weeks before even aurora.

I dunno what happened at sandy hook, they will however use it for their agenda. Columbine, Tucson and other shootings have a lot more weird shit going for them than this. Its probably too early.

im embarrassed to be subscribed to /r/conspiracy

More proof this subreddit is retarded.


Jesus fucking christ I can't take it anymore! All of you ignorant fucks with your endless Obama this Bush that Clinton this Bush that Reagan this Carter that, shut the fuuuuuuck up! POTUS DOES NOT RUN THE SHOW. Players have coaches, coaches have general managers, general managers have owners. This republican/democrat bullshit...am I seriously the only fucking person left on this planet anymore that has heard of DIVIDE AND CONQUER? Goddamn this country and the people in it...they will give me a fucking heart attack if they don't get my ass drone striked or shot by military police first...

Nothing against you personally cercl_jerk_kirk, I've seen alot of it today and I guess yours was the breaking point.

Come on man, this shit is NSFW!

The very first fucking image in here is from 4Chan has some guy getting his dick sucked all over the screen!!


Go to hell for the dwonvotes. I don't need a chic sucking a dick on my screen at work where everyone can see it.

If it is such a problem, maybe you should wait until after work to conduct your r/conspiracy business :P

I have two computers and one is running scripts for me. I need to monitor the scripts and me watching them is more productive than 20 people in my office combined.

It is common rediquette to tag NSFW material. This is not an off the wall request. It is common decency.

4chan discovers

Sorry, but these should just be assumed as NSFW.

Maybe 'shut it down' meant 'Shut down the website' as opposed to the thread?

4chan is constantly being monitored by the feds. Its used as a way to bait child pornographers and identify possible domestic terrorists. They like it because it allows users to feel anonymous while leaving a huge watermark on everything they post with their IP address. Since most people who use 4chan have no idea how proxies work, they can easily be traced if they post anything incriminating. It actually leads back to a few years after 4chan was created when the Feds threatened to shut the site down for CP if Poole didn't cooperate with them. They basically have a watchful eye on /b/ all the time now and act as shitty mods to deal with CP. So if someone noticed a conspiracy thread in 4chan they could post a few short statements and have a bunch of other people from their network shut down whatever they needed to shut down.

Why would it get deleted then? What does switch tactics mean?


Nice try Mr.Greenberg.

Have an up vote.. but please keep in mind that sarcasm is not the best tool. You catch more flies with honey, I'm told.

You ignorant stahp dat

jews, assholes, etc

You clearly don't care to make a point or an argument, so why are you posting?

If you could word your ideas and concepts without blaming the jews or calling us assholes, I think you might get less downvotes and more discussion.

But to be honest, I am willing to bet you are just wanking.

I bet hes paid to be here wanking

better job than you then

Check his comments, he's a gun grabber.

yeah, how did you spot it? I've waited 6 years on reddit and posted thousands of times on everything but that topic but you quickwits and eagle eyes on /r/conspiracy found me out!

aren't capable of hiding tracks

This also denies the distinct possibility that TPTB are trying to force a civil war, which would benefit them for thousands of reasons.

Best way to start a civil war is to convince a healthy portion of your population that you are a lying sack of shit bent on world domination.

What if the clues are there for us to find, and we are being duped in reverse?

I bet hes paid to be here wanking

Check his comments, he's a gun grabber.

I was kidding :)

Edit: Also the part about protecting the poppy fields is wrongish. I don't entirely know your intent with the statement though. I cannot say more than that because of my security clearance.

While I don't believe conspiracy theories in general, I appreciate your response. Your view is definitely one that I could understand better than most as it does not appear bigoted. As for the Nazi scientists, I don't believe they are controlling anything, they were merely scientists who could have been raging Nazis but knew secrets and information beneficial to the United States. I would not guess for a second that the ones with clear party ties were not followed every day to keep them out of Soviet hands.

No man, those kids were magical homunculi conjured by the government. They were then murdered so Obama could take all my gunz.

Lets play a game? http://i.imgur.com/YND0l.gif

I didn't know it was 20 minutes. But I seriously doubt that whoever is organizing a giant conspiracy like 9/11 would have all of the media networks in on it. It's just too many loose ends to give the info too. Okay you work in TV News has anyone ever told you, "hey we're doing this big false flag thing so please read this script but make sure you say it at the right time". I just don't buy them telling the BBC about 9/11 over the possibility that the wrong footage ran.

You didn't say "first crawled", by the way. Check out these search results, as part of Snopes debunking this, they've also put up a page on the Sandy Hook shootings that comes up in Google with a date of Dec 11th, 2012. You'll see many more results in that search that come from earlier dates, so either there were many sites that reported on Sandy Hook months before it occurred, or the dates Google gives are not accurate.

You mean like this?


Takes a couple of seconds at most. Specifically in Chrome, its just a matter of highlighting the area you want to edit, right click, "Inspect Element", expanding the <p> tag associated with that area, typing in the edit you want, and hitting enter. Job done.

All the links provided in the OP were edited this way. You can manually navigate to them yourself to see the originals. Specifically Facebook timelines should always display as "Joined Facebook December 10th, 2012" with the year showing. The guy who took the screenshot simply was being over-enthusiastic and accidently deleted the year.

I don't know how you would edit Google Cache though, unless theres some trick being pulled with the URL. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.youcaring.com/blog/post/2012/12/10/Fundraiser-for-the-Families-Involved-in-the-Tragic-Newtown-CT-Shootings.aspx

Ask the google man link is above this where it is discussed.

That's the URL for this very page you idiot.

No shit, Sherlock. But why would a group who's behind such an event unnecessarily draw suspicion for a bit of money by putting up a fundraiser page days before the event?

Thanks. So you're mackuss, I take it?

Wow, nothing is wrong with gay people Akasa. I didn't know you hated the gay community as well...Does that mean you hate yourself? xD

It has absolutely no relevance to anyone except those who are dumb enough to buy into bullshit fantasy and conspiracy theories. A nobody tweeting something out of his ass and people lose their shit over it.

There is a tweet by megneverland on April 28th saying that Fox News was reporting OBL's death. OBL was not killed until May 2. There is no known way to backdate a tweet, so this tweet was made on April 28. We know that much for sure.