Any truth to the Milky Way Wobble?

20  2013-01-10 by [deleted]

This is not my idea, but I was intrigued enough to ask Reddit what they thought:

Something not being mentioned for fear of global panic. 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out. 130 million years ago geological records show another mass extinction. Get it? Every 65 million years our planet gets zapped. By what? Well it turns out our solar system doesn't stay in the same plane within the Milky Way Galaxy. It floats up and down in a rhythmic pattern. We generally think of our galaxy as a flat spiral sitting on a piece of paper. It has an x and y direction, but no real height. But it does have some height and every 65 million years we come up to the top edge of the galaxy. This exposes us to particles and energy on the outside of the protective shield of the galaxy. Just like the earth's magnetic iron core protects us from deadly particles coming from the sun. The galaxy itself has been protecting us from deadly particles coming from the universe at large. That protection goes away every 65 million years and we experience an extinction event.

Times is up. Our solar system is getting into the unprotected zone. This global warming we are seeing, it's not from fossil fuels, it's from the high energy particles on the outside of our galaxy. Consider this, the polar ice caps on Pluto have melted over the last 10 years. Is that our fossil fuels affecting Pluto? Of course not. It's our entire solar system being exposed and warming up.

Record high temps in the US last year. Record high temps in Australia this year that are so hot they had to add new colors to the temperature charts. 122 degrees. That's not survivable in the long run. We will all perish - except for some species, as happened in the last mass extinction, that can find shelter in the ocean or underground. Or remember that some of the winged dinosaurs did survive once wild fires ravaged the land, by taking flight, thus giving us modern day birds.

But unless you are a horseshoe crab, a flying dinosaur, or a cockroach, you are doomed.


I've been wondering about this cycle of events, as well. And I totally feel you on the data that supports the facts that other planets in our solar system are experiencing unusual weather events. Jupiter's famous "spot" disappeared! It gained a new one, but... same thing... I don't see how our CO2 emissions could be affecting Jupiter's weather patterns.

It's strange times we live in. According to the Maya long-count... it wasn't necessarily about "the end of days", but a long procession of cycles of life. We awake, then learn, then peak... and then go "back to sleep". The "back to sleep" cycle has ended, and we are supposed to be entering a new "waking up" phase. Hopefully, enough people will wake up to see we've got to make some major changes to this planet and the way we treat and work with each other... or the worst scenarios will unfold.

Masha'Allah... God Bless.. Namaste... and look out for each other out there.

Meanwhile Al Gore has made more money than Romney's net worth selling the man made global warming scare...Yeah, right, Jupiter's warming is our fault!

Time to implement a green-tax to slow down interstellar planetary warming!

It is the belief in those archaic gods that got us to this point and perpetuates the evils in our society.

The "rest assured, god has us in his good will" only serves to keep humans enslaved to those that god speaks to.

Look... I understand the Atheist point of view, with the whole, "I don't need God to live a good life, have morals, etc...", and that's awesome.

I don't know what specific "god" you think I'm referring to in my blatherings... I just think that there have been some pretty laid-back, peace-loving, enlightened individuals were all trying to preach the same basic, good things, in their place and time. They obviously made a big enough splash at some point to get noticed. A bunch of idiots will always push something to the extreme.. Whether in the name of "teachings" or "religion" or "cult"... there's always an asshole that takes it too far. By spouting a little generalized hate at everyone's

archaic gods that got us to this point and perpetuates the evils in our society

...well... that kinda puts you on the hater-train, too. Being so condescending ain't gonna help anyone "wake up" to any new ideas.. so if you wanna help out any of those

humans enslaved to those that god speaks to

well, change you're tactic a little, and you may show some folks that a world without any organized religions may be a better place. I think it would.


Very well-said.


The hater-train runs on the track laid by belief systems. I hate religion. I am not afraid to say it - nor will I not hesitate to point out that "it is bad luck to be superstitious."

To place faith in a deity is to remove the belief that you have in yourself. When you 'god-bless' people, you're assuming that they believe in the god you just requested blessings from, otherwise it's just another new cliche saying like 'namaste.'

I have love for humankind, but we just don't want to let go of these entirely irrelevant and highly dangerous beliefs. I actually take to the Jiddu Krishnamurti approach:

“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.” ― Jiddu Krishnamurti

Call me an atheist if it helps you decide what I am, but know this: I am simply me.

This sentiment is correct only in one very limited sense. In another, it is dead wrong.

other planets in our solar system are experiencing unusual weather events

Source please.

Really, just type anything solar system and weather related into Google. Not that hard.

Something if fucked up when asking a question gets you 7 downvotes.

BTW how many of those disprove climate change?

'Source please.'

Maybe it's the charming and fun way that you engage with people...

Of course, the ahthropogenic global warming crowd was quick to say that this is just a coincidence and we have not observed those planets precisely for time enough to know if that is a long-term trend.

Here's the NASA link about Jupiter losing one of its "bands"

And HERE are some great Q&A's about space weather and changes going on from NASA

ATS had a whole thread/article on this

Now... just like anything else on this board... take all info with a grain of salt. Some of the recent changes could be affected by the standard solar max/min cycle. But, I've come across similar stories (I can try and dig for more bookmarks when I get off work) over the past year.

I think that all of our industrialization isn't exactly helping our climate and planet... but I think some of these "extreme weather events" could be tied to our natural, 26,000 year processional cycle around the galaxy.

hahah wow, fuck off. Learn how to use google.

Okay, that was mean. Here's a video to help.

Very fascinating video you included there. Upvote. (bringing you up to -2)

What's your causal explanation for your hypothesis?


So it's complete crap then. No causal link? No source? Crap.

End of story. It isn't true. It really is this simple man.

You should follow the links and sources of the others who contributed tot his post. Good luck and keep an open mind either way.

I have had an open mind. I used it to realize this was wrong, rather than assuming it right and then finding proof for it, like you're doing. You're the one with the closed mind.

I have not made any statement for or against the wobble impact theory.

But the fact that you did not immediately find it to be lacking in any evidence and therefore almost certainly (<99%) likely to be false shows that you had an emotional reaction, or that you don't understand rational thought.

Go on, think whatever you want.

You, not I, are the one thinking what you want.

That is the coolest thing I have ever seen! Thank you!!!

The earth does indeed move in an up/down pattern perpendicular to the galactic core, and while the heliopause of our sun protects us from the interstellar medium, the truth is we are unsure the effects that the intergalactic medium will have on the heliopause of our sun.

Actually now the Sun is close to the Galactic Plane, not far from it. That's why the Milky Way didides the sky in kind of equal halfs. Details here.

If you read that article you would know we are qctually close to the farthest we will get from the galactic equator.

Hmmm this is a bit inconsequential.

A full rotation around the galaxy is over 200 million years. A full cycle of "up and down" motion on our orbit around it is (might be off here but from what i remember) less than 100 thousand years. The Mayans were FAR from being advanced enough to know what the consequences of galactic events would mean to us and in some ways, so are we.

So many things are possible with the universe, so many scenarios we could see. (Direct hit from a GRB, Freak asteroid impact, etc...)

But most scenarios thought of by the general population is so far from reality or the odds of it happening are so infinitely low that it's just as i stated first... inconsequential.

Keep in mind that amateur astronomy has seen a boom in the last decade so asteroids and comets are detected at a much faster rate. An incoming world killer would be seen a LONG time before it actually strikes. If kept secret at first by officials, amateurs would end up seeing it pretty quickly and that wouldnt be kept secret.

The only problem i see in the "distant" future (human scale) is a star that could interfere with the Oort cloud in about 1 million year.

Eventually tho', if we get there, the Sun will kill us all. THAT is a certainty.

Wow, this sounds awfully familiar. You guys really love doom and gloom, end of the world/mankind scenarios don't you? And when it doesn't happen you find a new one to latch onto, i'm sure some fucking bigot that goes on Google and researches something for a hour knows alot more then leading scientists of the world. Keep on spreading fear buddy, /r/conspiracy loves it.

Fascinating! Thanks for the links.

Ive come to the conclusion that the earth experiences a growth every so ofter. The expanding earth theory can explain lots. Just look up the dinosaur gravity problem.

I've never heard of the Dinosaur Gravity Problem, but a quick read has me fascinated! Thanks for bringing this up!

It corolates with the expanding earth theory. Could polar shifts cause expansions?

Wow, two heavy hitting new ideas for me in one day...sensory overload!

Ive been working on a presentation brining these theories up with evidence. All ancient structures must have been built when there was less gravity.

It certainly helps explain an awful lot, that's for sure.

Look... I understand the Atheist point of view, with the whole, "I don't need God to live a good life, have morals, etc...", and that's awesome.

I don't know what specific "god" you think I'm referring to in my blatherings... I just think that there have been some pretty laid-back, peace-loving, enlightened individuals were all trying to preach the same basic, good things, in their place and time. They obviously made a big enough splash at some point to get noticed. A bunch of idiots will always push something to the extreme.. Whether in the name of "teachings" or "religion" or "cult"... there's always an asshole that takes it too far. By spouting a little generalized hate at everyone's

archaic gods that got us to this point and perpetuates the evils in our society

...well... that kinda puts you on the hater-train, too. Being so condescending ain't gonna help anyone "wake up" to any new ideas.. so if you wanna help out any of those

humans enslaved to those that god speaks to

well, change you're tactic a little, and you may show some folks that a world without any organized religions may be a better place. I think it would.


I have not made any statement for or against the wobble impact theory.

This sentiment is correct only in one very limited sense. In another, it is dead wrong.