Food for thought

34  2013-01-11 by [deleted]

In relation to all the latest "shills among us" posts, I've come to this conclusion:

If according to r/conspiratard, we're all insane circlejerkers, why bother creating a subreddit to mock and question us, if we are all lunatics? I see no r/broniestard, r/spacedickstard.

Just by the fact that these counter-subreddits exist, shows that we're definitely bothering some people with all our "crazy". Having opposition is enough to prove that we're on to something, and you can't question that.


Or maybe some of the shit that gets posted here is so crazy it's funny to laugh at.


You're obviously a Mossad disinformation agent. Go away shill


Who's trying to discredit who?


i got a 2 yr old account and i think /r/conspiracy is funnier, and crazier, than a shit house rat.

I hope you laught to when your friends & family are dying in war or from cancer.

Enjoy the Police State that is coming mindless Slave.

Middle class white Americans do not fucking know what a police state really is. Not being able to blaze up in public isn't facism.

Enjoy the Police State that is coming mindless Slave.

Middle class white Americans do not fucking know what a police state really is. Not being able to blaze up in public isn't facism.

Check your cis police state middle class american privileges.

Wow, that was really shitty.

i hope you 'laught' to when your friends & family realize 50 yrs from now what a kook you were at the time, but at least you finally figured out life is meant to be lived, not feared.

:( I'm reporting you for abuse you shill

don't forget this link

It's full of the lulz if you find insanity humorous.

wtf why are getting downvoted to hell?

You are completly right.


Jews did 9/11. Amirite?

The Jews also did the Jews doing 9/11. Its just Jews all the way down.

*shakes fists at allmighty skyghost* J0000000000000000000000Z!!!

No, it wasn't actually the jews, those were costumes under the arab costumes.

9/11 was actually done by the Amish.

It's all part of their plot to outlaw electricity and buttons and force everyone to use well-crafted furniture.


This is a three year old reddit account that thinks most conspiracy theorists are deluded people who are much more interested in confirming their biases than actually analyzing the world around them. It's like reading crappy fan fiction, hilarious and slightly terrifying. That is why I subscribe to /r/conspiritard. I find it amusing. I don't usually actively mock any of you because I know some of you (not actually you) in real life and I know that they have real life problems and I am capable of empathy.

People make fun of bronies all the fucking time. There probably is a reddit mocking them but I don't care enough to seek it out.

Your whole line of reasoning is the problem with conspiracy theorists. You can take any opposition or criticism of your ideas and turn it into a confirmation that you are "on to something". It's a gigantic circlejerk and often an entertaining one to watch.


Generalization. I don't consider myself the typical user of this board, but I sure as hell don't write the rest of the people here off just because there is paranoia, disinfo, and misunderstanding rife in the debate concerning issues posted here. The facts are plain as day, there is an ongoing conspiracy to suppress the actualization of history in many overlapping and profound ways. The whole idea of r/conspiratard is a "circlejerk" whereas much of the info posted and discussed on this board is virtually impossible to find elsewhere. You are a deluded fool if you don't realize that and choose to call people deluded or say your friends have "real life problems" (who doesn't?) because they are fucking crippled by the reality of the world around them? Just because things are the way they are, and there is a trajectory we are following doesn't mean we have to give in and accept to follow a course of events that seems pre-ordained. This whole concept is what r/conspiracy is about in a vague and general way and the fact of the matter whether you choose to believe it or not or call such statements circlejerking but why the fuck wouldn't that be intentionally and maliciously subverted? Get real homie; this is the modern front of the anti-war movement that has been infiltrated by government and corporate entities since day 1. Grow the fuck up and get off of this board, or tell your boss you can't do this anymore and try to get some severance pay because what you're doing is pretty much evil.

False dichotomy. Just because I don't see the world through the same lens as you does not mean I see it as you say I do. I understand you are insulted by my statements but that is not my intention. I admit it seems a bit patronizing but I cannot see things in such black and white terms. The world is too complex. I despise what Israel is doing in the West Bank and Gaza but I do not deny their right to exist. I am sickened by what we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan but sectarian violence is as old as humanity and there is no easy solution or one group to blame. both sides are guilty.

The facts are plain as day, there is an ongoing conspiracy to suppress the actualization of history in many overlapping and profound ways.

This is a gross generalization by the way. What are you talking about?

And another thing, calling me evil is silly and a very basic dehumanizing tactic that is pretty reprehensible. If we were having this discussion at work and you knew me personally I highly doubt you would say it to my face. The internet allows us to lock into a feedback loop of our choice and has such a dehumanizing effect that I can laugh at you, anonymous conspiracy theorist and you can rage and call me a paid shill. In real life this sort of behavior would be absurd.

Lastly I don't think I can change your mind or your world view. Only you can let the blinders fall away and see the world as it is, not as you wish it to be. Chaotic, tumultuous and ever changing. There are no easy answers.

This is fucking hilarious.

Posts like this are why I subscribe to /r/conspiritard.

Of course there are! just search!

and even though its empty, it certainly exists

the list goes on and on and on and on. Its a general rule of the internet, that "if it exists, another thing also exists to make fun of or be against it"

Amusingly, there are even several subreddits having the same discussion as this. Where they are accusing the "anti bronys" of "invading" their sub with "shills" to spread hate for no reason


Context doesnt matter for comedy, only the comedy. People make jokes involving murder and aids and all sorts of horrible things, and it can still be funny to some people.

if you're not trolling, you're wasting some real talent, son.


Free energy.

Says the guy who posts to /r/conspiratroll with a "list" of alleged "shills and trolls". By your logic, /r/conspiratard must be on to something.


I'm responding alone, too. I actually have no contact with any /r/conspiratard members outside of that sub. Nice job trying to be some sort of "hero" to /r/conspiracy. Your flair here is a pretty sad attempt at driving traffic to your sub.

So again I ask, why are you so obsessed with me and other /r/conspiratard members? Because we post things in the comments you don't like? Your actions are the definition of "butthurt".

Pfft, you are nothing special. People here have been making list of us "shills" all the time. Its a competition now to get onto as many lists as possible and to mock the list makers.

Art thou vexxed sibling?

The mods of conspiratard are also in the business of mocking Ron Paul /r/enoughpaulspam

And libertarianism

They have clear political agendas and were also entangled in a scam with /r/ows where they had an insider start granting them modship and they immediately used their mod powers to ban anyone associated with libertarianism or Ron Paul.

They are an organised group of infiltrators who are bend on disruption of their opposition.

The main reason conspiracy has been targeted is the prevalence of libertarian ideologies.

The main reason conspiracy has been targeted is the prevalence of libertarian ideologies.

The main reason /r/conspiritard "targetted" /r/conspiracy is because 90% of the people hear and insane tin hats that don't realise how hilarious they are.

/r/conspiratard is nothing more than a place to laugh at idiot conspiracy theorists, and if you really think that you're sooo important that people would go to all this lenght (ataining modship, banning people, that bullshit in the second to last line) then you're suffering from a pretty big delusion over your own importance.

Inb4 you're just a shill being paid to laugh at idiots on the internet


So this really is about who's "in" and who's "out". Got it. :]

For the most part, i would consider anyone without basic history knowledge, or someone who glues themselves to TV news as an "out"

I prefer the term asleep. The blue pill is ambien

Oh. Well, I'm an insomniac, so I can join your club! Yay!

[citation needed]


You found some spelling mistakes in my post! That just makes me suicidal!

Um, no. I can say that for sure, as someone who posts there and is a card-carrying Libertarian for twenty years.

Then you've become a useful idiot. Look at the mods yourself.

I don't really care who the mods are, or what their beliefs are, apart from the fact that they share in my enjoyment of what goes on in that sub.

Similarly, I bet there are a bunch of liberals in /r/beer, where I post. There are some Ford, or Dodge, or import lovers in /r/cars, and I drive/own/enjoy Chevrolet. Unlike the people in this sub, I don't need my entire life to be an echo chamber affirming my views.

Yeah? /r/beer and /r/cars are a "constructive" community who focuses on the joy of cars on beer. /r/eps and /r/conspiratard are "destructive" communities who focus on making fun of people's love of specific activities.

If you really can't see the philosophical difference there or the sadistic tendency of these trolls then you are a bad person.

You may as well go join /r/beatingwomen too.

Yeah? /r/beer and /r/cars are a "constructive" community who focuses on the joy of cars on beer. /r/eps and /r/conspiratard are "destructive" communities who focus on making fun of people's love of specific activities.

This in no way explains to me why I would need to agree with the mods on everything in order to enjoy the sub.

You may as well go join /r/beatingwomen too.

Might as well. There's less circlejerking there than here.

Try and think of /r/conspiratard more as a circlejerk sub, like /r/tumblrinaction or /r/circlebroke.


His Satan worshiping Jew Lizard paymasters must really be regretting wasting their shekels on him.

I'm a libertarian and I post to /r/conspiratard. Many of the more popular users there including the mods know I'm a libertarian. I have not been banned nor have I been attacked because of my political views.

No, I think the main reason /r/conspiracy has been targeted is because many of the users and more popular posts on this subreddit are full of batshit insane theories and anti-semitic beliefs.

Aka useful idiot.

Useful to whom?

To the same people who troll libertarian. They love useful idiots like you.

I barely keep contact with those people. I'd say I've interacted with them once or twice in months. They don't use me in any way. If they want to troll /r/libertarian that's their problem, not mine. I mainly comment here to attempt to provide an alternate viewpoint (that doesn't go over well), to debunk a popular conspiracy (also doesn't work out), to express my disappointment at some of the racists and anti-semites, or on the off chance that a normal thread comes along, just to comment.

These are the same people who make fun of rachel corrie, the lady ran over by an israeli steamroller(?).

They call her pancake queen or something like that.

I have seen the same link to a sub. This is absolutely real.

Edit: you may find it in r/nolibswatch if you're not lazy.

You can't have been on the internet very long otherwise you'd know what 'flame-bait' is...

Really? Then I assume you have a link?

Find it yourself its pretty simple.

Translation: "I have no actual proof, and am desperately trying to divert attention away from that fact"

If you can't find it? I really don't care. That's what I'm saying. care enough about the mods of /r/conspiratard supposedly making fun of Rachel Corrie's death to claim you've actually seen them do it, but don't care enough to actually back up your supposed observation with evidence?

Makes perfect sense.

No Abe Foxman I don't care. I really really don't;) please leave me alone.

...why are you calling me the national director of the anti-defamation league?

Did you see the;) I was joking and I'm watching the documentary Dafamation I just saw is name on the screen and thought it would be funny. You get it right?


lizard people

Please help me out with this lizard people thing?

i can't help you while Bush the Elder still walks this planet.

Look into David Icke. TL;DR teh j00z are shapeshifting reptilians from Alpha Draconis hellbent on domination of the Earth and it's people/resources

You are evil or naive. Maybe both. You do not understand the first thing about what is going on or you are on the other side of the line separating us and them. It's simple as that amigo, now get the fuck out of this subreddit and let the big boys get back to work

Circlejerking is hard work.

Naw man we're talking about/posting heavy shit on a lot of threads (mostly under "new" none of the juicy, hard-hitting info gets to the front page very often or for very long). There may be individuals here who engage in circlejerk type posts, whatever that is, but in general the info I've read here is unparalleled in terms of relevance to geopolitical happenings here and abroad on reddit and pretty much anywhere else. I honestly feel like this is one of the most culturally relevant and important boards of our whole generation

Get back to work doing what exactly?

Talking about and sharing info about events that aren't up for discussion elsewhere







Here is an example of someone who is bothered by your 'crazy'.

their sole job is to reinforce the idea that all conspiracy is crazy.

their sole job is to reinforce the idea that all evidenceless intuitive conjecture from people who have paranoid delusional tendencies can be funny. And to bond, through mockery, to other people who are epistemically humbled, scientifically literate, and rational.


Oh no. SANDY HOOK personified is right behind you, and he's carrying Hitler to take away your guns. (But hitler wasn't that bad though, right?)

Perhaps a couple trusted people from here could set up a private or approved only sub version of /r/conspiracy

I went ahead an made one for now. If you don't like it or have a better idea, I'm in no way attached to the new sub, so recommend something better ;)


Why are you so afraid of hearing opposing points of view that you choose to hide behind locked doors?

Why are you so afraid of hearing opposing points of view that you choose to hide behind locked doors? -Herkimer

Why do you? /r/RachelCorrie

Herkimer is a psychopathic homicide celebrating zealot. Something tells me however that if Corrie were an Israeli protesting Palestinian actions then he would act quite differently. Racist as it gets ladies and gentlemen.

I'm not afraid of the truth but you sure are. You attack, harass and troll anyone who speaks the truth to your lies. That's one of the reasons that you've had so many accounts banned from Reddit.

What in the world are you talking about? I asked you a simple question: Why is /r/RachelCorrie private?

I have no idea at all. It's not my sub and I haven't posted anything there in a couple of years. Why don't you ask one of the mods? By the way, thanks for proving my point about you.

So you plead ignorance again? I figured you would: that seems to be your cowardly go-to answer these days when you're embarrassed. As I recall you were a proud moderator there, rolling in the blood of a girl murdered by Israel. Right here...

I'm not pleading anything, troll. I'm telling you that I am not a moderator there and haven't been in quite some time. The sub was never meant to mock Rachel Corrie. It was meant to mock propagandists like yourself who have tried to exploit her death to promote your hatred of the Jews. And here you are again crying crocodile tears over her corpse to try to attack someone who frequently has to point out that you are nothing more than a mindless bigot and troll.

The only thing I find embarrassing here is your display of bigotry and ignorance. I'm embarrassed for the entire human race that you are a member of our species.

Wasn't it you that wrote the line "the most two-dimensional protester I know"?

It's "funny" to you guys because she was crushed to death, right? Are you proud of that?

Where did I say that it was funny? There's nothing funny about the death of anyone and there's nothing funny about scumbags like you trying to use that death to promote hatred and violence. I don't remember that line, If I posted it as you claim then please provide a link.

Are you now finally denouncing your pal Einstimer and r/RachelCorrie? I ask because he sure as shit thought it was funny. He even wrote "comical" songs about her bloody, painful crushing death. Jcm267 also took great delight in her murder by Israel.

I'm not denouncing anyone but you, troll. Obviously all you're doing here is trolling again. How about you denounce the white supremacists and anti-Semites you hang out with every day? And really, using something that someone else posted in an attempt to attack me? That's just pathetic, greenie.

Oh, by the way, thanks for proving that you're the green-light who was banned from Reddit for doxxing people. It's always good to know the real character of the people like you who are trying to troll honest Redditors.

I see you think calling me a "troll" will make me run away. Sorry, it won't: I know that childish name-calling, ad hominem attacks and vote mobbing are your specialties. Hell, you even tried it on your buddy Nolibs before you learned to love gently tonguing his aged, smelly rectum. LOL Look here:

edit: where did little chickenshit herky run off to? Was the truth making him uncomfortable, even with his little /r/conspiratard vote-mob holding his purse for him? Heck, I was just starting to enjoy this. LOL

I wasn't trying to make you run away. I'm enjoying watching you make a fool of yourself.

where did little chickenshit herky run off to?

Unlike you I have a life that doesn't involve being on the internet 24/7. I have better things to do than sit here and educate you.

fuck you ass whole.

Now that's just the level of intellect I've come to expect from friends of greeny's.

Why would you assume that there would be no opposing points of view? I'm certainly for the use of skepticism and critical thinking. Go troll someone else.

Of course there are opposing points of view. You just seem to be terrified to hear them.

I welcome opposing points of view, I just don't welcome trolls or shills.

Looks to me that you think that anyone who has a point of view that opposes you is a troll. So run on back to your circle-jerk where you're prejudices and preconceived notions will never be challenged. Buh-bye!

Like I just said, that's not the case. We all know that you are a troll conspiratard incapable of carrying a conversation. Go do something productive.

Becuase many of the opposing points of view are from individuals who would like the conceal or distort rational pursuits of the truth, do you not get what is going on here or are you just an idiot?

The liar /u/Herkimer is a moderator of r/conspiratard, a bigoted staging ground for the disinfo raids and downvote brigades that attack this subreddit.

He's also into some really sick shit.

Rational pursuit of the truth? Someone like you? Thanks for the giggle.

Another triumph for free speech!

This has nothing to do with lack of free speech.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -Mahatma Gandhi

EDIT:Keep the downvotes coming only validates my point

Not always. Not even often. Most of the time they ignore you and ridicule you, it's because you're batshit insane and funny to watch.

Being ignored and ridiculed is something movements have to endure, but it's by no means a measure of quality.

Sometimes they just laugh at you over and over and over again.

Very good point.


This post only got really hilarious when you used the Daily Mail as a source for credible news. Why don't you learn to actually debate (it'll help teach you socail skills, so that you can take your tin hat off and go outside and talk to people) instead of just dumping loads of bullshit links?

actually debate

You are replying to a bot.

Also, offering data and evidence without conjecture or spin is a great way to make a point without allowing unseen bias to creep in.

Finally, I don't know about you, but I am here for discourse and discussion. I don't want to "debate" anything, but entertain and understand it. Personal preference, I know.

You are replying to a bot.

Well I was not aware of that, but even a few lines of code should know the Daily Mail is a load of shit.

Well, debate, discuss, understand, talk about, whatever. I was just saying that this guy (who as it turns out is a bot) could use his times to actually put up a decent argument for why x and y are conspiracies, but it turns out they can't and know I look a bit silly.

reddit along with other established media is part of the military. at this point the bankers are egging people on so they will attack "government" they would very much like chaos and us going after the "fall guys" in order to escape their collapsing ponzi scam...take note how reddit is slowly inserting "consrpiracy" into the regular diet of the sheep....notice how "conspiracy" based threads are making front page more and more...notice how the readership went up from 60k to over 100k in less than 2 months...notice how the number keeps getting is because they want you to attack the wrong thing....don't be fooled, attack nothing....just walk away

hahaha fuckkkk

reddit along with other established media is part of the military

Of course it is, that's why reddit leans left, along with the rest of the military.



I almost choked on my bagel that he found us out.

Can you believe the chutzpah of that guy? Ï know it is his shtick, but still, what a shmendrik!

And you post bigoted trash. Gonna delete this post too? Or do you still want a quota on Jews working in the media?

You don't think I'm Zionist, do you? :o

Not necessarily Mr Goldstein.

FapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFapFap.... fap.

Use the word neocon instead of zionist. Just saying, they're pretty much the same thing

Get back to work doing what exactly?

I hope you laught to when your friends & family are dying in war or from cancer.

Enjoy the Police State that is coming mindless Slave.

Circlejerking is hard work.

I'm not afraid of the truth but you sure are. You attack, harass and troll anyone who speaks the truth to your lies. That's one of the reasons that you've had so many accounts banned from Reddit.

I see you think calling me a "troll" will make me run away. Sorry, it won't: I know that childish name-calling, ad hominem attacks and vote mobbing are your specialties. Hell, you even tried it on your buddy Nolibs before you learned to love gently tonguing his aged, smelly rectum. LOL Look here:

edit: where did little chickenshit herky run off to? Was the truth making him uncomfortable, even with his little /r/conspiratard vote-mob holding his purse for him? Heck, I was just starting to enjoy this. LOL

I barely keep contact with those people. I'd say I've interacted with them once or twice in months. They don't use me in any way. If they want to troll /r/libertarian that's their problem, not mine. I mainly comment here to attempt to provide an alternate viewpoint (that doesn't go over well), to debunk a popular conspiracy (also doesn't work out), to express my disappointment at some of the racists and anti-semites, or on the off chance that a normal thread comes along, just to comment.

Herkimer is a psychopathic homicide celebrating zealot. Something tells me however that if Corrie were an Israeli protesting Palestinian actions then he would act quite differently. Racist as it gets ladies and gentlemen.