Reddit cofounder Aaron Swartz dead by suicide. There HAS to be more to the story! Where is r/conspiracy to provide some context?

125  2013-01-12 by 48packet

I mean this guy was at odds with "them" just as much as JFK, MLK, Tupac, and a host of other people I can think of that are commonly thought of as being eliminated for being to dangerous. Comments in regard to this idea are being deleted across the internet right now. Can we get some answers please...


Why were the United States Attorneys office still threatening him with imprisonment when JSTOR had dropped all charges and were content with him returning the alleged stolen files?

Because they wanted to "make an example" of him because he was promoting an ideal rather than stealing for his own pocketbook.

I would like to see this "Ideal" articulated upon and expanded. I really don't know much about what was going on, and am too tired to research right now. Anyone?


So what's the big deal, the scientific knowledge or the money from the paywall?

To keep the poor (nations) from knowledge that they could use to better their postition.

The money from the paywall. The information in them isn't secret and easy to access.

The information in them isn't secret and easy to access.

Get me a PDF of the newest issue of Hypatia. Or the Journal of Homosexuality.

He was murdered because the Sandy Hook story has been shattered by intelligent Americans who ask questions the Mainstream Media never answers. Reddit makes Aaron powerful. On January 9th LOTUS FEET predicted the next false flag attack on to be by our government in Kern County, CA at a school. Ask yourself why the story went mainstream internationally if no one was killed?

Good question!!

Sadly, we will never be sure of anything... one thing for sure, i am suprised this isnt on the reddit front page.

I am just curious, can anybody find a cause of death? I've read through a few articles online and none seem to have the answer. It may be too early but I'd assume the cause would be known right away.

NY Daily News says hanging.

alright if its hanging... im calling bullshit....kid wouldn't have hung himself..

exactly. as soon as i saw "hanging", i was reminded of cheney's crafty work: <---- FAU Professor James Tracy <---- Anderson Cooper Attacking James Tracy and Conspiracy Forums <---- Sandy Berger destroys 9/11 documents of conspiracy plot.;ID=234 <---- 100% evidence that Alex is a fraud. Very detailed.

yes it does thanks for the reference. here's the link for others.

Thanks for linking, my mind was wandering...

Most of the internet newscopy source back to "his uncle Michael Wolf" or "his attorney" or "officials". NYDN seems to have the scoop on the method, but it sources to "cops".


Ah. I didnt see it when i first logged in then came to r/conspiracy and saw it half way down and thought it suspicious. Would have thought it would have been higher in both the front page and r/conspiracy and if it was i would have thought it would have been at the top longer. Just my 2 bits

The superadmins can add weights to Reddit posts so they fall off the front page faster. This is a fact, not a theory, it's written into the code base .

this vexes me... I am terribly vexed.


ok now i'm just learning about this JSTOR incident, but from what i know of JSTOR is that it holds scientific and other types of articles. i think most people here are under the impression that the conspiracy comes from some force trying to set an example or silence of someone trying to liberate information (that should be free for all) from the hands of those withholding it.


keep reading this little thread we've got going. for one, yes it's lolable that people are making this into a conspiracy thing. is it possible, sure. two, not everyone can access JSTOR without paying, the copyright issue is not the issue here. people are concerned that his death has more to do with ending an issue based on spreading human collective knowledge to a wider audience rather than those "elite" enough to be able to afford such. <---- FAU Professor James Tracy <---- Anderson Cooper Attacking James Tracy and Conspiracy Forums;ID=234 <---- 100% evidence that Alex Jones is a fraud. Very detailed.

i'd say analogous to if the piratebay folk or the wikileaks founder mysteriously committed suicide. just in a very different sense. once more details into his personal life come up, this will be forgotten. unless people go into the whole, "the CIA is planting this information to make us think he was actually depressed and suicidal" thing.

If you go to university or know someone that does you will almost certainly have access to JSTOR. It's not secret or hidden or difficult to access. Most all universities maintain subscriptions to it.

What he did was illegal though there were lots of parts of the case(and the governments insistance on persecuting them) that were questionable. Though the sad truth is it's almost certainly about one mans attempt to appear tough on computer crime than any actual government conspiracy against Aaron.

from what i understand he was not part of the university. i am not sure if people attentding a university are allowed to divulge these files, but regardless if he downloaded millions of files my belief is that he was trying to spread them/make them available for free to people who do not attend university or know someone that does. this is my point, trying to convey how it can be seen as conspiracy. the "man" trying to silence a man trying to increase the general populations awareness and knowledge, so that the "man" can maintain their status of control. i don't necessarily subscribe to this belief, i was simply explaining my take as to how some people may be calling it a conspiracy, in relation to the parent comment.

But it's not a conspiracy. The government charging him with theft of service isn't a conspiracy when he actually stole that service. What he did was definitely illegal no question about it. The problem is JSTOR was originally claiming it was worth millions when the fact is so many people have access to it for much much less.

ok....-facepalm- i'm not saying the conspiracy is that he was charged of it or whatever the fuck you're saying.. the conspiracy people are formulating is that a government agency staged his suicide, or even killed him, as a way to completely end the matter of distributing knowledge. the premise here is that human collective knowledge should be available for everyone, not just those rich enough to afford university education, and that the government does not want this.

haveyouconsideredthe is a troll.

just ignore him. he gets his jollies by wasting your time making you define every word you use before you use it.

absolute asshole, only fucks up threads here on r/conspiracy. Believe it or don't, the fact that this dipshit is not banned is proof to me that the Mods are complicit in the intentional crashing of this subreddit.

A conspiracy about /r/conspiracy? I like it. Thanks for letting me know, I was a bit drunk when that all went down.

So they have a case going which one prosecutor is really pushing for and no one else really cares about. And this prosecutor somehow convinces the federal government that instead of taking this case to trial they should murder the defendant because he shared some files?

That doesn't sound stupid to you?


Are you really saying it's impossible he was assassinated?

Nothing is impossible, some things are just so far from possible though that they might as well be. It's those things that you seem to love.

I'm saying when all evidence points to suicide including a history of depression, it's suicide.


Yes, and you put that and higher levels on everyone that dies going off your comment history. In your world government assassins are the busiest people in the world. They make McDonalds cashiers look lazy.

You. I like you.

if you had paid attention to our conversation you would understand that I do not necessarily hold this belief and that i am simply trying to explain why this article is even in /r/conspiracy to a random person, in the first place.

I saw that. I was pointing out why it was stupid.

There is too much stupid shit on here these days. It's getting annoying.

this is why i don't hang out here. i was linked to it from a friend along with other subreddits and articles that i glanced over. some comment lured me in and i responded.

Ok, well cheers for the visit then.


You are being attacked by a user who specifically preys on people.

Don't shy away from this board because of him. Don't let him get away with "there is too much stupid these days".

haveyouconsideredthe is only here to troll. take a look at his post history if you don't believe me. OR, just search the subreddit for references to him.

Thank you.

What he did was definitely illegal no question about it.

No, he was well within the EULA statement of JSTOR.

Do you just make up everything you post?


JSTOR wasn't the only thing he was being charged with. The case has been everywhere today. Have you read nothing?

JSTOR wasn't the only thing he was being charged with.

What else what he being charged with? Please illuminate me.

I see nothing there that is unrelated to JSTOR.

Read them again. Just because they have the JSTOR name doesn't mean they involve crimes against JSTOR. JSTOR pulled out of the proceedings months ago and didn't consent to the criminal proceedings.

I fucking hate you.

Every single fucking charge is related to him copying JSTOR.

Find me a charge unrelated to that event. Otherwise you are just running your mouth.

God damn why do I reply to you? You are like a sore on the roof of my mouth.

In all honesty though, I do wish you would stop posting here.

HYCT is indeed a troll. A dim but persistent one. Never fails to be stubborn, stupid, and clueless. Either he's a good constructed persona, or he has some DNA damage. I always have to swat him with a newspaper but like all cockroaches he dodges and comes back.

An hour later, it's on my front page - but only this article...

I saw atleast 4 threads through out the first couple pages about this.

why, the other "co-owners" sold this place out to the feds

Why are you here if you believe it is run by the feds?


That question doesn't make sense.

You believe this site is run by the feds for some reason(data collection) yet you still willingly use it to discuss whatever and provide it with information on yourself?

Either you don't really believe it or you don't care about what information the feds get on you. Given your history I'd say the later isn't too likely.

I post here because I enjoy it. The belief that the feds run it has never crossed my mind before today.

Some how, not to be disparaging, I have a feeling lots of things have never crossed your mind where does all this money come from?

What money? What are you even talking about?

You just posted 3 links completely missing the point. Congrats!

You just posted 3 links completely missing the point. Congrats!

At this point any regular user of this board knows you are just an impotent little shit.

Why not switch user names or something? Or maybe finally swallow your gun? Might not be so bad, a nice dreamless sleep - and the rest of us could go on having discussions like adults without you trolling us softly.

Die in a fire. I mean it.

Are you proposing I end my life over posting on a forum that disagrees with your opinions? Do you not see how monumentally fucked up that is?


You are a troll, not interested in discussion. Don't play innocent.

monumentally fucked up that is?

I value free internet more than I value your life. I am comfortable with my ethics.

I value free internet more than I value your life. I am comfortable with my ethics.

You value free internet yet you would threaten someones life because they don't agree with you? Or in the case of a troll because they choose to express themselves differently? You don't care about freedom. You care about your own opinions.

because they don't agree with you

This has nothing to do with disagreement.

You intentionally ignore what I say, over and over.


This is not about "disagreement", or "free speech" or "opinions" or any of that.

This is about you only coming to r/conspiracy to fuck it up.

Agreed, and there is plenty of evidence he does that most of the time. All it takes is viewing a few comment threads. He intentionally, I believe, always ignores and/or deliberately misinterprets. He's said some truly ridiculous things elsewhere, and so silly they are clearly not accident but purposeful trolling. I propose that anyone who repeatedly, deliberately always (>95% of the time) uses trolling tactics for everything be bannable on that basis. One troll or several, no problem at 1%. But always: a big problem, and forum trashing.

I post here because I enjoy it.

You enjoy being an asshole.

I want to say this loud and clear to you:

The internet is the greatest invention of humankind.

Those that attack the internet are guilty of crimes against humanity.

One day you will pay the price for your deeds.

You talk about people attacking the internet but what have you contributed to it besides threatening words? I guarantee I've done a lot more to make the internet a free and open place than you ever will.

You would threaten someone for expressing their views online. You talk about freedom and openness while spewing that filth you disgusting hypocrite.

guarantee I've done a lot more

All you do is troll this board. That is it. All day, all night.

You would threaten someone for expressing their views online

Again, this is not about your views - it is about you intentionally crashing every conversation on the board.

filth you disgusting hypocrite

You bait posters with your innocent/ignorance act and then call them fascists for suggesting you are an asshole.


I suppose you are doomed to your own petty existence, and that is the only justice I will ever know in this regard.

Again, this is not about your views - it is about you intentionally crashing every conversation on the board.

It is about my views because your only claim is that I don't believe what you do.

It is about my views because your only claim is that I don't believe what you do.

What does that even mean?

You can believe whatever you want, dude. However, if what you believe is specifically antithetical to 90% of what is discussed here, you have literally no business here.


It is about my views

Persecution complex

All I know is that this was a much better subreddit before you started posting.

You're assuming you were here before me.

You're assuming you were here before me.


I am however noting that this username produces nothing but shit and if your goal was to fuck up the subreddit you are being successful.

I won't get into a hurr durr reddit pissing match with you, sorry.


you are the type I need, we are the type that we need....leadership is there for the taking in the new world order....not to take and abuse...but to forge forward and put the ills of a criminal empire behind us and right what has been wronged....perhaps some stronger launguge with ammendments related to central banking and all that goes with it.

I'm a part of the majority

You honestly believe your ideas are matched with the majority?


Well explain the context then.



I agree, 100%.

they'll ALL be awake before the end of the year.

Care you wager on that? I'm sure you believed it at the start of last year too.

You always manage to misconstrue while enforcing the CNN status quo.

You poorly explain yourself. Or say something then completely change the meaning of it when called out.


for the record I understand and it is clear from about 1000 miles away what is going on.

haveyouconsideredthe is not here to change you or I, but to discourage the others who might try to listen to us.

Notice that haveyouconsideredthe seems to dismiss, outright, any and all ideas outside his worldview without giving them a moment of thought.

Personally I don't believe in chemtrails, but I will read an article or thread about them, and ask polite pertinent questions.

But you know this.

I don't know. I know that one day, if there is justice, haveyouconsideredthe will die alone.

you only perceive the majority through the televisions eyes....i wonder if I ask you this....could you give me the right answer...could you explain the process of how a usd comes into existence, who is in charge of that and how much does it cost "us"....for when you know the true answer there is no either like getting ripped off and are stupid....or are ignorant to anything related to it...or are on the please give us a lesson on where the money comes from

Sounds like it is you that doesn't understand how the fed works. Tell me, how much does the federal reserve cost the federal government each year.

What does that have to do with my question exactly? Also the understanding the writer showed there is extremely limited. The loans they are referring to roll over daily. So a $10b loan held for 10 days would go down as a $100b loan.

ANYONE who defends the fed system, as you are right now, shows what they are....

Someone that knows something more than you? Why didn't you just answer the question?

It sounds like you don't understand how the fed works.

Tell me, how much does the federal reserve cost the federal government each year?

Nothing they are a profit center due to the fed paying almost all its profits to the federal government.

Where on earth did you get the idea that the federal reserve pays its profits the united states government?

The federal reserve pays it's benefits to it's member banks according to the amount of shares they own.

Where did you get the idea that the federal reserve pays profits out to the treasury? Or what arm of the government did you think the FR paid?

It's in the federal reserve act and the figures are released every year.

The federal reserve pays it's benefits to it's member banks according to the amount of shares they own.

It pays a 6% dividend on how much they put in. Given that they don't only hold federal debt however they have other sources of revenue besides the federal government. Enough that each year they make more than the federal government pays them in interest by quite a bit.

Last year the federal reserve paid the federal government $88.9 billion.

Given your response it's quite clear you don't even have a basic understanding of the fed. Maybe you should go do some more reading because accusing others of ignorance.

they are.

so i can address them directly while openly forming a coalition in front of their face

it was on the front page earlier this morning. and several times since

Exactly what I said. And when I posted it I got down voted into oblivion -_-

There HAS to be more to the story!

Why? Depressed people commit suicide every day, all over the world. Assuming there has to be an external force behind this man's death is disrespectful not only to his memory, but what countless other sufferers are living (and dying) through.

I think the reason people are so eager to jump on the idea of an external force in this is first because this guy helped found Reddit, and helped defend not only all of Reddit's freedom but the general freedom of US citizens, and he took his own life, so they probably want to find a secret story of the noble internet knight defeating big brother. Not trying to make them all sound silly, I think it would be an awesome story too, but people like to paint that picture of greatness and general baddasery.

And secondly I think it's because he did so in the middle of his trial, people think it adds a hint of 'mystery' to it. I think it's worth discussing to see if anything viable can be seen in it. However I do agree that going too far and making up stories and such is completely disrespectful, especially after all that he's done for us internet folk.

From what I can see, it does look like he had a sad situation and it's likely there was nothing behind it, so personally I'm going to be generally finished with the whole 'underlying mystery' thing now.

On another note, thanks for everything Aaron. You were a brilliant visionary, and you've given us things that we (Reddit) along with the rest of the internet will not likely forget. RIP

Because I want conspiracy. It will further validate my hatred of the US government. /s

Aaron was/is a brilliant man. A lot of brilliant people suffer depression.

Here are some "helpful" links:

This article probably sheds the most light on Aaron's legal battles:

This morning, a lot of people are speculating that Aaron killed himself because he was worried about doing time. That might be so. Imprisonment is one of my most visceral terrors, and it's at least credible that fear of losing his liberty, of being subjected to violence (and perhaps sexual violence) in prison, was what drove Aaron to take this step.

But Aaron was also a person who'd had problems with depression for many years. He'd written about the subject publicly, and talked about it with his friends.

Ninja Edit: Check out his homepage (the 'weblog' is of interest): Here he writes about illness and depression:

How sadly ironic that in his suffering from depression, and his ultimate suicide, is his legacy of co-founding reddit; a site with an incredibly big heart with even a support subreddit for people just like him, and his position: /r/SuicideWatch

Having known depression, events like this are very sad.

He blogged previously about having had problems with depression. Plus he was still being prosecuted for downloading JSTOR by hacking into MIT network.

If I recall he gained entry to the campus through friends and installed a laptop in a closet. All for a good cause but by the letter of the law illegal. Think laws should be changed to allow open and free access to information for scholarly purposes? Me too.. all the same the law is the law.

How do you know he didn't just get dumped by a significant other or find out he was ill or...endless reasons why someone may kill themselves.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Some things just suck.

Now THAT'S fucking interesting.

Yes it is. Anybody have a net worth for this guy? He seemed smart enough to pull it off. Did he have the resources?

That blog just brings up more questions than it answers.

Lawrence Lessig, who heads the Safra Center at Harvard and had worked for a time on behalf of Mr. Swartz’s legal defense, noted in an interview that Mr. Swartz had been arrested by the M.I.T. campus police two years to the day before his suicide. That arrest led to the eventual federal indictment and financial ruin for Mr. Swartz, who had made money on the sale of Reddit to Condé Nast but had never tried to turn his intellect to making money. “I can just imagine him thinking it was going to be a million-dollar defense,” Mr. Lessig said. “He didn’t have a million dollars.”;_r=0

Pretty good blog post on his situation from a close friend:

I think he was murdered. I just wrote a long comment, and it seems to have been deleted. The prosection didn't have much on Aaron; he probably would have beaten the charges. And he may have led the charge against the current version of SOPA. Aaron obviously pissed off some very powerful people; he was a brilliant hacker who was for freedom of information- just the type that the intelligence crowd hates. The media is making a lot of his supposed depression, but if you look at it there's not much there. Probably all of us have felt a little despair at times... there's no real sign that Aaron was suicidal. Murder under the cover of suicide is very common in U.S. political history. Check out the case of Danny Casolaro, an enemy of U.S. political elites if there ever was one:

Glenn Greenwald wrote a fine obituary on Aaron Swartz and the struggle Swartz had with federal prosecutors.

This is from the official statement of Swartz's family:

"Aaron's death is not simply a personal tragedy. It is the product of a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach. Decisions made by officials in the Massachusetts US Attorney's office and at MIT contributed to his death. The US Attorney's office pursued an exceptionally harsh array of charges, carrying potentially over 30 years in prison, to punish an alleged crime that had no victims. Meanwhile, unlike JSTOR, MIT refused to stand up for Aaron and its own community's most cherished principles."

Can we get some answers please...

Will the real answer satisfy you, or do you just want the conspiracy ones?

What's the real answer? <---- FAU Professor James Tracy <---- Anderson Cooper Attacking James Tracy and Conspiracy Forums;ID=234 <---- 100% evidence that Alex is a fraud. Very detailed.

Wrong thread.

Im imagining you downvoted, are you a regular on this subreddit, or are you one of those jerkoffs that downvotes anything conspiracy related?

I'd turn the question around and ask if you're just one of those jerkoffs that downvotes anyone who disagrees with them, or who provides an answer that isn't steeped in conspiracy; which is why I asked up front.


I don't know more than you. But, I would also ask you why you and others dismiss the most likely answer: that this was a troubled man, who friends and family have both said suffered from depression and who had written publicly about it and death. You may want to think you're on to some deep hidden secret, but what you do is dishonor the man's memory and legacy with nonsense.


As of now I'm assuming he was dealing with some heavy shit and didn't view life as worth continuing. Why do you say he was at odds with "them"? Any evidence for this?

You know what really sucks about this? We'll probably never know. All of the suicidal posts people are finding from him are from 2007 and days within each other. When something like this happens, we can't definitively state that they are connected: we have no proof, only confirmation bias.

What I do know though is that he was a strong pioneer for freedom, and he is gone now because of assholes with too much power. That pisses me off. It doesn't matter if he did it, or they did, he's still gone because of his activism; trying to allow people to inform themselves and stand up for their rights (avaaz).


apparantly hanging? i dont think he would actually attempt a suicide in this fashion.

computer people commit suicide in one way only... poisoned apple.

On this one, I'm going with, he knew that no matter how noble his motives had been, he was going to be reamed and his life ruined. I don't believe that JSTOR would commit murder over their level of profits, and besides, they had an overwhelming case against him.

No conspiracy here just a non-criminal who knew he would be sentenced to many years and knew he wasnt tough enough to handle it. He took death over years of rape, a perfectly rational choice

While this is a far better post than the pic of the guy saying 'hero', simply because you're asking for info, a good conspiracy needs a launching pad.

You really need something odd that doesn't make sense. I can't think of anything.

  • Guy stole some shit, others have done FAR worse and still alive.

  • Was it a suicide? People kill themselves for far less.

So what doesn't add up?

Mr. Swartz, lets make a deal. You can have the box on the left (a prison cell) or what's behind the curtain...

interesting. his blog post mentions 'staged suicide' as a solution.

can we attribute this tragedy to antidepressants causing suicidal ideations or for the stress about doing potential prison time? or both?

Aaron Swartz is another victim of psychotropic medications that cause suicide. It's time for all activists to gather together and stop the insanity of these poisons. We can not allow this to continue to happen.

He was a depressed kid who did not realize that problems today goes away tomorrow. Thats the story of suicide. Kids do not have the perspective that all things will pass. He was looking at 35 years in jail and it destroyed him.....

It's not just a kid's problem. This happens with "adults" too.

35 85% time served? Fuck, science is serious business.

Where's the real evidence that he was depressed, and what makes you think he would have been convicted? The prosecution didn't have shit on him, is what it looks like.

oh god. everyone knows he was depressed. hes been talking about it for years. go look at his site at a page called "sick" - the guy has been battling depression forever.....

BS. Why does there 'HAS' to be more to this story? Fuck the conspiracy shit on this one...

Not everything is a conspiracy dipshit, you can't come to us for "truth" to everything, he committed suicide.

I used to work for the CIA and whenever we needed to kill someone we would make look like murder suicide Don't argue with me you little bitch i have over 300 confirmed kill fags

The thing I find funny us that everyone thinks he created Reddit.

I don't know more than you. But, I would also ask you why you and others dismiss the most likely answer: that this was a troubled man, who friends and family have both said suffered from depression and who had written publicly about it and death. You may want to think you're on to some deep hidden secret, but what you do is dishonor the man's memory and legacy with nonsense.

ok now i'm just learning about this JSTOR incident, but from what i know of JSTOR is that it holds scientific and other types of articles. i think most people here are under the impression that the conspiracy comes from some force trying to set an example or silence of someone trying to liberate information (that should be free for all) from the hands of those withholding it.

Wrong thread.

Are you proposing I end my life over posting on a forum that disagrees with your opinions? Do you not see how monumentally fucked up that is?