Reddit is becoming more corrupted with misinformation and propaganda.

180  2013-01-15 by [deleted]

I am noticing a big flow of viral ads and propaganda on Reddit lately. I notice there are always people to try to discredit certain views including chem trails, aliens, and the Sandy Hook/Aurora shootings. They often use tactics of questioning the mental health of the truth seeker or discrediting them in other ways. They seem to log into multiple accounts to reply to your responses (seemingly same conversation with multiple users who stop responding when a new one sends a message.)

Reddit is becoming the new TV, so be careful. Seek the truth. Look up information about aliens. Watch media subjectively.


Not trying to be an ass, but what's wrong with trying to "discredit certain views"? If something can be debunked or debated, shouldn't it be allowed without labeling it "misinformation"? Now if they're just trolling or not adding anything to the conversation, then I understand.

I totally agree with you on what you are saying. But at the same time I do agree with the OP where he expressed concern about how people attempt to discredit views by attacking them personally, instead of debunking the argument itself. Things like that need to be treated more seriously. I am not convinced about chem trails or aliens (to the extent that they have visited earth), but attacking the person on a personal level does not contribute anything to the conversation at hand. What we need to do is focus more on the facts and less about speculation and emotion. I dont think we will ever be able to entirely rid ourselves of this problem, but I think being more aware of it can help us improve it greatly.

It's called Ad Hominem; an argumental fallacy, in which the man(hom) is attacked instead of the argument presented.

Welcome to being called "shill" instead of given an intelligent response.

Possible shill here guys, flagged and noted in my ledger of suspect usernames. ;)

That sounds like something a shill would say to blend in!

Is this the Bo Jangles from Arma 2 Wasteland?

But at the same time I do agree with the OP where he expressed concern about how people attempt to discredit views by attacking them personally, instead of debunking the argument itself.

Isn't the OP doing the same thing by essentially labelling dissenters as government/corporate shills?

Am I a propagandist for thinking that chemtrails are silly?

Am I a propagandist for thinking that chemtrails are silly?

Nope, you're just an intelligent person. Chemtrails have been thoroughly debunked.


Everywhere in mainstream meteorology, but a number of folks here apparently discard all accepted science.

I have seen clips of meteorologists Basicly confirming chemtrails on the nightly news. Wish I had a link.

The OP never said shill in his post. He actually never said anything negative about a person. He did make an observation about what has happened to him personally.

Accusation of sock-puppetry amongst those who disagree with the "truth seekers" is not negative?

Maybe I am missing where he is offensive. Please quote him in your text. Someone said he has called them "shills" and now "sock-puppetry" yet I can't find that text in his post :(

they seem to log into multiple accounts to reply to your responses

This practice is referred to as sock-puppetry, where each account is a sock puppet being controlled by one person, the sock master. Typically people will take accusations of sock-puppetry as offensive as it suggests various negative characteristics such as dishonesty, and pettiness.

I had a long post written up yesterday, but pressed ctrl + arrow without the text box selected and lost the entire post :/ so sorry for the late reply.


they seem to log into multiple accounts...

Basically IMO the "seem" there takes out the accusation and replaces it with a "this is how I feel when two or three guys are finishing each other's thoughts".


Sure you can take a sentence with "seem" in it and make it insulting, "they seem like shill assholes.." but he specifically left out any name calling or labels in his original post. For that reason I think he is just stating his take on the situation, and ultimately trying to help people keep their cool.

Just read through these comments.

Well what is said after the fact does not taint what was said originally.

After all a person who is trying to be helpful, can easily turn from non-aggressive to aggressive over time.

What are Chem Trails??

EDIT: Negative Downvotes for a question? Cool.

A 40 pound box of easily refutable horseshit.

I wouldn't downvote you because I'm not a dick, but you could also try searching wikipedia...

I just thought someone could explain what it was and then we could discuss it.

Like a Social Media Site.

I'll be nice, since no one else seems to be very helpful... I know what you mean about asking questions and being downvoted, people can be dicks and just downvote because they disagree, even though it's against reddiquite.

Chem-Trails are a conspiracy that there are special planes out there that pump toxic chemicals / gases into our atmosphere that affect our thinking patterns and control us as a population. If you google image for "Chem Trails" you will see some grid formations of what appear to be con-trails, but a con-trail fades into a cloud after about 2 minutes and should be gone after about 5, but in the chem trail photos there are grids of con-trails, which is odd.

Here are some photos. I can't prove it, but I can't disprove it either, so I won't say that it's bullshit.

Fyi there is absolutely nothing in meteorology that suggests contrails would have to dissipate in 2 minutes.

I wasn't giving straight up facts, just estimates. But it shouldn't stay up there long enough to form a grid like what I've seen.


It's science. They hate it.

You mean that similar objects moving through a similar fluid, closely in time and velocity, will have a similar effect?

How much were you paid to say that, shill?

But it shouldn't stay up there long enough to form a grid like what I've seen.

Says who?

Show me otherwise then.

That's not how it works. You made the initial claim - that contrails disappear quickly. It is your job to support that claim before I need to prove anything.

Here you go, smart ass.. Said I gave estimates initially, I don't have to support anything, you can research the rest like I do. It's not my job to make you realize and believe, only you can do that sadly, once you find it in yourself.

You do understand that the residual effects of a contrail can vary greatly depending on factors that can have high variability, such as but not limited to; atmospheric temperature, atmospheric condensation, altitude, engine/exhaust temperature. Furthermore, the video you posted is comparing a dissipating trail to a freshly forming one at 2 varying and unknown altitudes from at least one unidentified plane, with no record of any of the variables I mentioned above.

Additionally, do the theorists have any clue what these mystical chemicals are? are they even attempting to find out? Of course not. It’s much easier to point a handycam at the sky and scream chem-trail when they see a white streak in the sky. That’s without even discussing the fact that if chem-trails are as common as the theorist like to believe, it should possible to undertake independent air samples and identify, at least some of the chemical(s?) involved. Approach this air sampling in a scientific method (replicable sampling methods, varying sample locations vs control locations etc.) and the argument may gain some credibility. But doing that may (will) disprove the theory altogether, so I can’t see any ‘concerned theorists’ undertaking that investigation.

It's also much easier to just sit back and dismiss all of these theories as hearsay and attempt to poke holes into the evidence and argue about it than to research the matter, but it seems like you put a lot of time into your response. Wouldn't it be better to invest all of that time into looking up more information, than arguing with me?

Disprove the theory and you get a cookie.

So its up to me to further disprove a theory that is already disproven by basic science? Yeah sure thing guy

Is that even a word? Have you ever heard of aerosols? Apparently these guys say its conspiracy fact.

Ok, first off, he mentions they took a scientific approach to this. I did a quick search of some scientific databases I have access to and found nothing related to Al, Br and/or Sr being detected in large amounts in the air. He also doesn't mention anything that directly links the increased levels in soil to increased levels in the air from overhead planes. Increased levels of Al, Br and Sr in soil could all be related to other emissions sources i.e. industry. The lady at the end obviously has no understanding of chemistry or toxicology, as she makes blanket statements with no factual basis.

If the chemicals involved are indeed Al, Br and Sr, it should be incredibly easy to either detect them with basic air monitoring techniques, which if it was the case, I'm sure researchers/academics involved in public health or toxicology related fields would be jumping on them. Large amounts of easy to detect chemicals in the air that can negatively impact human health would be a huge discussion point, and huge discussion points = more funding and guaranteed employment. Furthermore, if it is being applied at rates indicated in the video, it would be showing up regularly and in large amounts in blood and urine analysis of the general population from independent and unrelated research projects.

I’m not debating that geo-engineering doesn’t occur, it does to some extent, but primarily in nations like the UAE to create rain in a dessert environment.

Please feel free to provide some solid evidence to the contrary, and I’m not talking about youtube videos of handycams pointed at the sky.

You think a one-minute YouTube by an anonymous person, without so much as one word of speech, is "proof" that contrails can't last longer than a few minutes?

I ask again: prove your assertion that contrails must disappear quickly. I'm giving you the vendor of the doubt to define what quickly means. In your original statement, you said 2 minutes.

And yes, it is "your job" to support a factual assertion you make.

Well if you to use scientific theory there is an observation.

And I have observed that some contrails disappear quickly, some remain for longer. That is not proof that the ones that last longer are poisonous chemicals being sprayed by a nefarious conspiracy.

Watch this.

Are you joking? That's not evidence. Who knows who the person is speaking?

Do you understand what evidence is? It would be something from a scientific resource talking about how long contrails remain visible.

The whole thing is really ridiculous. Why would anyone poison themselves?

you can literally see them do that with you own eyes and yet instead of accepting that, you think that the logical explanation is not that you know fuck all about meteorology but rather that they must be toxic mind control gas clouds?

Can you construe a sentence?

I think you got downvotes for asking something a five second search in google could have answered.

As I said before: let's not forget this is a Social Media Site where people talk to one another. Shit.

I was just trying to help you understand why someone might have downvoted you. Shit fuck

It's hard to understand the commenters context in text and I feel both of you had good intentions. With that said, I like when a conversation takes place on my favorite subreddits. The whole world can get involved. Shit fuck hell.

I concur, the context button here only works so much. Shit fuck hell dick

Doesn't mean there is time to coddle the ignorant and weak minded fools such as yourself who must be spoon fed everything while we hold your hand.

The belief that condensation trails, or contrails, left behind by jets are actually either trails of chemicals or contrails with chemicals mixed in, done in a covert manner to hide a wide array of nefarious activities, from mind control, to weather manipulation, to changing the human genome.

I'll spot you an upvote and a response. :P

Almost all aircraft leave contrails in the sky. A contrail is the formation of a cloud in the sky trailing the jet due to heat created by the engine interacting with the surrounding atmosphere. Sometimes contrails disappear at a steady, observable rate (mere seconds, prominent effect), but other times they linger for up to several hours long. Some argue that the contrails that last for hours on end in the sky are not just clouds formed by aircraft, but actually chemicals (or metals) being sprayed by aircraft. The reasons for these chemicals (note, chemtrail) being sprayed vary from person to person, but common chemtrail conspiracies conclude they are either metals to conduct radar, or poisons to infect the populace.

It might sound absurd at first but there is facts that support and facts that debunk. Be open to all the info.

Edit: :P

No, positive downvotes for being a dipshit.


News story revealing military experiments in St. Louis and more in the 60's testing radioactive zinc particles.


Solar radiation management.

Thats what they call it these days.

Wow, this is dangerous stuff. Do they really think they know all the consequences of spraying something globally? How arrogant.

Absolutely not nonsense. They are spraying metals in the air and have been since the 90's. They need to keep a certain level of conductivity in the air for some undisclosed reason, but these metals are carcinogenic and they may just be poisoning us off. If someone calls it nonsense they are likely one of the shills, of course this thread would get hijacked. Look up the info yourself.

Who is "they"?

Well, let's consider that as asking, who can fly unmarked jets with opposition by the FAA and US military. Oh, and who can be cleared to fly these from military airbases. Now let's ask again, 'who is "they"'? Geometric precise logic says, it's gotta be the Girl Scouts.

Ok, well, whoever "they" are, do they breathe from a different atmosphere than us? Because, otherwise, poisoning the air seems like a terrible conspiracy, no?

Oh Danny boy, how you changed the topic from who to 'durrrh, conspiracy, durrr". What a good job shifting topic and not actually countering my argument.

You didn't really make an argument, you just made it clear that you believe the government is responsible for spraying chemicals into out atmosphere for dubious purposes.

He made the point that if they are poisoning us, they are also poisoning themselves, something most rational people wouldn't do.

You, in turn, said

Oh Danny boy, how you changed the topic from who to 'durrrh, conspiracy, durrr". What a good job shifting topic and not actually countering my argument.

You, in fact, changed the topic from chemtrails to accusing him of changing the topic.

Excuse me, but I stated the conditions under which planes have been documented and showed only a governmental body could fly such planes. Danny boy made no direct counter but deflected onto a related matter.

You, in fact, changed the topic from chemtrails to accusing him of changing the topic.

I can't believe you're serious. I commented that someone was trying to change the topic and you accuse me of trying to change the topic by complaining he was changing the topic? Get out of here with that bullshit.

Your comment history shows just how much you are interested in open debate. Thanks for waking me up to your existence.

Make sure you've got RES installed so you can tag me as a shill.

Source to these documented occurances please.

You can Google it yourself easily, or pay me for wasting my time.

"unmarked chemtrail planes"

So you make a wild claim that, on the face of it, makes absolutely no sense, and then it's suddenly everyone else's job to disprove you.

Got it!

"wild claim" - in your personal judgement

"makes absolutely no sense" - ditto

"then it's suddenly everyone else's job to disprove you" - I think dogs run in packs, and dogs like to lick their own balls. Fortunately there are no dogs on Reddit.

Literally none of that made sense. Dogs licking their balls? What on earth are you on about?

It seems asking you to back up your point was just too much to ask...

What part of "you can find out for yourself by Googling this term" do you not understand?

It was your claim, Bub. It's up to you to back it up, not demand everyone else does your donkey-work for you.

You've made a claim without evidence, therefore I will dismiss it with the same force. Can you back it up?

What part of 'you are too stupid also too lazy to look at the evidence" do you also not understand? I directed you as to what to Google to see multiple evidence for yourself, and you now require I beg you to look? Please please please pretty please look at the evidence? How about kiss my ass, troll.

Let me break this down to the most simplest way I can: you made the claim, therefore you provide the actual evidence. Pointing me to Google isn't providing evidence, it's telling me to do your legwork for you. You might as well point out the window and say "it's out there somewhereeeeee". I mean, can you imagine in a courtroom, the Prosecution saying "he's clearly guilty of murder" and then calling the Jury "lazy" for not going out and looking for the evidence themselves? You want to claim something is happening, then you need to provide the actual evidence.

If you can back up your claim, then please do so. However I suspect you cannot do any such thing (or else you would have done so already).

Can you answer my query or not?

Who besides the government flies unmarked jets? I can't hear you? Who was that again? Sorry, what?

Asking who you think is doing it was merely a preface. I know you think it was the government. I was just making sure you didn't think it was lizard people from outer space of something because, as I said, these government people would be poisoning themselves as well.

You stated elsewhere you come on Reddit to recreationally troll people. (I paraphrase.) So as soon as you deflected, it was pretty clear where this was headed.

You still haven't actually countered my argument, and you're still trying to deflect into some weird conspiracy thing about lizards. That's fucked up, Danny.

Ok, I'll answer. No, no one else has those planes besides the government.

Now answer mine. Why would these people - you say "the government" - poison their own air?

Why if I disagree with you am I likely a shill?

to discredit views by attacking them personally, instead of debunking the argument itself

Uh, like calling people shills? Which as I recall a post telling users here to do was up-voted to the very top of this subreddit a few days ago.

how people attempt to discredit views by attacking them personally, instead of debunking the argument itself.

Now that is funny.

Just watch this thread and see how those who don't agree with the majority are treated

Im not saying it isnt, I just have to ask why?

Because in my experience it is those who post evidence who are called shills, insulted and downvoted.

I wouldnt say that this problem is as large as you say it is, but I would agree with you to some extent. I have seen people who try and post facts against the majority get shut down pretty quickly. Though I do not disagree with people in anyway for quickly commenting against them I do have a serious problem with downvoting them. This is why I choose not to vote on reddit. I believe everyone should have an equal say, regardles of what it is they have to say. Downvoting, and even upvoting can unintentionally censor people. I think this subreddit of all places should do something about this, at least in the comment section of each thread.

Says the king of that.

Yeah it's getting to be widely known him and haveyouconsideredthe are despicable. Once you realize they're torlls/shills though it just gets funny. If you look at their history, there's literally no reason why they visit this subreddit - so their agenda becomes obvious.

Because I enjoy talking about conspiracies and actually researching them. Not just imagining scenarios and claiming they are likely.

You're claiming I am despicable because I don't hope or dream that everything is a conspiracy.

Some of us actually do believe that our government and multinational conglomeraties conspire to take advantage of people around the world without also believing in chemtrails, free unlimited energy, reptilian overlords, Illuminati symbology, homeopathic medicines, etc.

I wouldn't call them "shills" per say, they may be the same person actually, similar usernames, but a person who doesn't deal with cognitive dissonance very well. Always needs "more proof". He would need "more proof" of a hand existing even if it slapped him in the face and yanked his nutsack off.

I don't require more proof. I require ANY proof. People just give me their opinions as if they are proof when they aren't.

This sub reddit has gone from a place for research to a place for creative thinking and it's disappointing.

Then please provide examples of me behaving in such a way.

I think you'll do it yourself over the course of the next few posts.

Any look at BYCNTM's comment history shows it's rife with such examples.

In other words you have no evidence. Typical.

Nothing is wrong with it.

If something can be disproven, then it should be without even a second thought.

Conspiracy theorists are supposed to be truth seekers, not paranormal seekers. If the truth ends up being something you didn't want to hear, then you need to check your objectivity when approaching these situation.

" Now if they're just trolling or not adding anything to the conversation, then I understand. "

Pretty sure that's what the OP is talking about.

It seems that OP considers any dissent to be trolling, as though people must be paid or joking if they disagree.

These people aren't trying to have a debate, they are bombarding threads with comments mocking those who appose the official view. They ask for all kinds of impossible proof to find, while providing no actual evidence of their own arguments, usually they just result to calling the person crazy because they are too dumb to think of anything else.

I assume, since you thought this problem was worthy of its own thread, you can post some examples of this?

Case in point, you ask for impossible proof.

It's impossible for OP to provide any proof of what he said is occuring all over???

Ahem... That, good sir, was sarcasm.

Fucking Poe's Law. DOESN'T ANYONE USE A WINKING SMILEY ANYMORE??!!/!/!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


I don't blame ya man, round here it's incredibly hard to tell who's joking or not.

I thought this was like /r/circlejerk . Now I don't know what the hell is going on anymore.

People who disagree with you aren't shills, and people who disagree with you aren't '' cattle ''. I understand though you can feel that way when you're young.

No one said anything about shills or cattle...seems like misdirection and attack on character to me!

Thank you, seriously.

He was being sarcastic.

To be fair, /u/ReptilianHybrid didn't mention shill or cattle

I understand though you can feel that way when you're young.

And /u/majecticpenis69 did use a logical fallacy didn't he?

I said it is likely that most of the people on here arguing against chem trails and calling people paranoid for being concerned are probably shills. People who don't believe in it no, but people blatantly trying to shut down claims saying there is no evidence in media or news articles. The evidence is in the sky, the trails are in the sky in grid formation and remain for hours, condensation trails dissipate much sooner despite what some people on here say.

Ok, sure. Sorry. Of course, you still mentioned shills, which oopididn'tagain said you didn't at all.

Also if chemtrails were a danger to us, would there be a measurable amount of whatever they are dropping in the sky in our air? If there isn't, what is your explanation for there not being a measurable amount? And if there isn't, why do you insist such low amounts of whatever the chemicals are would poison us and cause mass cancer? I am definitely willing to believe in chemtrails if given enough unbiased evidence.

Just wondering.

Agent Orange is real and we can all accept this but spraying a different chemical all over people is unbelievable? I never said the chem trails were meant for mass cancer, maybe, but I think it has more to do with keeping conductivity in the air for some technology we don't know about.


Please do the research for yourself that wasn't the point of this thread.

I love coming to this subreddit when Im bored just so I can watch idiots like OP make hilarious fools of themselves

Yer a shill, crusty.


He's not me...

You only know this because you are him. Busted.

This is one of the lamest outing attempts I've seen in a while.

I am not being sarcastic I am being serious, you seem pretty sure it a guy first of all and that he was being sarcastic although it isn't well implied. You only know this because you are him. Busted.

Seriously? The rest of us could tell it was sarcasm just fine. You can't read a joke, so they must be the same person behind two usernames.


All of Reddit, is him... I mean, me.

Oh Burn!

could you explain to us what the core of the problem is?

What do you mean?

Shhhh Socrates, it's gonna be ok.

discredit certain views including chem trails, aliens, and the Sandy Hook/Aurora shootings

Asking for evidence should not be considered a bad thing nor is pointing out factional information that disproves a statement or statements.

Seek the truth - that isn't what you want - you want a shielded area into which information which might make you rethink things isn't permitted.

Think of it this way, the people providing you with all the 'proof' in the media are the same people who staged the thing to begin with. So to understand what really happened, you must watch subjectively and look for inconsistencies that paint the picture of what is really going on. For example when an entire plane burns up hot enough to melt steel, yet the hijacker's passport falls to the ground unharmed, that screams out planted evidence and if you do not see that that I can't help you.

I do want to seek the truth, and I welcome friendly debate, but having my character and mental health questioned because I do not agree with the official story is starting to make me feel like I am in North Korea or some shit. It would be as inappropriate as if I walked up to them and told them to lose weight and get checked for diseases since they look so shitty.

The problem here is... and this post is a good example is that you are working these things bass akwards, and thats why you lack credibility and it's why people are attacking these views. You have this theory that the government and/or media stages everything then you take "evidence" and whatever random stuff you find as "facts" and then you make them fit that theory that the government/media are out to get you. This is sort of like... suppose you believed in leprecauns. Like really firmly you believe that there are leprcauns and they are in your house.. Now, every little thing becomes evidence that the leprecaun exists and has been there. Keys missing? Leprecaun did it. One sock gone after the wash has been put away? Leprecaun. Rainbow? Leprecaun. For a more real life example look at how creationists take the evidence for evolution and make it fit their theory of evolution and/or intelligent design. They have a conclusion that they want to reach and they bend over backwards to make the facts fit their conclusion, discounting anything along the way that can't be forced to fit their model. That is pretty much what I see a lot of around here (Not trying to put down religious folk, just from my pov can't come up with a better example.)

edit: you is a royal you, not you specificially.

I am not saying everything in the news is staged. I am saying that propaganda is everywhere and that the truth we are told is not the real truth, but the truth deemed 'safe' for us to know about. I don't blame them, I would spread propaganda to feed my family too unfortunately.

Like I said, not the royal you, but there are a fair number of folks here on reddit and in general who operate like this. Everything is a conspiracy and everything that happens is evidence for it. If the evidence doesn't support the idea that everything or something is a conspiracy it's a conspiracy to make the greater conspiracy not look like a conspiracy or it's an outlier. You can take that line of thinking in circles for decades.

People are in denial and it makes no sense. We know there are top secret government files and we know propaganda exists we are taught about it in school. We know that there was a 'supposed' alien crash in 1947 and that our technology has boomed ever since. We know all kinds of other governments have done horrible testing on their own people and we criticize countries like North Korea for using propaganda when the USA uses similar tactics which is why Americans think they live in the best country in the world.

I am not trying to make a movement or anything like that we can't do shit but we need to become aware of these things so we can make sure we are thinking for ourselves.

We can be aware of these things without believing in chem trails.

I didn't even mention the chem trails here.

You're right, you mentioned them elsewhere.

You're right, you mentioned them elsewhere.

I've been called a misinformist here. It's disappointing. So I don't post much. People assume I'm some agent. I'm an engr major with a friend who believes in the reptilian shape shifting theories to what I'm afraid could become unhealthy. So I came here to understand him better, learn how to talk about these theories and what not. It hasn't been very useful.

Chem trails... I'm still in school, but I'm pretty sure if a jet released mustard gas from 30k feet by the time it reaches us it would be so dillute it would be harmless. Not to mention jet lines can be demonstrated pretty easily. There's a reason crop dusters must fly so low to work properly. Are there any theories about chemicals being tested on people through the water supply? Seems far more cost effective and simpler to hide.

Water fluoridation. There's a famous documentary about it called Dr. Strangelove.

Im struggling with Poe's Law here but Ill upvote you anyway

Only pure grain alcohol

Poisoning the water supply is one of the least effective methods of harming a population. Because it would become so diluted it would be far most cost effective to try and use a poison some other way.

How is it "unhealthy" for him to believe in aliens? I think it makes a lot more sense than god having his own son and sacrificing himself for our mistakes wtf is that shit? Also, yes our water is poisoned it's called fluoride and Hitler used it on the Jews also. (main ingredient in some anti depressants not 'for our teeth').

It's not unhealthy now. I'm just afraid it could become unhealthy. He was a major influence on me becoming an athiest. Always questioning everything. I question everything myself. Like for instance, amongst the ethically questionable nazi medical files there are no experiments involving fluoride. For teeth or breed docility. Let's assume those have been omitted for some gov't reason. Most ghettos hardly had a water supply, it would be quite the work to treat it with fluoride. I had a project last year of building a theoretical home water treatment device to turn grey water into potable water. We looked into chemical agents such as fluoride and iodine for purification, but decided to go another route because, while they show to clean the water very well, they are still chemicals and long term exposure might do some sort of harm and removing them after treatment is quite expensive. We went with slow sand gravity filter, followed by ozone sterilization, then through uv light tubes, and on through a simple carbon filter. Not a terribly practical device, but fun to design. Another fun fact about fluoride in water, in Africa there is a place that the ground water is rich in fluoride. Too much fluoride makes teeth soft, so they have a history of filling their teeth into sharp points.

In short, there are better ways to treat water than fluoride so I wish our treatment plants would evolve. But I don't think it likely the Nazis used it on jews in their water. Could have, they did crazy shit, but most of their medical experiments are more than well known.

Also jumping back to my friend, I have no problem with him believing theories such that he does. It's how he speaks about them. We're around 20 and use psychoactives. Another friend of mine was recently diagnosed schizophrenic after a number of psychotic episodes after speaking for a while about some new spirit realm that he is the chosen one of. Obviously not a conspiracy theory, but my other friends arguments and convictions remind me of the now recovering schizophrenic. I just don't want another friend to climb naked in trees on campus, refusing to listen to people. At least not sober ha.

Damn I love slow sand filters. Permaculture4life.

Everyone has their own path. Healthy or unhealthy, you can talk and share ideas, but you can never make someone see they are unhealthy... they have to come to that realization themselves.


(Not saying you are doing this just a statement that may help everyone here) Attacking a person's character because you feel they are wrong in no way will help them get to your point of view faster. More so it'll push them to hold their stance harder and firmer. Allowing them to find the truth on their own is the best way to win them over. Showing what helps you believe what you do is all that you can do.


Fluoride: it can also effects a person's brain in certain ways. It can ultimately cause sleeping problems (causes the brain to reduce or stop production of Melatonin). Take from that what you will. I for one don't think the chemical is worth the amount of protection for my teeth it provides :/

because it is unhealthy to believe in something that there is absolutely zero proof of?

It's common on all public forums for people to troll, drag red herrings, spread disinformation, create divisiveness etc. Just be aware of it and move on.

There's also this weird thing about people having different opinions.

The OP mentions aliens.... so are you telling me that any time I tell someone on reddit that no, we haven't actually found proof of extra terrestrial life, I am actually just trolling or spreading disinformation?

This has been my biggest problem with this subreddit recently. I don't agree with someone's view? Oh, I must be a shill or someone else's alternate account! Anyone who disagrees is part of the conspiracy!

This 'shill' shit is getting out of hand. You and I disagree with stupid and baseless claims X, Y and Z? Then we're shills, case closed!

I get your point, but if you have to insult someone to disagree with them, you don't deserve any respect in the discussion at hand. Paid or not.

This post itself is trolling Username reptillianHybrid sentence:, Seek the truth. Look up information about aliens." He's poisoning the punchbowl with reptillian bullshit and making everyone here look bad and directing our eyes from very earthly concerns.

This post itself is trolling

Username reptillianHybrid

sentence:, Seek the truth. Look up information about aliens."

He's shitting in the koolaid with reptillian bullshit and making everyone here look bad and directing our eyes from very earthly concerns.

Why does /r/conspiracy have to warn everyone about trolls and shills on the daily. We get it, there are people that won't see things the same way you do. It seems like there's another look at all these shills, or there are more trolls here now posts every damned day.


Good call. Clever I guess, I got taken!

Yep. Any time an adult conversation breaks out, here comes 7 posters going OOOO I BET THE REPTILES DID IT #YOLO.

The fact is, this sub has trolls. Lots of them. I think we can agree on that.

"Adult" lost my shit there

Anyone who questions the veracity of so tragic and easily verifiable event as the Sandy Hook/ Aurora massacres deserves nothing but scorn, derision, and possibly forcible submission into a psych ward, so you should probably count your blessings that all you get is mild antagonism.
In Germany, for good reason, to deny the historical veracity of the Holocaust is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE.
Wake up sheeple! LMFAO.

Even if we know the truth, we must still explore the realm of possibility. A lot of the debate around the sandy hook / aurora events stem from the lack of journalistic integrity, overlapping stories of false information in the early hours, and people still latching on to these false claims put forward by the press.

Blame the media for the problem, they created it with the shoddy journalism. Of course if you feed reports that a second shooter was on the scene, or aren't clear about the guns in the back of someones car, of course it will result in some gullible nutjob picking up the story and running with it.

We need better practices for media to cut down on disinformation, to get their damn facts straight, instead of jumping on a story and creating paranoia over it. If a guy reads that a shotgun was used in the massacre, but they find the shotgun in a trunk, of course it is going to result in some questioning how the shooter got it into the trunk, it's faulty journalism.

Why few people understand the link between quality of journalism to the quality of an educated public is beyond me. Bad journalism = stupid public.

A lot of it is what they don't put on the news at all. For example both of the shooters fathers and what their real jobs are. Or why they didn't really report WTC 7. There is a lot more too it that a couple misunderstandings with the reporters. Why were some Sandy Hook relief funds set up before the shooting? How is that a misunderstanding?

If we were talking about grain prices in Nebraska, and there were conflicting news stories, than your point would very much apply. That is because you can assume that people discussing over correct grain price reporting are, primarily, interested in finding out the correct grain price.
Sandy Hook is no such case. It was always unfortunately clear that the pro-gun-lobby together with their developmentally retarded cousin, the survivalists, and their closed-psych-ward friend the militias, have a very vested interest in downplaying, doubting, falsifying and belittling ANYTHING that may point to the one truth these people will not face: That easy gun access always has, and always will, facilitate disasters of this category, because there will always be loopy people, and they should not be able to get guns. EVEN if that means that no-one else should get guns.
THAT is the elephant in the room that underlies all of this "critical", "think-for-yourself" contributions. Police officer first said he heard a shot fired? Later says he heard MULTIPLE shots fired? Oh okay, so it's all just a hoax by the libtards to take away my guns. COLD DEAD HANDS!
There is no leeway with such people, as there is no leeway and no moral justification for the holocaust denialists (hence I mentioned them in the same breath). Yes, frank discussion is good IF the agendas of those discussing are above board. In this case they are not, hence no discussion with them. End of story.

Truth is, mental health issues aren't screened against, and until the debate of sandy hook centers around mental health and not gun control, nothing will be accomplished.

Everything you just stated was speculation and a fabricated half assed story about the lowest common denominator, the ignorant. You justify your position by the actions of a few. Knee jerk reactions are what got us into this economic mess, do you really think a war on guns will solve anything but crumbling the fabric of society entirely?

Crazy people will be crazy. You know what happens in other countries when somebody wants to go out and kill a bunch of people? They don't give up due to a lack of guns, thats for sure.

Either way, creating a black market economy is not the answer. Especially at this point into the development of black powder. Taking peoples guns away will just make them more creative. Do you really want more art students roaming your streets?!?

Ahhh thank you. I didn't realize until now that conspiracy folks deny sandy hook shooting was real despite all the facts, because they think it is about gun control.

Very very sad.

Bullshit. On so many levels bullshit. Easy gun access doesn't automatically translate to a Sandy Hook type event. Lack of education on proper storage of guns and the separate storage of bullets and magazines is apparent.

But I digress, It is entirely possible that Sandy Hook was some kind of staged event and I sincerely doubt that the "libtards" would be the ones behind it. As you so elegantly put it with your "frank discussion" and the liberal use of the word retard.

This is why people may accuse you of being a shill. I however think you are just really f*ing dumb.

FYI I'm still on the fence about the Sandy Hook incident but the way it is portrayed in the MSM is peculiar to say the least.

"There is no leeway with such people, as there is no leeway and no moral justification for the holocaust denialists... "

Holocaust denialists don't exist. This is just a made up smear word. The correct term is holocaust revisionists. The hebrew word holocaust means holy sacrifice.

This was not a name given to the operation by the Nazis. The term that is usually used for what happened is ethnic cleansing and/or genocide but because it happened to some jews it was a "holy sacrifice". 6 million is a myth and number that was used many times by certain Jews long before WW2.

This is inarguable. This is frank discussion. Nobody is denying that something tragic happened, people are discussing the fine points points of an official narrative that is used to justify the occupation of a land that was never truly theirs to begin with! End of story...


I'm not an angry man, I'm a man of peace, few things can upset me, but the notion that millions of jews and other persecuted groups didn't die because of the madness of one sad, pathetic rejected art student and his followers grinds my gears.

You have never once stated any evidence for your all consuming ignorance, and your disregard for logic makes me question if you're even putting any thought into the strokes your fingers make on the keyboard, perhaps you have only put together this argument through a miracle that arose as you flailed your limbs before your keyboard.

The Holocaust has been well documented and proven, and you are disrespecting each and every one of those millions who died with your continued willful ignorance, because to completely ignore that kind of evidence requires you to want to stay in the dark.

In conclusion, fuck you.

Actually by lapping up the holocaust story as you do, you are disrespecting every person that has died in the middle east due to the very fact that Israel exists.

More importantly, you dishonour humanity's collective intellectual integrity by spouting robotic platitudes all over the place.

In conclusion, read some of the literature before you make a judgement based purely on emotion.

Actually by lapping up the holocaust story as you do, you are disrespecting every person that has died in the middle east due to the very fact that Israel exists.

Yeah no one who died in the Holocaust went on to live in Israel, criticism of Israel and Holocaust denial are two different things.

The "Holocaust" (TM) story is precisely what gives weight to claims of "anti-semitism" that help dictate public discourse so nicely...

The "Holocaust" (TM) story is precisely what gives weight to claims of "anti-semitism" that help dictate public discourse so nicely...

So you're claiming that the Holocaust is a story and that there is no genuine anti-semitism.

The holocaust is a story... one that has changed many many times in fact...

Saying someone is anti-semitic for criticising Israel is surely an ingenuous claim in most applications... we have the holocaust story to thank for giving these ingenuous claims weight

The holocaust is a story... one that has changed many many times in fact...

I see.

Saying someone is anti-semitic for criticising Israel is surely an ingenuous claim in most applications... we have the holocaust story to thank for giving these ingenuous claims weight.

I wouldn't say everyone who criticizes Israel is anti-semitic, I'm sure some are but criticism of Israel is itself not anti-semitic.

I see your overwhelming evidence that you have presented in this post as opposed to all of the old photos, eyewitness accounts, and other documents in this post and admit that you have bested me and shown me that the holocaust is a falsehood with your undeniable proof.

The States does not recognize the Armenian Genocide. Obama said he would as a campaign promise, then backed out. Canada did, partly did, finally, in 2004; their official stance stating it was a tragedy but not intentional. Sort of waffley.

The photos of emaciated human beings were from the appalling conditions in the prison camps... this was created intentionally by an allied campaign of bombing all railways, supply lines... and a well known typhus outbreak... the pictures were carefully selected (something like 1 in 20 pictures ever made it to public scrutiny)

There's not a scrap of documentary evidence for the holocaust, not a single document, this stunning discovery caused David Irving to become a revisionist just through the startling nature of the fact, he had his reputation as a historian tarnished literally overnight.

The most distasteful aspect, I think, of it all... is to suggest that the survivors that do describe gas chambers and such are lying. This is where the whole thing really does now seem to be "antisemitism"... but there are still jewish survivors who described having musical intruments, concerts, they put on plays, and enjoyed a number of other things that does not tie in with an exterminationist policy whatsoever... also the eyewitnesses seem to be the same handful of 50 or so people, thats not an exaggeration... although they would postulate themselves that there must be tens and tens of thousands of survivors... simply put... where are they? The whole aspect is somewhat easier to take in if one remembers the geopolitical and sociological effects and just how important it is that this story is told the way it is.

you see its really nothing to do with antisemitism for most people, it is simply an exercise in critical thinking, it also requires an understanding of how people are controlled on this planet, and that is a bitter pill to swallow when we're wrapped up in the illusion of free will

here's a list of possible issues for you to ponder

Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews in writing, orally, or through mental telepathy.

The Nazis cremated 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 bodies at Auschwitz/Birkenau in less than two years using between 30 and 52 single-body crematory ovens and were able to keep it all a secret until late 1944 despite the fact Auschwitz was a major bombing target photographed by American planes throughout that year.

The Nazis were able to destroy all documentation of the extermination program before the total German surrender in mid 1945. This despite the fact all German secret codes had been broken by the British and many SS communications had been intercepted by them.

The Nazis settled on a plan which called for allocating scarce rail stock to transport hundreds of thousands of people halfway across Europe only to kill them when they could have killed them locally and used the rail cars for the war effort.

The Nazis used Diesel engines as a source of carbon monoxide for their gas chambers.

The Nazis designed Zyklon B gas chambers without ventilation systems or gas delivery equipment for killing people.

The Nazis dug deep pits in a marsh and were able to burn bodies in them.

The victors in a war are qualified to sit in judgment over the vanquished and able to dispense justice thereon.

Former political prisoners and common criminals are sources of accurate information regarding their jailers.

Victims don't lie and have no interest in vengeance.

The Holocaust is a uniquely evil event which is unexplainable and can be equated to no other.

Jews should be able to claim special moral authority due to having been the victims of persecution.

Am I seriously trying to have a rational argument with a holocaust denier?

You don't even understand the term "holocaust denier", please don't try and attach any sort of label to me... these are just some probes, not saying if they're necessarily indicative of truth. Please respond to them with courtesy or don't respond to them at all.


Means disaster or catastrophe. Not holy sacrifice.

maybe he means the english word?

Nope, means "totally burnt".

As for the hebrew, I think "holy sacrifice" would be korban kadosh, whereas the actual word is shoah, like you said.

Pretty sure what he means is "I'm a racist prick who will make up facts to be right".

Yep. But at least he can't accuse this Jew of ignoring him.

HOLOCAUST The destruction of some 6 million Jews by the Nazis and their followers in Europe between the years 1933-1945. Other individuals and groups were persecuted and suffered grievously during this period, but only the Jews were marked for complete and utter annihilation. The term "Holocaust" -* literally meaning "a completely burned sacrifice"* - tends to suggest a sacrificial connotation to what occurred. The word Shoah, originally a Biblical term meaning widespread disaster, is the modern Hebrew equivalent.

You should know that SubredditDramа has written about you.

«Holocaust drama in /r/conspiracy (I'm starting to think that there might be a trend here). With insightful comments such as "You know who else was Aryan and Jewish? Hitler!", "Go spread your hasbara somewhere else" and "I'm glad your grandpa is dead".», submitted 24 minutes ago.

As of now, your commеnt has a score of -15 (12|27). The parent submission has a score of 178 (305|127).

SRD has no enforced rules against invading or voting іn linked thrеаds, and threads linked by them havе a tendency tо suddеnly acquire large amounts of votes and derailing commеnts.

SRD has no enforced rules about invading

Hey, SRS, update your bot. We switched to no participation links a few weeks ago.


Go spread your hasbara somewhere else. It won't work here lazy bones. Ad hom attacks and threats and lies are all you got. Sweden has easy access to guns, you don't see them shooting kindergartners!

Lol u don't scare me one bit. OOO a survivors family. Was it really hard for them to tell you about it all? Did you cry? Do you fantasize about killing the big bad nazis? Was it really hard for them in the labor camps?

Ha! Holohaox revision is illegal in my country too. Because the Zionists control us as much as they control Germany, the USA. You are an unwitting victim in all this. So their you have it folks. Not a shill. Just really f*cking dumb. Got a free trip around the world to see an alleged death camp and you still can't see through the lies. You know who else was Aryan and Jewish? Hitler! White zionist jews are at least half responsible for your holy sacrifice. Fuck you later.

Remember this guy: He bought his guns in Sweden, and then killed nearly 70 people. So, your argument is a bit weak since the relaxed gun laws allowed a foreign national to obtain weapons and then go on a rampage.

That's one incident and one that was possibly in some way staged.

...then you should watch what you say, little Nazi. Besides the police, there are several groups in Germany that hunt down little cunts like you, and beat some sense into them. I'm not an "unwitting victim", and I have no reason to doubt my grandparent's testimony. If that still doesn't make it through your tinfoil, you deserve everything that will come to you. Soon, there will be no more place for people like you. They WILL find you... :-)

Sooooo scared. LOL. You're grandpa is a liar. HAHAHA.

I love how all of your comments are hidden away by the large negative karma you have. I shouldn't be wasting my time clicking them open, but it's almost like watching a train wreck, you just can't stop watching the horror.


yeah, i was going to go there on the holocaust issue, but decided against it for conspiracy's sake. A bunch of people are fucking morons, and don't realize genocide, tragic as they are, happen all the time unfortunately.

Eventually, i'm certain iraq and afghanistan will be considered such as well. The strip that israel seems to love to engage with illegally also seems to be there too. Culturally speaking of course.

Kudos for having the courage to be truthful without prejudice.

I hate that the holohoax is used to justify their own murderous nationalism and extremism. Almost every year a holocaust movie comes out to reaffirm our programming and drill it into our minds. Question the official narrative even a bit and you are a no good anti-semite and a terrorist. It's clearly propaganda that is unquestioningly followed.

it is, but there was recently a discussion somewhere (i can't remember exactly, will never get the article) from a magazine about this topic. Lots of jews even recognize it, and loathe it.

Nothing against jews, just evil people in general.

You can't help but watch media subjectively, in fact, you can't help but do everything subjectively. You don't have a choice in that matter.

The people using ad hominem attacks (ie tinfoil hat, mom's basement, schizo, nutjob, etc) are just spouting programmed responses that have been given to them via the media and educational indoctrination, those responses are probably involuntary reactions to cognitive dissonance. Most of those people are probably too deep into the hivemind to be shown the truth, they need to figure it out for themselves in order for it to click in their heads. Problem is, most of them just delve into mainstream outlets for media and think anything else is "cheap" so they are not exposed to much cognitive dissonance and are perpetually stuck in their own mind-prison. These people are your average folk, really. Think of all the sports-idiots and reality show junkies, they are stuck in a media bubble that they cannot let go of or question the intentions of.

Case in point:

It's not okay for them to label you, but okay for you to label them whatever way you see fit.

That's a bit hypocritical.

Those are stereotypes that ring true, the "tin foil hat, moms basement, schizo" stereotypes are baseless attacks to discredit information. The sports idiots and reality tv junkies aren't presenting information, they become those stereotypes.

Let me show you your cognitive dissonance:

Those are stereotypes that ring true, the "shill, cattle and cointel agents" stereotypes are baseless attacks to discredit information. The conspiracy theory spouting people aren't presenting information, they become those stereotypes.

Stop stereotyping altogether. Be an intelligent, discerning skeptic. As in, verify sources and scrutinize credibility and think critically about EVERYTHING.

I don't think sports idiots and reality tv junkies are a real thing. I think you create an idealized version in your head to cope with your lack of understanding of individuals.

You've never encountered sports idiots? I am surrounded by them at work, at family gatherings, etc. It's people who's lives revolve around "the game" and talking sports statistics etc. Basically meaningless drivel. Reality show junkies don't leave the house much, but they do exist, I've dated a few.

it also encompasses the greedy and apathetic who have seen the face of truth, and chose to ignore it. As it is the easier solution.

The people using ad hominem attacks (ie shill, useful idiot, sockpuppet, sheep, etc) are just spouting programmed responses that have been given to them via the blogs and youtube videos, those responses are probably involuntary reactions to cognitive dissonance.

Blah, blah blah. Everything you said can be reversed in this situation. Instead of making an us vs them paradigm you should recognize faults in people irrespective of whether or not they agree with you.

are just spouting programmed responses that have been given to them via the media and educational indoctrination, those responses are probably involuntary reactions to cognitive dissonance

Please stop. Just stop.

Ah, not a fan of sociology are we? Never read Bertrand Russell or studied the history of the modern educational system did we? Well, maybe someone like you should start.

As is sociology majors doing a big presentation (an hour!) on the sociology of education in May I would actually genuinely really appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of some of those books or papers.

Cool! No one is ever interested in this stuff, here's a few of the papers that are available on the internet that I've been using to research.

There's a lot more than that, another good book to check out is Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene Wormser, its about how tax free foundations are funding "social engineering" programs in the universities, schools, and the media to change America from a Democratic Republic into a part of a Socialist World Government run by a technocratic elite. It relates to the first link there the Dodd Report.



I'd say for every informed individual on here there are at least a couple paid shills and several easily programmed minds. Him calling you a paranoid weirdo they are just either paid to lie or they are so scared of reality that they don't want to think about it and want to just stay in denial.

Denial is the most populated state in the country.

Its so cute how you think you're special because you go against the mainstream views.

This so much.

Did you honestly just suggest that anyone claiming humans have not found proof of alien life forms is spreading propaganda?

What the fuck??? I'd join this subreddit if it weren't for stuff like this.

No, you wouldn't.

Based on what? The one post I made saying there is no proof of aliens? Good job, you're a brilliant detective.

Now show me your data.

Data? I just said that if things were different in this sub, you still wouldn't join. I don't have any data for that, it's my opinion. Based on your clear disgust for everything this sub is.

I want your data on aliens. That's the only thing I've espoused disgust over.

So now is the time that you stop doing what you're railing against and give me some substance. You're the one who is postulating that anyone who says aliens don't exist is spreading propaganda, so show me.

I won't join this sub because of idiots like you. I love conspiracy theories, I've spent hours reading about them and discussing. I would love to join a community of level headed people who are willing to seek the truth. Not say that if you don't believe in aliens and chemtrails you are spreading propaganda.

I never said I believed in aliens.

Your insults prove we're done here. Have a better day.

Are you serious? you started this conversation by insulting me. You said I was lying based only on the fact that I don't agree with you.

No. I clarified this already by saying that I don't believe you'd join this sub even if it was as different as you said. I don't believe your premise. If you're insulted by that, that's a personal problem.

That's an insult because it's based on nothing. When I said I'd like to join this subreddit I meant it. And now I'm repeating it. Are you going to say it's not true now? Because that is calling me a liar and that is insulting.

If it's based on nothing why are you so mad, bro?

Because it's insulting to be called a liar with no basis for that accusation. Oh look, we've come full circle.

I just find it infinitely interesting that you find being called a liar more important than your point.

What was your original point again?

Did I suggest that? No. I didn't at all. I said that there are certain people on here spreading misinformation on purpose and using tactics like twisting around what OP says to make them sound absurd. No sense in arguing with you though since you are doing just that. Not saying you are a paid shill, maybe just a mindless drone programmed with mental responses to certain things.

Also, please don't join. I'd rather not hear from you again.

Actually that's exactly what you suggested.

I notice there are always people to try to discredit certain views including chem trails, aliens, and the Sandy Hook/Aurora shootings

If your "view" on aliens is a legitimate "view" then please, show me the data.

It's also pretty funny that you use the very tactic you just condemned in your OP

You said this is bad.

They often use tactics of questioning the mental health of the truth seeker or discrediting them in other ways.

Then you do this.

maybe just a mindless drone programmed with mental responses to certain things.

Oh my glob.

He finally doesn't have a response.

I just posted part of this in another thread, but seemed appropriate here too:

One possibility is that the "us vs. them" attitude prevalent in online communities such as this one is being deliberately stoked and/or propagated. Elite/slave; legit theorist/shill.

Deliberate fostering of conflict to steer the consensus to a predetermined location.

Edit: spelling

Isn't this thread doing the same thing? Furthering the "us vs. them" mentality?

I'd say so, yeah.

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends... But I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon

Funny how "normal" people listen to the Beatles everyday and see John Lennon as a hero but still see us as paranoid idiots. As of tomorrow, America will ban automatic assault rifles and I wonder when shit will go south in the US.

Hey dude, assault weapons were banned in the US from 1994-2004. Things didn't go south until after the ban was it easy.

We'll see about that... As for me taking it easy, I don't care because I'm not American so I will be able to prepare myself much better for shit to come. I merely wanted to point out that shit is GOING to happen, and that afterwards the blame will be put somewhere else than the American government. However, if you know about this beforehand, it is clear evidence that something more is playing a part in this than only Iran, communism or whatnot. And why do you say that things didn't go south during the 1994-2004 lift? I thought Columbine happened in 1999? Seems that gun regulations don't work at all... Unless of course you want to blast hollow point rounds in your fellow Americans.

I too believe that someday things are going to spiral out of control. I own firearms also. I too believe that we all need to be prepared for whatever comes, and we cannot just accept that "civilized society" will last forever. But the fate of the US is not tied to civilians owning assault rifles. We can buy hunting rifles that do more damage than the junk our regular infantry are issued, so it's not a big deal when assault weapons are banned. If firearms in general are ever banned, then my friend, we can expect things to go south fast.

Your Columbine reference is right on. Gun regulations don't actually work. What I meant by things going south after the assault weapons ban was lifted was in reference to the global economic meltdown that began in 2008. I was trying to be witty and separate the subject of guns and the subject of "shit will go south". I guess I could have done a better job.

The Beatles have been sugarcoated so much that "normal" people now love them superficially, without going into depth to their revolutionary thinking which is what made them so valid and what has them now as an "eternal" pop band.

That's why people buy Imagine but don't care for Shaved Fish.

So says 'ReptilianHybrid'...

Reddit is becoming the new TV, so be careful. Seek the truth. Look up information about aliens. Watch media subjectively.

I'm going to get this tattooed onto my forehead.

Please do.

I've noticed, and it's becoming disturbing. I will do what I can with a single vote.

Opposing arguments should always be welcomed, as long as they are not full of logical fallacies. The people being paid to support the status quo love the subject of aerosols being used for solar radiation management as well as the recent Connecticut incident almost as much as they enjoy using logical fallacies in their arguments. However, I would be the first one to argue against the existence of the human-like "grey" aliens.

Where is your proof that anyone on reddit is "paid to support the status quo"? I only ask because after being called a shill in this subreddit so many times I deserve to get paid.

Right? If there are as many shills as they suggest, I want in on this money.

Says the Op with the moniker ReptillianHybrid. ;)

This is a good thing. It means more people are starting to question the "official" truth...

The best thing you can do is be polite and be understanding of the process. They didn't build us up in a few days, and you certainly cant break those borders down in few days either.

I agree, but a lot of them aren't seeking truth, they do nothing but try to discredit people with different opinions by resorting to name calling and such.

because its fun and so easy here.

That isn't what you've done by labeling us all as shills?

It's pretty offensive when someone accuses me of not being a person and not having genuine thoughts and feelings.

"Hey giuse this person points out that i have a mental illness and offers he help OMG LE GOVAMENT SHILL WAKE UP SHEPPLE LOL"

You're part of the problem.

Thanks for proving my point, 'soullessandproud'.

I dont understand you're point. Are you ok?


Welcome to the mindset so many of us despise.

Last time I explain. Not everyone who disagrees with me is a shill. There are clearly shills on here, and one even came forth and wrote an article about it. You maybe are maybe not ForAHamburgerToday almost for certain is. Now you are doing some of the same shit, twisting what I say and passive aggressively attacking me "reeks of desperate, broken egos" what is that about?


As a local resident, there is no hole for skepticism. These people are very much dead and gone.

The thing about a lot of conspiracy theories is that they're practically unfalsifiable. There isn't any evidence you can present that would change the mind of someone utterly convinced that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Even if they're trying to be perfectly logical they could easily reason that your evidence is only compelling because it was fabricated by the government.

Sounds like trying to talk to Young Earthers about evolution. I mean, I can't "really" prove them wrong.

That's never what this has been about. I don't think I've seen anyone seriously propose that nobody died.

I've seen it referred to outright as a "hoax", so thank you for clarifying. Is the trend of thinking around here more along the lines of pushing a gun control agenda at a high cost? Or something more like the claims I've heard that Holmes's and Lanza's fathers were to testify in the LIBOR scandal?

I'm disinclined to trust any report of any single shooter, so most of what I look at is speculation on co-conspirators and additional shooters. With regard to these, I find the conflicting (inaccurate) reporting on weapons, bullets, bullet casings, and especially the stilted testimony of the medical examiner in charge.

I'm not saying to always attribute it to human error, but too many skeptics hang onto conflicting reports and don't account for that. I guess it's the same logic as witness statements holding up in court, though.



I am Alien and not crazy seriously extraterrestrial bro people these days ama request for some sweet pics of me ;)

Honestly its not that hard, they can go fuck themselves if we have evidence on our side they can go cry and bitch or use any Ad hominem attacks they want.

This corruptive effort would not likely take place unless there was some truth to be fought by them. When you look at the magnitude of the effort opposing discussion and trying to ridicule it all, you have to wonder why they're so adamant. Why is it so necessary to silence people trying to talk about opposition to gun bans? Who benefits? Why is it necessary for some to crusade against discussion of GMO foods? Why is it necessary to mock anyone discussing chemical spraying? The common factor seems to be anyone trying to discuss acts by the government or the elites is often attacked by trolls or possible shills.

Some of the debaters clearly make their entire online presence's purpose to mock others. They produce nothing else but this disruption. Those who only mock others either have a personality problem like a weak ego driving their compulsive attacks on others, or they could be mocking as a tool to wear down anyone questioning official explanations. In either case, it's not a suitable continual response in debates, and its use shows something is wrong with the attacker.

Some of us just think the other side is incorrect and we would like for them to come to our point of view as much as they'd like for us to come to theirs.

So, you believe that mockery is the proper way to bring people to your point of view? That's sad.

It is! It really is. But when a person cites naturalnews, youtube, and unsourced wordpress blogs as evidence to attack things like the very idea of sustainability as a good pursuit or to prove that homeopathic medicine is great and vaccines cause autism, all I can really do is resort to mockery. They've rejected everything that could change their opinion and it's a dang shame.

Take note this shill lists his cover ups he is responsible for:

Sustainability - The main goal being to sell us our own natural resources like water as they already do in some parts of the world. Also Carbon tax.

Homeopathic medicine - If people can grow their own herbal medicines in their garden it could have a huge impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

Vaccines causing autism - This is one of the biggest propaganda cover ups on reddit right now. The mercury and whatever else is in that shot is part of an ongoing experiment on the US public. Some of the shots I suspect contain different compounds which is why only a small percentage get the autism, and within that group there are different types of autism, some autistic people having amazing abilities in certain aspects.

For real?

Sustainability: I spent my summer working on a permaculture farm practicing sustainable agriculture, I like to grow my own food, and I am very fond of not running out of resources. That's sustainability.

Homeopathy: Herbal medicine is not homeopathy. Homeopathy is the idea that dilution increases potency and it's straight up ridiculous.

Vaccines: Suspect all you want, the peer-reviewed science doesn't agree with you, and I'll believe a well-respected journal of science over people on the internet with no background in science every time.

Other things I don't believe in and am therefore apparently covering up: reptilian overlords, magic, chem trails, weather manipulation, young earth, Obama is from Kenya, Obama is a Muslim, FEMA death camps, flat earth.

Ha I like how you throw in a couple stupid ones with the real ones to discredit them: chem trails, weather manipulation and... flat earth? No buddy the Earth is likely hollow.

Wait, which ones do you think are stupid and which do you think are real?

Likely hollow? Likely hollow certainly contradicts the primarily iron-nickel core I've heard so much about. How do fault lines and continental drift fit into a hollow earth?

No, really, which do you think are obvious and which do you think are nonsense?

What is obvious is how much you want to shut down my argument, why so defensive that there are no shills, when there was recently an article from one of the shills coming forward? Your job on the line or something? If you are not a shill then say "chem trails may possibly exist" and I will say "chem trails may not exist" and that is that. You can't do that though can you?

Chem trails may or may not exist, my saying that accomplishes nothing, I'm still just a dude who finds you fascinating, and I really want to know which conspiracy theories you think are obvious.

Okay, if you want to know, I believe that aliens already have invaded our society, I believe our government does mass testing on us. I believe all the mass shootings lately are caused by the mind control or are staged and are not really happening. I believe 9/11 was an inside job. I believe that in our lifetimes the alien existence will be revealed, and that it is already happening which is why there has been more ufo and alien talk in the news.


Right-o it's neat.

Follow up: I keep responding to you because I keep getting interesting new orangereds, they have been keeping me quite entertained.


I note your comment history includes telling someone "Haha, don't get your jimmies rustled faggot" and other equally intellectual announcements.

So, I bid you a hearty goodbye rather than waste time conversing with you.


So, you can call people faggots, but when I choose not to socialize with someone at your level of discourse, I'm doing ad hominem. HAHAHAHHA. Riiiight.


Your points are either clueless or designed to seem that way.

There's just never been any evidence to support the idea that it's harmful, in fact every study I've read says its fine

20 countries have banned GMOs but you deny there's ever been evidence. And that's why I'm not going to carry this further with you. And as I noted, you called someone a faggot but try to claim I'm going ad hom on you. Puhlease, clean the shit from your own stable first before getting all whiny that my canary poops.

You should look up Starlink corn. It wasn't very serious, but it demonstrated that some GMOs can indeed produce allergic reactions.


You're a guy who uses ad hom on people, and you try to whine now that I'm ad hom for having identified that you used ah hom. That's so loser.

And your 'reasonable' points?


There's just never been any evidence to support the idea that it's harmful, in fact every study I've read says its fine

Here's #1 of 30 I have ready to cite:

Oliver Twist: Please sir, may I have some more?

Let me know where you want to debate #2 to 30. They're ready.


Oh, that was ad hom! I'm soooo insulted.

A guy that was replying to me had some sort of automatics upvotes, so once he posted his comments was already in +2.

Really? Are you sure someone else didn't just upvote it shortly after seeing it?

5 second after he posted it.

Well now, that is pretty fast.

Look up information about aliens.

Yep, the aliens are here, and they will be as kind to us as Europeans were to Native Americans who happened to be living on land the Europeans wanted.

you say aliens, I say demons.

yeb like time machine conspiracy or Tesla dooms day devices, aliens, reptilian people, illuminanti etc..

The Jewish Internet Defense Force has gotten their hooked noses on reddit, they're posting holofraud propaganda claiming it was a real event.

I can confirm this

New to the conspiracy sub and I have been quite surprised to see how many people focus on being a troll and providing blank skepticism than actually contributing any discussion. Then they turn around calling you the immature one.

What would you have someone contribute to a discussion with no proof except for skepticism? Another person joining in saying "Thats amazing", "This is great info", "Everyone needs to read this and wake up" adds nothing at all except back patting. At least the skeptics are trying to get people to research things.

I am not talking about skeptics, I am talking about the ones who respond with comments like:

"Hey giuse this person points out that i have a mental illness and offers he help OMG LE GOVAMENT SHILL WAKE UP SHEPPLE LOL"

This person is trying to make me look stupid, and is twisting around what I am saying to do so. Why is this person so upset? Why does this person so badly want to throw off the trail that this is going on, just think about it. Looks like it was written by a 12 year old but it took a certain level of genius to put together such a propagating piss pool of a retarded statement.

Its the internet. If being a fucking tool resulted in a pop in the nose it would be a much friendlier place.

Look at that 4 downvotes from an intelligent and non offensive comment. I upvoted you. Jesus fuck there are more of them than us.

I just want lasers for eyes. Is this to much to ask?

There's a sandy hook news article at the top of /r/wtf right now. I don't get it.

Speaking of viral ads, did anybody else have a sudden huge wave of posts talking about The Kroll Show the other day? They were all "Nick Kroll is hilarious and his new show is great!!!!" but then the comments were completely people going "Uh... it looks awful".

I've noticed this more as of late as well. Instead of stirring a solid argument/conversation the responders simply harass. I find it a little inconceivable that this many non-conspirators would begin coming here for discussion all of a sudden.

Granted there has always been those people that do that stuff but there seems to be much more lately than there used to be.

the best ones are the shills that have conversation with each other....half of this thread is just that

Being paid to aggravate people on the internet sounds like a pretty sweet job. Since y'all investigate them so much, any idea how I could cash in on that?

Just now noticing this, eh? Yea it's getting clogged with shit, but take what you see on the 'net with a grain of salt, no matter the viewing platform.

Its not just reddit. All over the TV. News media is trying to discredit the Sandy Hook "conspiracy theories" while at the same time ignoring the death of multiple highly influential 2nd amendement supporters and the death of a man who started the entire movement to set back SOPA and internet censorship. The government is killing those that openly oppose it and gain rational supporters. The NDAA and Patriot Act in full effect. They wrote the laws for a reason and can now legally justify killing Americans.

You're crazy. Get medicated. The government loves and protects you. Everyone reading this, remember to drink 8 cups of tap water a day!

Lol! I get the sarcasm. Seriously though, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Yeah I was wary of bringing that kind of sarcasm into this sub. But I get you man. This is a redundant thing to say but I really wish shit was different in this country. I would love to be gung ho patriotic, and I get jealous of people with their proverbial eyes closed sometimes. The saying "ignorance is bliss" definitely has at least some merit. I feel like in order to think like we do, to allow ourselves to have our eyes open, we have to be inherently cynical. Most people aren't ready to admit to others and to themselves that they don't have nearly as much control over things that they thought they did. Things bigger than them. But in the end, it's the truth. I don't want to say that my opinions on certain things have more value than those of people who have been tricked and fooled, but I feel in many cases, mine do. Ours do. We are relatively few, and the only way anything is going to change is for many more people having their eyes opened. And this, I think, will inevitably lead to a more cynical and pessimistic society. But it's a small price to pay. I apologize for the random rant, but I'm waiting to pick my girlfriend up from work and I've been wanting to get that out. That's another thing, by the way. Especially in the subjects that are discussed in this sub, it's important to have a safe outlet to share your thoughts. Even if no one read them, this kind of thing will pile up and overwhelm you. Good luck to all the truth seekers out there. And remember you aren't crazy, and in a lot of cases you can judge how right you are by how much you are called crazy. Not every time. But most lol

NOW you get the sarcasm?

They are called "Shills", and I have noticed them as well. By definition, a Shill is a person paid to endorse a product favourably, while pretending to be impartial.... Except here it's not a product, but a way of thinking to help discredit conspiracy.

Real question, do you really think people are paid to discredit things here? If so, why? What would be different if they didn't come online and disagree with you?

People are paid to do all sorts of things on the web. Why not this? More and more people are "waking up" each day, or at the very least, not trusting everything they hear from mainstream media. This calls for guerrilla tactics, such as creating fake accounts on reedit/youtube/facebook etc. to help combat how many people can actually view this stuff.

Some are paid, some are mindless drones so programmed by television and antidepressants that they are incapable of having impartial reactions. They are programmed through propaganda techniques used by said paid shills to have certain emotional responses and "join the bandwagon."

So everyone who disagrees is either paid to contradict you or a brainwashed sheep?

Is it really impossible to imagine that other rational people, just like yourself, might just think you're wrong based on evidence that they consider more solid than your own?

And what do we do about it? Anytime I point out the obvious truth I get down voted into oblivion.

I don't think you should call it obvious - if it was nobody would be disagreeing.

I call it obvious because it should be obvious. Maybe I am getting too ahead of myself. Anyone who looks critically will find that things are simply not right.

Why would anyone want to work 8-5 doing repetitive tasks for most of their lives? It's insane I tell you. We already have the technology to harvest food and grow anything anywhere. So why do we have to work so much? Why this central banking system? Why all these wars? Why all this suffering? Its as if no one ever seems to simply ask WHY.

We already have the technology to harvest food and grow anything anywhere.

You know absolutely nothing about agriculture then, or how economies function. We work hard because we are not at the Singularity, we are not post-scarcity. That is why we still have banks and wars, resources are scarce.

I think of a lot of (not necessarily all) scarcity is by design - the result of social organization and not an actual lack of resources.

By design? This begs the question, designed by whom? And if you use vague pronouns, just forget it. Scarcity is real, there is only so much matter in the universe, it can and has been measured.

Edited: Redacted an erroneous article.


Read some cosmology, the likes of Lawrence Krauss for instance, before you talk.


Or, just a thought, you could go read a cosmology by Lawrence Krauss that likely presents a solid scientific argument estimating the total mass of the observable universe.

On a different note, I've noticed you get really aggressive really quickly. Have you thought of toning that down a little? Hostility makes it very hard to take you seriously, sorry.


Sounds like a shill to me.

Maybe he's getting paid by some secret organization that opposes the 'shills' who are paid by a different secret organization.

Or, you know, maybe not. :P

it is, i was reading an article about that theory... What was it called? Oh yeah, supply and demand.

You put the cart before the horse. Supply and Demand arise from scarcity of resources, not the other way around.

not anymore, if there is little demand, energy companies cut back accordingly. Same goes for the manufacturing sector which controls production. Only enough is produced to meet demand, as any more would drive the prices down.

The thing is, it's a controlled supply, and sometimes artificial demand, which jacks up the prices. The resources have already been extracted.

We have fucking wars because people create them like they create religion and discrimination.

Prove to me it is scarcity and not lifestyle. We produce so much waste even though there are methods around it. It is astonishing.

Prove to me I cannot grow a coconut tree in Antarctica.

Prove to me it is scarcity and not life style.
Prove to me I cannot grow a coconut tree in Antarctica.

Plant a tree in Antartica, and find out for yourself. You ask me to prove a negative, which can be done as easily as proving there isn't a microscopic teapot orbiting the Earth.

That's right you can't prove shit. Get the fuck out of here. Logically I've won the argument because I fully know well it is possible. Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.

Then provide your sources, that have convinced you so fully. Logically, you haven't done anything other than provide ample evidence that you lack it altogether.

It's interesting how you tell me to fuck off rather than simply prove me wrong with credible evidence. Could it be that you have none? I think so, since, your 'evidence' would undermine the laws of physics.

Go back to your swing at the playground, and take your whimsical delusions elsewhere.

Look at you spewing your garbage. I do not know if you are a troll or a shill.

If you can't even figure out yourself how it is possible then not only did some one who knows nothing about agriculture take a stance on agriculture, they were also wrong.

Anyone who knows as much as I do knows fully well what I mean.

You aren't even worth the time and effort.

Get out of here.

I am genuinely interested in the truth, so please, provide your irrefutable evidence. I want to be as well-informed and articulate as you. A man can dream, after all.

Well that escalated quickly.

You can grow a coconut tree in Antarctica. Put you need people to create the materials for a building. Other people to turn those materials into parts, other people to move those parts to Antarctica, and more people in Antarctica to build the building, set up the climate control, maintain the climate control and water/feed the plant.

Now tell me which of those jobs can be done without people today?

My argument is that humans can grow what they want and where they want.

Besides building the infrastructure, climate control watering, and feeding can be done autonomously.

Machines can do the work of thousands of people. Therefore food should not cost so much. It should hardly 'cost' anything at all.

Trying to say it is still in a ratio of 1 human produces food for 1 human is wrong. More like 1 human produces food for 10,000.

We have a god damn sun that spews energy at the earth 24/7. Telling me that there is scarcity is laughable.

Its even more laughable when 'disposable' items exist in this economy. How about steel chopsticks you mother fuckers, get one pair and it will last a life time as opposed to using hundreds of pairs.

How about instead of buying the cheapest tools that will need to be replaces you buy a good tool that lasts indefinitely ?

Its all a bunch of fucking bullshit.

Its even more laughable when 'disposable' items exist in this economy. How about steel chopsticks you mother fuckers, get one pair and it will last a life time as opposed to using hundreds of pairs.

Why do you believe steel chopsticks would be better for the environment than disposable wooden ones from tree farms?

You really don't know what you're talking about. You're ignoring logistics and technology and most importantly the manpower you don't believe exists in all your claims.

It's closer to somewhere between 500 and 1,000 people fed per farmer per acre of production, depending on what they're growing and how.

Congratulations! This comment has been featured on r/conspiratard !!

The thing is that it's not that simple. It's not just a black and white thing and the choice is easy to make.

Once again, if such was the case (simply asking why fixes things), I think the problem would be long over. Who didn't ask themselves these questions?

I know the motive behind wars is a very sensitive issue on this subreddit and I honestly think I've had my share of downvotes for voicing my opinion on the subject, so I'll stay quiet on this issue.

Instead of asking yourself "why" all the time, go look for answers for that "why". And not just on conspiracy websites. Make use of the resources that are available to you thanks to internet.

When taking a position on a specific subject, you should ALWAYS be aware of what you are dismissing as false or flawed as a result of the position you are taking. In other words, don't believe in the first thing you hear. Investigate. It's also okay to abandon such position once it becomes untenable instead of ignoring contradictory evidence and manifesting confirmation bias.

Create multiple accounts for spreading truth and do the same?

I really don't know but keep commenting please because it is nce to hear from sane minded individuals like yourself. Some people seem like they really want to live in denial and they get upset and scared when they think about the truth because they aren't ready. I suspect a lot of those we consider shills may be those in denial, but there are certainly people on here purposefully spreading lies.


People like you are exactly why redditors point out that you need help, im serious you sound insane.


"Hey guise this guy points out my mental illness OMG LOL GOVAMNENT SHILL WAKE UP SHEPPLE XD"

Yes he is, he said the same comment to me. Probably has a list of responses to choose from or some shit.

"Hey giuse this person points out that i have a mental illness and offers he help OMG LE GOVAMENT SHILL WAKE UP SHEPPLE LOL"

It is ironic to have them come into the thread and prove my point on the spot.

So many people are waking's really exciting to see. The shills are struggling to keep the information hidden. Thus all of the misinformation schemes.

that's right it is the new tv....and that's why we will use it against them until they take it away....this is your freedom of assembly....USE IT WHILE YOU CAN!....the KEY to winning is unification of mindshare.....we are scattered without a plan.....UNIFY here!.....with me....I have the basis for THE PLAN to get us out of this....AND I NEED YOU!!!....all of you, with safety in numbers.... as well as other who are intelligent AND CAN HELP formulate and tweek the plan to perfection....WE!!! must be the new founding fathers....we must be the ones who know the difference between right and wrong and we must be the ones who UNIFY! without unification we are all alone....we can not do this alone!....we need each other, we must become a force of one!....we must all have the plan, and be able to enact it....AT THE SAME time goes by I urge you to participate in the shaping of your future

Duder, cool it on the ellipses.

Sounds like a trap to me, Chris Hansen is going to tell me to "take a seat over there" and then I go to Guantanamo Bay, no thanks. I do really agree with you to an extent, but this is spy tool number 1, there is no privacy here and no way for me to trust you or anyone else on here. We need to be prepared and have guns, it is very important that we have guns. They are trying to take them away for a reason and that tells me I may have a reason to need one.

actually in time you will see it's not a trap...i am not a all it requires is that you yourself....that's what is great about good plans based on a solid moral foundations, they are virtually will see, in time, if they allow me to be out of the corral, that what I say will be the key to salvation, our salvation....there is one thing that nwo is really using the net for...they have a prophecy....they know, that the one, the one who will threaten all that they are will come from the web....they have several people that they watch, all with the concern that "they" may be the one....they are scouring the web for the person who has the leadership skills to take them down....I belive I can set you free, I want you to free so I can be free...and yes you should have guns...for you only have so many cheeks you can turn....we all must understand the imporatnce of acting as one, of unification, to do so we must have a plan of action that is executable and one that can not be undermined or co-opted. Above all it must be effective. i have already planted the seed...understand, when you see the number of suscribers jump from 60k to 100k in 2 months....and then in the very short time i have made my presence known, another 3 have joined...understand what you are witnessing...I understand your fear, in time I will turn your fear into victory

You will get your bad karma you scum.

In time you will be either on board or not, it does not matter, you can make any choice you wish to, and you can also change your mind at any time, we are about freedom via debt free currency, if you wish to continue to use central banker paper that has debt attached to it, so be it, the rest of us, shall choose freewill, we shall choose currency that cost only what it cost to make it, we shall not saddle each other with debt, we shall be free, we shall be free to keep what we make, and when we have something such as a service we need/want collectively paid for, we shall do so with equal pay apportioned taxation. The choice is yours, continue to be a debt slave, or just walk away and be free. I can not make the choice for you, all I can do is show you that you have a again, the beauty of the plan is that I am the leader, you are the leader, I am the follower, you are the follower...The idea is in charge, not the man

O NOOOs the ellipses faction!

Those are stereotypes that ring true, the "tin foil hat, moms basement, schizo" stereotypes are baseless attacks to discredit information. The sports idiots and reality tv junkies aren't presenting information, they become those stereotypes.

Look at you spewing your garbage. I do not know if you are a troll or a shill.

If you can't even figure out yourself how it is possible then not only did some one who knows nothing about agriculture take a stance on agriculture, they were also wrong.

Anyone who knows as much as I do knows fully well what I mean.

You aren't even worth the time and effort.

Get out of here.

I am genuinely interested in the truth, so please, provide your irrefutable evidence. I want to be as well-informed and articulate as you. A man can dream, after all.

How is it "unhealthy" for him to believe in aliens? I think it makes a lot more sense than god having his own son and sacrificing himself for our mistakes wtf is that shit? Also, yes our water is poisoned it's called fluoride and Hitler used it on the Jews also. (main ingredient in some anti depressants not 'for our teeth').

Water fluoridation. There's a famous documentary about it called Dr. Strangelove.

Please do.

You will get your bad karma you scum.

As I said before: let's not forget this is a Social Media Site where people talk to one another. Shit.

because its fun and so easy here.

Poisoning the water supply is one of the least effective methods of harming a population. Because it would become so diluted it would be far most cost effective to try and use a poison some other way.

O NOOOs the ellipses faction!

It's impossible for OP to provide any proof of what he said is occuring all over???

Make sure you've got RES installed so you can tag me as a shill.

Source to these documented occurances please.


I don't blame ya man, round here it's incredibly hard to tell who's joking or not.

Your points are either clueless or designed to seem that way.

There's just never been any evidence to support the idea that it's harmful, in fact every study I've read says its fine

20 countries have banned GMOs but you deny there's ever been evidence. And that's why I'm not going to carry this further with you. And as I noted, you called someone a faggot but try to claim I'm going ad hom on you. Puhlease, clean the shit from your own stable first before getting all whiny that my canary poops.

That isn't what you've done by labeling us all as shills?

It's pretty offensive when someone accuses me of not being a person and not having genuine thoughts and feelings.

I want your data on aliens. That's the only thing I've espoused disgust over.

So now is the time that you stop doing what you're railing against and give me some substance. You're the one who is postulating that anyone who says aliens don't exist is spreading propaganda, so show me.

I won't join this sub because of idiots like you. I love conspiracy theories, I've spent hours reading about them and discussing. I would love to join a community of level headed people who are willing to seek the truth. Not say that if you don't believe in aliens and chemtrails you are spreading propaganda.

We'll see about that... As for me taking it easy, I don't care because I'm not American so I will be able to prepare myself much better for shit to come. I merely wanted to point out that shit is GOING to happen, and that afterwards the blame will be put somewhere else than the American government. However, if you know about this beforehand, it is clear evidence that something more is playing a part in this than only Iran, communism or whatnot. And why do you say that things didn't go south during the 1994-2004 lift? I thought Columbine happened in 1999? Seems that gun regulations don't work at all... Unless of course you want to blast hollow point rounds in your fellow Americans.

"wild claim" - in your personal judgement

"makes absolutely no sense" - ditto

"then it's suddenly everyone else's job to disprove you" - I think dogs run in packs, and dogs like to lick their own balls. Fortunately there are no dogs on Reddit.

Can you construe a sentence?

Actually by lapping up the holocaust story as you do, you are disrespecting every person that has died in the middle east due to the very fact that Israel exists.

More importantly, you dishonour humanity's collective intellectual integrity by spouting robotic platitudes all over the place.

In conclusion, read some of the literature before you make a judgement based purely on emotion.

maybe he means the english word?

Nope, means "totally burnt".

As for the hebrew, I think "holy sacrifice" would be korban kadosh, whereas the actual word is shoah, like you said.

The holocaust is a story... one that has changed many many times in fact...

Saying someone is anti-semitic for criticising Israel is surely an ingenuous claim in most applications... we have the holocaust story to thank for giving these ingenuous claims weight

HOLOCAUST The destruction of some 6 million Jews by the Nazis and their followers in Europe between the years 1933-1945. Other individuals and groups were persecuted and suffered grievously during this period, but only the Jews were marked for complete and utter annihilation. The term "Holocaust" -* literally meaning "a completely burned sacrifice"* - tends to suggest a sacrificial connotation to what occurred. The word Shoah, originally a Biblical term meaning widespread disaster, is the modern Hebrew equivalent.