Words are triggers. They trigger the meanings which are buried in the mind.

28  2013-01-17 by [deleted]

Language as Social Weapon:

Most people are ‘unsane.’ They’re not completely sane and they’re not completely insane. They’re somewhere in between.

Alfred Korzybski, who developed the concept of general semantics, explains that insane people try to make the world of reality fit what is in their heads.

The sane person constantly analyzes the world of reality and then changes what’s inside his or her head to fit the facts.

That’s an awful lot of trouble for most people. Besides, how many people want to constantly change their opinions to fit the facts? It’s a whole lot easier to change the facts to fit your opionions.

Unsane people make up their minds and then find the facts to ‘verify’ their opinion. Or even more commonly, they accept the opinion of the nearest ‘expert,’ and then they don’t have to bother with the facts at all.

So you see the power of the psychologically right name. The mind makes the world of reality fit the name. A Mustang looks sportier, racier, and faster than if the same car had been called the Turtle.

  • Al Ries & Jack Trout

Unsane people make up their minds and then find the facts to ‘verify’ their opinion.

In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms (or defense mechanisms) are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind[1] to manipulate, deny, or distort reality (through processes including, but not limited to, Repression, Identification, or Rationalization),[2] and to maintain a socially acceptable self-image or self-schema.


When you say "Words... trigger meanings which are buried in the mind," are you implying that there are objective universal switches in each human brain that will react exactly the same when confronted with the same linguistic input?

If so, then that's amazingly magickal! It also suggests that humans are like computers, in that we're coded to accept the same basic commands, regardless of genetic makeup or culturally conditioned upbringing (nature/nuture).

While I entertain the idea that it is possible that there are universally objective linguistic commands which could activate certain aspects within us, just as a smile seems to elicit a feeling of happiness in most human cultures (my argument for the objectivity of a smile: the first bowel evacuation of an infant is almost always paired with the most satisfied and relieved smile on their cute little babyfaces, but I digress...), it is far more likely that these neuro-linguistic switches are socially conditioned rather than built in (software rather than hardware).

Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea talk about this in The Illuminatus! Trilogy, especially in Part 2 Book 4 (Beamtenherrschaft) where they discuss the dueling forces which dictate the actions of each individual: the Biogram (basic DNA blueprint of the human organism and its potentials) and the Logogram (the set of ‘conditioned verbal habits’ which vary from society to society). Read for yourself on this site: scroll to the bottom, find Illuminatus! and read the bottom of Page 247.

If you’ve got 1.5 hours, here’s Robert Anton Wilson’s interview about language and reality.

When it comes down to it, there are lots of tricks the military-industrial-media(et al) complex uses to subtly control our perceptions of ‘reality,’ thus attempting to create an objective universal experience of the world, which I think is just plain arrogant if you ask me, but that would be arrogant of myself to assume you care what I think…

Anywhooozle, here’s an example of the linguistic control games they play on us, just in case you do somewhat care what I think: Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Why do life and free will/choice have to be mutually exclusive? If we take away the emotional linkage these terms have with abortion and extrapolate their meanings to the whole of human experience, we can see that this simple and contrived ‘political’ dichotomy insidiously reinforce a subconscious comprehension of these terms which manifest themselves elsewhere in our day to day dealings. This dichotomy might even evolve into a future plan to get us to give in to others (ie the govt) dictating decisions for us by issuing the claim that we cannot live unless we give up our power of decision making, thus relinquishing our individual sovereignty (read gun control into that one if you’d like).

More from RAW:

“Wilson described himself as "model-agnostic" which he said "consists of never regarding any model or map of the universe with total 100% belief or total 100% denial. Following Korzybski, I put things in probabilities, not absolutes... My only originality lies in applying this zetetic attitude outside the hardest of the hard sciences, physics, to softer sciences and then to non-sciences like politics, ideology, jury verdicts and, of course, conspiracy theory". Wikipedia

All in all, I think the safest way to become ‘sane’ in this world of hyperinformation (Information Theory posits that with more info the more likely we’ll go insane trying to process it all... or we could just become unsane and only process those tiny pieces that seem to fit into our worldview in deference to 99% of everything else :p) is to be skeptical of EVERYTHING, for as Benny Franklin is alleged to have put it:

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

With that said, I’d like to attempt to popularize a new religion, Garnettism, the one and only doctrinal tenet of which is:


PS- why are we assuming the people ‘running the show’ are evil? That’s just us thrusting our socially conditioned notions of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ upon people who we don’t even know! I’m not defending or attacking anyone’s actions, be they of the posters on this site or the hands which run our nation. If we want to start creating a more open society in which those actions which we deem ‘evil’ are no longer extant, then perhaps we should stop playing those games they thrust us into and start creating a more perfect onion, establish just us and secure domestic tranquil tea production. Pure love, my friends, pure love!

Whoo; awesome post! Thank ya much.

Edit: are you me?

We are all everybody hahahaha

EDIT: On a side note, here's a longish article that a friend sent me on FB that allegedly states:

...There is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies...

This would tend to give some credence to the researcher of people like Royal Raymond Rife and Wilhelm Reich, both of whom were railroaded by certain forces for delving too close to the secrets of individual empowerment, as well as suggest that there may be objective universal linguistic (or musical, read: frequency) commands that affect all humans/bodies/dna carriers in the same way.

The article is a little 'occult' in that the science, while properly sited, takes a little verisimilitude to buy (it is Russian, btw), but I guess that's how it would have to anyway... believing it's possible lets the 'magic' in.

There is no need for a new term. It's properly called, being human. I currently believe those who find sanity in this world do so with the knowledge that they are by nature, inherently insane.

Ah yes, the mind. Possibly the greatest weapon ever known for two reasons; everyone has one, and only some know how to use it.

Language as a social weapon:


TIL what unsane means. Thank you sir.

Language as Social Weapon:


Source for full interview?

Ninja-edit found it, but link seems broken.

Language as a social weapon:


It's called the confirmation bias- the need to look for information to confirm ones beliefs. Happens all the time.

This knife cuts both ways.

So someone who never looks up anything on 9/11 is perfectly normal, because the media is the only source we should need?

Hell no it's not perfectly normal! But it happens all the time because people are stupid.

This is very true. Human belief and reaction to conspiracy are programmed in our Junk DNA.

So disregard any conspiracy because it isn't a sane or logical? There's has been many conspiracies that at the time were just that only to be confirmed later on. The OP is basically framing anyone with skeptical thoughts to be insane. If that were the case, Science couldn't function as it does and research would be dead in the water.

I think you don't understand my point, I myself am a heavy believer in conspiracy "theories" because the evidence is right in front of me and I can acknowledge that. Many of my friends however will not accept the evidence simply because they can or will not accept the fact that there is a greater evil in this world. I am with you in this fight mate! I'm just saying that the people who don't believe the conspiracies are programmed by society to disregard the evidence.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

When I saw the "Sorry for the misunderstanding." A part of me thought, there is hope....