Thank you, r/conspiracy. Genuinely.

67  2013-01-18 by [deleted]

To the all truth seekers:

Thank you.

Thanks to you, I will never give up my 2nd amendment right without a fight! USA is Corrupt and people these days have become completely oblivious to...well pretty much everything. People need to take action on the way things are going but I'm not talking about the bullshit "lets go stand outside a federal building with some signs that say how angry I am." I'm sure our crooked politicians are gonna surrender the mass amounts of power and profit they're making off the current system because some random ass citizen is waving a sign outside a wallgreens.

What will you do? When will you do it?

For example: Fast forward when it becomes ILLEGAL and a felony to possess an AR-15 or anything in that range without being fingerprinted and registered. You happen to have bought one in January and refuse to follow this law. When you bought your AR there was some paperwork involved and the BATF/DHS found it at the local gun store with your name and address. You are a potential felon and they have obtained a warrant for search and seizure. Sounds bad right? Wait there’s more… The media gets wind of it and paints you as an extremist. They pick out all the Facebook posts about the 2nd amendment and twitter feeds as well, they show pictures of you at the gun range and use the word “Extreme” a lot….

Now on the evening news is your house being raided… Who comes to your aid? Where will the line be drawn? Who would JUMP to stand with you?

This person could be a dedicated father of 4, an employee in good standing at some big company, could attend church regularly, could feed the homeless on thanksgiving. BUT since the media is in the tank for Obama the truth would be slow in coming… The damage is done already before the outrage hits. And this can happen ALL OVER THE NATION a little at a time.

My point being; Playing revolutionary soldier in this day in time in our nation ISN’T VERY LIKELY. Because you will more than likely be ALONE in a cell waiting for a lawyer or dead before ANYONE does anything more than type a post or sign a petition.

And say WE the People did rise up 47% of us took to the woods and said LETS GO! I’d be right there with you. We would be able to hold out for a while, but without a no fly zone we’d be short lived. Who would provide that for us?

Yeah. Problem.

For every problem there is a solution. And YES there’s some very good solutions. But the first thing that will happen will be denial of communication. When that happens it’s over. history will have to write the rest.

Why were one out of every ten homes sold in the state of California last year purchased by Chinese citizens?

Why are billionaires buying up so much ranch land up in Montana?

Why has Barack Obama chosen this moment to launch an all-out attack on the Second Amendment?

Why is there an incredibly severe nationwide ammunition shortage all of a sudden?

Why has a bill been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that "would ban Internet or mail order ammunition purchases"?

Why was a Forbes article that made a connection between the use of psychiatric drugs and the mass shootings that we have seen in recent years almost immediately taken down from the Internet?

Why does the federal government want to start putting "black boxes" in all new motor vehicles?

Why are some U.S. states now using computers to predict "future crimes"?

Why are "black-clad federal SWAT teams" raiding farms and ranches all over the United States?

Why are we all being trained to spy on one another?

Why have police departments all over America begun to deploy unmanned surveillance dronesin the skies over our cities?

Why is an elderly survivor of the Nazi occupation of Austria, Kitty Werthmann, warning that America is heading down the exact same path that she experienced?

Why don't more Americans know about the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble?

Why has the number of gang members living in the United States risen by an astounding 40 percent just since 2009?

Why does approximately one out of every three children in the United States live in a home without a father? Can such a society prosper in the long run?

If the economy has "improved" during the Obama years, then why are hunger and poverty stillabsolutely skyrocketing in the United States?

Why are more than a million public school students in the United States homeless?

Why are more than 50 percent of all children in Detroit living in poverty? Detroit used to be one of the greatest cities in the entire world. How did such prosperity turn into such desolation?

Why is global power concentrated in so few hands? According to the Swiss Federal Institute, a network of 147 mega-corporations control 40 percent of all the wealth in the world, and in a previous article I described how just six obscenely powerful corporations completely dominate the media industry in the United States. Is it good for such incredible power to be concentrated in the hands of so few people?

REMINDER: use your intuition to disobey any law inorder to seek justice for all humanity. Protest and fight the lack of justice and equality are existing laws enforce. Laws that are unfair. If no one stood up and said slavery and the Jim Crow laws were unjust, we would still have slavery and segregation in the US. When those laws, do not meet are ideals we take action.


No thank you.

Why is global power concentrated in so few hands? According to the Swiss Federal Institute, a network of 147 mega-corporations control 40 percent of all the wealth in the world, and in a previous article I described how just six obscenely powerful corporations completely dominate the media industry in the United States. Is it good for such incredible power to be concentrated in the hands of so few people?

Yup - let's worry about guns!

I feel like the majority of people on /r/conspiracy would be for less government regulation, yet they bitch when companies get big and make a lot of money.


More regulation.

Pick one.

Incorrect, the only reason companies can actually get so big is because the government is helping them. This is why there are untold numbers of lobbyists in DC. If we cut all their taxpayer-funded breaks and incentives overnight they couldn't compete any longer.

Agreed, look into Austrian Economics.

I've subscribed there but still haven't gotten down into it yet. Is there a nutshell version?

I can try to nutshell it, but it won't be that good. Basically it is laissez faire economics. Free-markets are the best markets. It makes really good cases saying that monopolies can only exist with a state that gives them privileges. Without regulation it is simply impossible for a single business to corner the market on any one service.

Look at cable companies in America. In most areas there is only one cable company because they have laws that prevent competition. Most will scream but there is satellite. While this is true it doesn't dispute the fact that states have laws that heavily regulate cable companies and where they can exist.

This is a very short and terribly done introduction to Austrian Economics, but at least it is a start. --- Tons of free books on the subject and related materials.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism --- Great community that will be more than glad to answer any of your questions on Austrian Economics, just make sure you read through their sidebar information.

p.s. I don't know how much this helps you, but I can do my best to answer specific questions if you have them, or I can point you to a book or article that would surely answer it.

That's basically the understanding I have of it now. Thank you for taking your time to do that. I appreciate it. I believe this is the correct system. I'm a member there but just haven't sacrificed the time to really learn yet. Thanks again.

It's kinda not just competition.

Nope. Those aren't the only two choices.


Great post. The timing is impeccable and totally obvious.


Just one thing, the ammo shortage is caused by everyone buying everything they can. I have a friend that makes ammo and can't even come close to keeping up with demand.

BUT since the media is in the tank for Obama the truth would be slow in coming

Don't come here acting enlightened and bringing your partisan bullshit in this sub. We don't accept the paradigm pal.


Operation mockingbird.

We have to make it clear that the media cannot be trusted. As long as they can be trusted, they will rule the minds of the poor as they have no resources time and proper information to find the truth.

it becomes ILLEGAL and a felony to possess an AR-15 or anything in that range without being fingerprinted and registered. You happen to have bought one in January and refuse to follow this law.

but why would you not follow this law. No one wants guns taken away, but some safeguards on who gets the more powerful weapons is great. Its like the controls/test when you pass driving and first get a car: its a really good idea.

you still get to have a nice gun, safe in the knowledge that you know how to use it.

some safeguards on who gets the more powerful weapons is great.

Not if it's the government and TPTB that are the only ones that get those powerful weapons.

you still get to have a nice gun, safe in the knowledge that you know how to use it.

and likely be outgunned by a government interested in taking despotic control over the country. Not good.

Current laws already prohibit you from carrying in "any place of nuisance" These locations are defined as any Law Enforcement station, detention facility, any court house, polling place, school, any place that serve alcohol, any athletic event, commission meetings, any airport , etc. SO no firearms can't be taken “into any place.”.

who said anything about 'any place'...?

i didnt...who did you intend to reply to?

All excellent points - keep the pressure on because the media knows it's in trouble and is scrambling to deal with it's loss of viewer confidence

Nothing but kudos for that post, but I don't want this to turn into a circle jerk and be ignored by all those empty head nuts who think fighting for freedom means bitching on facebook or going back to watching American Idle. So I'll vent some of my pent up frustration by stating its so blatantly obvious whats going on, and those with half a brain buy into the system in hopes of being one of the corrupt- if they're even cognizant. I mean those who can tell the elections are rigged and they really have no say so they join the shill patrol. Or delude themselves in other ways. Those of us who remain argue amongst ourselves over what stories are conspiracies, and vice versa. And the more militant squirm as those among them that show any inkling of leadership ability suddenly ends up in jail on trumped up charges, ridding the country of any organized resistance as prescribed by the 2A. And dirtbag, oblivious Joe Sixpack lets names like Gary Webb, Ed &Elaine Brown, Randy Weaver, and even JFK and RFK slide right off their flouride-calcified skulls. Are we stressed out and crazy nuts? OF COURSE!! we see our country and world fall into mass marketed poverty out of George Orwell's wildest nightmares and nothing we say or do makes a lick of a difference. The voting lever has been replaced with George Soros' shriveled up manpecker. And no matter which way you pull it, it ain't you benefitting from it.

Look up quotes from Hitler. It is astounding how they ring true to what the US is currently experiencing.

There is only one way out, it is my way, I hope some day you will see. The hands of many must join as one, and together we can cross the river. You must all, together, understand what the problem is, why, and then how to stop it. You must first unify with a common understanding of what the problem is before you can begin to correct it. All roads lead to one place. You must focus on the head of the snake. The serpent writhes and wiggles, moving about with great speed, on its neck sits several heads, as if a hydra, only one controls the entire thing. You are stuck in a pit, you must climb on each others backs in order to get out. If you stay scattered, you will be alone.

The only weapon you have to effectively engage this opponent is your MIND... this does not involve thinking, it is what your mind believes. Again, before you are two pieces of paper, one sets you free, the other makes you a slave...all you need to do is believe that the one that sets you free exists...Stop believing in evil, and start believing in yourselves

Who here realizes that the FBI is known to intentionally try to radicalize people so that they can arrest them and appear to be fighting domestic terror?

I smell a rat. Consult your feelings. You know it to be true.


1) Yes.

2) Yes.

3) Not much, though there are some obvious possibilities.

Seriously though - research the FBI stuff yourself...unless you happen to be all too aware of it already.

Hey I'm going to live in my car/on the street, willingly. I'd rather live in the woods but can't find a good place to go that could support life. If you find the place, I'm 1000% right there with you, and I'm serious. I'm leaving on the 30th. In my opinion the only way we can really fight this thing is to distance ourselves from it. They need consumers the way I see it, and the last thing they want is people living off the land. I view what I'm doing as a form of protest...a really effective protest, similar to what Occupy could have been if all the concession stands wouldn't have set up. I refuse to buy into this system. Doing so makes me feel dead. I won't live life as a dead matter what that means.

You can't part exchange for a van? If not a part camper van at least one with no side and back windows would be good or better advice I think. Safer. If you are hard up and not just being melodramatic.

A van would be great but I don't have enough time. No I'm not being melodramatic. Just doing my best to not be a hypocrite...a clear conscience is more important than an easy life, and pays off more in the end I think.

where you gonna eat? how are you going to fuel your car?

i probably wont move my car much. how will i eat? i probably wont eat much.

Well said, sir. Well said.


Damn Fine job. It seems we work together, naturally.

I'll jump to help when my neighbors house is about to be raided. Your rant about civil disobedience is well taken and makes you feel warm and fuzzy I'm sure. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but I know which of these two weapons I would choose.

The government will come with guns and yes, you may die.

John Brown, Samuel Hadley, Caleb Harrington, Jonathon Harrington, Robert Munroe, Isaac Muzzey, Asahel Porter, and Jonas Parker all died on the Lexington green rather than give up their arms. 60,000 British soldiers would die because of what was started there.

Stock up on more ammunition, train with your rifle, harden your heart. You may, in the next 5 years, find yourself with the chance to become a war hero by killing the fascist machine gun crew at your local highway overpass- I suggest you prepare for your 15 minutes.

Welcome. We as a whole need to start calling people out on their bullshit. They must put their money where their mouth is so to speak. I think we can win with this.

Fuck 'All of Humanity' and it's extremists.

I don't know why you think having access to guns is in the best to protect your freedoms. Gun control should be necessary, as regardless of the sandy hook massacre you will always have "other" people, the large majority that will commit offences with weapons. Having guns to protect against guns is fighting fire with fire! Why would you do such a thing? does it make logical sense to you? America has an outstanding problem with gun/violence as is seen in contrast to other western countries around the world, so clearly one aspect of this multi-folded problem is guns.

Furthermore, I would like to point out you need to be more logical in your pursuit of conspiracies. For example, I've read into the sandy hook conspiracy, and I do believe it to an extent, however it seems to me (I could be wrong perhaps) that alot of you perceive the government to be behind this. Why would the government make so many blunders such as those highlighted in

Furthermore, some link 9/11, London bombing and this massacre all together, however may I remind you that there was two different administrations running at the two times -- 9/11 was bush Sandy Hook Massacre is Obama These two administrations have totally different agendas.

Playing revolutionary soldier in this day in time in our nation ISN’T VERY LIKELY. Because you will more than likely be ALONE in a cell waiting for a lawyer or dead before ANYONE does anything more than type a post or sign a petition.

Because you're a fucking pussy. Good thing the founding fathers were nothing like you. "I'm scared. The British are big and strong. I don't want to get in trouble. I better be a good little colonist and pay my taxes..."

And you sir are a douche. It should be obvious to you after reading East Vegas self post that the American revolution failed miserably. Soon after came the British planned civil war. Just look at what America has become. Look at what you've become. What do you think is the answer? Another bloody revolution? What then?...

Then some other fuckers are in control and now they are even worse the last pricks! Revolution is not a long term answer. We need to tear the whole system down right to the foundations. We need rebels not revolutionaries. The kingdom of heaven is within you, not out there or ever here in r/conspiracy.

Did you really start a new account just to say that?

Ok if you're so big and brave, what's stopping you from going out in the street and fighting them off alone tough guy? I'll tell you what stops you: Logic. You know that your abilities are better used in other areas and to go down fighting like that would be nothing but a pointless waste.

Agreed, look into Austrian Economics.

It's kinda not just competition.